• Published 21st Aug 2018
  • 8,369 Views, 98 Comments

Like a Phoenix - Pyro Kittens In Suits

A series of hopeful short stories based on the Anon - a - Miss storyline

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The Great and Humbled

“Sunset Shimmer! The Great and Powerful Trixie demands to know, what exactly are you thinking?”

As much as her mind said to ignore the raving drama queen rounding up from behind her as she rooted around in her locker, Sunset told herself that it would only make matters worse if the situation was left to fester. Twirling around she found herself staring down a scowling expression placed on the wannabe magician’s face, as she began to wonder if it was too late to run now.

“The idea that Trixie buys all of her supplies at joke stores? I’ll have you know that all my materials are high grade and purposeful for all my magical tricks. Not cheap gags and smoke screens for people to laugh at. Do you know how many people are laughing at me from the sidelines as I practice my talent?”

“Tragic.” Sunset responded, monotone and uninterested. She closed the door of her locker with more force than necessary, and walked away from the fuming student.

“D-did you even hear, Trixie?” The magician tried once again to get Sunset’s attention, ultimately failing. “My reputation is being slandered, mud riddled, and worse! Do you even know what cruelty I’ve been subjected to?”

“Name calling, isolation, and physical confrontation?” Sunset muttered as she continued to walk, Trixie trailing behind.

“But what I really want to know,” Trixie called out again, Sunset taking notice of the anger starting to drain from her tone. “Why just that?”

Sunset stopped in her tracks and turned to stare at the now downtrot student. The once flaring anger that consumed the wannabe wizard now replaced with a confused and turmoiled girl.

“Back those few semesters ago,” Trixie began. “You threatened me with a far worse secret than some false rumors when I was interested in running for princess of the Fall Formal. Which is why I can’t understand why you haven’t posted about those and instead choose to spread small lies about me. Surely more people would have been interested in the more juicy secrets I have to offer.”

“Simple.” Sunset responded, still emotionless. “I’m not Anon - a - Miss.” She turned and continued to saunter off, pretending not to hear the other pair of footsteps continuing to trail behind her.

“I suppose I always suspected that.” Trixie said, after a tense minute of silence as they walked the halls. “And as interesting as this whole Anon - a - Miss has been, I guess I’m starting to realize what it’s been doing to you.”

Sunset stopped dead in her tracks and balled her fists in anger, she grinded her teeth as she spun watching Trixie’s expression turn fearful.

“What this has been doing to me?” Fire lighting in her eyes as she tried to keep her voice below a yell. “It took someone making up some ridiculous rumor about you to even consider how I’ve been living through all of this? Just seeing me shoved around the hallways wasn’t enough? How about constantly being attacked by everyone, called names like “She-Demon,” which is currently spray painted onto my locker?” She took a step forward, Trixie stepping back slowly in fear. “Or how about worst of all, my friends completely isolating me leaving me to deal with all of this on my own even though I thought they would believe me when I told them it wasn’t me? You’re only thinking about me now!?”

The hallway was completely still as the only two figures were stuck in a deadlock stance of Sunset towering over a cowering Trixie. The former making the first move, stomping off as she tried to control her now ragged breathing. She was about to turn the corner, sulk off to the library and stay there until lunch before she heard a barely audible whisper that made her pause.

“I’m sorry.”

Looking back, Sunset saw Trixie’s head hung low, the brim of her star patterned hat being wrung in her hands. Her face obscured by long silvery strands of hair falling forward, frazzled and escaping from their fixed position by her hair clip.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie wants to apologize,” She said as she raised her gaze to meet Sunset’s, the edges of her eyes turning glossy. “Don’t take this lightly, as I am not one to give something out so freely.” She said haughtily, trying to distract from the shakiness of her voice. “And not just for this Anon - a - Miss situation,” Her tone became more gentle as she continued. “But for what I did to you, to all of you when the Sirens were here. While I know I was not at fault for their wiley voices and captivating singing, the fact that I tried to purposely hurt you by letting the seven of you collapse beneath the stage at such a height still haunts me at times. The idea that you or one of your friends, or former friends, could have easily broken your leg or worse makes me sick to even think about it.” Trixie’s eyes turned more sincere than Sunset had ever seen them, as she finished her long winded apology.

“I am truly sorry, Sunset Shimmer.”

And with that the flashy wizard hat had returned to her head, as she waited for what she believed would be a scornful remark ending with her and her guilt being left alone with one another. It was something of a shock to her when she felt the light clamp of a hand on her shoulder, and looked to see Sunset’s soft expression smiling back at her with understanding.

“I think I could forgive you,” Sunset said. “Everyone deserves a second chance, right?”

Trixie smiled in response, swallowing tears as her eyes began to water.

“Well then now that my wonderful apology is finished,” The magician’s attitude returned as she looked away as to hide her face. “The Gracious and Humble Trixie has peanut butter crackers to retrieve,” She said, turning back to Sunset once more as she made to leave. “See you around then, Shimmer?”

“See you around, Trixie.” Sunset said, before taking off herself as Trixie rushed away.

Author's Note:

After having Trixie's character become more developed and having it be revealed that she actually does wish for Sunset' s friendship, I have to wonder if she was one to start feeling guilt for some of her past actions. And while she does seem to enjoy the whole Anon - a - Miss situation, I'd imagine it would only be for however long she'd manage to stay out of the rumor mill. I would hope I wrote her in character, as I took an idea from this chapter from the episode "Forgotten Friendship," and used that as my base to write from.