• Member Since 29th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 26th, 2021

Pyro Kittens In Suits

"And miles to go before I sleep."


After the betrayal of her friends over the new rumors of Anon - a -Miss, Sunset finds herself stranded in a school that now hates her. But as she continues to persevere through the harrowing school days, she starts to see that not everything is perhaps as dark as she once made it out to be. Even if her own friends don't believe her, that doesn't mean there aren't others that do.

Various short stories based on the Anon - a - Miss story line that I've been so enthralled with, but done in a far lighter tone than most of the stories I tend to come across on the topic. Events will be altered slightly, as well as an addition of a Suicide tag which is for a later chapter, which will be warned in advance.

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 98 )

I really liked this better than Forgotten Friendship.

This is a GREAT story. Thank you!

I agree. One of the better Anon-A-Miss stories I have read. I would love it if you would do a sequel to it!

Background character stories are bizarre.

This was a very good read, good work and hope to see more from you in the future.

This is an amazing story. You should write more!

Awesome story, and I loved the characters.

“Do you think she actually might not be Anon - a - Miss?”

to late for that Shy


Well, that was sweet. Too bad Wallflower forgets all this and decides to get revenge on Sunset for...nothing. What, does she accidentally zap herself or something?


Good old Derpy.


Huh. A non-antagonistic Gilda. That's new.


Shine on, Sunset.


Wait. WAIT. The school has a guidance counselor?!


They never did apologize to her in the comics, did they. What a terrible story that was. (The comic. This is a good one, I think)


Pass it forward. God bless, Sunset.

You should take a shot at writing a sequel for this one. This was an excellent read and I kind of want to see how other storylines could work with this setup. Like how Forgotten Friendship will play out with that story's villain being one of Sunset's friends now.

“Pffff, who calls themselves anonymous but puts the Mystable page to their hair colors and gives it all away with their silhouette as the avatar? If you wanted to pull the strings without being noticed you blame it on someone else. It's amateur work if it's yours.” Her expression took a more serious tone as her mouth worked itself into a small sneer. “People will take any excuse to gang up on someone so they have an outlet for their feelings. Rational thought tends to get thrown out when someone’s emotions get riled up enough.”

At least someone is using their heads...:ajbemused:. I'm already liking Candy Drake now:ajsmug:.

I was expecting something along the lines of Sunset accepting their apologies and forgiving them but also saying they still weren’t friends.

That was a much better meeting between Sunset and Wallflower

I give a triple gold stars for that. 🎖🎖🎖

Why can’t Hasbro studios come up with this shit.

“For someone posting rumours and secrets, you sure seem positively miserable. And you saved us from the Sirens too, so this can be said as thanks for that.”

Yay Derpy:yay:!

“I get called names all the time, it hurts but I’d be lying if I said I haven’t gotten used to it by now. Not to mention, you’re the only person to actually apologize for everything you’ve done. You seemed so upset after you were transformed back, I always thought that you’ve must have felt awful for everything after that.”

Props to Derpy for being the bigger person here:moustache:!

“I told you countless times, I’ve got two sisters and a mother’s worth of hand-me-downs, presents, and more. I’ve got the rest of the semester to start cleaning out my closet before I’m drowned in another span of my sister’s newest creations, as well as whatever my other sister deems too childish for her.” Candy said, a almost devilish smirk adorning her features. “Plus everything I said about learning to accept gifts and getting over yourself isn’t me just spitting out nonsense for the fun of it. So could you just give it a rest already?”

Again, I am liking Candy Drake more and more:twilightsmile:.


Its a nice change of pace honestly.

This has been one of my favorite anon a miss stories, and since I recently started writing my own fanfic, I can now appreciate just how hard it is to write as well as you do!:twilightsmile: here are many mustaches: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache:

Dawn reminds me of Flutters:ajsleepy:. I like her already

First Candy Drake, then Dawn Blossom, and now Vinyl! Sunset is getting more and more friends:scootangel:! Also, is Vinyl mute:unsuresweetie:?

Oh you did just fine with Trixie:raritywink:.

“Do you think she actually might not be Anon - a - Miss?”

Too little too late Flutters:ajsleepy:.

“Someone who wants to ruin me?” She thought to herself, piecing together the whole reason of why Anon - a - Miss came to be in the first place. If the person behind the whole affair had started the account for just the purpose of spreading rumors and gossip, why would they single her out in both the pages color schemes and the silhouette of the photo? Though she supposed she was the easiest target for a scapegoat, making the page truly anonymous could have easily worked as apparent evidence from her phone would have done her in anyhow. Gilda had a point in her reasoning, whomever was responsible had something out for Sunset, the only question was, who?

The people you least expected Sunny:ajsleepy:.

Let the magic inside of you flare and help you shine Sunset:scootangel:!

Wow had no idea CHS has a guidance counselor:applejackconfused:!

“Sure, Sunset.” Dawn responded, before turning her attention back to their mutual friend. “But maybe we should calm Wallflower down, just enough so we can manage to drag her back to school tomorrow.”


Well that confrontation could’ve gone better:ajsleepy:. Good on Dawn and Candy to let Sunset stay with them.

I personally headcanon, with I believe a large number of other fans, that Vinyl is indeed mute. Seeing as all appearances of her in the show and movies never show her ever talking, singing, or otherwise I went along with the idea to be close to as what is probably canon as possible.

Yeah, after seeing Gilda be the main villain for at least three other Anon - a - Miss stories, and I'm sure plenty more that I haven't read yet, I thought it would be a more interesting take to see her realizing this style of bullying is nothing like Sunset's past work.

I thought about that, but I've had similar issues to Sunset's friendship problems in the past. And while not as severe as her turned out to be, it did take me sometime to fully find it in myself to forgive them. I always figured Sunset would be similar, she knows one day she will be able to look past this and forgive them, but it will just take some time is all.

The girls and the CMC have a long road of forgiveness and atonement ahead of them:ajsleepy:.

Settling back into her hard chair, Sunset let herself finally relax, for once everything seemed to be alright.

Hopefully everything will be fine :twilightsmile:.

I wish hasbro would try to hire some of the really good fan fic writers. Then we could have premium content, like this on the show.

you brilliant brilliant person! so many times i have raged about someone not calling out the 'your not welcome here' line in one of these stories! thank you my friend! thank you!

I read this all in one sitting and I have to say its one of the best anon a miss stories. I liked how it was told and its perspective. I like how it took a different approach too.
part of me wants to see a part 2 another part doesn't.
either way, this was an enjoyable read.

If I were Hasbro, I would.

Ditto. I personally thought that special was just, ugh. Wallflower Blush just doesn't fit the profile for a villain, and the reunion with Celestia was just... underwhelming.

This was a fun read I have to say. A very interesting and real take on the situation too. I wonder though how the story would go from here if you decide to make a sequel. Especially with magic becoming more involved. Would princess Twilight try to fix the disconnection between sunset and the other girls or let it be? How would events like the friendship games or legend of Everfree even play out?

Excellent story

I don't understand why you even put in that doubting Sunset was Anon-a-miss scene with the Rainbooms if you were just going to have them be this hostile towards the idea in this chapter.

The lesbian headache is never going to go away is it?

I admit I was considering different approaches and different ideas for the two chapters, but I had decided to take some inspiration from another anon-a-miss fic, "Bitter Tears." In which both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are said to have their doubts, but the rest are too convinced to think otherwise. Going back I might be one to change it again, but for now it is what it is.

Any kind of relationship, demands a certain amount of trust to function.
And it seems that they didn't have much more trust in Sunset to make her more than an acquaintance or a trophy/pet, whether it was a subconscious thing or not.

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