• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 3,774 Views, 1,008 Comments

Consequences - shallow15

Things come to a head as recent events bring Sunset Shimmer and her friends in conflict with a government agent and something angry lurking in the woods outside Canterlot City

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Communication, Risk, and the Truth

Fluttershy swallowed hard as she, Rainbow, and Rarity got closer to Frank. He was truly gargantuan now and towered over them. As they got closer Frank finally freed himself of the remnants of the vault and rose to his hind legs, letting out an angry roar. Fluttershy stopped in her tracks, he heart pounding in her chest.

What if it doesn't work? What if he's too far gone? The poor thing looks like he's in so much pain.

Her thoughts were interrupted by something squeezing both her hands. She looked to see Rarity and Rainbow holding her hands reassuringly. She smiled as she felt their love forher. She took a deep breath and stepped forward. Her geode began glowing with a soft light.

“Frank? It's me, Fluttershy. Can you hear me?”

There was the sound of wrenching metal and a roar as Frank finally freed himself and stared down at her. His mad yellow eyes glared uncomprehendingly at her. Fluttershy swallowed and flapped her wings, taking to the air.

“I.. I know you're scared and your hurt, but I promise I'm only here to help you.” She steeled herself and flew closer to Frank's muzzle, trying very hard not to notice the razor sharp fangs that dangled from it. She tentatively reached out a hand.

“I promise, we'll do everything we can to fix you and get you back to the woods, okay? There's nothing to be afraid of.”

Frank snorted and rumbled. Fluttershy swallowed and flew closer. She felt the hot breath rushing from Frank's nostrils, and gently made contact.

“”Do we have readings?” Tempest asked one of the techs seated at the control board.

“Yes, ma'am. Some kind of energy reading coming off all of them.”

“What about her?” The Director pointed at Fluttershy.

“Definite spike there, sir,” said the tech.

“What is she doing?” the Director asked. Tempest looked down and frowned in thought.

“I'm not a hundred percent on this, sir,” she began. “But I think she's communicating with it. She was in a similar position when I found them in the woods.”

“Interesting,” rumbled the Director. “I wonder if she can control animals as well as talk to them. That could be very useful.”

“Yes, sir,” Tempest said. Her voice was even, but something inside her really did not like the tone of the Director's voice. It sounded... “hungrier” was the only word she could think of.

I just know how people like him work. I should, I used to be one. You're just as much of a prisoner of STORM as we are, Agent Shadow.”

“Where are the other four?” The Director demanded, snapping Tempest out of her thoughts. She turned to the tech.

“Get them on the cameras!” she barked.

The tech flipped through the feeds until he brought up Sunset's group at the doors they had entered from. Applejack was trying to fit her fingers in the nearly invisible crack between them.

The Director let out a laugh. “Seriously? They think that will work?”

“It might, sir,” said Tempest. “She's the one with the super strength.”

“Well, let's give her a little correction, shall we?” The Director stepped forward and pressed a button on the console.

“OWWWWWW!” There was a flash, a whiff of ozone and Applejack flew back from the door and landed on her back.

“Applejack!” cried Sunset, Twilight, and Pinkie. They rushed over to the fallen farm girl, who was pushing herself into a sitting position. Her fingertips were slightly charred.

“Are you all right?” Twilight demanded, knewwling dsown next to her. “How many fingers am I holding up?”

“I'm fine,” Applejack said. “Just got zapped pretty good. Guess we should have expected that.”

“Probably,” Sunset replied. “My fault. I'm sorry.”

Applejack waved the apology away and let Sunset help her up. “Ain't your fault. Ya can't think of everythin'.”

Suddenly, Frank's roar echoed throughout the chamber and the four girls turned and gasped in horror as he slapped Fluttershy away with the back of one massive paw. Fluttershy was screaming as she flew through the air. Rainbow Dash grabbed the handles of Rarity's wheelchair and zipped them both away from the crazed Ursa.

As they moved, Rarity threw up her hands and a ball off crystals surrounded Fluttershy. The ball bounced off the wall, above the window of the observation room and down to the floor. The crystals dissipated, leaving a dazed, but otherwise unharmed Fluttershy on the floor.

The girls clustered around her.

“Are you all right, darling?” Rarity asked. Fluttershy nodded her head.

“I really want to go home now,” she said.

Another roar echoed through the chamber. The girls looked up as Frank began moving toward them, slowly at first but picking up speed.

“What do we do?” Rainbow asked. “Fluttershy can't get through to him!”

“And they have defenses to keep us in!” Twilight replied. She looked at Sunset. “Do we try to heal him?”

Sunset looked at the rapidly approaching Frank. Her mind raced as she tried to figure out a way out of the situation that wouldn't reveal their full power to the Director.

This would be so much easier if we had a friend on the inside. Wait.

She looked up at the observation window, then down at her geode. Maybe we do.

She turned away from her friends and began running toward Frank. Another gasp came up from the girls.

“What are you DOING?!” Rarity demanded.

“Something that may be extremely stupid!” Sunset replied. “Twilight! Be ready to catch me if this doesn't work!”

“If what doesn't work?” Twilight asked, horror in her voice.

Sunset didn't answer, she looked back and up over her shoulder, judging the distance, then back toward Frank. When she was a few feet away, she summoned all her strength and leaped into the air towards the Ursa, letting out an inarticulate scream that she hoped he would perceive as a threat.

She caught a flash of rainbow light out of the corner of her eye. Of course. Rainbow had decided to try to stop her, the idiot.

Not now, Dash, please! She pleaded silently. Fortunately (?), Rainbow had no time to react when Frank reared up and, much like he'd done with Fluttershy, backhanded Sunset away. Sunset's vision was blurry and the wind was knocked out of her lungs, but she managed to throw her arms up over her face and squeeze her eyes shut as she sailed through the air and crashed backward through the observation window.

She hear glass break and felt millions of pinpricks in her back, arms and legs as she crashed to the ground. She managed to gasp in a lungful of air and start breathing again. She opened her eyes to find the Director and Tempest staring down at her, stunned.

“What –?” Sunset coughed then caught her breath again. She looked at the Director. “What did you do to Glitter Drops?”

“What?!” the Director snapped, his expression darkening.

“WHAT?!” Tempest yelped, her own eyebrows raising.

Sunset's geode started glowing as she reached up and grabbed both of them, putting one hand on each of their arms.

I really hope this works.

There was a flash of light, and Sunset's eyes washed out as the magic took hold.

And all three of them saw the truth.

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