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Chapter 2: Sonya Blade

Sonya found herself in a tunnel after about two hours of walking. While there's some fire to light her way, she tried her best to sneak in quietly so that she wouldn't disturb anyone else in the lair. With her back to the wall, she whispered loudly,

"Jax! Jax! You in here?" Continuing to walk, she found Jax, along with Snips and Snails.

"You're a unicorn. Can you just teleport us out of here?" Jax asked.

"Can't. Some sort of shield is preventing us from using magic." Snails said.

"Oh my God." she said.

"Run, girl, run..." Jax warned. Sonya gave him a curious look, but a familiar voice was heard from behind.

"Ms. Blade," Shang Tsung called out from a few feet away. He and the two guards walked forward. "You do not disappoint! I have been expecting you!"

"Let him go! We're not part of your stupid tournament!" Raising his hand, Shang Tsung said to Sonya,

"On the contrary. You are very much a kontestant. You will face Sub-Zero, of the Lin Kuei clan of assassins."

An ice sculpture broke and it destroyed to reveal Sub-Zero. "Now you will feel death's cold embrace." The assassin said.

Once Sub-Zero was down, Sonya looked at him and said, "Done! We're leaving this confusing place!" Raiden then appeared within a flash of lightning. "Stand in my way and I'll kick your—"

"A challenge?" Shang Tsung asked.
Raiden had a vision of Lui and Twilight smashing Shang and Chrissy's skulls together.

"No. You will not be the one to challenge Shang Tsung."

"You want some too? Fine by me!" Sonya put up a good fight, and finished him off with an X-Ray. Sonya told Raiden, "Enough of this!"

Sonya walked up to Raiden and grabbed him by the shirt, and said to her, "Shield your eyes."


"Shield your eyes." Raiden flashed in a huge luminous light. Sonya protected her eyes while the guards and Shang, and Chrissy were temporarily blinded by the light. Sonya used the free time to use her blaster to destroy the bars and free Jax, Snips, and Snails, placing Jax's arm around her for support.

"Jax, come on! We're outta here!" Sonya said as she escaped.

"'Bout time..." Jax said.The guards ran after them while Shang and Chrissy casually walked up to the Thunder God.

"You aided their escape," he said to Raiden with a glare.

"You allowed them to escape," Raiden corrected.

"They will not get far." Shang and Chrysalis left.

Outside, Sonya supported her companion to a safe place. "Come on, Jax! Move it! That's an order!"

Her voice was loud for his ears, but he replied, "Oh... So you're in charge now?" On her wrist comm, Sonya began to speak for assistance.

"Special Forces Command, this is Sonya Blade! Where's that evac?"

"...Blade, they are en route... coming to you..."

"Affirmative!" Sonya replied. "Almost home, soldier."

"By order of Shang Tsung, no one leaves this island." Said Kitana who, and Jade were standing right behind her.

"I don't have time for this!" Sonya said "Outta my way! Both of you!" After the 2 Edenians have fallen, Sonya said to herself, "Sure don't need anymore surprises like them."

"Did somepony say, 'surprise'?" Pinkie asked, popping up in front of Sonya.

"How are you holding up?" Sonya asked Jax.
"I'm fine." Jax said.

"So are we." said Snips and Snails.

"Liar," Sonya playfully accused him. "After I get you to base, I'm coming back. Kano's still here somewhere."

"Your obsession with him is gonna get you killed," Jax warned.

"I trusted him."

"Yeah, we all did."

"But I was the one he used." After Sonya's response, a helicopter was near, and that gave her a hopeful look. "I think our ride's here," she told him. She got up and waved at the helicopter. The pilot noticed this and flew closer to the two, but a huge fireball came and blew up the helicopter, ruining their only chance to escape. Even Pinkie was surprised as ever. "What?! No!" Sonya yelled. A sinister laughter came out of nowhere, and she looked to her right, seeing Shang with a fireball in his hand, and Kano, smiling smug at her. "Damn you!"

"You have a challenger. Kano," Shang Tsung announced. Sonya groaned irritably, glaring at her enemy.

"Pretty Boy ain't gonna save you this time." Kano said.

Sonya Constantly hit Kano in the knees and said, "You're comin' with me!" Walking up to him, she was stopped by a small wall of fire, preventing her from continuing forward.

"Kano is not your prisoner," Shang Tsung said to Sonya. The latter sighed, motioning her hand to Jax.

"At least help Jax. He needs a medic!" Shang Tsung walked up to her and just laughed evilly. She sighed and said to him, "Bastard." Kano walked passed her with a laugh while Kitana and Jade followed, giving her glares like upper-class women. Sonya shook her head in stress.

"There she is!" a familiar voice said. Sonya turned around, to see Johnny with Raiden, Liu and the Equestrian gang. "You all right? Hey, looks like you found 'im ." He saluted to Jax. "S'up, Sarge?"

"He's a ma—" Sonya said, but stopped when Raiden walked towards the injured man. "Hey, what are you doing?" she asked the Thunder God, who's hands formed electricity.

"It's okay. He's cool."

"What the?" the major said curiously, seeing Raiden doing this.

"Jax!" Sonya said.

"Seriously. He's cool." Sighing for the infinite time, Sonya watched as Raiden's electricity heals up Jax. The latter looked at his arm, seeing the bruises disappearing.

"Wow!" Jax said. "That's amazing! I feel better already!" Jax carefully got up, feeling good and new.

"Told ya!" Johnny said to Sonya. "Turns out he's a god!"

"Thank you... Raiden." Sonya said.

"Gratitude is unnecessary." Raiden said otherwise. "I have foreseen events, like memories of my future. They lead me to believe that you are all connected to Earthrealm's fate."

"What have you foreseen?" Liu asked.

"In my visions, Shao Kahn becomes invincible. He is immune to any kind of Equestrian magic, including the Elements of Harmony. He destroys all life in Earthrealm and Equestria. We will all die. I believe these flashes are a guide to defeating Shao Kahn. But disrupting the flow of time can have serious consequences."

"I'm not worried." Johnny commented. "I bet you could win this thing no problem."

"Unless directly challenged, I cannot participate," Raiden stated to the actor.

"Then why did you face me?" Sonya asked the Thunder God.

"Because you wouldn't listen to my warning. If you faced Shang Tsung, you would change the flow of time."

"What should we do besides standing around looking pretty?" Johnny asked.

"For now, the tournament must run its course." Raiden explained.

"All right then. We're with you, Raiden." With a simple nod, the Thunder God stayed still.

Rainbow Dash looked at the others and said, "We should probably head back ASAP." everyone agreed.