• Published 16th Jun 2018
  • 2,366 Views, 100 Comments

Exchange of Spoons (Revised) - CommanderX5

Silver Spoon believes that life was thrown upside down as she ponders: Why do her three best friends treat her as if she was a school bully, while a rich snob pony who has been bullying her for years begins acting far too friendly?

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Chapter 5 - Bugbear's Rampage

Exchange of Spoons


Chapter 5

Bugbear’s Rampage

“What do you mean, he’s not coming?” Silver Spoon asked as she lightly slammed her forehooves against the table, causing her dish to bounce. “But today’s his free day.”

“Your father works in Canterlot, and trips to Ponyville take a while,” Silver Novel said from the other side of the dining table. “Leading a luxury ships construction company isn’t enough to keep our living standards as high as now. You should know that.”

Silver pointed at her mother. “What about your work?”

Novel shook her head. “If I spend all day writing, who will take care of you?”

The filly looked to the side, suddenly losing her appetite. As if yesterday wasn’t bad enough, she thought before supporting her head on her forehoof.

“Watch your manners, dear.”

Silver frowned before retreating her foreleg, now looking down at the salad. One bad thing after another. She whimpered quietly, causing her mother to observe her with concern. All hopes she had for a full day spent playing with her father, something she was looking forward to after losing her friends for some bizarre reason, simply turned into even more pain.

I don’t understand. My mom was always working long to earn enough bits… not that I think we need that many to begin with. Now I feel as if my mom and dad switched places.

She glanced at Novel, who took another graceful bite from her salad, most likely trying to give an example. Silver pushed her salad away. “I’m not hungry.” She jumped from her seat and walked towards the exit, bypassing the silently standing servant. Her way was quickly blocked by the worried face of her mother.

“You never minded your father’s absence before, is something bothering you?” Novel asked before lowering herself to her daughter’s face level, now staring her deeply in the eyes.

Silver blinked in confusion as she failed to see a single hint of disapproval or disappointment, only concern and worry, something she hasn’t seen in years. Even if the mare in front of her was still a noble wanna be who thought herself above common ponies and physical labor, she was anything but a bitter pony writing day and night to earn bits. What she saw was a face of an overprotective and concerned mother.

Dad working day and night, mom showing concern and care… My parents switching places seems more and more possible with each passing moment. Silver bit her bottom lip, unsure what to say. But that’s not fair… If either my dad or mom need to always be busy and demanding so the other can have time to spend with me… I want my dad…

She opened her mouth, but closed it a moment later. As much as she wished to complain, to demand for everything to return back to normal, she couldn’t. Should the mare in front of her look at her with her usual disapproval, she would have no trouble saying those hurtful words, telling her mother that she loved her dad way more… but now she couldn’t.

“You’re really starting to worry me,” Novel said before embracing her daughter. She whispered, “Please tell me what’s wrong, and mommy will make it right. You want something, I will buy it, you want to go somewhere, we can go right away, just say the word.”

Silver Spoon grit her teeth in anger. “Why such a change of heart?” she murmured to herself.

“Can you repeat that sweetie? I didn’t hear you.”

“Nothing makes sense anymore,” Silver said, following it with a sad whimper as she rubbed her muzzle against her mother’s chest.

“What do you mean? I don’t understand,” Novel said with confusion in her voice.

“Nevermind,” Silver said before gently pushing herself free from her mother’s embrace. “I need to clear my head. Can I go outside… mom?”

“S-sure sweetie, but just know that you can always talk to me if something is bothering you,” Novel said as she opened the door for her daughter.

“I’ll consider it,” Silver whispered before walking through the hallway, not bothering to look back. With servants acting cold to her and crusaders no longer wanting to be her friends, there was only one pony left she could turn to.

“Oh, do it again, do it again,” Discord, wearing a badge with the number one on it, said as he took a sip from a teacup, a habit he learned from spending time with Fluttershy. Several floating miniature islands and dark endless space was in the background as he sat on a levitating chair.

“If you wish,” Discord number seven said before moving two puppets with strings attached to his claws. One puppet of a miniature Silver Spoon, and another of Featherweight.

“It is getting hot today, would you be so kind, sweetie, and get us some ice cream?” the puppet of Silver Spoon said while rubbing the upper part of Featherweight’s muzzle, before giving miniature bits into his hoof.

The other puppet saluted before vanishing, only to reappear back with four icecreams instead of bits.

“Thank you my fast knight, now, here’s your reward,” Silver’s puppet said before delivering a quick kiss into his check, and next stroking Featherweight’s puppet face with her tail, who blushed in return. Two buttons on his face in shape of hearts replacing the rounded ones. “How about you pick your camera so we can make some memories?”

“On it,” Featherweight’s puppet said before vanishing while three new puppets appeared above Silver Spoon, each crusader having fake wings, bows and arrows with hearts in their forelegs.

Discord number one once again laughed. “I always found romantic situations boring, but this is hilarious. And to think she was doing it all by thinking it to be one big dream. Oh, I would stay trapped in stone for a month only to see her face today after realizing it wasn’t a dream.”

“Be my guest,” Discord number seven said as he pointed a portal far in distance. “While I know you hate following rules, I demand that you don’t interfere with anything in my universe. It is bad enough that your Twilight is suspecting something. I don’t want mine on this train as well.”

“Fine,” Discord said with a frown. “What about you? Are you going to check on Silver from my universe? The last time I saw her, she was giving that pink bully a hard time.”

“Sure, why not. To be honest, I’m curious about how different your world turned out to be,” Discord number seven said before vanishing the puppets. A hat made of hay landed on his head, sunglasses appeared on his nose, and two large bags materialized in his claws. “Time to play tourist. Have fun,” he added before vanishing. Discord number one followed his example.

Silver Spoon galloped while filled with grief. Her attention focused on a large castle on the horizon, barely visible behind the line of homes. If anypony could help her now, it was the princess herself. Her gallop died down upon noticing a crowd of ponies gathered near a bowling alley.

Curious, she approached the crowd, squeezing herself between their legs to get a better view.

“It looks like a friendship problem, or a monster attack,” said a familiar voice.

Silver Spoon turned to the source, quickly recognizing Sweetie Belle before noticing Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Twist. So the gang's all here, nice to see that Apple Bloom and Twist are getting along again… She grit her teeth, suddenly feeling a mental pain by looking at her former friends that rejected her.

“A monster attack, blast. I’m performing at the ceremony this afternoon, and I still haven’t sorted out what to play. How am I meant to practice with a monster invading Ponyville?”

Silver Spoon frowned. This is what you’re worried about? Seriously? In case of a monster attack you should either protect those in danger or assist in defeating it, not complain that it will ruin your daily schedule. And Scootaloo complained that I was the snobby one. She looked ahead and smiled. The princess and her friends were right in front of her.

“Maybe it’s just a friendship problem, then it will all be clear in a half an hour or so.”

“Ugh… I hope so.”

Silver Spoon was about to take a step forward, but stopped herself. Whatever the princess was doing in the middle of Ponyville with her friends, it had to be important. She turned to where the group was looking at, and her pupils shrunk at the sight of a flying beast.

Oh no, this isn’t good, Silver thought as she couldn’t take her eyes from the battle that began in front of her.

“On my wedding day, somepony’s gotta help me!”

Help you… and who will help the princess? Priorities! Silver thought, almost wanting to shout at the panicking Donkey for disregarding the safety of her ruler. Twilight is too busy to organize proper defenses, I need to do something. She turned back to look at the crowd and shouted, “The princess and her friends are…” She paused upon seeing that ponies had already went on their way. Amethyst Star was the one to escort the younger ones. Cowards!

Not wasting a moment, she looked around, her attention quickly focusing on the tallest pony around. “Big Mac!” she shouted before running towards the tall stallion who had started to walk away. She rounded him and turned to face him, standing up on her rear hooves with her forelegs spread as she tried to catch his attention. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Mmm… the farm,” Big Mac said, his voice neutral.

“Farm…? Farm!” Silver Spoon shouted before jumping onto the stallion's muzzle, now anchored against it with her legs as she pointed at the space between his eyes. “Your sister is fighting against a giant monster, and you’re just walking away!?”


Feeling her blood boil as her depressed mood slowly turned into rage, she spoke in a lecturing tone, “So you want to leave your sister when she’s doing her best to protect you and this town as if it was nothing? Terrible brother you out turned to be!” She crossed her forelegs while still supported against the stallion's muzzle.


“Shame on you,” she added before pointing at Rainbow Dash, who was slammed towards a nearby building. It took only seconds before half of the house crumbled after a quick body slam of the large creature.

“See, this monster nearly destroyed an entire building, now imagine if your sister was slammed into one next and crushed alongside it, how would you feel then, hmn?”

Big Mac blushed from embarrassment and bit his bottom lip as he now looked at Applejack, who pulled the monster to the ground with help of her lasso.

“It is not like you’re four times stronger and tougher than your sister. I’m sure that it’s okay though that she’s helping your ruler fight against a dangerous beast, while her big brother is spectating from a safe distance.”

Big Mac closed his eyes, now deep in thoughts while Silver Spoon jumped back to the ground and looked up at the large stallion impatiently.

“Ah… will help.”

“I’m not hearing you!” Silver shouted.

“Ah’ll help!” Big Mac repeated, this time with more determination.

Silver Spoon walked around the stallion and pushed his hind legs. “Then what are you waiting for? Move!” she shouted. “And don’t you dare to chicken out of this one.”

She watched the large stallion tackle the beast to the ground and jump on it a few times, giving the others a moment of break.

“Big Mac!” Applejack shouted. “What the hay are ya doin’ here. It’s dangerous.”

“That’s why Ah’m helpin’, so ya ain’t gettin’ hurt.”

“Helpin’? Ah don’t need any help,” Applejack responded with a firm stomp, only for Twilight to place a forehoof on her shoulder.

“This is not the time for arguing Applejack, we need any help we can get.”

A pride filled smile formed on Silver Spoon’s face as she observed the fruits of her work.

While she had no doubt that a powerful alicorn like Twilight, the former Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash, and Applejack who was in a league of her own would put up a solid fight, Pinkie Pie and Rarity were incapable of doing anything against a beast of such size. Even Fluttershy’s stare and negotiation skills didn’t seem to work, making her a potential hostage for the flying monster. Getting a walking powerhouse like Big Mac in the fight would surely put the advantage in the princess’s favour.

“What have ya done!?”

Silver Spoon turned to Apple Bloom, who stared back at her with clear anger while Twist peeked out from behind the farm filly, a worried look on her face.

“What do you mean?” Silver asked. “I just convinced your brother to help in protecting Ponyville.”

Apple Bloom stomped. “Ya put mah family in danger!”

Silver Spoon raised her foreleg defensively. “I put them in danger? I’m trying to protect them!”

“By making mah brother fight a monster?” Apple Bloom asked.

“By convincing him to protect your sister,” Silver Spoon corrected. “Isn’t Applejack your family too?”

“Mah sister doesn’t need any help,” Apple Bloom said with shake of her head. “She’s dealin’ with that stuff all the time.”

Silver Spoon grit her teeth and advanced against the farm filly, catching her off guard. “Oh, I see how it is.” She pressed her muzzle against Apple Bloom’s. “When your sister is assisting the princess in protecting Ponyville, Canterlot and the Crystal Empire from monsters and invaders, it is fine. Putting her life on the line one or two more times makes no difference, but when Big Mac is taking the risk, then it is a problem.”


“No buts,” Silver interrupted as she pushed her head against the farm filly, forcing her to walk backward. “Your sister is as important and vulnerable as your brother. Just because she is facing danger often does not mean she is invincible. It is easy to ignore it, saying that being in danger is what she got used to, but I do wonder what you will say if one day she does not return from her adventure?”

She stopped her advance and retreated her head, now gesturing at the battle that was going on in the background, which turned into a wrestle. Bic Mac pushed against one of the beast’s hands, while Twilight’s magic pressed against the other hand and belly, slowly overpowering the larger monster with power and strength alone. Applejack threw her lasso towards the beast’s forehead and pulled with help from her friends. A loud thump followed as the Bugbear was slammed into the ground, now breathing heavily.

“It is as if you were taking the safety of Ponyville for granted, forgetting that the very heroes who keep dangers at bay are still ponies risking their lives. If I did not convince your brother to help, think of how much more dangerous this fight would have been.”

Apple Bloom massaged her muzzle and sighed, now looking down at the ground and poking a pebble with her hoof. “Ah suppose yer right. Ah never thought about it this way…” She raised her head and looked at her sister. “Maybe Ah should help too.”

Silver Spoon smiled slightly and shook her head. “Let’s not get carried away.” She looked at Rarity and next at Fluttershy. “At this point, Princess Twilight need fighters, not more ponies to protect.”

“Excussse me,” said Twist as she caught both fillies’ attention. “May I sssugesst we leave befffore we get in the way?”

“Good idea.” Silver Spoon nodded and followed the retreating filly, Apple Bloom quickly taking her example.

“That’s odd,” Discord said to himself as he observed the situation from behind the volley alley while rubbing his chin. “Twilight I know would send Rarity and Pinkie to get defenseless ponies to safety while gathering all capable to fight to assist her, not rush into a battle with all of her friends while letting others to spectacle.”

He focused his attention on Big Mac, whose assistance seemed enough to push the monster into defense. The fact that ponies now panic over a wedding and ignore the monster is even more weird. Pity I can’t ask Twilight or Fluttershy about past events without blowing my cover.


“Huh?” The spirit of chaos looked down towards the source of voice, now seeing Silver Spoon, Apple Bloom and Twist staring at him. “Hello there, how can I help?”

“How can you help? Isn’t that obvious?” Silver Spoon asked with a firm stomp and next pointed at Fluttershy. “If you haven’t noticed, your friend failed to negotiate with the beast, and her stare isn’t working on it, which in turn make her very vulnerable.”

Discord looked at Fluttershy, who floated in mid air while keeping a few meters distance from the fight. He could recognize two emotions by looking at her face. One was desire to help while another was fear. He closed his own eyes. His hand trembled as he restrained himself from interfering.

“What are you waiting for? Use your power and protect your friends from danger. You know that Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are no match for that thing.”

Discord grit his teeth. Even if those ponies weren’t his friends but their alternative versions, it didn’t made his next decision more easy to make. Great, just great. As a good friend I should help, but if I do, Twilight will no doubt start to bombard me with questions. I better play it safe. He opened his eyes and smiled awkwardly. “I think they don’t need my help.”

“They may not need it for now, but that may change. Just lock that monster in a cage and problem solved,” Silver suggested.

Discord pointed at something behind the fillies and shouted, “Look, a flying dog.”

Silver Spoon raised her eyebrow. “You really think you can distract me with such a cheap trick?”

“Winona!” Apple Bloom shouted before giving Discord a stern glare. “You take away those wings and return Winona back to the farm this instant.”

“Ugh, fine,” Discord said before snapping his fingers, and the dog vanished from the scene. “How about this. I will keep an eye on them from a safe distance so they can play with the Bugbear, and interfere only if it will be too much to handle. Deal?”

Silver Spoon frowned. “Fine. It’s still better than nothing.”

Once alone, Discord wiped sweat from his forehead. I swear. Sometimes I feel as if Silver would be better at being the Element of Loyalty than Dash. She is already as determined. He sighed. At this rate, our little scheme is going to crumble like a set of dominoes. It’s just a matter of time.

Silver Spoon looked around from her sitting spot outside of a cafe, perched against a pile of hay with Apple Bloom and Twist sitting on the opposite side of the table.

“Here are your cocktails, young ladies,” said a waiter with snobbish accent as he levitated three cups filled with mixed juice, foam covering the top.

“Thank you kindly,” Silver said before taking a few bits from her saddlebag and offering to the waiter, adding some extra as a tip.

“Thank you,” the waiter said with a smile appearing on his neutral face before attending to other customers.

Silver Spoon looked around to examine the area. From a distance she saw a crowd had once again gathered to watch the ongoing battle. Several ponies were running around in a desperate attempt to prepare a wedding on a later date, and a few ponies were sitting outside of the cafe, waiting for their dishes to be served.

Her attention shifted to an earth pony named Bon Bon, who was now wearing black glasses, occasionally peeking from behind the menu to look at the battle while wearing a disguise.

“Umm… Silver Spoon…” Apple Bloom said, getting the filly’s attention. She opened her mouth but closed it right after and looked to the side.

“Speak up,” Silver said, her voice slightly bitter.

Apple Bloom massaged her foreleg nervously as she slowly raised her head, now looking the rich filly in the eyes. “Well… Ah wanted to say…” she gulped, “that Ah didn’t know ya from that side.”

“What do you mean?” Silver asked while tilting her head to the side.

“Ah mean how ya talked to mah brother, and then Discord. Ya were so determined to help the princess,” Apple Bloom said before pausing to take a deep breath. “And the way ya talk with me.”

She looked at Twist with applogic look and continued, “First ya make me realize Ah was a poor friend.”

“It’ss okay. I forgave you,” Twist responded before using straw to drink her cocktail, taking a few quick sips. She released a satisfied breath and continued. “It wasss my fault to. I wanted to sshow offf my ssspecial talent and I failed to see how sad you were. When I sssaw you with new friends, I thought you moved on.”

Apple Bloom smiled. “Yer so forgivin’. Not long ago Ah feared if gettin’ mah cutie mark would cost me mah friends. Now Ah see what Ah shouldn’t do to lose them.”

Twist looked at Silver and smiled gratefully. “Thank you ssso much. I knew that under your appearance asss a bully you’re a good pony.”

“Bully?” Silver asked.

Apple Bloom nodded. “But ya changed ever since ya stopped bein’ friends with Tiara. Ah dunno what happened, but yer nicer, braver and stronger. No longer a bully.” She half closed her eyes suspiciously. “Which raises a question, how ya learned mah family apple bucking technique?”

Silver massaged her forehead. “First, you taught me it, second, I was never a friend of Diamond Tiara. What’s wrong with everypony?”

Apple Bloom blinked in confusion. “Have ya lost yer memories or what? Ya’ll ain't makin’ a lick of sense.”

Silver Spoon slammed her forehoof against the table and pointed at the farm filly. “You’re the one who makes no sense. Two days ago we were hanging out together as great friends, and yesterday you all told me that we’re not friends anymore.” Her eyes watered. “And now you lie and say that I was a friend of Tiara and a bully.”

“Becaussse you were,” Twist said before lowering herself, now hiding half of her head behind the table as if hiding from Silver’s angered glare. “N-no offenssse.”

“That’s enough!” Silver shouted before slamming both of her hooves against the table, receiving confused stares from other customers while a few drops of cocktails fell onto the tale. “I can’t stand these false accusations a second longer. First you give up on our friendship, and now you try to make me the bad one.”

She jumped from her seat and walked away, though her way was blocked by running Apple Bloom, who stopped her with a hoof and said, “Ah know ya tried hard yesterday to become our friend, and Ah’m ready to give ya a chance. Don’t go.”

“A chance?” Silver said with a frown. She slapped farm filly’s foreleg to the side and walked around her. She rubbed her watery eyes and added, “You can keep it,” before galloping away.