• Published 10th Jun 2018
  • 2,655 Views, 60 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (rewritten version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo's life changes as she gets pulled into the DC universe. Batman takes care of her and it looks like she will get her wish to finally become a hero.

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Chapter 22 ACE Chemicals

If Gotham City was known for anything aside from being crime-ridden, it was also some of it's big industries. Some of it's biggest industries included Wayne Enterprises, GothCorp, and ACE Chemicals. Like any company, ACE had multiple establishments across the city and in some other states. However there was it's main processing factory that was most well known for the break in of the Red Hood, who unfortunately fell into a bat of chemicals, ultimately creating the Joker. Some blamed Batman for the incident, due to him being there at the crime. However it is also said that Batman tried to save the Red Hood, but failed in the process.

At the gate guard booth, the security guard sighed boringly as he flipped the page of his newspaper. He heard a loud, distant rumble; he set his newspaper down to see an oncoming purple van. The vehicle sped past the booth, breaking off the gate arm. One the van came to a screeching halt, the armed goons exited, followed by Joker, Harley Quinn, Scarecrow, and Mad Hatter. One good kicked open the front door, shooting his tommy gun to the ceiling.

"Everybody down!" He yelled.

All the startled plant workers obliged.

The thugs made way as their colorful boss entered with that sickening grin on his face, donning a purple trench coat and phedora. "Hello ACE, I am here to pick up my order." He pulled a list from his pocket. "Jervis, kindly see who will be our willing volunteers. HA HA HA HA!"

The Mad Hatter nodded, making his way to a near lab. Upon opening the door, the chemists were startled as they were clearly alert from the sound of the gunshots. Jervis pulled a pocket watch from his jacket, swinging it out in front of him.

"Listen now," He spoke slowly and softly. "You are all feeling very sleepy, heavy," The chemists felt their eyes tire and their arms hand. "Good, now you all will kindly make your way to the van. Come on, single file."

Without question they all obeyed as each of them made their way into the van in an orderly fasion.

"Yes, yes, yes," The Mad Hatter clasped his hands. "They are all mine, mine, MINE!"

Outside the lab all the goons were raiding the plant, obtaining the needed ingredients for Joker's master plan. "How's it coming, boys?" Joker asked one goon.

He gave him a thumbs up, "We're nearly done. We just need a few more barrels and then we're good to go."

"Only place your going is prison," A young female voice called. Everyone jaw dropped at the sight of the Dynamic Duo standing on a rack above them.

"What?!" Joker exclaimed. "How did...? There's a bomb... You weren't supposed to be here!"

"Yeah, turns out we didn't fall for your little joke, Joker." The new Robin smirked.

"Pfffaahh! I'll figure it out later, for now we have a little pest control to deal with." Joker snapped his fingers, his men charging to fight.

Scootaloo waited for the men to approach at just the right spot. Once they did, both Batman and Robin jumped back, kicking the stack forward as it toppled over the henchmen. As part of their planned tactic, the two simultaneously threw two pairs of batarangs, knocking eight henchmen to the floor.

Robin jumped forward, delivering a kick to one henchman's face. Another henchman chucked the butt of his tommy gun towards her; Robin ducked, grabbing the gun over her head and smacking it across the man's face like a bat, making sure to keep her fingers away from the trigger and chucking the gun over her shoulder disposing of it.

Batman ducked under a moon's attempted blow, punching his chest, sending a wave of pain in the man's upper body. Batman felt the arms of one henchman grab over his neck, but the dark knight grabbed the man's shoulders from behind, tossing him into the first goon he struck.

"Well gentlemen, it's time we made our getaway," Joker made his way to the van with the other villains and few remaining goons. Mike was just about to enter the van until he froze at the feeling of Jones's gloved hand on his shoulder. "Not so fast, Mikey." He shook his finger at a deathly nervous Mike. "You see, I thought I saw you sneak into a corner before we left." Joker gave off a positive like tone, but that smile was enough to make Mike fear for his life.

"Personally I thought you wanted a quick cigarette break, but considering that Batman is here when he wasn't supposed to..."

"W...wait, Joker, I can explain." Pleaded Mike. "Look, I have a family..."

"Then perhaps they can have your ashes!" Joker squeezed his jacket flower, a green liquid squirting onto the face of the former henchmen. Mike fell to the ground, screaming as the crackling acid burned through his skin. Joker watched as the man squirmed on the ground until his body went limp. All that was seen was a disgusting mess that was too gruesome for a my details to be explained.

"Hmm, on second thought I don't think there will be any ashes. HA HA HA HA HAAAA!" Jokes laughed.

As Scootaloo knocked down another goon, she saw the Joker entering the van's trunk doors. No, she will not let him get away. She will prove her capability. "Joker!"

Joker stopped midway entering the van, he looked over his shoulder at the young crime fighter perusing him as her mentor gave no notice with taking care of other goons. Joker watched the girl with interest as she headed his direction full on as though without thinking. He smiled curiously to see where this would be going. The young girl leaped as she tackled him into the van.

"You're under arrest!" This new Robin exclaimed. Joker couldn't help but laugh at not just her determination, but also clearly how stupid she was. "Very cute kid, but it looks like Batman didn't teach you to look before you leap. Literally."

Robin felt something blunt hit her in the back of the head with force. Her world spun and blackened as her body weakened. She fell to the floor as Harley Quinn stood over them, mallet held proudly over her shoulder.

"Sorry kid, but he's mine."

"Good work, Harley."

Harley casually set her hammer aside, laying both hands on her hips. "Want me to get rid of her, Mistah J?"

Joker considered for a moment before evilly grinning at his decision. "Tie her up instead, I got something else in mind."

Harley's stomach dropped as he asks fell nimb. "Tie her up, boss?"

"Yes," Joker stood, adjusting his coat. "Unless you got a problem with that."

Harley glanced at the kid, kidnapping children wasn't part of the plan. If it were up to her she would let the kid go, but one look at her puddin told her otherwise. "Alright, boss."

"Good," Joker slapped his hands together. "Now I got another Robin to kill. HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA!!!!"

As Batman finished knocking down a thug, he turned his quick attention to the Joker's laughter. His cautious scowl turned into a look of fear as he saw the van doors close with an unconscious Robin inside. Forgetting about the remaining thugs he ran his way to the vehicle, unfortunately he was caught off guard as a large muscly thug grabbed him in a hold.

The detective chucked a series of elbow blows to the man's stomach before he finally let go with Batman knocking him out with a quick upper cut. He saw the van was testing farther and there was no way to reach it at this rate with the thugs and all, so he quickly pulled a small pistol from his belt, aiming it at the van. He fired a tiny, bat-shaped homing beacon and hoped it attatched to the car.

Once Batman finished off the last few goons the van was already gone. He made no hesitation to hurry to his Batmobile, unfortunately it was parked some blocks away from the chemical plant so not to alert the villains. He had to get there. He had to save Scootaloo. He cannot afford to loose another child.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone, I should have mentioned this earlier, but we are approaching the end. Soon the final climax will come into play and we will see the final outcome of the story. So stay tuned.

Comments ( 4 )

Not good, Joker wants to try and repeat history. Hopefully Batman will ask for help from Superman or any of his other allies. Joker needs to be reminded that there are lines that should not be crossed.

Will Batman Save Scootaloo? Tune In Next Time Batfans Same Bat Time Same Bat Channel

Knowing joker, anything less than death will be shocking.

I honestly hope Red Hood is the one to save Scootaloo.
If only so he can have a reason to talk to Bruce Wayne as Jason Todd, as opposed to talking to Batman as the Red Hood.

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