• Published 12th Feb 2018
  • 6,700 Views, 208 Comments

In the Days That Followed - shallow15

Sunset Shimmer and her friends try to get their lives back to normal following the events of "Repercussions."

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Conversations With Friends In Cars

The mood in the minivan was somber as they drove away from the subdivision. When Firecracker's parents' house was out of sight, Fluttershy broke the silence.

“I'm worried about Sunset.”

“What do you mean, sugarcube?” Applejack asked from the passenger seat next to her.

“Did she tell any of you she has dreams of Firecracker dying?”

The other three girls answered in the negative.

“What I don't understand is why she never told us,” said Rarity. “She's always been open about that sort of thing. Ever since that week of sleepovers after the Formal.”

“I've been thinkin' about that,” Applejack said. “I think she has survivor's guilt.”

“Why would she have that?” Rainbow asked. “Firecracker was trying to kill her!”

“Nah, you don't get it.” Applejack waved a hand. “It ain't about what Firecracker was tryin' to do. It's the fact that she's dead and Sunset ain't.”

Rainbow frowned. “You're right, I don't get it.”

“I think I do,” said Rarity. “Stop me if I'm wrong, Applejack. It doesn't matter what Firecracker was trying to do, Sunset feels guilty because we weren't able to save her.”

“Exactly,” said Applejack. “I think, deep down, because of how all this got started, she considers herself responsible for everything that's happened. If she hadn't posted that rumor about Gardenia, then Gardenia wouldn't have been kicked out by her parents, Firecracker wouldn't have hated her so much to send those crappy emails to her.”

Rainbow held up a hand. “But wait. If her parents hated the fact that Gardenia's gay that much, it would probably have happened anyway when she decided to come out on her own, right?”

“Which probably just adds to the guilt,” Rarity replied. “Although it was accidental, Sunset took that choice away from Gardenia by baiting her into outing herself before she was ready.”

“Okay, I think I get it,” Rainbow said. “But Sunset couldn't have known that Firecracker was going to get magic of her own. That part's not her fault. Firecracker was the one who decided to use it for revenge.”

“Yes, but remember what she said to Principal Celestia back at the Friendship Games? Sunset already feels responsible for bringing magic to our world from Equestria.” Fluttershy hit her turn signal and pulled up to a red light. “I think that's adding to what she's feeling. She thinks if she hadn't tried to get Gardenia to drop out of the Spring Fling election, and if she hadn't stolen Princess Twilight's crown and brought it here, none of this would have happened and Firecracker would be alive now.”

The light turned green and Fluttershy made a left turn.

“So, because of all this, Sunset feels that everything that happened last week is ultimately her fault?” Rainbow frowned and shook her head. “That doesn't make any sense!”

“Guilt often don't,” Applejack sighed.

Rarity looked at Rainbow. “Remember how you felt after what happened to Pepperdance, darling?”

“Well, yeah. But you convinced me it wasn't my fault.”

“Exactly, but until then, you were absolutely convinced that you were to blame for Pepperdance being injured, not Firecracker Burst. There are always unintended consequences to every action we take, good or ill, and those consequences...” Rarity's eyes widened and she trailed off.

Applejack looked at Rarity in the rear view mirror. “Rarity? You okay?”

“Yes,” Rarity murmured. She blinked and shook her head. Her eyes sparkled and a broad smile crossed her face. “I think I know how to help Sunset.”

In Maud's car, Pinkie and Twilight kept alternately looking at Sunset, who was in the back seat, in the rear view mirror. Sunset herself was absently staring out the window, her chin resting on one hand.

“Well, I guess that went as well as it could have.” Twilight forced a smile. Sunset glanced at her in the mirror and returned to staring out the window.

“Do you think the runaway story will work?” Pinkie asked. “Firecracker's dad seemed reaaaaally unhappy with that plan.”

“Whether it works or not, it's kind of out of our hands,” Twilight answered. “If Mr. Spark decides to tell the police the truth, then we're probably all going to be answering some tough questions soon.”

A loud sigh came from the backseat. Twilight turned to look at her best friend. Sunset was still staring out the window. “Sunset? Are you okay?”

“I'm fine,” Sunset mumbled. Twilight stared as Sunset for a while. When it became obvious Sunset wasn't going to say anymore, Twilight reluctantly faced forward again.

“If they do go along with the runaway story, we can't let it go on forever, she said. “Sooner or later, we'll have to figure out some way for them to bury her. It's not fair to them to have to pretend to hope their daughter is still alive.”

Another sigh from the backseat. Twilight blushed and she looked back at Sunset in the mirror again.

“We... we don't have to talk about this right now if it's upsetting you, Sunset.”

“It's fine.” Sunset's voice was flat and distracted.

Twilight and Pinkie exchanged glances. Twilight gestured with her head toward Sunset. Pinkie nodded in return.

“So, I was thinking it'd be a more low-key sleepover tonight,she began. “A couple of movies, we'll order pizza or Chinese, and some card or board games. Fluttershy said she'd bring Pawns vs. Everybody.

Twilight blinked. “Wait, Fluttershy's bringing that game? She has played it, right?”

“Probably!” Pinkie chirped.

Twilight blushed. “But it's so... adult.”

Both girls blinked when Sunset piped up. “Believe me, the Shys have no problem with adult. For a family of soft spoken introverts, they can be really filthy minded.”

“Seriously?!” Twilight yelped. She looked at Sunset in the mirror. Sunset looked back at her, a smug grin on her face.

“Oh yeah,” she said. “I've played board games with that family. I'm not going to go into detail, because if we do play that game tonight, you need to experience it for yourselves. Let's just say that some of Zephyr Breeze's personality quirks... well, he comes by them honestly.”

Twilight stared, blank faced, out the windshield. Her mind trying to cope with this hidden aspect of her nicest friend. Pinkie giggled at her reaction.

“I think you broke her, Sunset!”

Sunset didn't respond. Pinkie glanced up into the rear view mirror and her face fell. Sunset was back to staring out the window. Pinkie exhaled slowly. This was going to be harder than she thought.

Twilight was jolted out of her stupor when her phone buzzed. She yelped and pulled it out of her pocket. She had a text from Rarity.

Is Sunset all right?

Twilight looked back at Sunset and noted Sunset's worrying state. She quickly typed out a reply.

She was for a second. I think she's feeling guilty again.

I figured as much. And I think I know how to help her.


All in good time, darling. I'm still fleshing things out with the girls here. Once we get to Pinkie's, I'll pull the two of you aside to fill you in.

Twilight looked at Sunset again. She had leaned back in her seat and was resting her head. Her eyes were closed. Her mouth drawn downward. She looked tired and miserable. Twilight turned back to her phone.

All right, we're in. Are you sure this will work?

There was a long pause before Rarity's reply came.

I certainly hope so. I expect it will be somewhat traumatic for her. And there will most likely be a lot of tears shed, but ultimately, I think it will help.

Twilight frowned. She didn't like the idea of more trauma being heaped on Sunset.

What exactly are you planning, Rarity?

To put it bluntly, Sunset needs an intervention.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the late update. Thursday I was exhausted and I had another project I had to get finished this weekend.