• Published 30th Jul 2012
  • 938 Views, 13 Comments

The Box in the Everfree - Jh5kPony

Two unusual corpses have been found, as well as a romance story in between

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I Told you about Humans, Twilight! I told you Pony!

"Oh goodness! Are you alright?" a familiar voice peeped. She could also hear Pinkie Pie's familiar bouncing, and raindrops outside. Meanwhile, Twilight's head was aching terribly. The knockout caused her to be momentarily paralyzed. However her sense are starting to come back. Twilight struggled to open her eyes. She was in Fluttershy's house. More specifically, in her bed. Twilight was glad to be in Fluttershy's care. Fluttershy looked back at Twilight in worry. Next to her was Pinkie Pie. Her hair seemed to have curled up.

"Uhhhg...my head..." Twilight groaned. "What happened?"

"Oh my gosh Twilight! While me and Fluttershy were talking, we heard a loud thud, and...and...and then I checked out what was at the front door, and you were there, out cold. We couldn't just leave you there, so we let you in and let you borrow Fluttershy's bed and now you're awake!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Oh, I hope you understand..." Fluttershy said.

"Oh it's not a problem. In fact, I'm quite grateful." Twilight said, letting out a slightly nervous smile.

"Oh goodness. What happened out there?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight had told them her story (see the second half of the previous chapter). From Applejack stopping her to the moment she was attacked by timberwolves, up until she was knocked out by something. By then all three ponies were sitting on the floor in a circle. Twilight looked outside the window for a moment. It was night-time. She had been knocked out for some time it seemed. It was early evening when she entered the forest, but it is now sundown.

Twilight then remembered something. What exactly did Fluttershy do anyways? Just then, she heard a groaning in the distance. It was the same madman from earlier today. Only this time his jacket was hung somewhere, and his hair was let loose. The man was also just about getting up.

"Ohh man..." Ryan said. "Wha...YOU!"

Twilight Sparkle's horn glowed, ready to attack, with Ryan's gun locked and loaded, ready to fire. Fluttershy held back Ryan, and Pinkie held back Twilight Sparkle. Both Twilight and Ryan had fierce looks on their faces, like ravenous beasts ready to pounce their prey.

Then, suddenly, Ryan Jack lowered his gun. His head hung in grief. He sat down, covering his face in grief. He let out a sigh. "Now you know..." he said.

Twilight was now more curious than furious. What was this man about to say? Was he involved with the murder of those two foals? Twilight then simply waited for Ryan to continue saying what he had to say.

"I'll tell you what's going on..." he finally said.

Everyone sat down once again, to hear the human's story.