• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 6,825 Views, 497 Comments

No Hugs for Sugar Crush - FerociousCreation

If a bat pony offered you a hug, would you accept it? Apparently, Mineral Water would not hesitate to deny Sugar Crush one.

  • ...

Sugar Crystal

For delaying the evening closure of the Chocolate Palace, everypony made an active effort to assist Sugar. When Spike stepped forward to help, every crystal pony didn’t want him to do any petty labor. But their hero chose to remain true to his helpful title.

Saradiamond and Sugar were in the back of the store, cleaning the floors, wiping off the counter-tops, and handling any trays Pinkie Pie brought into the kitchen. They worked mostly in silence which made the thestral uneasy even though both wanted to work together. Sugar wouldn’t have minded working with Mineral, but he was entrusted with counting the bits and storing them in the safe.

Sugar sprayed the metal countertop with stainless-steel, the mixture’s scent strong and unappealing. Her reflection looked up at her in a watery blur.

“You okay?” Saradiamond asked.

“I’m fine!” Sugar answered, snapping her neck at the crystal pony with a wide, sharp-toothed grin.

A few laughs escaped Saradiamond, “I’m kind of glad that your subconscious refuses to let you hide the truth.”

The thestral returned to wiping the counter, smearing her reflection. “You forget I didn’t tell you about Mineral for a month, so I am somewhat okay with keeping a secret.”

Saradiamond’s broom became animated and began to sweep away the crumbs that hid in more compact areas. “I mean that when your mind is more comfortable, it cries out for help.”

“You aren’t wrong.” Distracted by idle talk, Sugar found herself smiling. “You should have seen how Mineral came in earlier and helped fix a problem I was having.”

“And what problem was that?”

“Handling a line of customers that continued to grow even after the store was closed.” When Sugar finished glossing the silver counter, her own silver reflection frowned. “He also helped with telling the customers that my Hug-n-Sweet deal was no longer available…”

“How come?!” Saradiamond flinched. The sapphire mare stormed over to her friend. “Did a customer make you feel uncomfortable and try to ask for more than just a hug?” Sugar was sure she saw a blue flame erupt in Saradiamond’s eyes. “If they try and come back and hurt you-”

“No! Nononono!” Sugar shook her head, her mind trying to shake the worrisome scenario from her already creative imagination.

“Then what caused you to cancel your unique and cute business tactic?”

Sugar looked to the office door. “Mineral was the reason.”

Saradiamond’s brow furrowed, “Did he force you to change it?”

“No he didn’t!” Sugar quickly answered. “I canceled it because I… didn’t want him to get jealous. Mineral even admitted that after the customers were gone, he said he was worried that my Hug-n-Sweet deal might cause another stallion to come into my life and take me away.”

Saradiamond gasped, and her hoof gripped the broom so hard, Sugar feared it might snap. “What’s wrong?” Sugar asked.

“I just…” Saradiamond’s grip loosened. “It’s nothing.”

“You can tell me.”

Sugar eyed her friend up and down, not sure what got her goat. Sugar placed a hoof on Saradiamond’s shoulder. “If you do, I’ll tell you about what’s bothering me.”

Saradiamond looked at the silver hoof, admiring it like an ancient treasure. “I will, but after you tell me what’s wrong first,” she said with a smile.

Before Sugar could get a word out, the kitchen door flung open. “I got more trays to get cleaned!” Pinkie Pie sang.

The mare pranced in with a tall stack of trays balanced on her head. When she caught the two ponies staring at her, Pinkie paused her joyful parade. “Are you two having a friendship moment?”

“I think so?” Saradiamond responded, unsure of how to react to the question.

“Okiedokie!” Pinkie went in reverse, not bothering with looking behind. Just as the door closed, Sugar and Saradiamond heard Pinkie Pie exclaim, “Character development is in progress! Do not enter the kitchen at this time, please!”

“Is something wrong with my sister?” Nightshade asked in kind.

“El desarrollo del carácter está en progreso! No entre a la cocina en este momento, por favor!”

“Umm… what?”

Sugar and Saradiamond looked at each other and burst into laughter. “Pinkie Pie can be something else,” Saradiamond said, shaking her head.

The two friends finished their laughter, letting the low hum of the refrigerator grumble in response to the silence. Sugar looked toward the office, watching Mineral’s head bob about. “He has been an excellent help these last two months.”

Saradiamond levitated the broom and resumed sweeping. However, she was not willing to let the fridge create an the uncomfortable ambiance, so she talked over it, “To be honest, I wasn’t expecting to bump into Mineral this evening. But part of me is glad I did.”

“Only part?” Sugar asked. Her ears fell back, and Sugar worried Saradiamond would trudge on already fragile ground.

“I mean I am glad,” Saradiamond quickly corrected.

It was a lie. Nopony had to tell Sugar that. “What part of you is glad you did?”

Instead of arguing, Saradiamond answered, “Because I saw a changed pony. Whatever you did, you returned Mineral to the pony I once remembered.”

The sapphire mare observed Mineral with a hint of a smile. But when Mineral caught her staring, she returned to sweeping. Sugar rose a brow, curious. She wondered if Saradiamond’s behavior was an act, pretending there was nothing wrong. After all, only part of Saradiamond was glad she encountered Mineral.

“I did want to talk to you about two things,” Saradiamond said. “That’s the reason why I came to the shop.”

Saradiamond stared at the pile of dust and crumbs she accumulated. “And I want to apologize.”

“For what?”

Sugar took a few steps forward, but Saradiamond looked away. “What’s wrong?”

“You-” Saradiamond swallowed something down before continuing. “You remind me of… her.”

“I know I do,” Sugar nodded. “Mineral has told me the same thing.”

“But yesterday I told you that I didn’t come around to get my fix on remembering Nebula. And while I do come by to see you, my great friend, I-”

Saradiamond’s breathing became shaky, her breath hissing through cracked teeth. “I see Nebula every time I see you! I can’t stop thinking about Nebula! No matter how hard I try, the past haunts me!”

The instant Saradiamond’s ears fell down, Sugar moved forward and held her friend. Saradiamond was too proud to cry, but she clung onto the thestral. “You aren’t the only pony who’s hurt from the past,” Sugar said. “Mineral and Morganite understand. They were there when… when the bad things happened.”

With a shaky voice, Saradiamond spoke in Sugar’s ear, “When you said Mineral was afraid of a stallion taking you away, the past came flooding back. That wretched tyrant, King Sombra, stole me away from Nebula. And I don’t want anything to take you away either!”

“Is that why you were protective like my sister when Mineral canceled his surprise?”

Sugar felt Saradiamond nod against her neck.

“I don’t blame him, though…” Sugar mumbled.

“Regardless of him, I just… can’t help but see her. I’m helpless to this spell. I thought I was over the past, but I was wrong.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Saradiamond tightened her hold, “Because I want to be strong on my own! But I just… I can’t… I’m weak…”

“No, you’re not.”

“Yes, I am,” Saradiamond said in choked response. “Ever since we met, I get this uncontrollable urge that forces me to rush over to you once my practice is over. When I see you, I feel relieved that nothing has taken you away. And when I heard that you had a pony that inspired you, I wanted to know who he was.”

Sugar looked at Saradiamond with a turned head, “But you told me you wouldn’t pursue who that pony was.”

Saradiamond moved away from Sugar, but held onto the thestral’s hoof. “I lied about that too… When Spike, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity came to the stadium, Rarity spoke about meeting your ‘inspiration,’ which prompted me to ask about him.”

Sugar had nothing to say. It didn’t make her feel comfortable that Saradiamond said one thing and did the opposite. But Sugar sealed her lips. Saradiamond was already upset and antagonising her with the truth might lead into an argument.

“I’m just endlessly worried about your wellbeing, Sugar. I want to make sure you are okay. I’ve seen you have a bad day or two this last month, and I know you like having a pony to vent to from time to time.”

A smile bloomed from Sugar’s lips, “You’re right. I do like having somepony always there for me. But at the same time, you don’t need to stress about everything I do. I not only have you, but I’ve got my sister, my mother, sometimes Daddy, Morganite, and Mineral.”

Saradiamond smirked, “‘Sometimes’ your dad?”

“Well…” Sugar swayed in place. “He can be a little brash sometimes. Oh! You want to hear what happened when my dad and Mineral met?”

“Do tell.”


The moon peaked over the Chocolate Palace as Sugar locked the door to the store. Everypony stood behind her, all of them within their own discussions. Sugar pulled on the door but it did not budge.

“All locked up,” Sugar said.

“Good work, everypony!” Steadfast exclaimed, his proud voice echoing off the buildings around them.

“I echo what he said!” Pinkie shouted in response. She lifted a hoof to her ear, amused with her bouncing cry.

Mineral nodded in agreement and looked to Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Spike. “Despite our brief interaction, I will say that I am glad to have met you all in pony.”

“You make it sound like this will be the only time we interact,” Rarity said.

Spike hobbled toward Mineral. “Yeah. In fact, while you’ve been busy doing office work, we’ve been talking and have decided to invite you to the castle for a special occasion.”

The request took Mineral aback. “You… request of me?”

Sugar amused herself as she watched Mineral attempt to control his joy. “I think I have an idea of what they are talking about,” the thestral grinned, swaying in place.

“Is this another surprise you planned for me, Sugar?” Mineral asked.

“Nope. However, I do know that Raspberry was requested to come to the castle in the near future, soooooo…”

Morganite smiled at the dragon, “I was also generously asked by the great and glorious hero to come to the Crystal Palace as well.”

“Same goes for Steadfast and me as well,” Saradiamond added.

Spike cleared his throat and began explaining, “You see, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are in need of assistance with setting up the Crystal Fayre. And if you’d like, I can add you to the list of ponies.”

Giving into his true emotion, Mineral beamed, “Of course I will accept your offer, great hero! When do I begin? Any tasks I can do now? Am I needed as soon as possible?”

“Mini,” Sugar giggled, “your urge to work is showing.”

At once, Mineral snapped out of his joyful spell. His ears fell back, “Sorry... I was getting carried away.”

“Oh nonono, Mini! I was teasing!”

The teasing comment, however, didn’t seem to sit well with Mineral. “Again, my apologies.”

“Oh don’t be so abrasive against yourself,” Rarity batted a hoof. “Everypony we’ve invited has expressed some form of excitement.” She winked at Morganite, “One pony in particular was so overjoyed, she gave Spike a kiss on the cheek.”

Saradiamond shot a glance at Morganite. “You kissed the Great and Glorious Spike?”

Morganite ducked behind Nightshade, hiding her blushing face. “Maybe…”

Saradiamond gave no other input and looked toward Mineral, the stallion still visibly affected by Sugar’s words.

“Mini, are you okay?” Sugar asked.

Mineral took one look at Saradiamond and caught her staring at him. He flinched and returned to Sugar with a weak smile. “I’ll be okay.”

Sugar knew that wasn’t true. “You can tell me what’s wrong.”

Mineral shook his head, “Not now. Maybe tomorrow. When we have time alone.”

“Okay…” Sugar’s wings slumped to the ground, the thestral unable to keep her emotions hidden.

Saradiamond gave a harsh clear of the throat, dragging everypony’s attention to her. Saradiamond said nothing but continued to stare at Mineral.

Mineral looked at Saradiamond but didn’t flinch a second time. “Is something wrong?” he asked, furrowing his brow.

Again, Saradiamond gave no response to her behavior.

Steadfast used his large figure to step between Mineral and Saradiamond. “Friends, what’s with the hostility? This should be a great moment! My two old friends have been reunited and-”

“We aren’t friends,” Saradiamond and Mineral said in unison.

Even despite the earlier moment the two had gotten over, there was still an omnipresent issue between both ponies.

Steadfast simply moved out of the way, his interference not aiding the situation. Pinkie Pie placed a hoof on his shoulder and said something into his ear. Whatever she said to him, Steadfast nodded in agreement.

Nightshade walked up to Sugar, standing over her sibling. “I think we should go.”

Nightshade blinked at Mineral, her stare making him uncomfortable. “Mineral?”


The older sibling took in a deep breath and sighed, “Sorry for getting angry at you earlier.”

“O-oh! Umm… thanks.”

Sugar looked at her drooped wings. “I guess I’ll be going now…”

Nopony made any objections to her words; not even Mineral or Saradiamond made any inputs. However, Mineral was quick to claim her hoof.

“Tomorrow, we talk.”

To Sugar, it felt like her own condemnation was upon her. “Tomorrow…” Sugar whispered. Despite everything she had done to make the evening better, Sugar felt like she was back at square one.

Mineral stepped forward and kissed the thestral on the cheek. “This doesn’t change how I feel about you, Sugar.”

“Hehe, thanks.”

Sugar flapped her wings and lifted off the ground, but didn’t let go of Mineral’s hoof. “Good night, Mini.”

“Goodnight, my Sugar Crystal.”

The pet name took Sugar by surprise. Her face heated up and her heart started to flutter. In the streetlight, Sugar could see Mineral blush. He still cares.

“Goodnight, everypony,” Nightshade said aloud. She bumped her arm into Sugar’s side, “Let’s go, Sugar Crystal.”

Before Sugar could retaliate, Nightshade launched into the air. “I’m going to kill you!” Sugar shouted as she gave chase.

The two sisters flew into the night, their figures only hinted because of the moonlight. “There she goes,” Mineral sighed.

Unable to contain herself, Morganite squealed, “That was so cute, Mineral!”

Morganite sighed and repeated Mineral’s unique name for his special somepony, “‘My Sugar Crystal.' How sweet! Literally, hehe!”

Pinkie Pie let out a hysterical laugh, “Ha! I get it!”

Rarity’s ear flicked, “Honestly, Pinkie Pie! Must you shout in my ear?”

To Rarity’s displeasure, Steadfast joined in on Pinkie’s laughing spree. The laughs quickly died out, leaving the absence of Sugar and Nightshade to linger for a few more quiet moments.

Mineral stared up at the moon, his thoughts in two places at once. One half was on Sugar Crush, no doubt. That’s all he wanted to think about. To his greatest displeasure, Saradiamond was the one who plagued the second half of his brain.

Sugar was out of earshot, and Mineral could easily talk to Saradiamond more openly. The stallion looked at Saradiamond who looked pained as she looked at the moon.


“What?” Saradiamond asked bitterly.

“Back to normal, I see,” Mineral spat. “I was going to apologize for my attitude from earlier.”


Saradiamond straightened herself and flicked her head. Her mane flailed like a diamond whip. The two were about to go at it again; without the restraint of Sugar holding either back. “So you regret treating me so harshly in front of our friend?”

Mineral took in a deep breath but caught himself as everypony watched the argument ready to unfold. “I just want to apologize!” he growled. “That’s that.”

“Well then, I forgive you somehow.”

True anger started to cake Mineral’s entire visage. “Even now you have nothing good to say to me.”

Saradiamond scoffed, “I’m sorry, but- wait… I’m not sorry. But regardless, wasn’t it you who started the entire issue by giving me that nasty look.”

“I wonder why I would do such a thing? Hmm. Maybe it has to do with the terrible things you have said to me prior to his evening!”

“Maybe you should get over yourself.” Saradiamond rolled her eyes. “Words are words.”

“Really? Then why were you so frightened about me telling the truth to Sugar?”

Saradiamond’s ears flicked backward, an easy sign Mineral had the advantage. But Mineral wanted to turn his attention to his audience. “No offense to anypony here, especially to you, Spike, but why are you all watching our argument like we are actors in some drama?”

“They are here to solve a friendship problem,” Steadfast answered. “That is the true reason why they have come.”

Mineral’s eyes bounced off everypony except Saradiamond. He placed a hoof on his chest and said, “Then allow me to exit stage left. I wish to be alone now. Whatever this ‘friendship problem' they are having, I’m sure they can settle their own personal quarrel. But I am not going to allow any of you to amuse yourselves with what I am going through!”

Mineral bowed his head at Spike, “This has been quite the surprise, Great and Glorious. Your invitation to aid to the Crystal Palace is much appreciated. However…”

Mineral angled his brow at Saradiaond, “If I recall correctly, you and Steadfast have been invited.”

“What of it?” Saradiamond asked.

“I must decline the offer Spike has made.”

Everypony gasped. Morganite walked up to Mineral and shook her head. “What are you saying? This is the most opportune time to support the empire.”

“Not with Saradiamond present, I won’t,” Mineral snorted.

“You certainly are afraid of me,” Saradiamond quipped.

Mineral stomped a hoof on the glittering sidewalk. “This is exactly why I abhor you, Saradiamond. No matter what I say, you’ve got some smartass remark. Ever since my mistake, it’s been this never-ending barrage of insults. If only Sugar truly knew how you behaved against me.”

Again, Saradiamond’s ears betrayed her, knocked over by Mineral’s sharp words.

The amethyst crystal pony wanted no more of the petty squabble between him and Saradiamond. She considered him a lost cause, so he figured the same to having a somewhat civil discussion with her. Mineral turned around, his tail lashing in protest. “Since Sugar reminds you of Nebula so much, ask yourself this: what would Nebula think of you if she saw you belittle me?”

The question enraged Saradiamond. “Do not bring Nebula into this talk!”

Mineral didn’t turn around to face Saradiamond. “Nopony follow me,” he said.

Saradiamond wouldn’t listen to his request. She stomped over to him and nearly rammed her muzzle into his own. “Where are you going-”

A flash of light erupted from where Mineral stood. He was gone. As Saradiamond complained about being blinded, Morganite showed her true emotions toward the aggressor. “How- How could you be so mean to him?”

“I didn’t see you get upset when Nightshade called Mineral a ‘bastard,'” Saradiamond said as she clenched her eyes.

“I was upset with her!” Morganite argued. “While you and Sugar were in the kitchen, I scolded Nightshade for being so brash! But thanks to Spike and his friends, they helped simmer down the situation and Nightshade asked for my forgiveness.

“Whatever you did to Mineral, he deserves to be angry with you. And I have every reason to not like you, either. He even managed to apologize to you! I should have withheld your interview that day! You don’t deserve to be recognized!”

Morganite briskly walked away in a fit before Saradiamond could get in a few of her own choice words.

When Saradiamond turned to see her teammate and three heroes, she was quick to change her mood. Angry eyes looked at her direction and they forced Saradiamond to look over her shoulder. They weren’t looking past her.

“You know,” Spike started, “I tried very hard to keep my mind open about this issue you had with Mineral. I almost believed he was a bad guy. But I now think the opposite. You can be very intimidating, Saradiamond. And I agree with Morganite. She and Mineral have their reasons for disliking you.”

Spike’s criticism easily broke Saradiamond’s heart.

“Maybe you should look at yourself and see who may be the issue,” Rarity added.

Saradiamond tried to rekindle her spirits, her flame she always relied on. But it was doused, dampened by Spike’s words.

The dragon whispered into Rarity’s ear, and the pony nodded in agreement with him. “Saradiamond, because of your brash behavior, we have decided to deny specifically your invitation to the castle!”

“N-no!” Saradiamond choked over her own tongue.

“‘We?’” Pinkie Pie furrowed her brows, “I wasn’t involved in this decision!”

“Would you want somepony like her in the palace?” Rarity asked.

“I’m surprised you didn’t make this choice back at the stadium,” Pinkie Pie argued. “But I can understand your choice.”

Saradiamond couldn’t hold back her tears. “Wait! Don’t change your opinion of me! I’m normally not like this!”

She looked at Steadfast, begging him, “Please! Tell them!”

Instead of giving her any aid, he shook his head. “No. You have been very intimidating when it comes to Mineral. There is a reason why the other jousters didn’t want you to learn about him and Sugar; you rant about Mineral and get angry when anypony says good things about him.”

Steadfast looked at the three behind him, “When you were in the kitchen, Saradiamond, we were all discussing your behavior. How you used your attitude to intimidate others and frighten them. Even I’ve been afraid to truly tell you how you’ve changed since you’ve learned about Nebula’s passing. Your rage frightens me.”

“W-w-why have you not told me this?” Saradiamond cried. She could hear her tears tapping the ground because of how bitterly she wept.

“Because it’s frightening to face an oppressor,” Steadfast answered in a near whisper. “I told you once that if you hold onto your anger, it will destroy. That was the sign I wanted to give you in hopes you would see what you’ve become toward a pony who was truly sorry.”

Saradiamond had no strength in her neck. She couldn’t hold her head up. She was broken. All Saradiamond could do was form her own salt-water lake.

“You and Spike are still welcome to come to watch Saradiamond and I train tomorrow,” Saradiamond heard Steadfast say. “We begin at 9 am if you are curious.”

“We will consider the offer,” Pinkie Pie said.

“I will not be offended if you choose to stay away. Now if you will excuse me, I also wish to be alone.”

Saradiamond didn’t attempt to say anything to Steadfast. She knew her words would fall on deaf ears. His hoofsteps quickly grew distant and soon, Spike, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie left in silence.

I’m… alone…

Saradiamond looked at the other side of the street to see if anypony watched her public shaming. Thankfully, nopony was there to see.

The crystal pony looked at the Chocolate Palace’s windows and saw a very upset mare. “Am I really that frightening?” Saradiamond asked the reflection.

Author's Note:

What are your thoughts on this chapter? Do the characters behave appropriately? Feedback is heavily appreciated.