• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 6,825 Views, 497 Comments

No Hugs for Sugar Crush - FerociousCreation

If a bat pony offered you a hug, would you accept it? Apparently, Mineral Water would not hesitate to deny Sugar Crush one.

  • ...

Murder Smile

Remember Pinkie, the aim of the game is a better week, Pinkie Pie coached herself as she followed Spike leading the way to the Bright Spotlight office building. No unnecessary questions unless provoked! No! Wrong word. Antagonized? Hmm… Insisted?

While Pinkie’s self-coaching quickly devolved into choosing better words for her game plan, Rarity opened the door for herself and friends. The foyer had simple chairs off to the side with several magazines littering the long wooden table that accompanied the seats. A few pictures spotted the ghostly light-green crystal walls, almost giving the surface a transparent appearance. A potted ficus was straitened beside the receptionist desk, replicating the emerald green stallion’s attention he had for the trio of guests.

“G-good afternoon!” the receptionist beamed, his eyes clearly meant for Spike.

“Hi!” Pinkie Pie responded and skipped ahead to the pegasus. “Can you help us with something?”

“Of course!” The stallion continued to ignore the vibrant mare as he stared down at the hero. “What can I do for you?”

Rarity cleared her throat, signaling to Pinkie she was being a bit hasty. At least it wasn’t a comment about backing off. “Good afternoon,” Rarity began. “I understand that we are coming to ask a favor at the end of the day, but would Morganite be in at this moment?”

The receptionist refused to look at the mares. “What business would that be?” It was clear he wanted Spike to talk to him.

“You’re up, Spike,” Pinkie said, patting his back. “Remember, this is a team effort.”

“Alright,” the dragon shrugged. “We are here for royal business.” He pointed a claw at himself, “And yours truly is going to ask Morganite if she wants to help.”

The stallion stood from the desk. “Might I lead the way to her office?” Everypony and dragon nodded a yes. As the receptionist lead the way, the trio weaved through several halls and into a large area with cubicles. The quiet workplace started to fill with the noticeable discussion about the Great and Glorious guest. Spike waved and pistol-pointed his unoccupied claw at every crystal pony he could catch with his eyes; he was not yet tired of the attention he garnered for the day.

Through the glass of one particular office, two ponies sat across from each other, not yet aware of Equestria’s heroes. One was a very bright pink, quickly becoming Pinkie Pie’s favorite crystal pony only on the grounds of their same color. The second pony, however, was not a crystal pony; and her wings perked Pinkie’s attention. “Is that-”

“‘Is that’ what?” the receptionist asked, and for once, didn’t glance at Spike. Pinkie sucked in her lips, a question about Nebula begging to be asked. It was not a stretch, but she was taking the Pinkie Pie Actively and Carefully Watches What She Says Game very seriously. Pinkie also figured the thestral will say her name eventually.

“Is… that Morganite?” Pinkie Pie asked instead.

“She is.” He knocked on the door. “And I know Morganite will be glad to have you three as her guests.”

The thestral behind the glass snapped her head and treated the trio with a harsh glare. Rarity shivered, intimidated by the hostility. The thestral stood up and went to the door with haste while Morganite tried to see who was at her door. “Does the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the doorknob mean nothing to you?”

“Nightshade, who is it?” Morganite asked from inside her office.

Pinkie Pie was glad she didn’t ask if Nightshade was Nebula and allowed her subconscious to have a ten-second dance. However, the celebration only lasted eight seconds as a slit pupil almost cut Pinkie Pie. “It’s the receptionist, two ponies, and a… dragon?”

Rarity mustered up the strength to speak, “If there is a better time to come by, we can. I didn’t mean to bother.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie Pie nodded and pointed at the receptionist. “We didn’t know if Morganite was busy, so blame him for the interruption.”

“Pinkie!” Rarity exclaimed, “there is no need to throw him under the carriage!”

“Hey, I do not want to get yelled at again when it’s not my fault, thank you very much!” Pinkie argued.

The receptionist's attention returned to Spike, giving no acknowledgment to his involvement in the mares’ discussion. “Tell Morganite that Spike, the Great and Glorious, is here to ask a royal request.”

Morganite’s ears twitched, the stallion’s words easily making its way through the doorway. “He’s here?!” The crystal pony rose too quickly from her chair and stumbled over with a shriek. Nightshade scrambled over to Morganite to aid her. When the eager mare collected herself, Morganite came to the door and beamed down at Spike. “Good afternoon, Spike,” she curtsied.

Nightshade’s browbeating softened when she heard Spike’s name a second time. “So you are the hero my friend admires.”

“That’s me,” Spike said, pointing the half bar of titanium at himself.

She bumped into Morganite with her flank. “Didn’t you say you wanted to give the Crystal Empire’s greatest hero a kiss if given the chance?”

“N-Nightshade!” Morganite’s cheeks forged rubies. When her eyes found the receptionist, Morganite said, “I’ll… I’ll take it from here.” The stallion nodded and took his leave, but not before he gave Spike one more look over. “Please come inside, everypony… and… hero.” Nightshade continued to pin her smirk on Morganite as the guests entered her office. Once they were all through, Morganite spun around, her tail smacking the thestral. “You may help yourself to the door, Nightshade,” she huffed.

“Wha-?” Nightshade’s ears fell back. “Why?” she complained.

Pinkie Pie leaned into Spike and whispered, “Friendship problem incoming?” The dragon refused to answer, his attention more toward Morganite and Nightshade.

“If you were so quick to embarrass me in front of… him… I can expect more flustering comments, yes?”

“It was just one little tease!”

“And one was enough!” Morganite let out a sigh and lent Nightshade’s folded ear her muzzle. She softly spoke a few words before walking away from her friend. In return, Nightshade whispered something back, then pulled her friend into her; Morganite did nothing to hug Nightshade back.

“Sorry…” Nightshade muttered, her voice loud enough for Pinkie Pie to hear.

“Just be more considerate. We’ve talked about this.”

Pinkie easily absorbed the information and stored it away for later; perhaps her friendship problem involved another thestral.

With their small talk out of the way, Morganite’s blush returned. “So… you three are here on behalf of a royal request?”

“Yup!” Spike nodded. “And I must say that you are the core reason why we are present before you.” Morganite gasped, her face becoming redder. Nightshade only gave her friend a smirk but didn’t feed into another round of teasing.

“You- You are here because of me?” Morganite squeaked.


“Geeze, Spike,” Pinkie interjected. “Do you always have to fluster every mare we meet today?”

Nightshade giggled at Pinkie Pie’s comment, but the thestral was greeted with another hard stare. “What?” Nightshade argued. “She said something funny!”

Spike clutched his titanium and cookie baggie close and held his free claw out for Morganite. “Don’t think you are the first to act this way,” he said to her. “But there is no need to be embarrassed. I may be a hero, but right now, I am just Spike.”

Morganite’s shoulders dropped a little, the visible stress subsiding. “Well, it is nice to meet ‘just Spike’ for the time being.” She shook Spike’s claw and then walked over to her desk with Nightshade following after her. Morganite sat in her chair and leaned toward the three guests, “I wish to thank you three for coming to my humble office.” She looked at Nightshade who stood at the deskside like a sentinel. “I hope you don’t mind Nightshade; it’s hard for her to not look so intimidating when she stands beside me.”

“If she is your friend,” Rarity began, “then we will have no trouble with her presence. We find friendship a valuable asset among ponies.” Nightshade kept silent, her posture still and expression stoic. Rarity quickly looked down at Spike. “You may tell Morganite what brought us here.”

The dragon nodded, “Alright.” Morganite’s ears swiveled, their slits angled at Spike. Without looking, Spike gestured to Pinkie Pie, “Can you show us the Bright Spotlight, please?”

“Yes, I can.” Pinkie stuck her hoof into her mane and pulled out the issue. She didn’t have to be told what to do next.

As Pinkie Pie fanned through the magazine, Spike resumed, “You see, are here because of a few reasons, one of them being because of your section, Morganite’s Mission.” A wide grin bloomed from Morganite’s lips. When Pinkie found the pages she was looking for, she hooved the magazine over to Rarity who gladly accepted it with her magic.

“And I must say, Morganite, I have been very fascinated with what you have written,” Rarity said. She rotated the magazine around to reveal one of the various stories written within it. “The Crystal Empire has a fascinating culture, and we all have learned so much from it.”

“Thank you,” Morganite nodded. “Which was your favorite article?”

Rarity batted a hoof, “Oh, it was easily the loving and inspiring story about Sugar Crush and her Mineral Milk Cookie. She was the first pony we met this morning because of how great it was. Well, Sugar and her boss, Raspberry.”

Nightshade’s intimidating facade flaked, and the mare smiled. “So you met my sister?”

“Sugar Crush is your sister!?” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Wow! What a coincidence!” At the corner of her mouth, she spoke to her friends, “A very suspicious coincidence, perhaps…” Neither Spike or Rarity gave her any acknowledgment, though Pinkie assumed they heard her.

“Perhaps,” Nightshade said. “But you don’t see other thestrals running around here, so it is safe to assume.”

“You just never know who’s who,” Pinkie nodded. Rarity gave her a smile and a wink. Even though Pinkie Pie wanted to bring up Nebula, she didn’t think the topic would be appropriate. Who knows if somepony will get upset if she is mentioned again. “Anyways, take it away, Spike! Tell Morganite the thing!”

Morganite giggled to herself as Nightshade gave her a soft smile. Their attention was snapped back to Spike as he resumed, “The reason why we visited the Chocolate Palace was that Princess Cadence and Shining Armor need some assistance with setting up the Crystal Fayre this year.”

“Oh?” Morganite looked at her friend, then back to the hero. “And they need my help?” She scanned the contents of her desk, her smile miniature, but still present.

“Yes,” Spike answered. “You see, they care about the Crystal Empire just as much as you do; I can tell you love your home based on your articles; so much pride was put into it.” Again, Morganite’s face reddened. “The issue that they are having is that they are worried the fayre will be just as poorly done as last year’s.”

The color in Morganite’s face returned to normal. She closed her eyes, “Forgive me for saying this, but it was executed terribly. However, it does make me relieved to know Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are doing their best to amend the last Crystal Fayre.”

Rarity took one step forward, “And their first course of action is to gather several citizens who know their home better than the ones ruling it, and having ponies like yourself accurately plan this year’s fayre to a tee.” She began turning the magazine’s pages one at a time, revealing every article Morganite wrote. “Because of your article, we have selected these ponies who have been featured in Morganite’s Mission as candidates in setting up your beloved fayre. If you chose to interview them all before, I can certainly know they have pride for their home and are willing to aid their leaders in their time of need.”

“That…” Morganite began to shiver and her brows started to quiver. “...that…” It was too late to stop the tears. She held a pink arm across her eyes as if to hide like a foal behind a thin rod during hide-and-seek. Nightshade was the first to react. She went beside the mare and held her as Morganite cried. Nightshade bore no anger and instead smiled.

However, the tears did not convince Rarity she did any good. “Oh dear! I am so sorry-”

“Don’t be sorry,” Morganite replied in a huff. “This… this is so unexpected. I never thought that my work would be seen by the heroes of my home, not to mention be a part of something much bigger.”

Pinkie Pie looked down at Spike. “You really do win over a lot of ponies and their hearts. I wish I was on your level.”

The dragon ran his free claw through his fins. “You know, Morganite…” The mare in question looked at the Great and Glorious hero with red eyes. “...I never thought I would be this admired hero either. You just… you just never know what amazing things you can do.” He pointed the platinum bar at Morganite, “And you can do more amazing things by joining your fellow crystal ponies to help set up the Crystal Fayre. So allow me to extend my highest invitation I can possibly give! Even though… I’m honestly not sure what that entails…” Morganite managed to giggle through her prideful sobbing, the works of a hero still affecting her mood. “Will you help prepare for the best fayre your home has ever seen?”

Morganite looked at Nightshade and nodded. The thestral removed herself from the emotional crystal pony and Nightshade went to the deskside once more. Morganite stood up and approached Spike. It was his turn to flush when she fluttered her eyes, “It would be my highest honor to accept the invitation.” She then pecked the dragon the head with her lips before quickly retreating out of her office.

Every mare eyed the Great and Flustered Spike. “Wh-what?!” he exclaimed, clutching the baggie and bar close to him.

Rarity pulled Spike into her breast. “You are quite the charmer with the mares today. I wonder how our last pony will react to greeting you.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie nodded. “Remember how Sugar told us that Saradiamond might get super-duper excited when she sees you? I think you should get those lips ready, ‘cause I think you are gonna get your first official kiss.” Spike tried to free himself from Rarity, perhaps to make for the door as Morganite did, but his strength failed him.

“Did my sister try to kiss you?” Nightshade asked Spike with a smirk.

“Nope,” Pinkie Pie shook her head. “She’s got her base covered with Mineral Water because he asked her on a date before she went to work today. That ship has set sail.” Pinkie’s smile left her when she turned to the trapped dragon. “Sorry, Spike. You just can’t have every mare.”

Nightshade’s slit pupils thinned. “He did… WHAT?!”

Regret ran through Pinkie Pie’s blood; Rarity’s look of disapproval dampened her mood. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to tell you-”

“This is not a bad thing at all!” Nightshade beamed. “Holy hay, where did Morganite go?! She needs to hear this!”


Morganite once again shook the dragon’s claw. “I am looking forward to working with the prince and princess. This was so unexpected.”

“And I am glad you accepted the offer,” Spike said. “Your kiss was also unexpected.” The two looked away from each other while Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Nightshade giggled among themselves.

“Am I expecting Spike and Morganite to become more acquainted?” Nightshade sang.

A smile that spelled murder bled onto Morganite’s face. “Keep talking and I will unleash your sister onto you.”

“I’m just curious is all!”

Spike removed his flustered guise and said to the mares, “Alright, no need to tease or be too hostile.” He looked up at the sky. “We need to get moving. The day’s almost over.”

“Indeed,” Rarity nodded. “And I am sure after we settle business for the day, all of us can get to relax.”

And you get to meet Mineral Water today as well,” Pinkie Pie added. “But don’t forget our little game. You’ve been doing a great job with not looking at your reflection.”

“Yes, yes, the Rarity Doesn’t Look at Her Reflection and Wins a Prize Game.” Rarity was quick to return to business. “Well ladies, I bid you two farewell. May we all become acquainted, maybe even friends.” She eyed Morganite specifically, “Like Spike said before, ‘You just never know.'”

“I agree,” Morganite said and waved her hoof. “Goodbye.”


“See ya, Morganite,” Spike smiled.

“Bye-bye!” Pinkie Pie beamed.

The trio left, returning to their own mission, leaving Morganite and Nightshade at the entrance of The Bright Spotlight offices. Nightshade leaned into her friend, her shadow consuming the small crystal pony. “I’m happy for you. I’m glad you got to meet your hero.”

Morganite looked up at Nightshade with a cheerful grin. “Aaaaaand! We got confirmation that your sister has jumped onto S.S. Sugar Water!”

“I know! Let’s go see her after you are finished with your work!”

“Sure thing. I can’t wait to hear the details.” As the two mares walked inside the building, Morganite’s ears flicked. “Oh! Speaking of ships, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”

“What is it?” Nightshade suddenly gasped. “Are you referring to the latest chapter of Abroad?”

“Yes! Wasn’t it an insane train ride?!” Morganite exclaimed, her voice echoing off the walls.

The thestral disagreed with a snort. “No! Marry was destined for Stone Edge! Instead, she chose to run off with Mister Mist, leaving poor Edge out in the cold!”

“You’re just mad your ship didn’t come to be.”

“Tsk! It’s not my headcanon.”

“What do you mean?” Morganite asked.

“Well...” A rare streak of blush glowed on Nightshade’s face. Her ears flopped back in shame. “I kinda… I mean… It’s only because I didn’t like what recently happened to my Edge.”

“What are you talking about?” The two mares entered Morganite’s office with the thestral squeezing her way in.

“Can you keep this a secret…?” Nightshade whispered even though the door was closed once Morganite entered.

“Of course. Though I am not sure what you are being so vague about.” Morganite looked up at her tall friend. “You can tell me.”

Nightshade swallowed, “I wrote… a… a… fan… fiction about Marry choosing to stay with Edge instead of going with Mr. Mister.”

Morganite rose her brows, “Reeeeaaally?” She turned her head and giggled. “I never figured you for a writer.”

“You aren’t…” Nightshade managed to flick her ears upward. “...upset with me?”

“Nightshade, are far worse things you can do; aside from teasing me about Spike.”

The thestral’s signature grin returned, “Well, the Great and Glorious Morganite may be my newest ship I’m interested in. Maybe I will write about you and him.”

“You better not!” Morganite cleared her throat a change of subject was in order. “Speaking of you writing stories, what inspired you to write your fan fiction?”

“That’s a story in it of its own.”

Author's Note:

Just a curious question from author to reader: How do you feel about the current pacing of this story so far? Give some feedback if you wish. Otherwise, I hope you are still enjoying everything thus far.

The story's about to get juicy, so prepare yourself.