• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 6,825 Views, 497 Comments

No Hugs for Sugar Crush - FerociousCreation

If a bat pony offered you a hug, would you accept it? Apparently, Mineral Water would not hesitate to deny Sugar Crush one.

  • ...


A few bubbles atop the water’s surface was stirred by Sugar Crush’s hoof. She gazed down at them, amused by the circular motion she created. However, the only reason why she was doing that was to distract herself from her constantly thinking mind.

The first thought that was hovering in Sugar’s mind like an indecisive hummingbird unsure if the flower it wanted to suckle was a good source of food was her date with Mineral Water. She wondered the various questions that could be asked during her time with the stallion; after all, the two of them agreed their date would involve talking about themselves.

“What was Nebula like?” “How did you meet?” “What did she do?”

It was exciting to know that Mineral Water was about to share his more personal side of himself with her. However, because mentioning his old friend was still an open wound, Sugar Crush decided to keep the questions on the more positive side. In fact, she wanted the evening to be full of happiness and good feelings.

Since the beginning of the Mineral Milk bake sale, Sugar had been beyond stressed. And thanks to the warm bath, it was finally soothing her worked muscles. Work was the last thing she wanted to think about.

Mineral Water was all Sugar Crush wanted to focus on.

Which lead her to the second thought that she was obsessing over: her emotions toward the stallion. Sugar let out a sigh and sank her shoulders beneath the waters. She let out some air from her mouth, forcing bubbles to boil forth.

Sugar Crush was trying to think up every excuse as to why she allowed herself to get so close to Mineral Water and nearly kiss him. I was caught in a moment. You looked like you deserved a kiss. It was just an experiment.

But none of them were plausible in her mind.

Sugar didn’t want to admit it. What she almost did with Mineral confirmed how she was falling fast for him.

The heat in the thestral’s face almost rivaled the water’s temperature as she reflected how sweet Mineral has been to her throughout the day. How he consistently tried to motivate her. How he was there for her. How he held her several times.

She sat upright and enveloped herself in a leathery blanket, imagining her wings were Mineral Water. It was strange how Sugar told him at the beginning of their friendship how she would be the one pursuing Mineral with attempts of hugging. Yet, it was becoming quite apparent that she wanted him to pursue herself. With lots of hugs. And some kissing. Their friendship started out with Sugar Crush trying to hug the resistant Mineral Water. It never dawned onto the thestral that the unicorn would be casting a love spell on her so quickly.

And that was the problem. Sugar didn’t think her sudden spur for Mineral was an affirmative action. She already told him she wasn’t ready. Would he think of her as indecisive if she told him differently right away?

I guess I will have to wait myself… Sugar Crush concluded. A smile developed despite the unfortunate closure she had with herself. At least I can still be close to him.

A few gentle knocks broke Sugar’s thoughts, and she looked at the door. “Yes?”

“Hey, Sugar,” Mineral Water said from the other side, “I got something for you.”

“Are you sure I can come downstairs?” Sugar Crush asked from the second floor.

Mineral looked back and saw Nightshade and Morganite waiting in the kitchen. “I promise that your sister won’t heckle you, Sugar! In fact, I am sure you will shock her with what I had prepared for you!”

Nightshade turned her head a little. “What do you mean by that?”

“You will see,” Mineral grinned.

To Mineral’s left, Nebula began whispering to the stallion, “Hey! Pst!”

Her voice startled him. He was not expecting his imagination to kick into full-blown insanity. “What…?” Mineral Water barely whispered back.

Nebula leaned into the picture frame, eyeing the stallion with a wide smirk. “Did you give her something to wear?”

“Maybe… When I was looking for something to wear myself, I forgot that you- well, the actual Nebula left one of her dresses here at my home. So… I gave it to Sugar to wear.” The stallion was his faint reflection on the picture’s glass. Both ears were bent back, and Mineral’s cheeks easily showed off his blush.

“Which one?” Nebula asked.

The sound of hooves echoed throughout the emerald home, voiding out all urges to talk. A gray hoof appeared from down the hallway, but the rest of who it belonged to did not come forward. “Mineral,” Sugar Crush squeaked, “I hope I don’t look bad in Nebula’s dress.”

“Who’s ‘Nebula?’” Mineral heard Morganite whisper to Nightshade. The stallion had to refrain from answering that question for the time being.

“It’s okay,” Mineral Water reassured. “I know you look lovely naturally.” A round of giggles bounced off the walls from every mare in the home; Nebula included. Real smooth, Mineral Water.

“Then what is the point of this dress if I already ‘look lovely?’” Nebula asked as she revealed herself.

The legs of chairs scraped the ground, and Mineral heard hoofsteps from behind him. Morganite was the first to say, “Oh my stars! You look wonderful!”

An unexpected hoof bumped into Mineral Water’s ribs; the contact made him jolt, the touch was very unpleasant. “You can date my sister after what you have just done,” Nightshade whispered.

Nebula pounded on the walls of her prison, the picture literally shaking left and right; neither Morganite, nor Nightshade noticed the haunted memory. “Let me see! Let me see!”

Both mares’ words fell on deaf ears; Mineral was too stunned by Sugar’s appearance. Sugar Crush had her mane done in a short ponytail, and, of course, had a layer of Mineral Water’s Crystal Coat applied to her fur. But all of that was outshined by the outfit she was adorned with. Upon her breast was a dark-purple dress, plain as the late moments of twilight. The skirt had a slightly lighter shade of purple, and it bore a few studded rhinestones evenly spotted about the flank, with a thin border of white outlining the hem of the dress.

Why did I have to fall in love with her just fifteen minutes ago?! Mineral cursed at himself while retaining a happy smile.

As three pairs of eyes observed Sugar Crush’s approach, the thestral shied away and hid her face with a wing. Her mouth peaked out the bottom of the leathery appendage and asked, “How do I look?”

Everypony else spoke at once.

“Wonderful!” Mineral Water smiled.

“Really cute!” Morganite beamed.

“Sexy!” Nightshade grinned.

“I want to see!” Nebula complained.

Sugar stood still for a few more seconds before approaching the ponies in the hall. “Sorry for acting so… nervous, Mineral,” she said. Sugar Crush retracted her wing and revealed Equestria’s most adorable mare to Mineral Water. “It is just very nice of you to lend me Nebula’s old dress, and your hospitality is beyond what I would have expected out of a stallion.”

The unicorn looked away, the comment doing the works on his heart. “I figured you deserved to look good on our first night out, and because you worked hard today on your successful bake sale.”

“Well thank you, Mini,” Sugar Crush winked.

Nightshade and Morganite giggled from behind Mineral Water. The stallion wondered if Sugar knew her comment made him extremely giddy and uncomfortably embarrassed; perhaps she was more similar to Nightshade by accident than Sugar may want to admit.

“Well, Sugar,” Mineral said, pointing a hoof down the hall, “I am going to get ready myself.”

“Okay,” Sugar nodded. She stepped aside to allow her friend to retreat upstairs.

Mineral nodded at Sugar, and he left the three mares and talking picture behind. Just remember, Mineral Water: Sugar Crush just wants to be friends right now. Don’t do anything stupid later on tonight, like try to kiss her again. Get that thought out of her head.


“Just so you know…” Sugar Crush growled at her sister who sat at the kitchen table, “...Mineral and I just talked when he went upstairs to check up on me.”

In her defense, Nightshade simply held up a hoof, “I’m not saying anything. But my thoughts will only fantasize in secret.”

“Can you-!”

“Ladies, ladies!” Morganite interjected, placing herself between the two siblings. To Sugar Crush’s surprise, the crystal pony gave Nightshade a displeased look. “Nightshade, please, I think you and I have done enough to your sister for one day. I know she is a good mare, and the last thing I want is to lose another friend.” Nightshade’s snarky grin fell to the ground, and she stared at the floor. “I know we talked about why you like to tease her. But tease Sugar in moderation. Friends do do that to each other. I also think there is a time where you need to see that teasing can go too far.” Morganite frowned when she turned to face Sugar. “I really am sorry if I hurt our friendship before it could truly begin…”

The crystal pony’s frown softened Sugar Crush’s heart. “I-It’s okay! If you really mean it, that I forgive you. Just don’t spy on me like that again, please.”

The talking mares then looked to Nightshade who sat quietly in her chair. “Nightshade,” Morganite began, “can you apologize to your sister?”

Sugar squinted an eye as she observed her older sibling. It was interesting to see Nightshade so obedient, and even ashamed as Morganite talked to her. What did they talk about when they spent time together?

After several seconds had passed, Nightshade muttered, “I’m sorry, Sugar.” She glanced up at Morganite and was rewarded with a glad grin. “You know I can’t help myself sometimes. And you know how many times my mischief has gotten me into trouble before.”

It would have been a perfect opportunity to embarrass Nightshade by telling Morganite Nightshade’s embarrassing tale of how she tried to put glue on all of the spears in the Nightmare Moon’s armory, and somehow ended up getting herself glued to the door of the storage unit. But Sugar knew she would not win any points herself in the eyes of Morganite that moment; there was a time and place for a story like that.

“Just for the rest of tonight, let me enjoy myself without you trying to embarrass me,” Sugar Crush said. “That’s all I ask. Okay, Sister?”

A wide smile bloomed on Nightshade’s face. “Okay,” she nodded. “I’ll watch what I say. Just for you, Shoogy.”

“I thought I said not to embarrass me,” Sugar smiled as she walked over to Nightshade. Both siblings hugged each other, and Sugar accepted the apology.

A single clap of hooves broke everypony’s concentration. “I am glad all that was taken care of as quickly as possible,” Morganite beamed. The expression was short-lived, and the mare pawed at her chin. “However, there is one thing that has me curious.”

Sugar Crush was not sure what to expect from Morganite, considering she knew very little about her. “What is it?”

“Who is Nebula? I heard you mention her name before you walked downstairs.”

“Yeah,” Nightshade chimed in but said nothing more.

The super-sensitive material that was Nebula was finally addressed to both Morganite and Nightshade. Sugar gave herself a few mental kicks in the head for being so careless. Like her sister, Sugar Crush needed to be careful with what she said. Sugar was trying to be very careful not to speak of Nebula but failed in no time. And she had to explain herself out of a predicament that had no escape.

“All I can say is…” Sugar looked to the hallway and barely saw the picture of Nebula and Mineral. She pointed to the picture, “That mare in the pictures is her.”

The curious Nightshade hummed. “I was wondering who that was. And I saw that she was a thestral.” She shifted in her chair to look down at Sugar. “How come Mineral never talks about her, and why have we not seen her before?”

Sugar Crush sucked in her lips, forever regretting her ability to not keep a secret. Her two ears fell back, answering Nightshade’s question more than she could with words. "Wait..." A weak gasp came from the older thestral. “I-I didn’t mean-”

“Nightshade,” Morganite interjected, preventing her from any further questions. Again, she clapped her hooves. “How about a change of subject?” the mare chirped. Sugar wondered what Morganite could do to distract herself from feeling like an idiot for mentioning Nebula. “Did you know that I am a writer for the Crystal Empire’s very own Bright Spotlight?”

“Oh yeah, that's right!” Nightshade chimed in. “She works for what is called a magazine company.”

The odd word quickly intrigued Sugar Crush. “What’s a ‘magazeen?’”

“Think of it as a book filled with a lot of information about stuff,” Morganite explained. “It can have stories about sports, vacation spots, celebrities, and all sorts of stuff. And once a month, Bright Spotlight publishes an issue.”

“Sounds very interesting,” Sugar Crush nodded, the information sounding quite informative. “And what is the problem this month?” Sugar Crush asked.

“Problem?” Morganite turned her head.

“You said there was an issue every month. What is the problem that your magazeen company is having?” When Morganite and Nightshade began expelling their suppressed laughs, Sugar’s ears fell back, knowing she didn’t quite understand something. “What? Why are you laughing?”

“An ‘issue,’” Nightshade said through a snort, “doesn’t mean a problem; publishing an issue is by simply publishing one copy for that month.”

Sugar finally caught onto her error, but it still bothered the thestral that she still had quite a bit to learn about Equestria. She fled into the living room that branched off from the kitchen, and Sugar flopped onto the white couch. “You don’t have to laugh at me…” she muttered into a pillow.

“Sugar,” Nightshade said, still in her seat, “do you want to know why Morganite is telling you this?”

“No, I don’t.” Sugar popped her head over the cushion’s horizon to see the crystal pony. “Is there a reason why you want me to know about your magazeen?”

“In fact, there is,” Morganite beamed and briskly walked into the living room. She looked down at the dressed thestral with a shimmer in her eyes. “You see, I am not just a writer for Bright Spotlight; I also travel all across Equestria to find wonderful and interesting things to discuss in the section of the company’s magazine called, Morganite’s Mission.”

“I can assume you have a mission this month…?” Sugar asked with caution, not sure if Morganite had a quest to accomplish, or if there was another meaning to the word “mission.”

“I do have a mission,” Morganite nodded; Sugar was glad to know she didn’t get laughed at. “This month, I wanted to stay close to home and find something the Crystal Empire could show off in next month’s issue.”


“And… I want to interview you about your Mineral Milk Cookies!” Morganite smiled as wide as she could. “What you have is very unique, and I think that everypony should know about your creation! It will make for a great story, too!”

The energy was unexpected, and Sugar Crush had to slowly digest what was said to her. “So let me get this straight… You want to interview me, so you can write a story about my cookies? To the entire land of Equestria?!”

“That’s correct! And, might I add, it will help bring the Chocolate Palace a lot of business. Ponies who are looking for a unique sweet will travel miles for a Mineral Milk Cookie!”

It was bad enough for Sugar Crush to deal with a long line of customers for one day. But to know that her interview with Morganite will inform Equestria she made a one-of-a-kind type of cookie overwhelmed Sugar. “No!” she said, shaking her head. “Nononononononono!”

Morganite took a few steps back, “W-why not?”

“Just no! I appreciate the offer, but I just can’t.”

Before anypony could add anything to the conversation, a knock rang throughout the room. Everypony looked to see Mineral Water standing at the kitchen entrance. He wore a short, teal, button-up shirt that barely ran over his shoulders. His mane was slicked back in a neat, and symmetrical fashion.

Mineral immediately looked to Sugar and asked, “Is everything okay?”

Morganite took one step forward to answer for Sugar, “I offered her to do an interview for Bright Spotlight about her Mineral Milk Cookies, but she denied me.”

Sugar was not pleased when Mineral asked her, “Why don’t you want to be interviewed? It would be a wonderful opportunity to get your name out there.”

“Because I just don’t,” Sugar simply answered. The mare slowly got up from the couch and walked over to the stallion. She observed Mineral, and Sugar could smell the strong scent of cologne wafting off of him. A smile easily found its way onto her face. “You look very handsome.”

“Thank you,” Mineral nodded, his grin almost reflecting Sugar’s. “So why did you refuse-”

Sugar Crush gently rested her hoof onto Mineral Water’s muzzle. “I don’t want to talk about work right now. I don’t want to talk about my cookies. And I don’t want those two things to interfere with my date with you. All I want is a nice, long, and happy time.”

The moment Sugar removed her hoof, Mineral started up again, “I just-”

Again, the gray limb magnified against Mineral’s nose. “Don’t ‘just’ me. Let’s enjoy ourselves and forget about our stresses.”

“Mmhmm,” Mineral nodded, his mouth still sealed.


Sugar Crush never knew how many restaurants were sprinkled throughout the kingdom, each one offering food she had never heard of. “Anything catch your eye?” Mineral Water asked as he walked beside her.

“Everything,” Sugar answered with an unsure smile. “I’ve never really walked around the Crystal Empire at night, and all the lights make everything look so shiny.”

“That’s what you get at the Crystal Empire,” Mineral snorted. “Everything here glitters or glows in some way.”

Upon reaching yet another block, Sugar let out a defeated sigh. “I don’t know what to choose! There are just too many things!”

“Indeed…” While the stallion looked around, the thestral wondered if she was in anyway negatively affecting her date with Mineral Water. She kept echoing at herself to remain positive and be happy just as she wanted for her friend. Sugar wanted to have a good time. It was just difficult to find a place to have said good time.

“I have an idea!” Mineral smiled. Sugar wasn’t expecting his overjoyed exclamation and squeaked out an “eee!”

“I mean… eee, I am excited to hear your idea,” Sugar smiled a little too wide to clear the suspicion that she wasn’t startled.

Mineral’s eyebrow-raising signaled that he was onto her, but the unicorn didn’t ask into detail about her squeal. “What I was thinking is we should go to various restaurants and order appetizers. That way, we can try a little bit of everything.”

“That sounds like a great idea,” Sugar said and made an attempt to hug Mineral. But he claimed a hoof in one quick movement with his own.

“Then let’s waste no time at all,” Mineral smiled and began to walk. The thestral was towed alongside the stallion and had to recover from the sudden movement. Sugar looked at her hoof still being held by Mineral. Her slit pupils eyed the gesture only couples did and wondered what was going on in her friend’s head.

The stallion looked at Sugar, aware she was looking at his hoof. He retracted it back to himself and apologized, “Sorry.”

The Saturday evening suddenly got cold for Sugar Crush as Mineral Water’s contact was lost. Without thinking, the thestral reclaimed it and pressed up against the crystal pony. Mineral’s entire body flinched and almost sucked his arm back. But Sugar kept a good hold of his hoof. “We can hold hooves if you’d like. It’s a little cold out anyway.”

“Are you sure?” Mineral asked, his cheeks filled with embarrassed blood. “I don’t want to make tonight awkward.”

Sugar was easily aware of the trap at her hooves, and she had to approach it with caution. “You won’t. I promise. Besides…” The thestral entangled Mineral’s arm with hers. “...you look cold, too. And I want my date nice and warm.”

“Then hold on tight,” Mineral winked, his foreleg twisted a little to obtain a stronger, yet gentle hold.

Sugar knew what she was doing; she wanted to keep close to the handsome stallion and enjoy his contact. She knew her urge for guilty pleasure was going to bite her in the flank later on.

Unless Sugar Crush became the bigger pony and confessed that she really did like him later on. Too bad she was worried about being way too fast with hurrying to be Mineral Water’s stallionfriend and kept such a thought to herself.

In an attempt to ease her mind so she could focus on the eventual happy night, Sugar pointed to a restaurant she and Mineral started to pass, “Does this place have appetizers?”

A large sign above the establishment shined down at the two, and it read, Countryside Hay Burgers. Mineral scrunched his brows in thought. “If we split a hayburger in two, I am sure we could make it happen.”

It was Sugar’s turn to drag Mineral along. “Then let’s go!”


“They look so adorable!” Sugar beamed as she admired the two, tiny hayburgers. A layer of lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and onions was compacted into a neat little sandwich, while the hay had some steam seeping into the air and up into Sugar’s nostrils.

Mineral sat on the other side of the booth, smiling at the joyful thestral. “Wait until you try the Prance Fries.” He gestured to the three sauces that surrounded the fry basket. “Dip them in either the ketchup, ranch, or honey mustard.”

Sugar’s little head didn’t know what to decide to start with. “Where do I begin?”

“Try one of the fries by themselves.”

The suggestion was made, and Sugar made no hesitation as she grabbed one and took a bite. That was her first mistake. Instead of being treated with a new and unique flavor of deep-fried potatoes, the mare was given a nasty burn on the tongue. Sugar pulled out the slice of potato from her mouth to leer at the aggressive food.

“You’re supposed to blow on it first, not eat it right away,” Mineral said while trying not to shamefully laugh.

Why is trying to have a happy date starting to be difficult? Sugar asked herself while she tried not to wince because of her singed tongue. She aggressively blew at the fry and took a second bite. Even though the flavor was affected by a burned tongue, Sugar Crush hummed. “Mmm! It was totally worth the pain!”

“Unless you want to eat extremely spicy food,” Mineral laughed, “you shouldn’t endure pain when you eat.”

“Hehe, I know. I never understood why some ponies love spicy foods,” Sugar said as she took another fry and blew at it. She eyed the three sauces, curious how each one would make the deep fried hoof food. While Sugar pondered her options, Mineral claimed one of the hayburgers. He cooled it down with one huff, and consumed half of it with a crunch.

The second hay burger looked a lot more appetizing than a single sliver of potato. Sugar Crush joined in on eating the last hay burger along with Mineral Water. Her sharp teeth chomped down on the sandwich, and was treated with a much less burning sensation. Sure, the hay burger was hot, but the heat was just warm enough to be enjoyable.

With every chew created a unique blend of flavors as the ingredients meshed together like two colors of clay becoming a new visual. And the crunching made everything so much more appetizing. After swallowing the first bite, Sugar Crush beamed, “That was so tasty!”

Mineral pointed his sandwich at Sugar, “Then let me choose our next place to eat. I’ll treat you to pizza. You will know tasty when you try a slice.”

Sugar heard the strange food as she eyed the ranch, curious what the hayburger would taste like if she dipped the sandwich in it. “What’s a ‘peatsa?’” the thestral asked as she dabbed the hayburger into the ranch. The stallion didn’t respond to the question, and he only gave the mare an odd stare. “What?”

“You aren’t supposed to dip the burger in the sauces,” he said.

“Too bad,” Sugar shrugged and took another bite. The herbs from the ranch added an extra kick to her meal, and Sugar was glad she chose to do as she pleased; Sugar did want a happy date, after all.

Mineral Water rolled his eyes. “Crazy moon dweller.”

The quip made Sugar gasp, and she lobbed a fry at Mineral. “That was rude, Mr. I Know How Everything Is Done. I hope that fry burned your shoulder.”

A blue aura claimed one Prance fry, and it waved around in a circle. “You want another burn with a salty fry? Because I got one ready for ya.” Both ponies stared at each other before they broke into a laugh.

With one more bite remaining, Sugar wondered if the hay burger would taste better with a nice amount of honey mustard or ketchup. She chose to go with honey mustard.

While Mineral Water kept making strange faces at Sugar Crush, he grabbed a few fries but did not bite into them. “Hey, Sugar?”


“Since the reason why our date came to be was because I started to cry in your work’s fridge, you want to hear me talk a little bit about Nebula?”

Food became much less interesting to Sugar Crush, and the thestral leaned so far forward, she almost climbed over the table to sit beside the unicorn. “Yes!” Everypony in the diner faced the overly excited pony, which voided out all previous joy Sugar was feeling.

To defend himself from a potential lunging thestral, Mineral Water held up both hooves. “Calm down,” he laughed while he looked around at the ponies who stared at them. Sugar was quick to readjust herself back in her seat, and she was fast to punish herself with a mouthful of hot fries. Though, they were not as hot as earlier. Perhaps they are quick to cool off.

Sugar Crush did chew as quickly as she could to swallow before Mineral Water said anything. The lump of potatoes hurt as they went down; she swallowed too much. She had to cough a few times before she was able to say, “But talk about the happy stuff between you and Nebula. Remember: I want a more happy vibe tonight. And I like seeing you happy.”

“Just don’t kill yourself by stuffing your face,” Mineral grinned. Sugar rolled her eyes at the comment before she was caught by the fries again. Since she was about to be told a story about the past thestral, Sugar Crush pulled the basket over to herself to prepare for anything. “What would you like me to tell you first?”

That was an easy question to answer. “Tell me about how you and Nebula met.”

Mineral looked at the window, his eyes wandering the outside world. “I can easily manage that.” Sugar selected a few fries and blindly dipped them into a dipping sauce. Finally, she was going to learn about Mineral’s old friend.

“Nebula was quite the mare,” the unicorn began. “I met her during my first day selling my own mane product at a mare’s beauty supply store.” The moment Sugar leaned forward to hear more about his first day being a professional salespony. “And let me tell you, it was very similar as to how we met.”

“Really?” Sugar asked with a grin. “What was the difference between our introduction than hers?”

“Nebula was able to convince me to give her a slight discount during my first vulnerable day of selling my homemade product. You, on the other hoof, were not able to show how valuable your hugs were.”

“My hugs are the best,” Sugar said with a “humph” in her throat. “They don’t need to be advertised.”

“I disagree because of your hug n’ sweet deal,” Mineral countered.

Sugar Crush pursed her lips, “You win this argument… again.”

“Then that leaves our score 3-0.” The stallion was left to laugh on his own. “Regardless of comparison, let me explain how it happened: Nebula approached me and asked about my shampoo. After convincing her that it would not only help make her mane lessen the number of knots, but also keep her scalp clean and healthy, Nebula offered to buy two. When it came to paying me, she was short six bits.”

Sugar pointed at Mineral with three fries, “I remember you telling me earlier Nebula was the only customer to talk you down to a discount.”

“Correct,” Mineral nodded.

“What did she do?” Sugar asked suspiciously. “Use her sexy thestral chams on you?”

A ferocious blush invaded Mineral’s cheeks. “N-no!” Sugar was unconvinced Mineral’s exclamation was not the case until he told her otherwise. So she chose to continue listen. “She offered me an exclusive ticket to that year’s jousting tournament during the Crystal Faire.”

It was not the reason Sugar was hoping for, but it at least added to the narrative of Mineral Water and Nightshade, giving it a more interesting tale. “And did you go?”

“Yes. And because of the exclusivity the ticket provided, I was able to go behind the scenes and observe the jousters practice.”

“Was Nebula there, too?”


“Did you two sit together?” Sugar pressed, curious where the story would turn.

“Only a few times.”

“‘Only a few times?’” Sugar repeated, not sure where Mineral was going with the tale.

He nodded, “Yup. Turns out, Nebula was one of the professional jousters.”

Sugar Crush’s slit pupils widened slightly. “Wow! You were friends with a pro?”

The stallion puffed out his chest, “Indeed! Nebula was a part of the brutal trio, The Vamponies!”

Even though her friend did nothing to offend her, Sugar Crush was instantly bothered by the term and winced at its mention. “What’s wrong?”

“I hate that word…” Sugar said, her ears angrily pointed backward. She reached for another set of fries to devour, but only slapped down on an empty basket. All the fries were gone.

There was an awkward air between the thestral and crystal pony. But that quickly changed when Mineral Water offered his hoof. “Let’s go find that pizza store while you tell me why you don’t like… that word.”

Sugar’s heart went a little batty, the kind gesture causing her to fall more in love with Mineral. I’m so glad you are my friend. “Okay.”

Author's Note:

I hope you like your chapters extra thic on the occasion.