Set one month after the Storm King Crisis, Tempest Shadow joins a prestigious branch of the Royal Guard known as the Elite Operatives. Her first ever partner - you - must work with her to solve a theft, and potential threat to Equestria.
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That pic is perfect for this situation...
A perfect face for a VERY imperfect situation!
I have a feeling that picture is going to be the face of so many memes xD Great story so far though mage, proceeding to read ^^
That was some interesting back and forth. The last paragraph made it feel very real.
I'm glad - my proofreader helped a lot with that part.
Talk about digging your own grave for Tempest to bury you in.
Didn't they make a Work around to Gunpowder in the Episode "Slice of Life" in which Doctor Whooves makes 'Fireworks' Via magic that can only be set off by love?
Yeah, but considering the "love" trigger, they only seem to work at weddings, unless all firework-users are required to carry a smitten couple with them everywhere. Besides, that was Whooves' invention, not sure if he's allowed other businesses to implement them yet.
The kind of look that freezes the blood in your veins...
That picture couldn't have been described any better...
That makes sense the Royal Gaurd do nothign but stand there, on top of that the Royal Guard Armour isn't as solid or cover as much as Tempest's Armour.
That, and Tempest's armour just looks way cooler. :P