Set one month after the Storm King Crisis, Tempest Shadow joins a prestigious branch of the Royal Guard known as the Elite Operatives. Her first ever partner - you - must work with her to solve a theft, and potential threat to Equestria.
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I'm really liking this story so far. Found a minor thing you may want to edit.
That should probably be "down".
Sextual tension, indeed.
Man, so many re-reads and spell-checks, and I STILL miss a few of them! Cheers.
For once, an intimate chapter WITHOUT cursing/swearing.
Yeah, I never really stand much for that either. It kills the mood, things are meant to be romantic rather than anything else.
Yeah. Most of the girls seem unlikely to ever do that, yet most authors have them getting so caught up in the act, they moral grasp slackens and they start a string of vulgar dialogue.
Yeah. I mean, because of the nature of the show, it's very unlikely any of the characters would swear no matter what.
There's the faint possibility that a good enough writer could make, say, Chrysalis swear a few times and have it believable, but too much and it just ruins the immersion.