• Published 20th Jul 2012
  • 3,818 Views, 335 Comments

Dreaming of Paws - Glassed

Some people gets to Equestria as a 6ft tall cat-warrior... and then there's Jazz.

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“So let me get this straight; you’re giving me the chance to go to Equestria?”

OK, when a guy suddenly appears in my bathroom offering me a one-way trip to the land of magical ponies, I usually try to call the police. I would have, mind you, had I not witnessed him come out of my showerhead just a minute ago. I mean, what do you say to something like that?

“Yes, that is exactly what I am saying, young one.” He said, with an amused undertone to his voice.

Right… I need a moment for this to sink in. In the meantime, let me introduce myself. My name is Kasper. No, I’m not a ghost. My name is spelled with a ‘K’. I live in the proud cough-cough land of Denmark. I live a pretty decent life in my opinion; I’ve got a few friends, a nice family, a well-paid job and a nice little apartment in inner Copenhagen. All in all a normal life.

My only problem though is the routine I’ve found myself in. I don’t really visit my family or hang out with friends (the curse of having friends all over the country) and my job is pretty ‘meh’. I wake up, go to work, get home, get online and go to bed. Boring as all hell. So an adventure in Equestria? Well sure I guess, but is this guy the real deal? As a matter of fact…

“Who are you?” You know, that SHOULD have been my first question instead of ‘Why are you wearing a suit in my shower?’ Neat, long curly blond hair, pale yet healthy-looking skin and a simple dark-blue suit with a tie… doesn’t exactly scream ‘Hello, I just came out of your freaking showerhead!’ now does it?

“You may call me Morpheus, young one.”

OK, so either I’m talking to the Greek god of dreams or I’m in the Matrix. I have a hard time deciding which sounds more awesome… or which is more unbelievable.

“Look, this is all well and good, but…” Did I forget to say why I was in the bathroom to begin with? I’ll give you a hint: ‘Number 2’.

“Yes young one?”

“I need a little time to think about that and I don’t think the bathroom is the proper place to have this conversation to begin with, especially considering my situation at the moment. So, uh, could you…” I gestured towards the door.

“Oh yes, of course. I forget the nature of mortals sometimes; I shall leave you to your business at once.” Then he promptly flew through the door, not bothering to open it.

Granted this would have made me shit my trousers, but… well you get the idea right?

After having finished my ‘business’, I made my way to the living room, ignoring the Greek god that was seated in my couch sipping tea, and sat down in my favorite chair. “So, what’s the catch?”

“The ‘catch’ young one?” He tilted his head to one side with a look of confusion.

“Yeah, usually when a god or of the like wants to give you something, aren’t you supposed to give something in return? Even if we weren’t talking godly business, there must be a reason that you’d go out of your way to send me to another world. What would you gain from this?”

He continued sipping his tea for a minute while looking thoughtful. After a while of consideration, he let out a small sigh. “I understand your concern young one. If you are to accept my deal, you should know what it entails.”

He got to his feet and walked to the window. Now my apartment doesn’t have the greatest view of inner Copenhagen, I’d have to own a penthouse (which I’m nowhere nearly rich enough to afford) to have something even resembling a view. As a matter of fact, Morpheus was looking at the wall of the building next to mine. Not that it seemed to bother the guy all too much.

“My deal is for you to go to Equestria as my champion.” I was just about to stop him right there, but he held up a hand, signaling me to keep quiet. “I realize that you might not be the strongest human being to become my champion, but fret not, you are not to be fighting.”

A non-fighting champion? What, am I gonna go play the Sandman?

Morpheus let out a chuckle, “No no, young one, not as a keeper of dreams. That is my job.” Oh great, he can read minds! Should have known. “No, let me explain the situation properly.”

He closed his eyes and the room seemed to darken considerably. “In the world of Equestria, a game has been set in motion by the god of chaos known as Discord. He himself has brought a champion to the world, a champion to bring chaos. Other gods saw this and began sending their own champions, all humans, to Equestria, in the shapes of Diamond Dogs, cat-people, dragons, etcetera... I cannot tell you the rules of this game, as that is against our limitations, but the winner of the game gets a prize beyond his wildest dreams… which is saying something coming from the god of dreams, do you not agree?” He turned his head towards me. I couldn’t help but nod when I heard the playful tone in his voice.

“Now, here comes my problem. I do not care for the prize, nor earthly possessions or power. I need material for my dreams, I need inspiration. This game is a cluster of chaos and inspiration for me and I simply cannot stay out of it. But as it stands, I cannot simply observe the game without having my own champion.” Aha, that’s what he’s going for. “I needed someone with a lust for adventure, someone who could survive without having to fight. I needed someone like you.”

“Excuse me, if I may?” He smiled and nodded. “What do you mean ‘without having to fight’? You’re a god, aren’t you? Shouldn’t you be able to give me a weapon or something?”

At my question he became oddly quiet, heck, he seemed almost embarrassed. “No, I am afraid I cannot. I am the god of dreams, I hold no destructive powers. If you are to go, you will go with the power of dreams, powers which you will have to find mostly for yourself, but with a few hints from me. I cannot offer you any more than that.”

“So you’re sending me as an observer? A spectator if you will?”

His smile seemed to widen a bit. “Yes, exactly. But, you may do as you please, involve yourself in the happenings in any way you can or want to. Unfortunately with your powers, you will not be as strong as a real player, as that is not your purpose to begin with.”

I sat back in my chair. Could this actually be real? This is almost too good to be true. I just need one more question answered. “So, what you’re asking me,” I could almost feel my grin widen to an almost comical proportion. “Is to go to Equestria, and have fun?”

Apparently we’re on the same level here, as his grin suddenly got huge as well. “Indeed young one. I get the material I need and you get the adventure of a life-time. I believe this is what you humans call a ‘Win-win’ situation.”

Oh yeah, I like this guy. “I’m in; I’ll gladly be your champion Morph!”

He held out his hand and we shook. “Then, young one… Sleep…

The last thing I remember is my already darkened living room becoming even darker.