• Published 19th Jul 2017
  • 1,890 Views, 74 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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Chapter 28 A Laughing Matter (Part 2)

It was a quiet night in Gotham, hardly any muggings or store robberies. This was very rare for Gotham since it was city full of crime, crime literally happened on almost every night, so many nights that it would be impossible to count them all.

This was a good thing for the city because near city hall, people were preparing for a festival. It was September 25th, the day Gotham City was founded from back in 1784. People were gathering just outside it, eating hotdogs and cheeseburgers, setting up balloons, and on the building hung a banner saying 'Happy Birthday Gotham'.

Even though many people gathered, the festival wasn't as big as other festivals they had. Once a year there would be a festival at city hall, but if it was Gotham's 235th anniversary instead of a 233rd, then there would not just be a festival there, but in other famous places in Gotham. Such as GCPD Headquarters, Wayne Tower, and Gotham Park.

There were still some people who celebrated it at their homes though, but it wasn't as big. However not everyone was looking forward to this night, some remained cautious. The Joker was still at large. After his latest plot, people have been horrified of what he would do next. Heck, every time Joker got out people would still be horrified.

One of those cautious people was none other than Police Commissioner James Gordon, who sat in his office chair looking over reports. The only sound that can be heard in the office was silence, and it was emitting a smell coming from a lit cigarette Jim held in between his middle and index fingers.

He sighed as he looked over the reports. Another drug dealing stopped, good. A recent mugging foiled, good. And a jail break prevented, good. All of these crimes of course were stopped by the legendary Batman and his sidekick Robin.

Every day there were reports like that. Jim was thankful to have a partnership with the dark knight, made things easier and easier. He was even impressed with the kids he recruits from time to time, especially the new one. She was brave and willing to face off against mob bosses like Carmine Falcone and serial killers like the Joker, at a young age.


"Come in." Gordon called.

The door opened to reveal officer Renee Montoya. "Sir, the festival has started at city hall. The mayor's expecting you."

Gordon looked at the watch on his wrist. It was nine thirty, the festival started at nine. The commissioner was quick to get up from his chair as he then walked to his coat hanger. He put his arms through the arm holes and tied his belt before resting his phedora on top his head.

"Thank you, Montoya."

The officer noded "Have a good festival, Commissioner."

James noded back before opening the door and closing it behind him.

Mayor Michael Logan was on the steps of city hall looking over the festival, smiling at the people. With him was the councilman and the Districk Attorny. He was waiting for one more guest to arrive.

"Mr. Mayor," said Commissioner Gordon as he walked up the steps "sorry I'm late."

Mayor Logan smiled reassuringly "That's alright, Commissioner. You're just in time for the speech." He then walked up to the podium in front of him. "Excuse me everyone," he spoke into the mike "may I have your attention please?"

It didn't take long for the guests to stop what they were doing and look in the mayor's direction.

"People of Gotham City," Logan began "I'd like to say that it is an honor to be here tonight hosting this festival..." he trailed off as he and the audience heard the sound of the Prince song Trust being played.

They turned to see a parade float in the form of a cake, at the bottom layer was a sign reading 'Happy Birthday Gotham'. At the top was a skinny man in a purple trench coat and phedora sitting in a throne while a few man at his side were holding black bags. Above the float were balloons in the form of a clown and a crying baby in a cartoony fashion.

"Did you authorise this?" asked the D.A.

"No." The mayor answered.

Gordon rubbed his chin as ha looked at the man in the throne. 'Why does he look so familiar?'

The man opened the bags to pull out handfuls of dollars and throwing it to the crowd letting it fly in the wind towards them. The crowd started to roar as they went wild trying to grab the money they were being given.

It went like that until the song ended. When the song reached it's final lyric the man in the throne stood up and took a microphone. "And now folks I like to wish Gotham a happy birthday!"

He received a cheer from the audience.

The mayor had enough of this interruption and decided to speak up through the microphone.

"Excuse me, who do you think you are interrupting the festival?"

The man in the purple suit smiled "Why, I think I'm a handsom man who figured that without me this year's festival would be boring. So I decided to spice it up."

Meanwhile at Wayne Manor, Bruce and Scootaloo were watching the festival on the news.

Bruce quickly recognized the man in the purple suit. "We have to go. Now!"

Scootaloo was confused "Why? What's wrong?"

"I'll tell you about it on the way there. Now come one and get changed."

Bruce and Scootaloo walked over to the study where Bruce pushed back the Shakespeare bus when a scanning light shined in his eye.

"Identity confirmed."

The book shelf then slid open so Scootaloo and Bruce could head over to the elevator and go into the Batcave. When they got there they immediately changed into they're suits.

Robin noticed Batman walking in a different direction from the Batmobile.

"Wait, aren't we taking the car?"

"No," Batman kept walking "I have another ride."

Scootaloo followed him and what was before her was a sight of wonder. Sitting on a landing platform was a bat jet-like vehicle.

"What's that?" Scootaloo marveled.

"The Batwing." Batman answered stoicly before he and his sidekick hopped into the cockpit. Robin sat in the second seat behind where Batman was sitting. Before Batman were controls for the Batwing. Batman pressed various buttons and the cockpit window slid closed as the engines roared.

"So how is this thing gonna drive us to Joker without tires?" Robin asked.

"The Batwing doesn't need tires," Batman replied "it's used for another mode of transportation."

"Like what?"


Robin raised and eyebrow underneath her mask and was about to ask what Batman meant, only to be interrupted by the surprised feeling of the Batwing lifting above the ground.

Robin stared outside the window in marvel at them being lifted above the ground and was caught off guard when she was pushed back in her seat by the force of speed the Batwing going through a tunnel.

"Woooaaa!!!" she screamed before her fear turned into excitement.

Back at the festival, the mayor was getting irritated by the man he didn't know was the Joker.

"Gordon," he turned to the commissioner "get some men up there and get him out of here."

Jim nodded as he was about to gather up his men but stopped up in his tracks when he heard a roaring sound. He looked up to see the Batwing flying above them. "What's he doing here?"

Joker noticed this as well and grinned. He looked at his men "Gentlemen, time to put on the masks."

The henchmen nodded as they pulled gas masks from their jackets and put them on. Joker pulled a gas mask from his coat pocket. "And now," he spoke into the microphone "I believe it is time to put an end to your useless, pathetic lives! But hey, it's like my plastic surgeon always said: if you want to go...go go with a smile."

The makeup disguised clown laughed as he put the gas mask on before taking a remote from his pocket, pointed it towards the balloons, and pressed the button.

The balloons then released a green gas, the sounds of the crowd screaming as the gas filled the area. Many people in the crowd held their noses to keep themselves to breath in the gas, others weren't so lucky as they fell to the ground laughing.

Robin looked out at what was happening below them and her eyes widened. "We gotta do something!"

"Hang on!" Batman pulled the controls back a little as the Batwing lowered. He then pressed a button, releasing a scissor like object from the hood.

The Batwing was right below the balloons and a little above ground. When the Batwing came to the lines, they were caught up in the scissors before they closed, grabbing a hold of them while the lines snapped.

The Batwing was then raised higher into the air before the scissors finally let the balloons go, letting them float away from Gotham and out to the sea.

Batman averted the controls as the Batwing took a sharp three sixty and sped towards the city hall.

"We're about to eject," Batman told Robin "get ready and follow my lead."

Batman then pushed the button and in a split second the window slid open and the Dynamic Duo were shot into the air. Batman moved into a diving position and held onto his cape as Robin followed. The two were speeding towards the ground like a speeding bullet.

They were getting closer and closer, Robin was starting to get nervous, this was her first time doing this.

"Uh, Batman. Now?"


They were right above the float as they got closer and closer until...


The two superheroes quickly spread their capes as their falling slowed. They brought their legs forward as Batman kicked Joker, knocking him off the float and Robin did the same with a henchman, only this time he fell onto a couple of trash cans.

The two landed on their feet as cop cars came in and officers swarmed the place, arresting the Joker and his men.

Commissioner Gordon approached the duo. "Good work, Batman." he looked down at Robin "You too, kid."

Batman gave a nod and Robin crossed her arms and lightly smiled.

"No problem, Jim-I mean Commissioner Gordon." Robin said.

"Kid, just call me Jim."

Robin nodded "Okay, Jim."

The three then noticed Joker being taken away, his caucasian makeup looking smeared off from the kick, revealing his chalk white skin. "Watch the suit, boys." he was then put into a van.

Robin looked at Batman "How many times does Joker break out?"

Batman looked at her "Once or twice a month."

The girl wonder sighed "Great."

Author's Note:

IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Hey everyone, I want to say I'm sorry this took so long. Reason being is because I haven't thought of what would happen next until not too long ago. I also decided that I'd cancel this fic, but fear not, because I will be doing a remake. Info for that is on my blog. Thought I'd tell you about it in case you haven't read my blog. Once I wright the first chapter of the remake, I'm gonna upload the link on here so you guys can head to it and I'll cancel this version. Again sorry I'm abandoning this version, there will be a remake and this is not the end of Gotham City Heroes and this version will still be up in case any of you guys want to read it but it unfortunately won' t continue. Same Bat-Time, Same Bat-Channel.

Comments ( 3 )

Luckily the episodic nature of this story means the cancellation isn't as painful as it would be in other stories.Good luck on the remake, I look forward to it.

Looking forward to the remake!

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