The hallways, like always during times of class, were empty. At least, almost empty. For seven girls were called down and were already on their way to the principal's office. None were sure as to why they were being summoned, but some had a few theories as to why, all of which were somehow believable.
"Um... D-Did we get in trouble for something?" Fluttershy gulped meekly, not liking the idea.
Rainbow waved an assuring hand and wrapper an arm around her friend's shoulders, "Pssh. Yeah right. We did nothing wrong. As far as we're aware. This gotta be somethin' good, like another magical disturbance or whatever."
Sunset shrugged, "Could be a set of new students that need help and we're trusted?"
Rarity inquired, "Wouldn't that require just one of us to do?"
Twilight adjusted her glasses and put her hands back to the straps of the schoolbag around her shoulders, "Well, I'm with Fluttershy. I'd rather not get in trouble."
Applejack shook her head, "There ain't nothin' to worry about, sugarcube. Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna have nothin' against us. We did no wrong. Ah'm going with Rainbow's theory. Probably somethin' private that only we can take care of."
Pinkie raised a hand, "Time to place bets! I'm betting that this is a super duper secret meeting with new people and that we're the only ones who can understand it! Maybe it's aliens this time!"
Sunset chuckled, "Pinkie. If you think about it, I'm already an alien and so was Princess Twilight."
Twilight bit her lip, "If I may, Sunset." she began to explain for her friend, "Perhaps she's talking about more... extra-terrestrial beings moreso than a being from a parallel dimension."
"Aw, you're on Pinkie!" Rainbow agreed, "Better be aliens."
"The chances of it being aliens are slim to none, Dash." Applejack chuckled, "Sunset doesn't count in this case."
They reached the principal's office and Sunset reached for the knob, slowly turned it. None of them knew what awaited them, but they knew that it couldn't be too bad. So, with confidence, the redhead opened it at last. What greeted them inside nearly blew their minds.
They saw the two green people earlier, but the tan-skinned man, the racoon and the tree with a face in a pot within said raccoon's hands caught them off guard. "Hey... We saw the two of you earlier." Rainbow said casually to Gamora and Drax, who shared a confused glance with one another. "Didn't think you were eligible what with you lookin' ten years older than us."
"I do not understand what you are saying." Drax commented blankly to the rainbow-haired girl.
Star-Lord raised a brow, "This is who you called? They look like the cast of a cartoon I used to watch."
Fluttershy ignored Quill's words and looked down at the raccoon, "Aw... Aren't you the cutest little thing?" she cooed, reaching a hand out to the furry creature, who slapped it away instantly.
"Who you callin' cute, lady?" Rocket snarled, earning a gasp from the girls, who took a surprised step back upon hearing his loud, gruff and annoyed voice.
"Y-You can talk!" Rarity gasped.
Rocket gritted his teeth, "No duh, I can talk! Honestly, it's like you never saw an alien before."
"He's not wrong." came a muffled voice from Twilight's bag. A moment later, a purple head popped out. "Woo. It was getting muggy in there. What did I miss?" he turned his head and faced his friends, who were still processing what was happening.
"Miss Sparkle? Why is Spike in there?" Luna asked.
Twilight chuckled sheepishly, "S-Sorry, Vice-Principal Luna... I just can't leave Spike alone. Plus, since he can talk, you don't have to worry about him being unaware of our rules. I promise he's not a nuisance." she assured hastily.
Celestia grinned, "We will excuse you just this once, Twilight. Considering our unique circumstances."
Luna nodded, "Very well. It would be best if you all would get aquianted anyhow."
Spike cheered and hopped out of the bag and landed perfectly on the floor on all four paws. "Thanks! So... Who are all of you? And I have the strangest urge to growl at you..." he said to the raccoon alien, who huffed in response.
"Same to you, fido."
Quill smirked, "Name's Peter Quill. Also the Legendary Outlaw in the galaxy, Star-Lord. The most well-known person across the universe." he bragged.
"Who?" Pinkie asked. "I've never heard of you!"
Peter sighed and relented as the green-skinned female introduced herself, "Ignore his boasts. I'm Gamora. Uses to be called the 'Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy' for my... more than troublesome past." Gamora introduced, patting the sword strapped to her side. The cyan girl leaned down and got a closer look at it.
"So cool..." Rainbow muttered. A glare from the assassin, prompted her to stop reaching for the dangerous weapon, the girl giving Gamora an innocent sheepish grin.
Drax folded his arms, "They call me Drax the Destroyer. I seek vengeance on the one called Thanos for the death of my family. And also, nothing goes over my head."
"By vengeance, do you mean...?" Applejack asked worriedly, putting a finger and moving it around her throat.
Drax tilted his head, "Again, why would I put my finger on his throat? It just seems weird."
Quill groaned, "We've been over this pal. Just a metaphor. The same one I used when we met. Heh, feels like yesterday."
"How can it feel like yesterday? In actuality, it was about a week ago." Drax corrected.
Frowning, Peter sat back down, "And this is the part where I shut up." he muttered.
"I'm sorry to hear about your family." Fluttershy murmurmed.
Sighing, Drax lowered his head, "Thank you. One day I shall have proper revenge in their honor."
The raccoon decided to speak and began in a somewhat awkward tone as he spoke, "Name's Rocket... I, uh... I was some freaky experiment that broke out with my pal Groot here. Ain't that right, pal?" he asked his tree friend
"I am Groot!"
"Aw..." the girls, except Rainbow and Applejack, cooed upon hearing the baby plant alien.
"See, Groot and I had each other's backs for years now. Just don't get on my bad side." the furry alien warned.
"Sure." Spike said with a roll of his eyes.
"What about you?" asked Sunset to Groot.
"I am Groot." the tree replied.
"Uh, yeah, we know that." Rainbow reminded him, "Can you tell us anything else about yourself?"
Groot huffed and raised his tiny branch arms, "I am Groot!"
Chuckling, Rocket decided to explain, "Yeah. You should know this. Groot's vocabulary amounts to I and am and Groot in that order. Not much of a talker."
Twilight's jaw was agape, "Fascinating."
Peter Quill raised his hands and clapped them together, "And together we're the Guardians of the Galaxy! You're welcome, everyone!" he boasted, gesturing to the team.
"What a bunch of a-holes..." Rainbow muttered under her breath.
Pinkie grinned, "I'm so glad you're guarding our galaxy!"
"Well, it's not your galaxy, per se." Quill admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Should you use your magic to see if they're tellin' the truth?" Applejack asked the red-head.
Sunset whispered back, "Not sure. The whole protectors of space thing seems a bit weird. I may look into it."
Sunset didn't say anything and reached to touch Peter's shoulders. Star-Lord was obviously freaked out when her eyes began to look pupil-less and glow. "Woah! Okay, that's crazy. Is, uh... Is she alright?" he asked worriedly, pointing to the girl, who began to glow a little brighter.
"She's using magic to read your mind," Twilight explained.
Drax blurted out, "What?"
Inside of Star-Lord's head, Sunset saw many things. She saw the cosmos, the planets flowing within the black cosmos. Stars, spaceships. The girl looked at a person clad in drapes and armor wielding a glowing purple hammer. Sunset saw the Guardians fighting him in a purple storm before vanishing. It was then, she snapped back to reality, falling on her bottom as her brain tried to wrap what she just witnessed. "Woah..." she panted.
"What did you see?" Spike asked.
"Space..." Sunset gasped, "I saw an orange and blue ship... Planets, and someone wielding a hammer before you vanished. Who is he and why is he important...?"
Gamora frowned, "Than you know. That was Ronan the Accuser. As we were ending his tyranny on the planet Xandar, we ended up here somehow."
"Anything else, Sunset?" Twilight asked curiously.
"Quite a tale." Celestia muttered.
The red-haired girl held her now sore head, "Yeah... Everything was purple for some reason and you all looked terrible."
"The Infinity Stone Ronan had. With it, he could've destroyed the entire galaxy if he wanted. We got it out of his hammer and used its power to destroy him. Don't touch it." Quill warned. "It was dangerous as hell."
"Well, do you know where it is?" Twilight wondered.
"About that..." Quill gulped, "We have no clue. We didn't have it when we woke up here."
"So, there's a powerful artifact of destruction here somewhere? Isn't that rather unsafe?" Luna commented.
Rocket gritted his teeth, "We were gonna look for it soon! We just needed to know where we were at first! It's pretty much common sense to explore uncharted territory."
"Worked quite well when I found the orb on Magor." Quill quipped. "Plus, as far as we know, it's just us that wound up here, there's no way anyone else could as well. We were the ones holding the stone, so there's nothing to worry about at all. Yep."
Standing on the outskirts of a forest were a group of aliens. In front of them stood someone, older in appearance, but nontheless capable. He had a red mohawk, his teeth were dirty and his skin was blue. He wore a leather jacket and his hands were in his pockets. His eyes scowled, hearing the voice of one of his own. "You've gotten too soft for the boy, Yondu. Should'a killed him and not joined that war! Now we're in the middle of nowhere!"
"Calm yourself." Yondu ordered, putting his arms to his sides. "Only reason we worked with the boy was to get that orb out of his possession in the firstplace once Ronan was taken care of. Last we saw, he darn had it in his hands. Planted a tracker on 'em before this whole mess even started, just in case he'd try to do anything funny. Just a matter of getting there first."
In the distance was a city. It would probably take a couple hours to reach by foot, as they had no other method of transportation. Yondu looked on his wrist to check his tracker and faced his crew, "Quill should be in there. Gotta have the stone at least. Once we pry it from 'em and his new friends, we Ravagers are gonna get us quite a sum."
He heard cheers, but the blue alien was focused on his thoughts, placing his palms back in his pockets, 'Don't make this a fight boy-o. Just want what came for, and no one's gotta get hurt. But knowin' him, he's gonna be a stubborn ass. Like I taught him to be.'
Awesome job. I loved everyone's reactions. Especially Rocket's.
Not bad, though I'm pretty sure that Sunset's touch-telepathy only works when she comes in contact with bare skin...
Nailed it! Good job, i wonder how Yondu, and perhaps Ronan will fit into all this? Keep it up and can't wait to see whats next!!
8116195 Yeah, Rocket was a favorite in this chapter.
8116563 Oops. I'll adjust it. Thanks for the correction.
8116713 We'll be seeing Yondu, Ronan and perhaps a few more villains as the story progresses. And not just GotG villains either.
8122823 Well keep it up. I hope the next update is soon!! :))
Did Star-Lord watch My Little Pony?