"If you insist everything's all right, then I guess we'll listen." Sunset decided, sitting on a chair. "What do you wish us to do Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna?" she asked.
Star-Lord nodded, "Yeah, why did you call them down here exactly again? I think this one by on some Infinity Stone drug what with her touching me and going a glowy eyed."
Celestia smiled, "They are able to harness magic, as mentioned before. Apparently, it all connects back to that other world, Equestria. They are gifted with unique abilities. And it is a good thing, otherwise there would be no one to deal with the sudden rift. Luckily, they are merely contained in this school."
"So, magic leaks and rifts, huh? How the heck did that happen?" Quill asked the girls, who, except Twilight and Spike, all turned their gaze to Sunset, who began to blush red in embarassment and shame was seen on her face as well. "Okay, are we doing some kind of staredown here?" he asked the others.
"I wonder the same thing. Is there something on her face?" Drax questioned, facing Sunset as well. "Though, it is quite red. Perhaps she is part tomato."
"The hell do you even know what a tomato is?" Rocket asked after a brief moment of awkward silence.
The red-haired girl sighed, "You don't want to know. I-It's something I don't look back fondly on."
"You kidding? We all have pasts that may be way worse than yours." Quill laughed off, "I told you earlier, I'm an outlaw. Or, was an outlaw, now I'm a superhero!" he gestured to himself with a confident grin and put a thumb to his chest.
Sunset exhaled, "Fine... I was bitter and jealous back in Equestria and ran here cause I thought I deserved everything. I came back to my home and stole a crown, a magic crown to be exact. By bringing it here, I exposed this world to Equestrian magic and as time passed, more threats began to present themselves, and we somehow manifested abilities as a result, somehow connecting us to our personalities. It's my fault the world's like this now and things could possibly get worse." her gaze fell to the ground, expecting harsh judgement, but none came.
"...That's it? I was expectin' some tragic backstory of hatred and abuse and all that to where ya finally snapped and said screw it all. Compared to us, that's nothin'." Rocket bragged, clearly unimpressed, turning his head. Groot raised a hand and rubbed his itching side.
"Oh yeah, what have you gone through, furball?" Rainbow asked.
"Don't ever call me a damn furball!" Rocket snarled. "If ya must know, I was tortured outta my wits by some freaks and broke out with Groot. I look like this..." he turned around, revealing a metal exoskeleton, disgusting the girls. "See?! Pretty disgustin', isn't it?" he agreed, turning back around.
"I used to work with the Mad Titan Thanos. Which I deeply regret. There is always redemption. These idiots actually stood by me and showed me another way." Gamora explained.
"Yep. Think of us as a ragtag reform group." Quill boasted. "You can join too. You fit the current criteria, Sunset."
The red-haird girl raised a hand and waved off the not-so tempting offer, "No thank you. I have my friends here, and I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Egh. Cheesy." Rocket gagged.
Drax raised a brow, "I do not sense cheese, Rocket. You must be making stuff up."
"I am Groot."
Luna decided to elaborate her sister's point from earlier, "As we were saying, the seven of them are also used to the unknown, quite like you five. It would be best if you got to know one another, as it sounds as though you have made enemies where you are from." she elaborated.
"Enemies? We killed Ronan, Nebula got away, Korath's gone and Yondu's not gonna do anything to me." Quill assured, putting his arms behind his head.
"...If ya say so." Applejack muttered.
Twilight looked around, "So, what do we do now?"
Star-Lord's stomach rumbled, giving the others a sheepish smile. "You guys got any places to eat? I haven't had Earth food in almost thirty-years. Do they still have cafès?"
Pinkie nodded, "You bet! How about after school I take you to best in town?" she offered.
"I am Groot!" Groot cheered.
Celestia and Luna chuckled, "Very well. The six of you may return to your classes. Guardians, if you will allow us to call you that, would you mind waiting for them to finish?"
"Sure thing." Peter replied.
"Ugh, I'm so bored!" Quill screamed, sitting on the edge of the building. "Who knew that sitting outside of school could br as tedious as learning in the classroom!?"
"You." muttered Rocket.
Gamora rolled her eyes, "Just zip it and deal with it, Quill. Hopefully we're not just sitting here for much longer."
The sound of a ringing bell made Peter perk up, memories flashing in his head. "Yes! School's out! Come on, I'm freaking starving over here."
"You're not even in school, Peter." Drax reminded the human, "The fact it is over has no bearing effect whatsoever. Though, I too am famished. Perhaps, I will partake in this cafe."
"Yoohoo!" called out a voice. The Guardians looked down once the crowed cleared out in front of the statue, revealing the girls waiting for them. "Come on, we got homework to do!" Pinkie added, cupping her hands to her mouth, hoping her voice would echo loud enough for them to hear. Somehow, it worked.
"Coming!" Peter replied.
In Sugarcube Corner, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the girls sat in two different booths to fit them. Mrs. Cake walked by, seeing the newcomers, especially Rocket and Groot. People around were exhanging weird glances to the intergalactic team, which they easily ignored. Mrs. Cake whispered to Pinkie, "Pinkie Pie... Are you sure allowing a raccoon in here is a wise decision? He could be a health-code violation."
"Hey." Rocket growled, earning a gasp from the older woman, "I can hear too, ya know. Don't worry, I won't poison yer food or whatever you think I do. I'm clean."
Star-Lord sniffed the air, "...That's a lie. When was the last you bathed?"
"I am Groot." the tree answered.
The furry alien lowered his head, "Shut it, pal."
Pinkie smiled earnestly, "Don't worry, Mrs. Cake. We'll make sure they cause no trouble whatsoever!"
Mrs. Cake gave the girls a worried glance before deciding, "Fine. But do be wary. I do not need this shop to be contaminated with raccoon and trees. Again." she spared a glare to Rainbow, who whistled innocently.
Drax and Rocket raised their mugs, taking a sip of the brown liquid, feeling a slight burn on their tongues. "Woo!" gasped the furry animal alien, "What do you call this? It's great!"
"Coffee, Rocket. Energizing, right?" Peter answered, "Tons of caffine in there."
Drax lowered his mug, "I like that beverage. I shall request for another." he raised his glass and was about to smash it down, butthe girls halted him.
"Drax, wait!" Pinkie and Fluttershy pleaded. The latter continuing, "P-Please don't... T-that costs money. It'd be rude."
"Eh. We got the units to spare." eased the raccoon-looking alien.
"What are units?" Twilight asked.
"Currency where we're from." Gamora explained.
"So much for being rich." Quill murmured inaudibly. "Anyway, so... What do you girls do outside of school? I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other a lot while we're stranded here." he asked. "Better to get to know you all."
"Well, I'm the totally awesome leader of a band, the Rainbooms. We play gigs every now and then." Rainbow bragged. "I got sports to play every few nights. And--"
Applejack pinched her temple, "Ah think they get it. And it's our band." she corrected. She decided to continue, "Honestly, I work at a farm if ah'm not in school or bein' here with the girls."
"I am an up and coming fashion designer, if you must know." Rarity revealed.
"Um... I work in a nearby animal shelter." Fluttershy muttered out.
"I host parties and sometimes work here!" Pinkie cheered.
Twilight stammered, "Uh, hm. Besides being here, I'm new to the whole friendship thing and I like to study the magic phenomenon in our world now,"
"Same." Sunset added. "But I value my friends, after what I did, I never thought I could ever be forgiven."
Star-Lord smiled, "Sweet." he pulled out his cassette player, "Say, can we join your band at any point? Or maybe we can start a rival band of our own, like I dunno Creatures of the Cosmos."
"Can any of ya even play an instrument?" Applejack asked curiously.
Quill gestured to the green-skinned man, "My pal, Drax here, was once called the Draxiphonist. Played a mean saxophone from what I heard."
The destroyer glanced at Quill in confusion, "No, I do not."
"We are not like Footloose at all." Gamora added, "We do not play instruments. In fact, we do not instruments like those on your worlds."
"Oh," Sunset blurted out. Her eyes wandered about, seeing a small pile of mugs form, "Um, Rocket?"
The Guardians looked down, seeing Rocket holding what looked to be one cup of coffee too many, "Oh man! The energy! I can feel it in me!"
Star-Lord held his furry pal down, "Rocket! Calm down, dude! I think you had too much coffee!"
"Woah. This is something I'd never thought I'd see." Rainbow chuckled.
"I am Groot!" yelled Groot, trying to calm his friend.
Rocket bounced in his seat, "I need... My bag."
"When we get back, alright pal?" Quill suggested. "All this energy, it's making you insanse! Never should have given you coffee." he muttered to himself, "Just ease up, pal."
"Ease up? How can I ease up without all my awesome toys? I miss tinkering with those things!" Rocket yelled.
Fluttershy's eyes widened, "Is he okay?"
"Never give a racoon coffee." Gamora said quietly, lowering her own mug. A chuckle escaped her, "Lesson learned."
"I just need my trust bag, Quill. Once I find Ronan, I will end him without the stone with it!" the raccoon boasted, standing and jumping up on the leather chair. Peeople began to look at them now, with them accidentally starting a scene.
"Hey, I ain't an ordinary--" before Rocket could finish his rant, he collapsed right on his chair, falling asleep, his snores loud enough for all to hear.
Star-Lord laughed sheepishly and lifted the unconscious Rocket over his shoulder and Groot on his free hand, him and his team walking out with some dignity left, "Aaand I think that's our cue to leave. We'll, uh, see you girls tomorrow."
"Wait! Where are you going to sleep?" Sunset asked.
The team froze and turned around with Peter saying, "Right. How are we going to do this?"
"I will not take to sleeping on a floor of bodies again." Drax decided.
Gamora rolled her eyes, "I don't think that will be a problem."
"I'm not sure where there's space." Twilight hummed.
Star-Lord and the Guardians sat back down, "Guess we're here for a bit longer."
Funny how Rocket was on a coffee craze.
Rocket plus coffee equals
As for where they'd camp out, wouldn't it make sense for them to stick close to the Milano? Bare minimum, it's going to have some form of crew quarters in there. If not, well, finding room for Groot will be really easy.
As the title of this chapter suggests, boy you weren't kidding.
Too much caffeine for a small body equals a very funny moment!!! Very funny chapter you have here, and can't wait to see whats next!!!
8123027 Thanks. The reason the Milano isn't an option is because in the rewrite they warped to Canterlot High as a result of the Infinity Stone. They're not sure if the ship is even with them.
8123930 Slowly but surely, I'm introducing the Guardians to modern Earth stuff. I may have another goofy chapter like this for Drax soon. Glad to see you all liked it!
8128601 Oh! Okay, that works.
8128601 Are you going to add EGO to and stuff from the 2nd movie?
8143565 I do want to do a sequel related to the second movie.
8145597 Awesome, hope to see the next chapter soon.
...Why do you lie to yourself, Drax?
what gonna happen next chapter?
The foreshadowing is to real.
Mantis: "That crabby puppy is so cute I want to die!"
Where's the next chapter?
Thor reference.
There is seven of them: Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack.