Star-Lord sighed, awaiting Gamora and Drax to return. "Okay, they're taking too long." he heard Rocket say, raising his arms and yelling, his gruff voice echoing. "I might just head in there myself if they don't hurry up."
"Hold on, Rocket." Quill eased his comrade, "This is a school. They probably won't let raccoons or any animals in."
Rocket pointed an accusing finger at the human, "You callin' me a furball, Quill?"
Raising his hands defensively, Peter replied, "Of course not. But you're not a humanoid looking alien like Drax and Gamora. With them, we can just say they were on their way to a costume party or something and they're really into the contest. I kinda wish I had a bag or something to hide you and Groot in."
"Doesn't answer my question. Why can't I just waltz in there?" the furry creature asked again.
"Schools are weird like that. We'd definitely get some eyebrow raises and the last thing we need right now is to draw attention. Especially since we have no idea why we're here or how to get back." Star-Lord answered his friend.
"I am Groot." the little tree alien spoke.
Rocket nodded, "Yeah. Why is this such a big deal? We've wandered on different planets before with no problem, why is this so freaking different?" he wondered.
Quill shrugged, "Earth's not usually known for having extraterristrial visits. The last thing I want is for the government to take us in like in those movies I watched. Like I said, I don't know what's happening and we can get answers here as to where I'm at. I've never seen or heard of a town this bright and colorful." he rubbed his head, "Now why didn't I live here as a child?"
"Maybe because you were a child?" Rocket suggested.
The three Guardians looked down and heard something, seeing two green figures step out. "Oh, hey." Peter muttered. The outlaw pressed a button on his shoe, activating his jet thrusters. He carried Rocket, and in turn Groot as they slowly descended onto the concrete floor safely. He greeted the two assassins as he said, "So, what's the deal?"
"Go inside." Gamora ordered.
Star-Lord blinked, "What?"
Drax said, "I thought she was speaking clear. I can say it louder. Go inside!" he yelled it into Quill's ear, leaving a lingering ringing sound for him.
"I got it the first time, Drax. I just can't believe we're just allowed to wander in a school. What will the students say?"
Gamora responded, "They're all in class. So hopefully they won't be able to acknowledge us."
"Being in a room for such a long period of time with random strangers may not sound like a comfortable experience though." added Drax.
Star-Lord grinned, "Amd that's why I hate school. It's like prison."
Drax blinked, "But we did not learn in prison."
"I am Groot."
Rocket frowned, "Eh. It did bring us together. You're right on that, pal. But that's it."
Star-Lord put away his weapon and fixed his jacket so that it was hidden, "How about we head inside and get this over with? I probabky missed a lot since I was abducted."
A light shudder was heard from Quill upon walking through the hallways. "I never thought I would see any of this again in my lifetime. Then again I could use a good history lesson on what happened the past... uh, twenty-five years? To be honest I still can't tell space time anymore than when I was a kid."
"Put a sock in it, Quill. It's a school, we know you hate it, get over it." Rocket grumbled.
Star-Lord huffed, "Well, sorry. It's like my inner eight year old is trying to tell me it's a bad idea. Huh, now that we're in here, this looks more like a High School than grade-school. There are lockers and a bunch of classrooms like in those shows and movies." he commented.
"How could a school be high? Did you go to a low school?" Drax asked. "Is there a middle school as well?"
"Heh. Wasn't even in middle school. Got all my education from Yondu and space travel. So much better than class."
Groot looked up, "I am Groot."
"Yeah. Where the frag are we supposed to go anyway? There's so many goddamn doors!" Rocket yelled, translating his pal's question to get an answer.
Gamora answered, "The principal's office. They said they wished to speak with us considering our... origins. This isn't the first paranormal experience they've faced."
"Principal's office?" groaned Quill, "We've only been here for an hour and now we already have detention? That's one way to get answers."
Gamora ignored Peter's quip and opened the door to the principal's office, where she and Drax walked in first, followed by Rocket, Peter and Groot within the furry creature's hands. "You seem awfuly unfazed by this, sister." Luna whispered to Celestia, who shook her head upon seeing the ragtag team.
"After Princess Twilight, the Sirens, the Friendship Games, and our little camping trip. Magic and otherworldly beings have made me a little cynical." Celestia chuckled lightly.
"Uh, what?" Quill blurted out, overhearing the principal's comment.
Luna folded her arms, "I must say, when you mentioned friends, I did not expect this. You have brought a raccoon and a tree with a face in?"
"Who you callin' a raccoon, lady?" Rocket snarled, he sighed, "One day I better find out what a raccoon is and it better be good."
Celestia smiled, "You seem like quite the team."
Star-Lord laughed, "Yep. Honestly, this is less awkward than what I thought. So what do you want to talk about?' he thought, 'Alright, why is it that everyone I've seen so far has neon-colored skin? And eveything looks so... two-dimensional. I think I am in a cartoon.'
"Your presence. Do not worry, you're not in trouble." Celestia assured, glancing at her sister, "You see... We've had experience with... otherworldly beings and artifacts. It has caused quite an uproar at school. We've been keeping it isolate here for the protection of others."
'Magic. I did not believe such a thing to be real." Drax added.
Luna raised a brow, "How? Were you not from outer space?"
"Science." Rocket answered simply, "But the way we appeared could be magic."
Luna nodded, "And do tell... How have you shown up here?"
"Well... It's kind of a long story." Quill said.
The principal folded her hands, "We have time. Do go on."
Star-Lord inhaled, "Basically, we were about to stop a mad tyrant named Ronan the Accuser, who planned to use something called an Infinity Stone, it was called the Power Stone, to destroy the world or something. We ended his attack on Xandar with the Nova Corp by our side. I got a hold of the Power Stone and then as we were about to destroy him, we warped and then woke up here for no rhyme or reason. And that's just the abridged version."
The principal and vice-principal looked at one another in confusion, "Quite a story. Has anyone else come with you, is this Ronan still around?"
"Eh... We're not sure," Peter admitted nervously, "The reason we stopped here was to see where the heck we're at exactly. See, this is the first time I've been on Earth since I was a child. What city are we in?"
"Canterlot City." Celestia answered bluntly, "This is Canterlot High."
"Canterlot City...?" Quill repeated, "Never heard of it."
"Must be a new place then." Gamora commented.
Star-Lord nodded, "I'll figure that part out later." he shrugged off, "Now, what's this about magic or some junk again?"
Rocket put a hand to his head, "Oh now we're dealin' with this? We have enough to worry about."
"I actually have a group of students well-versed in this. Perhaps, I should bring them here." Celestia decided. She clicked a pen and wrote on a piece of paper, "They all have lunch period together, they can come then. Best not to interrupt class."
Leaning back on his chair, Star-Lord shrugged, "Eh. We can wait."
The sound of the bell ringing, made the five jump in surprise, with Peter leaning too far back on the chair and falling as a result, a book somehow planting itself on his face. "...Why?" he asked, his voice muffled.
"I am Groot."
"D-Did that tree just talk?" Luna asked.
Rocket and Drax snickered at the sight of their clumsy friend, "Oh, come on..." the outlaw muttered.
Standing up, Quill rubbed his sore head. Celestia chuckled, "It seems to be their lunch period now. I'll get them now. Be glad they didn't witness that."
Well their meeting with the two school heads went well. Now to see how the Rainbooms deal with them. Aside from Fluttershy obviously wanting to cuddle with Groot would Spike want to chase Rocket because of his animal instincts?
8108449 Especially for a man whose never experienced the high school life.
Hate to break it to ya, Quill. But you're going to have a bad time.
Best line out of the whole damn chapter. Because Groot.
I'd be shocked if Rainbow Dash isn't immediately awed by Gamora.
Oh, boy! I wonder how things will go next?! Great chapter! Cant wait for the movie and the next chapter!

8108979 Isn't that all he says but the only reason Peter being able to know because of the tone in Groot's voice?
8108472 Mature?! Starlord? You must be thinking of the wrong guy.
8110471 Why, so you did. My apologies.
8108442 I'll address Spike for maybe a quick joke with Rocket. But considering how outlandish the Guardians act, hilarity will ensue.
8110323 Quill can be mature about many things. But considering he left Earth when he was about eight, I imagine him still having a sour taste about school considering his youthful personality. Heck, there are probably other things from his planet he disliked as a kid that still lingers. But I'm ending that gag soon.
8108498 More like a warning for the Rainbooms.
8108979 As a fair warning, Groot may have the best lines in this entire story.
8109380 Vol. 2 hype!
8110188 I know it's not canon to the movies, but I recall a few instances in the cartoon where the others understand Groot (unless I'm misremembering).
Uh. Drax has gray skin. It's the comic book version that has green skin.