Star-Lord fell to the ash covered ground, him and his team having escaped the crashed ship. Quill grunted, doing his best to muster as much energy as possible in order to continue the fight. He pushed himself up with his fists and stood up.
He saw his allies. His friends. All of them worn down. All of them looking beaten. He saw Drax, Gamora. Rocket... Groot. He saw the furry creature kneel down, grabbing all the branches and remains of his best friend, the tree alien having used his entire body as a literal shield to protect them from the fall.
Star-Lord saw Rocket in near tears, scavenging what was left of his friend and placing them in a neat pot. Even he felt pity for the alien, remembering his innocent and kindhearted nature. And his last words echoed in his head.
"We are Groot."
Drax put a sympathetic hand on the furry creature's shoulder, showing that he too felt saddened by their loss. Gamora closed her eyes and chose not to say anything.
But now was not the time to dwell on that as much as Quill hated to admit it. Their battle wasn't over yet. The Nova Corps had to round up the citizens for an escape, and very few battleships remained in the sky of Xandar, whether it be ally or enemy. For standing before them and still as powerful as ever was their enemy.
Ronan the Accuser.
Ronan had a purple glow covering him. No thanks to the Power Stone he wielded in his hammer. He raised it over his head, the remaining civilians watching in awe and terror. "Your salvation is at hand!" Ronan boasted for all to hear.
Peter knew he had to act. But there was little to no options left. He wasn't cut out for this hero business, and he admitted it. Lightly dusting himself off he faced the Accuser with a terrible distraction. One that would no doubt cause him to stop.
As Ronan ranted, Star-Lord began to sing, "Ooh child... Things are gonna get easier..." he danced while singing, flailing his arms about and wagging a finger in Ronan's direction. This surprisingly made Ronan stop his ranting and lower his hammer. "Ooh child, things will get brighter..." continued the Legendary Outlaw.
"Listen to these words." Quill halted for a moment, "Ooh child... Things are gonna get easier..." even the other heroes were confused by this sudden act. "Ooh child, things will get brighter..." he shuffled in his movement as he yelled.
"Now bring it down! Hard!" Star-Lord continued to shuffle. "Sunny day..."
Ronan gave the outlaw a confused look, "What are you doing?"
Star-Lord smiled, "Dance off, bro! Me and you!" he kicked a leg up and waved an arm. He twisted his body and pointed to Gamora, who remained still.
After a moment of silence, Quill moved his hand, "Subtle. Take it back." he moved his arms around once more.
Ronan spoke again, yelling this time as loud as he could, "What. Are you. Doing?!"
"I'm distracting you, ya big turd blossom!" Star-Lord revealed.
Turning around, Ronan the Accuser saw Drax and Rocket, both of them armed and pointing a gun at him. They pulled the trigger as fast as they could. But they weren't aiming for him like they anticipated. No, they were aiming for something else.
The stone on his hammer.
The beam hit the stone and hammer, shattering it as the purple glow on it remained in midair. Star-Lord leaped and dived forward, an arm out so he could catch the gem before Ronan. He knew the risk he was taking, evident by Gamora's scream. The energy of the Infinity Stone could potentially kill him.
Star-Lord caught them stone, his body hitting the floor. And his hand glowing bright purple as he grasped the artifact. Sparks began to flymout of his hand as he screamed in pain, trembling on his side, holding his glowing hand.
He stood up, seeing purple energy overtake the area. But luckily, he wasn't alone. He had the others. Drax, Rocket, and Gamora all did their best to stay alive in this surge. Quill's face began to distort and bleed profusely. Ronan could only watch what was happening, unable to react to this.
"Peter!" Gamora yelled, seeing her new friend trying to fight off the pain of the Infinity Stone. His face began to distort into a purple aura as he turned his head. "Take my hand!"
But Peter didn't see Gamora. No... He saw his mother. Her very last words to him back when he was a child. "Mom..." he whispered, feeling as though he was beyond the universe. Gamora's voice echoed again and snapped him back to reality. The distorted purple energy vortex that he was in.
He took Gamora's hand, and by doing this, shared the energy output of the stone, prompting her to scream in pain. Ronan continued to watch as Drax held his other hand while Rocket held onto the Destroyer's finger, his other hand holding the pot with Groot's remains. All of them sharing the power of the stone. By doing this, the pain subsided, the gem able to contain its power within each of them.
"You're mortal? How?" Ronan asked.
Star-Lord growled, "You said it yourself, bitch! We're the Guardians of the Galaxy!"
"No!" shouted the Kree Accuser, leaning forward. But when he did this, Quill opened his palm, exerting more energy of the gem. But something strange happened.
When he did this, the energy vortex got bigger. Gamora yelled, "What is happening, Quill!?"
"A-Ah, I'm not sure! Where's the off button?" Peter wondered, feeling the energy of the Infinity Stone grow more powerful. Their screams were heard as the energy overtook them by surprise.
Then, a flash of purple. A lot vanished. From the Guardians themselves, to Yondu and the Ravagers, even Ronan, Nebula and what was left of their army as well as the ships. Nova Prime looked at the scene in distraught. She feared that the worst has happened to them. But it wasn't the end for the so-called Guardians of the Galaxy.
What she didn't know was that another adventure was about to begin for them.
Sunset Shimmer closed the journal, the cover being that of a cartoony looking sun. With a sigh, she looked back, seeing her friends. "Well, girls. I guess we gotta wrap this marathon up. We gotta get some rest for school."
Rainbow Dash grunted, "Aw man, I can't believe the weekend's over already."
Twilight Sparkle adjusted her glasses, "I don't know why you're upset Rainbow. We have a test in Geometry that I'm looking forward to taking." she wondered.
"Uh... I think yer the only one lookin' forward to takin' it, Twi." Applejack corrected with a light chuckle.
"Oh, hush, Applejack. If Twilight's looking forward to it, why shouldmwe interfere?" Rarity asked.
"I-I just want to pass..." Fluttershy whispered.
Sunset smiled, "It's gonna be easy. I've been studying for the past week or so."
"Easy for you, maybe." muttered Rainbow with a huff. She turned her head, "What do you think, Pinkie?" surprisingly, the cyan-skinned girl got no response from the usually hyperactive girl looking out the window, "Pinkie?"
Pinkie jumped in her spot, "Whoops! Sorry, Rainbow! I got distracted by those shooting stars! They were all glowing different colors, but I didn't know they could do that so I wanted to watch to see what would happen!" she said.
"...Right." Rainbow replied.
Sunset folded her arms, "Well, you made a wish?" at Pinkie's nod, she continued, "Hopefully it comes true then." she yawned, "Huh. Guess I'm more tired than I thought."
Applejack stood up and prompted her friends to do the same, "Than I guess we'd best let ya rest. See ya in the mornin', Sunset." she and the others waved off, opening and closing the door.
"God damn it..."
Star-Lord awakened, holding his sore head as he lied face first on what felt like hardened concrete. Scratch that. Every part of his body felt sore. Wishing that it was a hangover, he sat up, the whole world spinning around him.
"Quill...?" muttered a female voice that Peter recognized.
"G-Gamora..." blurted out Star-Lord, shaking the cobwebs out of his head as fast as he could.
"Y-Ya got some explainin' to do, Quill." the human recognized that gruff voice. "I feel like I drank back on Knowhere."
"Sorry, Rocket." apologized Star-Lord, staggering up to his feet as slowly as he could. "I have no freaking idea."
The outlaw shielded the sun from his eyes. "This is quite a strange location." he heard Drax say. The destroyer folded his arms, "This better be a good spot to continue my revenge."
"Maybe, Drax... Maybe." Star-Lord whispered.
"I am Groot." said a light voice.
That prompted Quill to stop what he was doing to acknowledge it. "A-Am I going crazy, or did I just hear 'I am Groot' being muttered in a very high-pitched voice?"
Rocket looked down, seeing a twig grow in the dirt of the pot he kept. He saw a face and it move its branches like arms. A smile on its face, "I am Groot!"
The furry creature couldn't contain his joy and held up the pot, "Groot, buddy! Don't ever do that to me again!"
"I can't believe it. Groot's alive!" Quill cheered.
Even Drax grinned, "Truly an event to celebrate. But there's something more important to be concerned about."
"Drax is right. What happened back there? And this doesn't look like Xandar." Gamora added. "That Infinity Stone is more unstable than I took it for."
Speaking of, Peter tried to reach for it. But he couldn't find it anywhere. Only the orb in which it was contained in when he found it. "Ah, crap. It vanished."
"What do you mean it vanished?" Rocket growled.
Holding his head, Star-Lord relied, "It vanished. It's gone. Not in my possession! I don't know how else to explain it in English or whatever it is you speak without the translator."
"Of course, can't be easy for us can it?" Rocket grumbled.
"I am Groot." Groot chimed in.
"How was I supposed to know this would happen?!" Rocket asked.
While the two bickered, Star-Lord looked beyond the horizon. "Huh. It kinda looks like Earth. If Earth looked like the set of a kid-friendly Saturday morning cartoon."
"What is a cartoon?" Drax asked.
"I'll tell you when the time comes." Quill replied. "So, there's a statue, well, what's left of it. Makes me wonder what planet this is."
"Certainly not one I've been to." Gamora added.
"Oh, there are people walking into this building. Quite a number too. I wonder why--"
Star-Lord was about to finish talking, but the sound of a loud ringing made him pause and the other Guardians to hold their aching ears. Once the ringing faded, Rocket yelled. "What the hell was that annoying sound? Got a clue?"
"I am Groot?"
"No, it wasn't a siren. This time." the raccoon answered.
Gamora turned to face Quill, who was frozen stiff. "Do you have an idea, Peter?" when he didn't respond, she spoke again. "Quill?" again no answer or anything.
Drax waved a hand in front of the human's face, "I think we broke him. Quite an accomplishment."
When he saw the outside was empty, Star-Lord got to his knees, closed his eyes, balled his hands into fists and screamed all of his rage to the heavens.
this is gotta be one hell of a story
So, while the ponys deal with the Legends, the girls get the Guardians. Makes sense actually
Didn't James Gunn say the timeline between Vol. 1 and 2 is like two months?
Either way, still interested into seeing how this goes.
Guessing Star-Lord had nightmares.
Just hope th next chapter doesn't take too long to upload.
What about the Equestria Girls movies?
Show time A-holes
His reaction to it being a school is hilarious
A talking tree, a mutated rodent, 2 thieves, and a vengeful body of muscle, combined with EG....ITS PERFECT!!!!!!!!
8011157 Not a bizzare adventure, but it'll hafta do.
Okay I'm interested in this story!
So which movies set place in this story?
8011157 Hey, Rocket isn't mutated and he's not a rodent!
He's clearly been cybernetically augmented. Also, raccoons are more closely related to dogs than they are rodents.
Well, there's a few bits of formatting that come across as a little weird, but this is off to an excellent start. Here's hoping Peter crosses paths with Vinyl Scratch at some point.
8053253Hey, im just trying to sound like Star Lord from the Movie!
*imitating TFS Vegeta voice* F**k em'.