• Published 9th Mar 2017
  • 4,499 Views, 101 Comments

The Guardians of... High School!? - MetalJrock

The Guardians of the Galaxy make an accidental detour to another world filled with magic. Which for some reason is at a high school.

  • ...

First Day

"Okay, Quill. That's enough." Gamora scolded, getting annoyed by Peter's lengthy scream of rage into the heavens. She patted the man on the shoulder, gesturing for him to stand up. Once Peter was done screaming, he inhaled, out of breath from his moment of being dramatic.

A grunt escaped Quill's lips as he got to his feet from his knees, placing his hands on his hips. "Ugh. Sorry about that." he apologized, dusting his pants off.

Rocket twitched, "What the hell kinda reaction was that?"

Placing a hand on his head, Quill decided to explain himself, "Alright... I-It's just... School sucks. Okay?"

"School? That's what this is about?" Gamora questioned.

Quill held his head. "You guys don't understand. Back on Earth, it was the most boring eight hours of a child's life. You just sit there and learn things you don't need to remember! It was torture on a scale that would even surprise Ronan!"

Drax raised a brow, "Did you not leave Earth when you were a child? It seems pathetic to whine over something you never had to deal with again."

Star-Lord sighed, "A part of me is grateful that Yondu took me in. Because I got to learn cool crap, like how to fly a spaceship! No more third-grade math for me."

"You were eight freakin' years old, Quill!" Rocket grunted, "Get over school. Plus, we don't even have to go in that building. We're just here because reasons. Wait. Why are we even here in the first place? It's a school!"

"I am Groot."

"Well, no crap that stupid rock sent us here." Rocket replied to his tree friend. "It's just a matter of figurin' out what to do now that we are here!" he said.

Gamora crossed her arms, "We're not going to get answers just standing here. Perhaps it'd be wise if we entered. At least then we can get some answers."

Drax raised a hand, "I volunteer to enter first. I wish to learn more about this school, whatever it is supposed to be anyway."

Quill put his hands behind his head, "Yeah. You do that. I promised myself to never step foot in a school ever again. Plus, no offense to Rocket or Groot, but we don't even know if he or Groot can get inside in the first place. I only saw humans. At least, rainbow colored humans. And I think one of them literally had rainbow hair, but don't quote me on that yet."

"I will now." Drax quipped.

Star-Lord crossed his arms, "Alright. If you want the best information, go to the principal's office or something. Just don't get into any trouble with the students. Kids can be cruel and well, the last thing I need to hear is that a bunch of teenagers pissed you off or vice versa."

Gamora and Drax hopped off the roof of the building onto the concrete, landing perfectly on their feet. The two assassins looked at the building, surprised by its bright architecture and the horse statue, or what was left of it standing across from the doors. The Guardians stepped inside hoping to gain more information.

On the roof, Quill sat down on the edge of the building and put his hands on his lap. "Ah. It kinda looks like home. Except more colorful." he said, looking over the distance. "Okay. I do not remember Earth looking this bright and happy."

"Are ya really that much of a baby, Quill?" Rocket asked, taking a seat next to his ally. "To the point where you would flat out refuse to step into a building? It's a school! You don't even have to enroll in it!"

Star-Lord rolled his eyes, "It's the principle of the thing, Rocket. Plus, if Gamora and Drax really need help in there, I'm not gonna leave them hangin'. But like you said, it's a school. Not a whole lot can happen in there."

"I am Groot." said Groot from his pot.

The Legendary Outlaw pointed a finger at the living tree, "Exactly. Once we figure out what happened, then we can worry about finding a way home with the gem."

"You are aware he asked you a different question, right?" Rocket asked.


"Did anyone hear that strange noise earlier?" asked Rainbow Dash at her locker. She and her friends had a few minutes before class began and she waited with the rest of the group.

"Yeah... It was weird." Sunset commented.

"It sounded like someone screaming into the heavens over seeing a school." Pinkie added with a smile, reaching into her locker to grab the books needed for next class.

Twilight struggled to lift a stack of her own textbooks and notebooks, deciding to bring each and every single class around with her. "I-I'm not sure about that, Pinkie. I was theorizing that it was most likely the wind or a car."

"You need help there, Twi?" Rainbow asked sincerely.

Twilight exhaled, "Don't worry about me. I-I can handle this!"

It was at that moment, something nudged the bookworm, causing her to stagger and drop her books. Rainbow, Sunset and Fluttershy offered to help her friend. But they were surprised by a newcomer holding a textbook in his green palm. "My apologies." said the green-skinned stranger said before walking away with a green woman.

"Who... was that?" Sunset asked. The two strangers turned the corner and were out of the seven's sight.

"Ah don't think they should be in school." Applejack mumbled, putting her hands to her hips. "They darn look like aged cider."

Rarity put a finger to her chin, "At the very least he was kind enough to apologize to our dear Twilight."

"Yeah... But it makes you wonder why they're in here to begin with." Rainbow muttered. "Applejack was right. They did not look high school material. In fact, the guy looked like he could be our next gym teacher or something."

At the other side of the hall, Gamora nudged an elbow to Drax, "We've been in here for less than five minutes and you already almost made a mess of things."

"I did not make a mess. I helped clean it up." Drax responded, "But enough of that. We should find whoever the leader of this building at." he said.

Drax turned his head and saw a door, "Perhaps they wish to hide from us." he cracked his knuckles. "I will get the answers I need." he raised his foot to kick the door down, but Gamora stretched an arm out, halting her friend before anything else could be done. "Why have you stopped me?"

"Because I don't think they're hiding. It looks like all we have to do is enter the room." Gamora explained. "Quill said that there was a principal and that they'd tell us what we need to know."

"Fine. I will not break it." Drax sighed, turning the knob and pushing on the wooden door, opening it at last. He saw a white-skinned woman and blue-skinned woman sitting in a chair across from their desks. "Excuse me." said the Destroyer, placing his fists on the table as hard as he could without breaking it.

Principal Celestia gave Drax a half-lidded stare, "Let me guess, you wish to enroll here? I apologize, but you do not look to be of high-school age. I would need to see identification."

Gamora leaned on the wall, "Do not be ridiculous. We wish to learn of this world."

"Actually, I was hoping to enroll. The idea of school fascinates me." Drax added.

Shaking her head, Gamora continued, "Anyway, as you can tell, we do not belong here. We just wish to know where we're at and we'll be out of your way."

Vice-Principal Luna shook her head, "More outsiders from another world? Are you from a land called Equestria? We had a student from there."

"Do not be ridiculous. We come from outer space." the Destroyer corrected in a stoic tone. "I am Drax the Destroyer."

Celestia and Luna gave each other a confused glance, "...Right. What do you wish to know?" the former asked.