• Published 19th Sep 2016
  • 2,231 Views, 113 Comments

The God Squad: Equestria's Mightiest Immortals - defender2222

Season 3 of The God Squad finds our 'heroes' working to save the world from threats too crazy for the Mane 6 to battle. Join Celestia, Luna, Discord, Cadence, Shining, Chryalis, Sunset, and Tydal on their epic adventure!

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10 Pounds of Failure In A 5 Pound Bag

In a small but rather nice office in a municipal block there was a rather kind and well dressed white wolf who sat back in his comfortable red chair and looked at the mare laying on the couch before him. “So Sunset-“

“Starlight,” the pinkish mare said.

“Same thing.”

“No…” she said, looking up from the couch she was lying on, “it really isn’t.”

“Yes… it really is,” the wolf muttered under his breath before looking back at his notes. “Now then, we were discussing your abandonment issues last week, were we not?”

Starlight sighed, leaning back against the therapy couch, eyes shut as her psychologist settled himself in his chair. “Yeah… is it wrong that it still hurts? It feels like I should have let go of that pain and disappointment but… I just can’t.”

“It is completely natural Sunset-“


“Whatever. It is completely natural to feel that way. When one goes through a traumatic event,” under his breath he whispered, “though ‘my friend moved away’ isn’t quite the same as ‘I nearly died’ or ‘I drank from a glass Bill Cosby gave me’,” a bit louder he continued, “it is natural to have lingering feelings of pain. Now tell me, how do you deal with those feelings? I assume you took my advice from our last session and found a hobby?”

“Oh yes,” Starlight said, feeling rather pleased with herself. She did love pleasing those in authority (which might explain why she’d hit on her old math teacher… but that could be dealt with another day) and was happy that she could report back positively to her therapist. “I have found an outlet for my emotions.”

“Wonderful, Starlight!”

“Sunset… I mean… nevermind.”

Smiling at his little victory, the therapist got back to the point. “Now tell me… what hobby have you taken up? Sculpting? Painting? Wearing a leather jacket and going to a high school?”

Starlight beamed. “I’ve become Equestria’s version of Stalin!”

“…what?” the therapist said.

“I… I’ve become Stalin,” Starlight said again.

“I’m sorry, did you say Stalin?”

“Yes,” Starlight said. “Well… not totally.”

“Oh, that’s good,” the therapist said dryly.

“There is a lot of Hitler thrown in there too,” Starlight said with a grin.

“…how is that even a hobby?”

“When you do it the way I do it is an AMAZING hobby,” Starlight said proudly. She looked up at the clock and gasped. “Oh! We’ve run over! I’ll be late for the daily purging! Thank you, doctor!”

“I… wait…oh.” The therapist watched Starlight run off and sighed. “I am so losing my license for this.”

The God Squad: Equestria’s Mightiest Immortals
Episode 5: Ten Pounds of Failure in a 5 Pound Bag

“Any luck finding Tydal?” Cadence asked, skipping into the Tardis’ main control room. Derpy and Dinky had set up a table full of sandwiches and punch for the teams as they slowly filed back in from their day of searching. Twilight was looking through books while Fluttershy was helping tend to Pinkie and Luna’s burn marks (not because of being burned at the stake… Pinkie had fired a party cannon off near a torch after Shining had mentioned ‘the party slowly getting back together’, she’d thought he meant party as in celebration, the torch lit the confetti on fire and… well… time makes fools of us all). The Doctor and Mary Sue were discussing the stability of the timestream while glancing at the monitors wondering where the rest of the team was.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes and gestured towards her plate. “Yes. We found him. But he’s now this sandwich.”

Cadence tilted her head before grinning, hurrying over to where the changeling was reclining. “Oh Tydal, you’re back! And your lettuce looks very nice-“

“That was sarcasm, sweetie,” Shining said with a shake of his head.

Chrysalis sighed. “You’re about as bright as my son Thorax.” She held up a hoof when Cadence beamed. “That wasn’t a compliment.”

“You have a son?” Derpy asked.

“Not that he’ll admit it,” the changeling grumbled. “He’s in his rebelous whiny emo phase.”

Applejack frowned, leaning in towards Twilight and gesturing towards Cadence. “She didn’t seem this… ditzy… when I last saw her.”

“Her PTSD makes her sanity come and go,” Twilight stated with a shrug before considering what she’d just said. “Hmmm… and considering what we all go through nearly every week that would explain why we seem to forever make personal growth only to slide back into our default personas.”

Applejack frowned, walking over to the sandwich table to grab a dandelion sub. “Well, I don’t know about all that, sugarcube…”

“So how did your search go?” Luna asked Chryaslis and Fluttershy.

“Not well,” Fluttershy admitted. “Tydal wasn’t anywhere near Starswirl’s tower. Oh! But Chrysalis helped me be more assertive! I learned how to properly do it and this time I’m sure it will stick.” Fluttershy reached over to grab a muffin but Derpy shook her head.

“That is mine. I called dibs on all muffins… that ever will exist.”

“Oh… okay,” Fluttershy said meekly as Chrysalis face-hooved.

“…I retract my statement,” Applejack said, Twilight merely smirking while the changeling convinced Derpy to just let Fluttershy have the flippin’ muffin.

“How did your search go, Applejack?” Cadence asked, sitting down next to Shining and nuzzling him. “Shiny doesn’t want to talk about it but I don’t see why not.”

“Because it’s embarrassing,” he grumbled.

The pink alicorn giggled. “Oh, you always say that! ‘Cadence, I can’t sing in public, I’ll feel silly!’ ‘Cadence, that hat looks nice but I don’t think I can wear it to the party!’ ‘Cadence, this is a hoofball game, we can’t have sex in the middle of the field!’.” She tapped his nose with her hoof. “And by the end you always admit it was wonderful and then we wash all the sticky juices off your coat!”

“I do the same thing but with cake!” Pinkie declared with a grin.

“We know and we’ve asked you not to,” Applejack said dryly, remembering the last time Pinkie had ruined a hoofball game by humping a dessert. The farmer sighed before turning to Cadence. “We didn’t find Tydal, if that’s what you’re askin’-“

“NOOOO!!!!” Mary Sue gasped in mock shock, looking around the decidedly Tydal-less room.

“As for how it went it was… awkward.”

~8 hours earlier…~

“Well, this is where the Keep normally is, but their ain’t no sign of it or Tydal,” Applejack said looking up and down the shoreline of the Maratine.

“Well, it is down there,” Shining said, his horn glowing as he did one final tracking spell, “but all the capricorns are still in their stone sleep.”

Applejack’s brow furrowed. “See, that’s somethin’ I always wondered… Dusty Piles found Tydal’s stone form but none of the rest of the capricorns… didn’t the Princesses put him back with the rest of his people?”

“I think they said they put him nearby but within sight of them.” Applejack glanced at Shining as he finally ended the spell and he shot her a dry look. “How would you feel waking up to find your family’s petrified forms all around you?”

The farmpony shuddered as she thought about how waking up to THAT would be. “Yeah, point taken.”

“If I remember the interviews with Mr. Piles he found Tydal’s statue washed up on shore…” the white unicorn tapped his chin in thought. “Huh… maybe the sea sensed it was time for Tydal to finally wake up and pushed him so that some pony could find him.”

~Shortly Before The Events of A Crossover Fic Not A Lot Of People Read…~

/Slippy baby, what do you have planned for tonight?/ the female octopus asked, a thick piece of cloth tied around her eyes. She was lying on a bed of kelp, all 8 of her arms restrained as she giggled in anticipation.

/Well,/ Slippy said, swimming over to her, /I thought tonight we could try using some… toys. I found a brand new one you’ll love!/ He reached under the bed of kelp and pulled out a large stone statue shaped like a capricorn.

~45 Minutes Later~

The sea churned and deep below, if one listened carefully, they would hear cries of passion seconds before Tydal’s stone form rocketed out of the ocean and slammed into the beach… dripping with fluids that weren’t merely sea water.

~Back with Applejack and Shining~

“Well, guess all we can do is head back and see where they want us to search next.” Applejack pulled off her hat and wiped her brow. “I tell ya, I look forward ta gettin’ back ta my time. I know Twi told me about evolution and I know I screamed at her and called her a witch and tried ta drown her for all that fancy talk… but now I see what she’s gittin’ at.” She looked up towards the ancestors of apples… which had fangs and were waving little spears at them.

Shining tilted his head. “Huh… that’s odd even for my life.” He shrugged that off and continued walking. “Still, we at least can cross the shoreline off the list. Anything that narrows down the search grid will help. And we did it fast… maybe faster than anyone else!”

“We do make a good team,” Applejack said.

“I wonder why you and I haven’t hung out more in the past. I mean, we’re both down to earth and tend to be the saner ones in our group…”

Applejack frowned. “Well, the last time the two of us were together you kept asking if I slept with my own cows.”

The white unicorn coughed weakly at that. “Oh… right… that. Cadence and I were going through a rough time and I was sleepy and blue-balled… made me say some stupid stuff.”


Shining nodded. “Right.”

The two trotted along in silence.

“…you’re wonderin’ if I do, aren’t ya?” Applejack said dryly.

“N-no,” Shining stammered.

~Back in the Tardis~

“…so in order to get out of that situation I pointed at a random mob and we joined up.”

Applejack nodded before noticing the looks Pinkie, Luna, and Cadence were giving her. “I haven’t ever slept with a cow.”

“Oh,” the three said, nodding in acceptance.

The Doctor walked up to the gathered group, shaking his head. “I wonder where the others are… they were supposed to be back and I’m having trouble picking them up on the screens.”

At that moment the door to the Tardis banged open and Celestia stumbled in, looking about with a sloppy grin on her face. “I’m-UUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPPP-here!” She spun around, nearly tripping on her own hooves, to reveal a passed out Rainbow Dash. “Had to carry the lightweight all the way from the barracks.”

Luna sighed. “You went out drinking?”

“Mmmhmmm,” Celestia said before giggling.

“And you forgot to invite me?” she complained.

Cadence looked at them and summoned the hat Discord had been using. “We need to draw for who pretends to be Tydal scolding them.” The ponies nodded and drew. “And… Pinkie is the winner.”

“Yay!” Pinkie said before wiggling her head, her mane turning into a pink replica of Tydal’s wavey style. Giving her rear a shake her tail became like his fantail and the use of a few ice cream cones gave her a sugary beard and a shark fin. “Grrrr! I am Tydal and I’m an OC! And you two girls shouldn’t be drinking before bedtime! Not before you had your dinner cigars! Grrrr!”

“Permission denied,” Shining said. When everyone stared at him in confusion he gestured at Pinkie. “She was doing so bad I needed some way to end it.”

Celestia stumbled over to the table and grabbed a sandwich, inhaling it before speaking. “No luck finding my Fishy Daddy.”

“That sounds really sexual,” Twilight complained.

Cadence nodded. “Yeah… too much even for me.”

Derpy though merely grinned and threw up her foreleg. “So that just leaves Sunset and Spike along with Rarity and Discord! I wonder where they are…”


Discord groaned, blinking his red rimmed eyes. “Wha…” In the pony form he’d taken to disguise himself (which Rarity kept eyeing up and cuddling against and one time accidently begun to lick while murmuring sexual acts that would make Cadence blush) he apparently had a lower tolerance for booze and was feeling the effects of the drinks he and Rarity had had at the party in Canterlot. “What… what is-“

“Just say ‘I Do’, darling,” Rarity purred.

“I do?” the spirit of chaos questioned.

“Mosel Tov! I now pronounce you stallion and mare!” the pony rabbi declared. It was only then that Discord realized that Rarity was wearing a fluffy white wedding dress. “You may kiss the-“

Rarity grabbed Discord’s cheeks and forced him into a kiss that made his tail curl.


Sunset looked about the Everfree Forest nervously, chewing on her bottom lip. While she knew that during the days of Celestia and Luna’s reign much of the Everfree had been quite safe (as it hadn’t become truly wild and untamed until the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters had been abandoned in favor of Canterlot Castle) there were still vast areas that were rather dangerous to be in. And from the map she had consulted before leaving with Spike… they were right now in one of the deadliest sections of the forest. Even compared to how the Everfree was in the present this section was far more dangerous with a body count that made her shudder. One could chalk that up to more ponies living in the Everfree in the past but still, it didn’t make her feel any better.

“My biggest problems used to be gossip and homework,” Sunset muttered to herself nervously. “Now I have to worry about savagely being torn to bits…”

“Would you calm down?” Spike said with a dismissive smile and wave of his clawed hand. “Everything is going to be just fine. Besides, we’re on the right path, I just know it.”

“How can you be so sure that this is where Tydal is?” Sunset demanded in a low voice, the chirping and hooting of the forest making her cringe. “This isn’t even on the list the Doctor or the Princesses made of where he might be!”

“Yeah but they were only thinking about the stereotypes when it comes to Tydal.” Spike shrugged in a cocky sort of manner. “And hey, I get it… Tydal is a murderous, blodthirsy, violent, anger-prone, murderous, short-tempered, hasty, wrathful, murderous, hateful-“

“You said murderous three times.”

“He’s that murderous,” Spike said simply.

“You do remember that I love him very much, right?” Sunset said dangerously. “And talking smack about him-“

“Okay, okay,” Spike said, turning and holding his claws out in a pacifying manner. “Listen… he is all those things, sure. He’s a War God and a fighter and all that. But everypony has forgotten a key aspect to him and that’s why we won’t ever find him going by the Princesses’ ideas.”

“And what is this key thing?” Sunset asked only for Spike to suddenly pick up the pace, hurrying off the trail they were on and diving into a bush. He stuck his hand out and motioned for her to join him and Sunset sighed, wondering how she’d gone to worrying about what leather jacket to wear (‘Hmmm… maybe I should add a leather jacket to my outfit…’) to running about the forest at night diving into bushes. “I swear Spike if this is some joke I will punch you so hard in the stomach you’ll void yourself.”

“If you want me to pee out caramel all you have to do is ask.”


“Don’t worry about it,” Spike said, waving off her concern. “Look over there.” Pushing the branches of the bush apart slightly Sunset peered through the foliage to see a rustic cottage sitting in a clearing. A few candles were flickering in the windows and she could make out the shadow of a mare moving about from room to room.

“Wait… I recognize this place.” Sunset swallowed. “This… this is the orphanage I grew up in before Celestia picked me to come to her school.” She leaned forward in surprise. “Its so much smaller than I remember.”

Spike nodded. “Yup. It serves Ponyville, Ponytown, and Ponyslum in our time. In the past though it only dealt with Ponytown; they didn’t expand it to the size you remember until 911 CE. This is the very first Everfree Orphanage.” Spike looked up at her and his smile dropped a little. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” sunset said, jaw working. “Just… I know a lot of orphans have bad memories of places like this but for me this was my first home. I was a foal when I was left here so I never knew any place other than it for a long time. I have… a lot of happy memories.” Gathering herself she turned to Spike. “Why are we here though? You said we’d missed something about Tydal… what does my old orphanage have to do with him?”

Spike looked up at the moon, considering its position. “Why did Tydal end up here in the past?”

“Tirek sent him here,” Sunset said automatically.

“No, Tirek was the how. Why did he end up here?”

“I don’t understand.”

Spike though shifted gears. “What do you know of the history of this place?” When Sunset didn’t answer he sighed. “Didn’t you ever think it odd that they had an orphanage just inside the Everfree? Doesn’t seem that safe.”

“We never had any problems…” Sunset said before looking down at Spike in surprise. “Why didn’t we have problems? Ponyville is on the outskirts and gets attacked all the time… Mayor Mare doesn’t even bother to change the ‘Days Since Last Attack From Everfree’ sign. But I grew up never even seeing a bat!”

“I looked up the history of this place in the Tardis,” Spike said, pausing when snarls filled the air. Sunset froze but Spike continued on, voice low. “They used to have problems with Timberwolves… lost a lot of lives to them at the start. But then, suddenly, all reports of attacks stopped. For over a thousand years not a single attack. The timberwolves avoided this place. And it all can be traced to one day. Before it this place was just as much in danger as any other. After it? Not a single creature from the Everfree dared to step into its borders.”

Sunset leaned forward only to jerk back when a massive timberwolf stalked into the clearing, three more joining him as they slowly prowled towards the orphanage. The mare’s silhouette that Sunset had seen before left the window and after a moment the door opened and an old mare with her hair in a bun stepped out, nervously holding a shovel in her hooves. Through the windows Sunset could see the frightened faces of fillies and colts, too scared to duck away as they spotted the salivating timberwolves fanning out around the building. She sparked her horn, ready to leap forward, but Spike forced her to stop.

The fillies and colts within were easy prey. They were small.

“Why did the timberwolves stop? Why did they never attack again? Why did Tydal end up in the past? One reason.”

They were weak.

One of the timberwolves reared back and the head of the orphanage steeled herself for the attack.

They were-

A snarl filled the air, much deeper and older than the wolves.


Leaping out of the undergrowth a large form struck one of the crouching timberwolves hard, sending it toppling side over side. The other beasts snarled and snapped their jaws but the gray and green figure rose up, snorting in challenge as he narrowed his eyes. No magic sparked from his horn and his body still bore the scars and wounds from his last great battle but still he moved in front of the orphanage, placing himself between the fillies and colts within and the salivating monsters. His once neatly trimmed beard was now a long tangle mass of hair that covered all of his lower face, framing his grim visage even as he glanced towards the orphanage and the startled mare that guarded it. One eye was cloudy white with a gouge running through it and along his neck were deep scars while part of his main fin had been torn away. And still this capricorn, batter and bruised and torn apart as he was, placed himself between the beasts and the innocents. He was horribly thin, his ribs visible to all and his face gaunt, and yet he still stood.

“Get inside,” he rumbled, his voice cracking and filled with pain, pawing at the ground with one hoof, his scaly green tail swishing back and forth. “I swear on my life they will not harm you this night.”

And then, rearing back, Tydal let out a challenging roar that echoed through the forest.

The timberwolves answered back.

They swarmed him in seconds, snapping their jaws around his limbs. The old goat howled in pain but still fought back, kicking at them with his hooves and driving his head into their wooden skulls. One went for his throat only for Tydal to twist around, his fan-tail catching the beast in the throat and cutting his head from his neck. The body toppled into dry twigs and branches but he didn’t have time to admire his victory as still the other three were on his and Sunset gasped as she saw the ground become slick with his blood. He hadn’t recovered from his terrible battle, his magic still refilling, unable to even activate his immortal healing to bring him back to full strength. He’d been brought low, weaker than he’d ever been before.

But he was still Tydal.

He Who Held The Line.

Twisting his body he didn’t stop even as a chunk of his right back leg was taken out and one of his fins torn away. That only made him angrier and the God of War snarled and drove his hooves into the back of another timberwolf, shattering its spine and laying it low. Two down… but the biggest of them remained.

The smaller one went for his throat, forcing him to twist and turn to avoid the snapping jaws, but that merely led him into the larger one’s trap. Spike was forced to clamp his hands around Sunset’s jaws to keep her from screaming as the largest timberwolf sank his fangs into Tydal’s middle, shaking him hard and ripping deep gouges into his torso. Tydal thrashed but the massive timberwolf was old and smart and had experience in battle. With a violent snapping of its head it cracked Tydal’s skull against the ground and the capricorn let out a bellow of pain as blood trickled from his ears. The timberwolf shook him against before dropping him to the ground, placing his paws on Tydal’s form to pin him down before he lowered his jaws and took a great bite out of his stomach, blood gushing down as the God of the Sea feebly twitched, watching as the timberwolf began to eat him alive. He hadn’t recovered enough, his magic hadn’t returned to full strength and he’d only caused it to dwindle down further with his rash attack. With time he would have become strong again, the Elder he truly was, but now his magic was out of his reach, leaving him with flickering sparks that were slowly going out. He’d rushed in and now he was paying the final price. It was time to give in, to give up, to-

Tydal’s head rolled to the side and he locked eyes with a sobbing, fearful filly who watched him through the window.

“You are very old and very powerful... but also very kind… That is who you truly are. You are the god of war because you, and only you, can wage war that brings peace… And when you are very old and very kind... you don't just stand around while the little girls cry.”

The very last embers of his magic EXPLODED from his wounds as he shattered the timberwolf’s jaw.

Lashing out violently Tydal punched the timberwolf in the face before leaping to his hooves and savagely swinging his tail again and again, hacking off pieces of the monstrous timberwolf and forcing it stumbling back. But that didn’t matter to Tydal who began to use his own jaws to tears hunks off the creature, ripping him apart bit by bit. The other wolf coiled himself to launch an attack on the orphanage but Tydal whipped around and trembling with rage bellowed a wordless warning that caused the beast to freeze. The reprieve for the larger wolf was short for he returned to him with his attacks redoubled, thrashing and hacking away at it until the dark magic that held the beast together finally began to crumble. Tydal grit his teeth and pawed at the ground before rushing forward.

“Glory to the Mareatine… Long! Live! Equestria!” He roared, cloaking himself it what little magic he had left as he bulldozed into the massive timberwolf, utterly shattering the magic holding the beast together and causing pieces of it to rain down all around him. He stumbled to a stop, completely depleted.

Tydal turned, teeth bared and eyes wild with wrath, and the final wolf whimpered, cringing into a small ball before darting away, yipping as he fled.

Taking a breath only to begin coughing Tydal slowly turned his head towards the orphanage, his eyes going dull as he weakly pressed his foreleg to his side, grimacing as he felt his intestines hanging from the holes that had been torn out of his belly. He winced but forced himself to hide it, not wanting to traumatize those within more than they were. They needed him to be the hero… one last time.

“They won’t… bother you again.”

He had no idea how right he was.

Ignoring the mare calling out if he needed aid, knowing that if he went in there he’d never leave and he would not have them deal with that terrible sight, Tydal stumbled back towards the treeline, his steps stuttering and slipping, the former from pain and the latter due to the blood that gushed from his wounds. He’d burned out his magic, which had already dwindled thanks to his battle with Tirek, and now he had none left to even hope to keep his blood flowing through his veins. With time it would have refilled and returned to him… but he did not have even seconds. Everything ached and he could feel his heart slowing as he pushed himself to go just a few steps farther, out of sight. To be alone, unseen. Let them remember him as he had been… and let him not burden them with his final moments. He just needed to lie down. To rest. Close his eyes. Yes… close his eyes. He pitched forward. A perfect dea-

He gasped as a beam of magic hit him, enveloping him. But rather than pain he felt comfort and relief and when he looked down he watched in surprise as the blood slowly oozed back into him before the wounds he’d received stitched themselves up. His limbs twitched as cracked and broken bones snapped back into place and the weariness that had filled his veins and had become an old friend for over a year of being a silent protector of the pony race disappeared. It wasn’t as good as his own godly healing but for the first time since before Tirek he didn’t ache with every step. It was enough to get him by, to recover and recharge, and perhaps return to what he should be.

He turned, following the path of the magic… and he wondered in that moment if his Mother had come to offer him a final bit of relief before he passed on from the world. A vision of home and family before his spirit faded away.

But then the orange figure locked eyes with him, tears rolling down her cheeks. And he knew she was real.


The mare cried out and rushed to him, Tydal catching her and pulling her into a tight hug.

“It’s me grandpa… it’s me…” she whimpered, running her hooves along his coat. “I’m here… I found you!” She couldn’t stop the tears and she didn’t want to… because she’d done what she hadn’t been able to do when he’d stood alone against Tirek.

She’d saved him.

Sunset began to cry harder, shaking in his grasp and he murmured softly to her, her words slurring as she hiccupped and lost her breath. She refused to let go, to ever leave his side again.

“How?” Tydal whispered after a while.

It took her a moment to calm herself enough to answer. “The Squad and Twilight and her friends… we got the Doctor’s Tardis and came back. We’re all here, looking for you! Spike figured it out… he realized where you were…” She buried her head into his chest and could say no more, merely murmuring his name over and over, wondering just what might have happened if it hadn’t been for the baby dragon.

Tydal looked back from Sunset towards the purple dragon who waved bashfully. “So… uh… does this make us even for Wiggles?”

Looking down at Sunset the old goat shook his head. “No… no, I think not.” He smiled even as a tear rolled down his cheek. “Not even … I am in your debt.” He motioned Spike to come forward and the baby dragon hurried over, hugging Sunset as she continued to sob in relief. Tydal shut his eyes and held Sunset close, pressing his head to hers while his other foreleg patted Spike on the back.

They did not let go of each other for a very long time.