• Published 31st Aug 2016
  • 7,006 Views, 109 Comments

Rainbow's Foal Hypnosis - Zubric

The weekend had started out great for Rainbow Dash with a day off she hadn't had in a while. However, after Trixie's magic show, Rainbow starts acting differently. Little does the pegasus know that there is more behind this change then she knows

  • ...

Motherly Song

--Earlier that day --

Sweet Song felt happy, almost overjoyed you might say, at her plan coming together so well. Rainbow Dash had just showed up (albeit a little later then she had expected) in time to help her with the cookies she was making for the upcoming bake sale.

She knew giving her sister the letter would help get Rainbow to come over naturally rather than be forced. As expected Rainbow had the bag with her. She smiled at the pegasus a sense of motherly attachment washing over her. “Rainbow, so good of you to came by,” She said and lead Rainbow inside casually. “Do you want to help me finish up my baking?” She knew how Rainbow would respond, given that the smell from the kitchen was irresistible and because of the reaction from yesterday. To her surprise, Rainbow asked about licking the spoon and given how cute she had asked Sweet Song just couldn't resist and nodded heading into the kitchen proper. She froze for a moment however, as Rainbow rubbed her head.

Rainbow was shaking her head, tilting it slightly. “Huh, wait, why did I do that?” It seemed the hypnosis wasn’t in complete control, but it was never intended to be. A simple distraction would all that would be needed to get Rainbow to move on from her confusion.

Quick as a flash, Sweet reached up and booped Rainbow’s nose while avoiding the question. “Come on, let’s get the dough into small balls and onto the sheet,” The distraction did its job as Rainbow washed her hooves and came over smelling the cinnamon. “Be a good filly now and you can have the spoon after okay, Rainbow?” Her stretched out her wing and patted Rainbo’sw head like was she a child.

While watching Rainbow Dash make each cookie, Sweet couldn’t help but see the mare seemed so carefree and without a worry in her noggin. In fact given how well the sporty pegasus was accepting the suggestions, it supported her theory that Rainbow actually did want a mother figure even if she herself didn’t realize it on a conscious level. As they made the cookies, a slight twitch of Rainbow’s left ear caught her attention. Was it a nervous tick, or something else? “Rainbow, is something wrong?” She asked.

Rainbow seemed startled by the remark. “H-huh, no, I’m fine. I was just thinking.” She was clearly holding something back and while Sweet didn’t want to pry her next words slipped out before she knew it.

“Rainbow dumpling, tell me what’s wrong.” With the obey command given there was no turning back from it. She didn’t like using the absolute but sometimes it was needed. Slip ups could be dangerous and she certainly didn’t want Rainbow or herself getting hurt.

Rainbow’s ears fell flat against her head. “O-okay I’m home sick alright,” She said breaking eye contact for a second. ‘I haven’t visited my folks in some time since I became a Wonderbolt Reserve member and other stuff.”

Sweet put her wing around Rainbow, feeling sympathy.. “Aww, that’s okay. You can plan a visit to them, can’t you?” As far as she knew, there was nothing stopping her from doing so with Cloudsdale only half an hour flight away for the next few weeks.

Dash leaned into the wing hug, her muscles less tense. “Well I guess. I am free on the weekend so I suppose it can’t hurt,” She beamed. “Plus I can totally show off my moves to my older sister. Ha, and she called me lazy!” She quickly helped finish up with baking, sliding the trays into the oven. Sweet blinked yet again when Rainbow spoke. “Wait my last name’s Dash not Dumpling why did you call me that?” She asked turning around to look directly at Sweet.

Sweet hesitated for a second, having to think carefully of how to respond. “Just a slip of the tongue really,” In truth that was the point. The phrase sounded so similar to Rainbow’s name that her mind would mostly register it as her own. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine I’m just feeling a little confused. The last few days have been a bit odd is all,” Rainbow confessed, as she moved into the hallway seeing the staircase and the rest of the hall that led farther into the house. “So what now? We could go flying some. I mean I’d totally leave you in the dust but I guess iIcould slow down for some casual sightseeing.”

Has she forgotten the baked goods in the oven?! It never safe to leave the house when that’s happening! Sweet Song thought, and smiled as she told Rainbow. “No, we’re going to stay inside and play. Foals love to play, and good foals play with their nanny.” She swiftly brought out a set of plastic keys she had nearby, jingling them with her wing.

“Good foals play,” Rainbow Dash replied back, being entranced by the toy. Sweet found it amusing how easily the filly could be sidetracked as she lead her along the hallway jingling the keys.

After a bit of following, Rainbow whined wanting the toy more and more as they neared the nursery. Sweet didn’t utter a word and simply tossed the keys into the room, watching the speedster dive for them. Several minutes passed as Sweet watched the mare play with the toy, rattling the colourful keys together. The moment was adorable seeing her entranced. After a while though, Rainbow blinked and snapped out of it. “H-huh, why was that so fun?”

Sweet Song approached smiling gently. She reached into the chest while Rainbow was looking around, getting out the Spitfire plushie she had bought

“Wait, what’s going on? Why do you have a nursery with such big things in it? I didn’t see any kids.” Rainbow asked.

Sweet moved the plushie around again seeing Rainbow’s focus was glued to the toy. “She gets distracted so easily.” She thought while keeping the filly entertained. “No, I don’t have any foals but I will soon.” She cooed, seeing the filly tilt her head.

“What do you mean?” Rainbow asked.

“Hehe, you’re such a good foal, and good foals listen to their nanny, right?” Sweet said softly moving the plush hooves around and wanting to trance Rainbow into being relaxed.

Rainbow sat down and nodded slowly her eyes tracking the soft huggable plush. “F-foal?”

“Yes, you are a good foal.” Sweet replied.

Rainbow’s smile grew steadily. “Can I have that plushie? It looks so soft.”

Sweet smiled back at the pegasus. “Yes you can, but you need to hop up on the table first.” She pointed to the changing table. Thankfully, the pegisus behaved, fluttered onto the plastic surface and laid down.

“W-wait, this is the changing table!” Rainbow commented.

Sweet watches the filly hug the new plushie closer for protection making the scene cute. “Relax, Rainbow Dumpling, everything will turn out fine,” Sweet cooed .“Now raise up your rear.” Rainbow complied with her of course. he mare unfolded the fluffy white diaper sliding it under Rainbow, and went about the process applying powder, seeing the filly smile as she got to smell it. She took her time to get it on the behaving mare, humming a tune to herself. This moment alone was making her so blissful. After a bit, Sweet taped up the diaper making sure it was snug. Seeing that Rainbow was deep in thought, she took the opportunity to lean in and blow a raspberry into the filly’s tummy soon getting the result of the mare squealing out in laughter.

A moment later, Rainbow fluttered into the air.. “Aww, something wrong, Rainbow?” Sweet asked.

“Y-you just put a diaper on me, yet I’m not ripping it off without a second though,.” Rainbow replied, her hoof poking the diaper. “What gives? Something strange is going on here,” She kept snuggling the plush as she hovered. “Wait, you asked me to put one on last night too!”

Sweet Song nodded as she fluttered into the air to hover next to her filly. She remained calm despite Rainbow panicking about the situation she’d been put in. With a light tug she lowered Rainbow to the floor and looked her in the eyes. “Cause that’s what foals wear. Can’t have accidents, now can we?”

Rainbow squirmed about becoming frisky like a tantruming filly. “What? No, I’m not a foal! Y-you can’t do this!”

Sweet Song panicked quickly plonking a pacifier into the filly’s mouth. She stood her ground like a mother would, determined to have the filly relax.“Aww, such a good foal. A good foal who’s going to feel so relaxed and happy while her nanny takes care of her.” Sweet said in a soothing tone taking Rainbow’s hoof and leading her to the crib, as the filly’s body slumped. She clearly needed a nap. “Trust me, Rainbow Dash, I only mean the best for a sweet little foal like you.” Sweet replied getting Rainbow to lay down. She watching the filly try to respond, Rainbow’s eyes watching the mobile till she dozed off. The sight was so cute that Sweet stood and watched for a few moments, before turning to leave. She sighed, realizing she would have to tell Rainbow eventually, but for now she had her foal and plenty of hours left in the day to enjoy it.

While Rainbow slept, Sweet Song went about making lunch. While she felt happy her plan ws working, she was also worried about it. True it was working well, but Rainbow was showing signs of freaking out over her treatment. Granted she had used odd methods but she was doing the right thing...more or less. “I’m a good mother,” she mumbled while putting the new adult high chair together.

Just as Sweet had finished blending veggies into a paste for her filly, the sound of shuffling over the foal monitor got her attention. She could hear Rainbow mumbling to herself followed by rattling of the bars. “Aww, Rainbow’s awake,” She beamed and took her time walking down the hall. “I bet she feels so much better now that she is well rested,” She softly opened the door and gave a big smile to Rainbow. “Aww, did Rainbow have a nice nap?” She motherly cooed, keeping a straight face as she watching Rainbow shift in her padding which was less crinkly than before, and that only meant one thing. The mare was trying to hide her accident with her tail, failing of course sice the seat was bright yellow.

“Y-yeah slept like a foal,” Rainbow replied. “I guess literally in this case.”

Sweet Song couldn’t help find the moment cute, before she heard the rumbling tummy. “Aww, somepony’s hungry,” She approached and opened the gate, letting her filly out. “Good foal for not flying out of your crib.” Her eyes kept watch the padding as it sagged while Rainbow walked out. The pacifier was picked up from the crib, having fallen out, and was set back into her filly’s mouth before leading her along.

Once in the kitchen she was easily able to convince Rainbow to sit in the highchair using her motherly ways. Her fussiness was worrying but, at the same time, all part of the foal thought process. In the end, she had used the one thing all foals fell for, a bribe of sweets. There were more than enough cookies after all. Once the tray had been put in place, she happily got out the jars of foal food she had prepared.

Rainbow smelled it as the jar brought over. “W-wait foal food? But I’m not-”

Sweet Song wasted no time and began to shovel it into the filly’s mouth. She didn’t pause the process, even as Rainbow whined her protest. Foals needed to eat and it wouldn’t do her any harm. The only worrywas keeping Rainbow from not causing too much of a fuss. “That’s a good little foal, eat it all up little one. You want your cookies right?” Sweet cooed scooping up more of the soft carrots into Rainbow’s open mouth, Rainbow continued to whine resulting in her hoof being slapped for reaching for the spoon

Just as she got yet another spoonful up to Rainbow mouth, a soft knock was heard at the door. Sweet set the spoon back down and moved down the hall to the front door. Upon opening it, her sister, Trixie, walked in.

“I hope you don’t mind me stopping by, but I just had to see how Rainbow is doing.” Trixie chuckled.

“Of course you can little sis,” Sweet teased despite seeing an eye roll from Trixie. The unexpected visit wasn’t a bad thing, she welcomed it. Company was always nice.

Upon returning to the kitchen, Sweet gasped at the mess on Rainbow’s face! Trixie proceeded to tease her about it, playfully of course. Frankly, the mess was surprising. Sure foals make a mess when trying to eat by their own but was Rainbow really that entranced? Sweet snatched the spoon away for her filly. “Rainbow, bad filly, look at the mess you made!”

Rainbow reacted the way Sweet expected, seeming shocked. Her expression only continued to grow frantic as she talked with Trixie and to her surprise, her little sister’s explanation of why Rainbow was acting like she was, was simple enough. Rainbow’s surprise was to be expected of course, she was putting the pieces together a little faster then Song would have liked. She continued to feed the filly as the two chatted. Song felt so motherly even as she wiped off Rainbow mouth and moved to grab the cookies.

Sweet was thankful that the cookies got Rainbow distracted again so quickly. What followed suit, she hadn’t accounted for, as Rainbow tantrumed. She waited for half a minute thinking it would blow over, but it didn’t., “Rainbow, remember to ask nicely!” Most foals would usually go ahead and do so, but Rainbow seemed rather frazzled and kept banging the tray and kicking about, seeming to let out her frustration in her state of mind without any fliters even going as far as to call her stupid. She took no offence of course and stood her ground. “No, bad filly! Don’t make me put you in time out!” Sweet scolded.

As Rainbow’s tantrum grew into a yell (luckily not attracting outside attention), Sweet heard Trixie made the stern comment about spanking. The idea made her hesitate, but was soon settled when the filly’s hoof connected across her face. She backed up a bit and took a deep breath. Even as Rainbow began to say she was sorry, the mare took her out of the highchair for the punishment. She grabbed the foal’s ear, tugging her over her lap. She took another breath steadying the tide of her own emotions so the following would not turn into unjustified abuse of some kind. Each spank upon the filly’s bottom hurt Sweet just as much as it did for Rainbow. But the filly had to be taught that hitting would not be tolerated.

After the needed spanks, Rainbow’s bottom was red. The pain snapped her out of the trance. There was no thrashing or scrambling to get away only a minor blushing of her cheeks. Sweet Song had expected to have to argue her case to the filly, however Rainbow’s response only made her confused over how her hypnosis had affected her. She was actually accepting the punishment she had been given. Sweet was both overjoyed and confused by the response but kept a calm motherly demeanor. Noticing the pee smell still on Rainbow flank, she grabbed Rainbow’s foreleg and led her back to the nursery.

“I need to clean you off, Rainbow Dumpling, do behave.” Sweet cooed, this time not noticing she had used the trigger phrase. As expected the filly behaved as she was lead.

“Why are you doing this?” Rainbow asked, as she sounded worried yet remained calm. It was a good sign for Sweet, but it also made her doubt her little treatment. She so wanted this to work and to have a filly to care for.

Upon nearing the changing table, Sweet nudged Rainbow’s rump up onto the table before patting the mare’s head. “I’m just being a good mother to a sweet little filly,” She cooed, pulling out the wipes. “Lift your rear for me, Rainbow.”

As Rainbow did as she was told, she asked Sweet a question that helped reassure Sweet that what she was doing was okay. “A-am I a good filly?” Rainbow asked her.

“Yes, Rainbow Dumpling, you're a very cooperative foal,” She replied, doing the change swiftly thanks to lots of experince at her last job at a daycare centre. Upon looking behind she noticed Trixie movingto the closet. “Oh, do you want to dress up my filly?”

“Just cause Trixie is the youngest sister, doesn’t mean you can talk to me like I’m a child.” Trixie was alway a litte snappy when it came to acting older and more mature despite her disposition at times. Sweet always found it quirky, something that did mad e Trixie unqiue.

Trixie’s choice of outfit was perfect of course and said costume was soon held over Rainbow. The mare protested at first but soon got entranced by the softness and the previous commands she had been given. For a moment it seemed Rainbow was slipping a little too easily into the role, but Sweet Song pushed it aside in favour of enjoying the time more.

With the evening sun casting its shadow upon the earth below, Sweet had to make sure she wasn’t disturbing Rainbow’s social life at all. Making her miss an appointment would cause suspicion. “Now, Rainbow Dumpling, tell me if you have anything to do this evening.” She was relieved when Rainbow told her she had nothing to do, other than picking up her pet Tortoise. When she heard Rainbow mention how she wouldn't go outside, she couldn't help but chuckle. Being seen walking around in such attire would definitely draw an eye to her relaxation plan. She wanted a few sessions out of the filly if possible.

But one question remained in Sweet’s mind. “What is stopping me from telling?” This particular question had always come up in her mind and while a certain safe guard might keep her from telling, she still was very nervous.“Why would you, little Rainbow?” Sweet replied keeping as calm as she could. Rainbow never got to answer as she moved to leave, Trixie followed as well apparently needing to ask Twilight something .

Sweet turned to look back at Rainbow Dash, smiling motherly. She could trust Rainbow to stay put and not run off, not like she could get the diaper off with the suggestions in her head tricking her into not knowing how to. “Be a good foal and stay in the nursery, okay? I shouldn’t be long.” She instructed. With a cute lispy reply from Rainbow, Sweet Song left her house, hoping that Rainbow wouldn’t cause too big of a mess. “She’ll probably find the coloring books or maybe those Wonderbolt plushies.” She thought, as she trotted along towards Fluttershy’s cottage.

Sweet knew that usually you never leave a foal unsupervised, but Rainbow was a big foal, still full of adult behaviour, and knew not to do things like stick forks into electrical outlets. In truth, she wasn’t sure how the filly would react to so much foalish stimuliation. Being convinced that Rainbow would be just fine, Sweet continued to enjoy her trot soon spotting Fluttershy’s cottage as crossed a small bridge. The sweet smell of flowers mixed with scents of the usual animal odors, and filled the air as Sweet knocked on the front door.

A brief moment passed before Fluttershy opened the door. A robbin was sitting atop her head. “Oh hello, um...Sweet Song, right?” She asked.

“That’s right, we haven’t met much before now. I’m just here to pick up Tank for Rainbow Dash.” Sweet replied, as she was led inside.

“Oh right, Rainbow mentioned you were helping her with her sleep issues, I think. Tank’s been well behaved of course,” Fluttershy smiled, got the leash and the propeller on the pet and rubbed his shell. “How is she anyway?” She asked Sweet.

“Oh her therapy’s going great,” Sweet mentioned. “That white noise does put her to sleep pretty fast.” With one movement of her hoof she took the leash, observing Tank hovering in the air.

Fluttershy moved closer to Sweet, ears perked. “Is Rainbow okay, I mean why are you picking up Tank? Is she hurt or sick?”

“No, no she was just occupied with a task and asked me to come here and get him.” Sweet replied.

“Oh that’s good, well have a good night.” Fluttershy smiled, suspecting nothing. She waved as Sweet left the cottage without an issue.

The return trip to her house was rather uneventful for Sweet, as she didn’t come across another pony along the way. It gave her time to think things over and was more then happy about her decision.

As she neared the front door of her house, Sweet heard a mighty crash from inside! She panicked and unlocked the door, hurrying inside as her dragged the flying tortoise along with her! She skided to a stop, gasping at the fallen bookshelf along with the spilled pile of diapers. “Rainbow Dash!” The words flowed out of her mouth much like a scolding parent. Such a mess had not been what she had though the filly would get into. Sure a few scattered toys, maybe a knocked over chair, but not the whole bookshelf! Luckily it looked un-damaged, thank goodness. The big foal just hovered there, giving a sheepish look.

“My goodness, Rainbow Dash, how did a filly like you make such a mess?” Sweet gestured for Rainbow to help her push the bookshelf back upright, noting the Daring Do doll on the floor.

“S-sorry I just got a litte carried away. I just got compelled to play and-” Rainbow began, but she was gently cut off as the pacifer was re-inserted into her mouth.

Sweet took a deep breath. “It’s alright, Rainbow. I did leave a foal home alone. What did I expect to happen? You to behave and not make any sort of mess?” She lightly teased, seeing the filly blush.

Rainbow. Meanwhile, had quickly snatched up the plushie and was snuggling it, looking cute. “Not a foal.” She mumbled and nuzzled her pet lovingly ,while giving loud suckles.

“Aww, does the good foal want to play with her crayons she bought? I have some colouring books,” Sweet cooed, immediately getting a response as Rainbow nodded eagerly. “Good, you can draw while Mommy makes supper,” She snatched Rainbow’s hoof again leading her back to the kitchen. The filly made a comment about not wanting to sit in her highchair but Sweet just patted her head. “Don’t worry, you can sit at the table and draw, but no doodling on the walls.”

Rainbow blushed and nodded, taking her seat with a light crinkle. She bounced eagerly as a few colouring books were set down for her. “T-thanks.” She took a red crayon and opened up the first book which had images of famous cities like Manhattan.

Sweet continued to make the hay fries and oatmel, observing Rainbow draw using her wing. The filly seemed right at home, willingly drawing happily. There was a delightful smile upon the mare’s face as well. Today may have had its ups and downs but this really did make up for everything watching the diapered mare playing joyfully.

Fifteen mintues later, Sweet had the meal ready and patted the diaper bottom making it crinkle. Her filly blushed. “Dinner time, Dashie! Be a good filly and sit in your highchair.”

As expected, Rainbow fluttered in the chair shifting about until she was safely buckled in. Her hooves pounded on the tray. “Yay nummies,” Her mood flipped like a coin and her face reddening again. “I mean, I’m starving.” She wiggled towards the bowl of oatmeal happy it was not foal food. A whine escaped her mouth when Sweet spooned it up for her. “No,” The mush blobbed again her muzzle, smearing on the closed mouth. “I want to feed myself.”

“Now now, you tried that at lunch time and made a big mess, so I’m going to feed you the whole time,” Sweet protested. Rainbow opened her mouth to talk, but was cut off as another blob was inserted into her mouth. “No butts sweetie, I’ll give you another cookie after dinner if you beave.” That silenced Rainbow for the time being.

Rainbow, however, continued to be fussy. Constantly reaching for the spoon and being denied each time. This resulting in oatmeal getting on both her face and a bit on the tray itself, making Rainbow seem even less like grown mare right now.

“Aww aren’t you just a messy little eater, yes you are,” Sweet teased, pinching Rainbow’s blushing cheek. As promised, when dinner was over, she gave the filly two of the chocolate chip cookies. Sweet happily watching Rainbow devour them, getting more crumbs on her face. With a quick use of a washcloth, Rainbow was nice and clean once more. That was until the filly meeped and covered her crotch as a hiss was heard. It was clear what was happening.

“Aaa, w-what, no!” Rainbow whimpered as she wet herself. “Th-this shouldn't be happening. What did you do?!” She couldn’t seem to help it and broke into a cry as Sweet cleared the tray away and helped Rainbow down. Sweet’s motherly instict took hold as she rubbed the whaling foal’s back.

“Shhh, shh it’s okay. Foals go in their diapees all the time.” Sweet calmly told her charge.

Rainbow squirmed, but didn’t break the hug. “You mean I’m stuck in diapers?” She asked.

Sweet hugged her. “No, no I wouldn never do that. It just when you're wearing them, you’ll go potty more easily.”

“But I don’t want to go potty in diapees! I want to use the big potty!” Rainbow whined, before she wiped off the tears while leaning her head on Sweet’s shoulder.

Sweet sighed, before she got an idea about how to cheer Rainbow up. “It’s okay little one, how about a nice bubble bath and a rubbery ducky to get you feeling fresh for bedtime?” She offered. Even if she had planned to do so at 7:30 and not now, she was sure she could tire the foal out with little trouble.

Rainbow sniffled but smiled at the thought. “Bubble bath?” Her ears perked up. ”My mom used to give me those whenever I had a bad day.”

Sweet felt a little guilty for unknowingly making Rainbow home sick feeling worse, but still said in reply. “Yes, a bubble bath. That’s just what a good little filly needs,” She patted the mare’s diaper before leading her once again, this time up the stairs to the bathroom. Rainbow continue to sulk as she undressed, mumbling under her breath but otherwise behaving herself.

After wiping her clean, Sweet began to run the bath, with Rainbow watching the tub slowly fill with water and bubbles. When the tub had filled up, Sweet helped Rainbow climb into the warm water, swiftly getting the bath brush.

Instead of complaining about bathing herself, Rainbow picked up bubbles on her hooves, rubbing them on her face while giggling. “Hehe, grrr I’m Bubblebeard dirtiest pirate mare who ever sailed the bathtub.” Sweet meeped as she splashed the filly and began to scrub her down.

“Oh yes you are, and soon you’ll be the cleanest foal around. Be a good foal and try not to spill to much water.” Sweet cooed, applying the fruity smelling shampoo to the foal’s coat making sure to get between Rainbow’s well kept wings. Sweet hummed happily seeing Rainbow squeak the rubber duck a few times a big grin on her face. The rest of the bath went by well as both where having fun.

Dash only put up a fuss when she was all washed, and Sweet tried to pull her out. “Nu, I dont’ want to get out yet!” She splashed Sweet and squeaked the duck again. The cute objection caused Sweet Song to grin even more.

“Okay Rainbow, you can stay and play, I’ll be back in five minutes.” Sweet replied, she trusted Rainbow Dash enough to play nice. There was a chance she was acting just so she could possibly escape out the window, but that seemed unlikely to Sweet. Tank was in the nursery after all, plus the filly did seem to be having genuine fun. Thus she let the mare be as she set the onesie from before aside in exchange for a two piece pajama suit. It was white with half moons and stars on it. She hadn’t gone overboard with the attire of course she only need a few items for her filly. Setting the pajamas and the fresh night time diaper on the table, she trotted to the bathroom and headed inside, relieved to see Rainbow still in the tub. “Okay Rainbow Dash, time for the good foal to get ready for beddy bye.” She cooed, as helped her foal out and dried her off, before taking her to the nursery.

“I don’t want to go to bed, I’m not tired!” Rainbow whined exactly like any foal would. She sat down and pouted as her pet nuzzled into her side.

“Now Rainbow, I’ve got some soft pjs and a bottle all set up for you. Be a good foal and hop up, you want a bedtime story don’t you?” Sweet asked. As if on cue, the filly’s ears perk up again and she moved onto the table, but not before grabbing the Daring Do plushie that she had left on the floor.

“I don’t wanna another diaper,” Rainbow pouted, even as her legs were spread and the pink diaper is slid under her rump. “Diapee too girly.” But Sweet continued to diaper up the filly, applying the powder and some cream, as if aware Rainbow would have an accident during the night.

Once the diaper was taped up snug, Sweet helped Rainbow slide the two parts of her sleepwear on, snapping the elasstic on the plastic bottoms. “It’s okay, Rainbow Dash you can be a big filly tomorrow.” This for the most part helped her foal relax a little as, she was taken to the crib. Her pet laid down with her cutely. “Wait here while I get your warm baba, okay?” Sweet instructed.

“O-okay,” Rainbow squeezed the plushie close to her chest, cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. Sweet couldn't really tell if she was enjoying it and afraid to admit it, or if it was just the out of control nature of the whole thing. She soon returned back to her filly with the warm bottle, slotting the amber nipple into Rainbow’s mouth, watching her suckle it right away. Content sounds followed as she guzzled down the milk. A loud burped soon followed. “S-Sweet can I have that bedtime story now? I’m a good filly.” Rainbow asked.

Sweet Song nodded, patting Rainbow’s head as she pulled the bars up and slotted the pacifer into Rainbow’s lips. “Aww, of cousre you can, just as I promised.” She gathered from the now resorted bookshelf a tail about kittens, and took a seat on a stool next to the crib. She watched Rainbow shift and get comfy, staring up at the cloudy mobile. Sweet’s smile never waned as she read out the narrative to the mare motherly joy filling her every bone. She stopped reading once she heard Rainbow snoring, the pacifie by some miracle staying in her mouth for the most part. Without a word, she got up and turned the lights off. “Sleep tight my filly.” She cooed, as she gently closed the door, knowing that whatever happened next, Rainbow would come out of this renewed.

Author's Note: I'm sorry if the chapter seems a bit redundant for the most part. Well hopefully won't take me two weeks to write the next chapter.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry if the chapter seems redundant for the most part. Well hopefully won't take me two weeks to write the next chapter.