• Published 18th Jun 2016
  • 2,235 Views, 206 Comments

A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest - MetalBrony823

Colin is back and he has been kidnapped by an evil boy named George. Now, it is up to Johnny, his big brother, his girlfriend Rose, Fluttershy and the boy's family to save him from this evil child and his minions

  • ...

A Blue Hedgehog vs a Red Echidna

Fluttershy was still worried sick about her only son, and hoped she was alright, but still, she had to be strong for both his and her own sake. As of now, she was trying to come up with a plan for in case Johnny and Rose were unsuccessful on their own rescue. Her friends, the princess', and Johnny's band were with her.

"Okay, anypony got any other ideas?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! We can all collect cakes and give them all to George and his minions. That way, we can sneak ourselves into the fortress, and rescue Colin from that meanie boy."

"It wouldn't be that simple, Pinkie Pie." Said Applejack with relent "George is too smart for that, even for his own age, it probably won't work."

"I really hate to admit it, but she is right." Princess Celestia agreed with her. "We need a plan of attack, an ambush, or give Johnny and arose support if needed just on case they both fail."

"Of course they will fail" said Rarity. "It would be two against a far greater number containing George and his army of goons and ruffians."

Twilight was thinking, and blurted "of we're going to do this, we need it to be precise and foolproof."

"Right. Johnny did say that he let us know about where my baby is, and we can help hm and Arose to rescue him, and save Colin and all of Equestria, after all, he kidnapped Colin so it can give him what he wants., Fluttershy summarized. "We will all need as much help as we can get. Like.... An army of our own."

They all were liking the idea.

"We can have the support of ponies, animals, and friendly creatures that can possibly help us get Colin back. And maybe, Johnny and Rose will gain some followers while they are going on their own."

"That sounds like an excellent idea, my dear Fluttershy. We should gather as many friends and other friendly creatures as possible to help us to our cause. The more plentiful out army will bel the better."

Fluttershy smiled at him, and hugged him.

"Then let it be done." Celestia proclaimed." Then they all cheered boldly, knowing that this little plan will work.

"Do you think this could work? What would be the downside for this?" Asked Christian worriedly. "It will be hell if we would lose a lot of our friends."

"We cannot hesitate to try, mon ami." Said Severin. "Numbers will give those batards (bastards) our ultimate coup de grace, and save poor Colin. His life is worth more than anything else in this world. And our own."

"I know, dude. We have to give it all we got." Bobby agreed. Then they all gotten started on who the allies will be, and where they can get them.

Colin was heading down George's ship from the stairway, with two guards escorting him to the prison just up ahead. Shadow Mavis was in front of the two. The boy was wearing an orange prison uniform for a lid his age to wear, and his beautiful, semi-long hair was shaven off of his head, and he was cuffed on the wrists.

"Ooh! You'll love this place!" Said Shadow Mavis with excitement. "On second thought, maybe not. Oh! Who I kidding, just wait and see for yourself." Colin whimpered quietly. Feeling more scared to death than before, he didn't even want to know what it's like inside this hellhole.

"Ummm, Shadow Mavis?" He said in a very worried voice. "Or miss Mavis is it?"

"You can just call my Shadow Mavis if you please."

"Right. Can you please..... not let the inmates beat me into a pulp?" Colin asked and made a gulp thereafter. Some of the inmates looked tough and intimidating. Almost all of them were ponies, and some of them were griffons, Diamond Dogs, minotaurs, and some other races.

Shadow Mavis thought of it and went "mmmm" before she answered "like my Georgie said before, if you behave, then you'll be just fine. Besides, George wants you alive so he can show you to princess Celestia and Luna so they'll have to let him take over the world! Hehehe!"

This made Colin's lips quiver in fear, but he stood strong, and didn't want the inmates to see him scared, because prisoners cam smell fear from a mile away, and that's exactly how they would want someone like Colin to feel like, so they know who is boss in the jail.

Krusha smiled looking at how much of a living hell this prison will be for poor Colin. Unfortunately, he will not be there most of the time, for George needed him, and there was nothing more than Krusha would do than to please his master.

Many prisoners saw the group as they were walking down the pathway with the fence keeping them all inside. Many of them started to take notice of him. Colin just kept his cool and stood tall and proud to not show any fear. That's what Johnny would do if he was in his own position.

"Hey look guys, isn't that the human that came to Equestria and is the new son of the element of Kindness?" Said a stallion inmate with a mohawk. His buddies agreed with him in unison.

They all went into the prison. Many of the inmates inside were in their cells, doing stuff like playing the harmonica, drawing a chalkboard on the wall saying how long they been in there, and other usual jail stuff.

There was a larger cell that was rather empty and it looked way different than the other ones. The bed was way more comfortable and soft and had a large pillow. It also had some toys like the one on George's ship, and had a more nicer, cleaner toilet than the rest. It was really unusual, and Colin expected it to be filledwith cockroaches and crickets with a disgusting toilet, but this is a cell that every prisoner would want. Desire that, he hated it, because he does not want to be in jail, and did nothing wrong to deserve it.

"Well, here we are. You're new cell." Said Shadow Mavis.

Krusha then pushed Colin with his mighty hands, crashing him into the wall. "Enjoy it while it lasts, kid." Krusha chuckled.

"I don't get it." Said Colin. "Why put me in here?"

"Well, I am in a really good mood today, and George did say he will reward you after he is done using you to take over Equestria."

"I.... I just want to be with my mommy and my family."

"Oh shut up." Said Klemp rudely. "Unless you want me to slam you again the wall to readjust your face."

Colin whimpered.

"Get used to it you worthless runt." Krusha retorted. "At least until George takes over the world, your stuck here. And you'll face the guards knuckles if you escape again, go it?"

"Yes." He replied

"Good boy."

"Oh and by the way, we also have a shock torture device for you if you misbehave again." Shadow Mavis said wickedly.

With a sudden bravery boost, Colin said "my brother Johnny will get me out and my family will save me." Then he got a hard punch to the face by Shadow Mavis, knocking him to the ground.

"Don't get your hopes up, kid." Said Krusha calmly. "They can't do anything, you are a hostage in case you've forgotten."

"And the next time you talk back to me again," shadow sang. In a more sinister voice, she said "you'll get clubbed.

Colin felt like shedding tears again. "Okay."

Back to her cheerful voice, Shadow Mavis said "perfect! Now make yourself at home, because you get to meet some of the other prisoners here."

Then they all left him to be alone. When they were gone, Colin dug his face into his face and began sobbing quietly.

Meanwhile, Johnny, Rose, and Sonic were just walking down the path to look for Colin. "So, I always wondered about your brother." Sonic said. "What's he like?"

"Oh, Colin is so amazing. He is the best little brother a big bro can ever ask for. He is always happy, and loves rock music like i do." Johnny answered.

"That's cool. I would love to meet the little guy."

"And he would love to meet you too, Colin loves just about everyone he can meet. And you would love him, he is like a bundle of joy. And... he's the only family i have left." he said in a more sad voice

"What happened to your guys' parents?" Sonic asked with a frown.

Johnny and Rose didn't really like to talk about it, but the big brother said "They died in a house fire."

"What?" Sonic said with shock and sympathy mixed together. "I'm very sorry. You know, I have a friend of mine who is like a brother to me. His name is Tails, and he lost his parents to a freak accident, too."

"I guess Colin and Tails can relate."

"Totally. But he's quite happy with me looking out for him. He is just a kid, but he is a science and a tech wizard. He can create inventions and even has his own airplane called the tornado."

Both the two humans were impressed. "Wow, that is so amazing, he sounds like a child prodigy."

"Exactly. that's what I was thinking."

As they continued walking down the road, they noticed a red figure in front of them. It almost looked like Sonic, but a little taller than him. They all stopped to see who this stranger was

"Knuckles?" Sonic said to him, recognizing the stranger. "Is that you?"

"Hello, Sonic." said the creature. He sounded more masculine and deeper than Sonic, like a very mature voice. "I thought I'd fine you here." then he turned around, with his arms crossed. He had long dreadlocks for hair, and had gloves with spikes on them, but didn't have any fingers, except for his thumb.

"What are you doing here, Knucklehead?" Sonic asked jokingly.

"Well, I want what's rightfully mine. Give me the Master emerald." the Echidna demanded.

"Who are you?"

"Knuckles, Knuckles the Echidna." he replied. Then he went back to Sonic. "Give me the Emerald before I get rough on you."

"Knux, why do you think I have the Master Emerald?"

"Eggman told me."

Sonic then face-palmed his forehead. "Here we go again." he muttered. "Look, I promise you, I don't have the Master Emerald, now please stand aside."

In a more threatening voice, Knuckles said "Either you give me the Master Emerald, or we do things the hard way."

Sonic made a firm look on his face, and sighed. "Alright. If that's how you want to play ball." then they both fought. Knuckles charged at him, and lanced a barrage of punches at him with lightning speed. Of course, since Sonic was the fastest creature in the world, he dodged every blow.

"Knuckles, What part of I don't have the Master Emerald do you not understand?" Sonic begged after he gave him an uppercut kick.

"I understand that you're lying. Eggman told me specifically that you had it. I saw a video of you taking it from me."

"What video?"

"The one he showed me! I thought you were smart!" then he punched Sonic in the face

"back at ya!" Sonic retorted, recovering from the blow. Sonic did a sweep kick through Knuckles' legs, and punched his face to the air, but the red echidna retaliated by gliding and dive-bombing at Sonic. He missed and dug himself to the ground using his shovel claws.

The blue hedgehog looked around cautiously, and before he could think, Knuckles jumped out the ground and punched Sonic at his stomach, and then kicked his thigh, punched the left of his face, and punched him to the ground with full force.

"Sonic!" Johnny and Rose cried out. Before the echidna could try and hurt him any further. A Johnny drew his sword, and aimed it at Knuckles. "Stop the fighting!" He demanded "please!"

Knuckles than stopped and panted "out of my way, he stole the Master Emerald! I want what's rightfully mine!"

"Open your eyes!" Johnny said. "Look we're just looking for my brother, Colin. He's been kidnapped and we've been trying to save him."

Knuckles had a confused look on his face "look.... For your brother?"

"Yes. That's a what I'm telling you for god sakes. Look, Eggman is long to you. I'm pretty sure if Sonic had the Master Emerald, he would give it to you."

Knuckles than realized what he was doing and felt guilty for it. "Oh, right." He said. "Why am I so gullible when it comes to Eggman?" He said angrily as he kicked the ground in frustration.

"It's alright. You don't hurt So much." Johnny and Rose looked at Sonic "right?"

"Yep. I'm just fine." Sonic replied getting up. "Just a few bruises, but I'm mostly fine. I suffered way worst pain. And I forgive you Knuckles. I just thought you would realized that Eggman lied to you before."

"I thought so too." The Echidna sighed. "I guessEggman must have the master Emerald, right?"

"Good guess." Sonic said

"Could be the case." Rose added.

"Look, we're on a mission to rescue my brother. So, why might as well be on our way."

"Wait!" Knuckles stopped them "I am so sorry. Does Egmman have him captive? He didn't tell me he had a little boy hostage."

"It's just like Eggman, Knucklehead." Sonic remarked "villains like him always lie."

"Too good to be true." In a very guilty voice, Knuckles said "look I am so sorry. I can assure you I would never work with a guy who kidnaps children. I would never, I promise."

Johnny smiled. "Good. I can see you are not like George or his goons."

"George? That evil boy?"

"Yep. He's partnered with Eggman to take over Equestria and have Colin as his hostage to get what he wants from princess Celestia." Knuckles clarified.

"Oh no, that's horrible!" Knuckles said. "Do you think I can come with you?"

"Hmm, you do have good muscles." Rose said "what do you think. Johnny?"

"I think he does. You seem like a cool guy." Johnny said to Knuckles, making him smile with flattery. "Why not, we can always use some extra help getting him back and save Equestria."

"Perfect! I swear that I will do anything in my power to get him back to you, Mister...."

"Johnny. Johnny Fraser."

"And I'm Rose, his girlfriend."

"Nice to meet ya." Knuckles remarked. "Well, we mustn't waste time. Let's go."

"Right." All three agreed with him.

Rights for the song go to Sega

As they were walking down, Johnny, Rose, and Sonic were happy to have another ally with them, a new friend to a Johnny and Rose, and an old friend to Sonic. "So, can you tell me about Colin?" Knuckles asked the big brother.

"Sure. Colin loves rock music like I do, and he loves just about everything, he even sung with my band a few times."

Knuckles was surprised to hear that. "And I know this sounds stupid, but you guys are pretty close right?"

"Oh yeah. Me and Colin are a team together, me and him with the world on our hands. And he's the only family I have left?"

"What do you mean?"

"Not so long ago.... Our parents were killed in a house fire on his sixth birthday." He admitted sadly

Knuckles had a look of sympathy like Sonic did before "what?" He said feeling his heart being broken slowly "I am so sorry to hear that." He placed his hand on his arm. "At least he's still got you. That's what counts." He tried to cheer him up.

"Right, and he has a new family, his new mother is named Fluttershy, the element of kindness."

"Oh, I've heard about the elements of harmony a little while back."

"Right, and I need to save him from George before he kills him. If George gets what he wants, he wouldn't have any use for my brother anymore, and well...... You know. I can't say it, it's too goddamn horrible."

"I understand." Knuckles said

"Don't worry, Johnny, Rose, we'll get Colin back for you, no matter what it takes. I owe you guys a debt for saving me from those crocodile monsters back there."

"And I owe you an apology for attacking you, and I give you a debt of my own, and of course, Eggman might have the Master Emerald, and I want what he has stollen from me."

"Thank you," said Rose. "That's very nice of you."

"Say Knuckles, maybe we can be an unstoppable team together, just think about it, my speed and your muscle, nothing can stop us."

Knuckles pounded his fists proudly "yeah, bring on as many bad guys George and Eggman can throw at us."

"So, what is so important about this Master Emerald anyway?" Johnny asked the echidna.

"Well, you see, I am it's guardian and protector, it's my job that the emerald is safe and out of reach from any harm or evil that can touch it." Then Knuckles told them about how the powerful the Master emerald is, and his ancestors who protected it for generations.