• Published 18th Jun 2016
  • 2,235 Views, 206 Comments

A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest - MetalBrony823

Colin is back and he has been kidnapped by an evil boy named George. Now, it is up to Johnny, his big brother, his girlfriend Rose, Fluttershy and the boy's family to save him from this evil child and his minions

  • ...

"Prison Work"

Shadow Mavis was still locked in her "Cell" being kept a watchful eye by his boyfriend, George. She looked bored and George was starting to get a little bored too. "Georgie-poo, can we do something more... different?"

"Of course." the evil boy was thinking in his head about what kind of different things he should do with his girlfriend in this role-play. At last, with a snap of his finger, he said: "I know what we can do now. "We're going to the prison yard, Shadow Mavis."

"Oh goodie!" Mavis clapped her hands in excitement.

"However, you still need some handcuffs, Shadow."

"Right." he pulled her out of her "Cell", and handcuffed her. "Okay, carry me to the prison down below on the island, okay?"


She readied her wings, and picked up her boyfriend, flying him to the prison, which they didn't even notice Colin and his new family trying to escape.

Outside the Prison yard where Colin was previously held up, the place looked completely abandoned like Alcatraz before it was shut down years ago. George and Shadow Mavis teleported there, and noticed the conditions and what previously happened when the heroes barged in and tried to save Colin. Many miles from them was a gigantic battle between the escaped prisoners and minions that served Bowser, Dr. Eggman, and King K. Rool, causing quite a commotion in the distance. It was about ten miles away, but both the two evil children didn't mind, for they knew the prisoners won't last long against their own army.

"Heh, such sweet destruction over there, Mavis." George remarked. "The sweet sound of ponies getting killed and hearing the sound of death cries here and there."

"But wait," said Mavis. "Some of our soldiers in there are getting killed too."

George just scoffed at what his evil and bloodthirsty girlfriend just said, and he replied: "Pfft, they served their purpose. Besides, those are just loose ends to our plan, remember?"

Shadow Mavis raised her eyelids in realization. "Ohhhh, right. It's fun watching them get killed along with the prisoners. Hee hee hee!" They went to the abandoned prison yard where the former inmates broke down rocks with pickaxes and hammers.

Feeling her boyfriend unlock the handcuffs from her wrists, George pulled out the prison uniform from a pile of rubble near him and gave it to Mavis. "Can you put these on please? It will bring in the mood more."

"Of course. Uh.... do you mind, sweetie?"

"Oh! right." he turned around and heard his girlfriend changing in the prison garbs. It took about three long minutes, but the sound of her changing stopped.

"Okay, you can look now, Georgy!"

Her boyfriend turned himself around, and thought of how nice Shadow Mavis looked in that prison outfit. "Wow, now you are what I call a 'Jailbird'. You look so beautiful even in prison robes." George remarked.

Shadow Mavis let out a giggle as she was flushed by her boyfriend's compliment. These two really made an excellent couple since they are both evil and only care about one another. Shadow Mavis picked up a pickax, and George pulled out a whip, ready to whip her whenever she "Misbehaves" in taking care of these large rocks.

George was keeping a close eye on her as she kept on hacking away at these rocks. He honestly wished that he would have been here more often to whip the inmates, and Colin. Being quite cruel and sadistic as he is, even wishing he could have whipped Colin when he was still in there before Johnny and his meddling friends came along and busted him out.

He chuckled to himself at the thought of how Colin would have been crying like a puny baby if he was being whipped by him repeatedly over and over again. That would have been satisfying for him to experience, but he might get that chance later, and the fact that he did torture Scootaloo with almost every inch of her life with his torture machine.

Despite that, he watched as his so-called "Prisoner" was doing this task and slaving away for him in this role play . Shadow Mavis was hacking away at as many rocks as possible with her pickax, and decided to take a little breather, wiping sweat from her forehead.

"Hey!" George exclaimed in an authoritative voice. "Who told you to stop working!?" he then spanked her butt. "Back to work, toots!"

"Oooh George. You're so bad."

"Yeah, I know." said the evil boy proudly. "I take great pride in being evil. This is just so much fun." with a change of demeanor, he snapped: "NOW GET BACK TO WORK!" and he cracked his whip at her. Just like that, Mavis went back to breaking the rocks in half with the pickax, and there were still plenty of rocks to go on her account.

There were about thirty of them to break, and she was starting to sweat more and more. Still, she wanted to make her boyfriend happy with this role-playing. Indeed, George was having fun with this little role-playing with his evil and unhinged girlfriend, and if she was happy than he was happy as well, considering the fact that she is possibly the only person he ever cares about in his entire life. The same was same for Mavis and how she felt about her one and only boyfriend.

No other boy would want to date an evil bitch like Shadow Mavis in their entire life, even if she was the last person on the entire planet. That was okay for she however, for there was no other boy that she would love like she did with George..

After about brute mire rocks being cracked in half or split in two, Shadow Mavis took a sip of water to drink and stay hydrated. She took quite some big gulps and put her drink down on the ground.

She heard the sound of George’s whip cracking, telling her to get back to work pronto. Boy, Shadow Mavis was wondering how fun it would to torture these prisoners with work if not Johnny had intervened and save his little brother from this place.

“Why didn’t I ever think of doing this to Colin when he was in his cell?”

“Don’t worry Shadow Mavis. We’ll see to him and his meddlesome family too. It was so delicious at how I was torturing Scootaloo, and seeing how horrified he was watching her being tortured just makes me tingle just thinking about it.” George remarked. “I highly doubt they will all get out of there alive. No sir, my fortress is impenetrable, and locked tighter than a thousand bank safes.”

“I hope so. I would love to play with that silly boy again.”

“You’ll get your chance, Shadow.”

After she was all done, George gave Shadow her old outfit back, and turned around so she can re-change. After that was done, George put ten handcuffs back on her wrists, and to.d her to take him back to his fortress of evil.

“That was fun, we should do it again some time!” Mavis Said in happiness.

“Maybe another time.” George remarked. “For now, world domination in Equestria is far more important than the games we play together, even if they are fun.” As soon as he and Shadow Mavis were back in his room, George pried off the cuffs again, and threw her back into her little “cell.”

George went outside his bedroom door, and he was as shocked to see that all of his prisoners had escaped.