• Published 18th Jun 2016
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A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest - MetalBrony823

Colin is back and he has been kidnapped by an evil boy named George. Now, it is up to Johnny, his big brother, his girlfriend Rose, Fluttershy and the boy's family to save him from this evil child and his minions

  • ...

Krazy Kremland

In the next world, it was a place that looked very similar to an amusement park with a ferris wheel, a roller coaster, merry-go-round, and other rides. Unlike other ordinary amusement parks, they looked evil and dark as a theme. For Johnny, he knew that it will be a little difficult to find a portal or a boss to heat to obtain it or gain access to it.

"What kind of a place is this?" Asked Rose.

"Krazy Kremland." Said Diddy Kong. "It's a place where all Kremlings go off and have fun."

"What kind of enemies will we face?" Asked Johnny, pulling out his sword. "Any Kremlings?"

"Of course there will be Kremlings." Said Dixie. "But there might be more than that like at Gloomy Gulch."

There was the sound of faint buzzing heard above them. They all looked up and saw a horde of wasps with a line of spikes on their thorax, like more than one stinger on them.

"Uh-oh. Zingers!" Said Diddy. "Get ready for a fight!" He pulled out his peanut popguns out again, and began firing at many of these wasp-like enemies one by one.

Dixie began using a peanut popgun of her own and starting firing at any incoming zingers as well.

Johnny was slashing his sword at any incoming enemy and green blood was falling from the sky as he kept on slicing them in half. Rose used his usual kung fu skills on the zingers, and dodged many charges from them as possible before finishing them with her signature dive-kick.

Diddy and Dixie continued shooting peanuts st the floating zingers, and many of them falling to the ground. Despite shooting so many, there were still way too many of them for all four of them.

It was a large number. Probably up to hundreds or even thousands of zingers in the sky, Waiting for the perfect moment to strike down at their opponents at top speed.

There had to be a hive that keeps reproducing them around this creepy amusement park somehwere.

"Come and get me you little pests!" Said Johnny after performing a spin attack with his nimcha sword.

"I don't think we can take them all on." Said Diddy. "We're outnumbered!"

"Grr. You're right." Johnny admitted with a small growl. "Come on, we need to get out of here. Retreat!"

The four ran away from the swarm to look for a hiding spot to make the zingers lose their trail.

At last, they hid in an abandoned stage and waited for a long thirty minutes before seeing the coast was clear. They all sighed on relief and quietly went back outside.

"Okay, so how are we gonna get out of here?" Asked Rose.

"We need to take out the boss of course." Said Johnny. "Butbwhere can we find him?"

"The ruler of all zingers is handed King Zing, which lives right on. His hive is right on top of the tallest roller coaster." Diddy instructed. He pointed to a large wasp hive dripping with sticky, orange honey like burning candles. "It won'y be easy getting up there."

"We got no choice." said Johnny. "If we're going to save the ones we love and care about, we gotta get up there and kill King Zing." The other three made words of agreement with him, and they knew he was right about it. The question was: How are they all even going to get up there?

All three of them pushed forward to the direction where the Hornet Hive was, and trended lightly in case those zingers came back in a surprise attack, or if other enemies other than Zingers would come and attack them.

It didn’t take long for a small number of Kremling enemies to appear out of the shadows with swords, falchions, and machetes in their hands. Despite being outnumbered like this, the four heroes were able to either kill them off, or send the mat remaining troops in this battalion run away in fear like a bunch of cowards

Just then, another buzzing sound was heard in the air, and they all knew what it meant for them. “Oh god. Here they come, you guys.” Johnny warned.

“Right. Till the last breath!” Said Dixie.

Another fight continued between the side of good and evil once more, lots of Zingers being hacked and sliced into million tiny pieces, and green blood was spilling on the ground. Johnny, Rose, Diddy, and Dixie didn’t break a sweat from all,this fighting, and didn’t get hurt by those sharp stingers and spikes they had on their backs.

Of course, it was not easy, for they used a lot of their stamina to get away from many stingers, and one of them almost slashed Johnny in half like a sword. The young man was swift enough to do a side-flip, and slice at the wasp-like monster.

When the remaining zingers were seeing that their numbers were quickly dwindling, they decided to go and retreat back into their nest.

“It’s not over yet.” Said Rose. “They might be going back to bring in reinforcements.”

“We can’t let that slow us down.” Said Dixie.”

“She’s right. Keep moving! It’s like what my dad always said when I was a boy: ‘how do you kill a swarm of bees? You need to kill the queen.’ Or, in this case, the king.”

It was a few miles away from where they were, and this was a rather big amusement park that could rival Disneyland in Anaheim, California. More enemies were appearing at them to fight and try to kill all four of them to prevent them from succeeding in their quest.

As they were getting closer and closer, many drops of honey were seen oozing and sticking to the ground, possibly due to the nest leaking of this substance. Johnny slipped on a slippery puddle of honey, and landed on his butt, but no serious injury was given after that. His girlfriend helped him back on his feet, and wiped the honey off of his clothes.

“Are you Okay, my love?” Asked Rose

“I’m fine, don’t worry about me, babe, come on, we need to keep going.”

When thy finally made it, the tower was very high and looked like a skyscraper. They tried climbing on the railing, but the honey made it too slippery to climb on. “Dammit.” Said Rose

“How the hell are we gonna get up there.”

“I think I can Help you with that.” Said a voice. Out of the bushes came a large, funny-looking spider with an orange and black color on his body. Another interesting feature it had was white and pink tennis shoes on all of his eight legs.

“Who are you?” Said Johnny

“Squitter!” Diddy And Dixie said in excitement. They ran up to the spider and hugged him tightly.

Laughing, the spider said “I missed you guys so much. Long time, no see.”

“You know this spider?” Said Rose

“Of course!” Said Diddy while clapping his hands like a regular monkey would do. “This is Squitter. He’s one of our friends back home, and he knew Donkey Kong.”

“Yep. Don’t be afraid. I’m a friend, not an enemy.” Said Squitter. “Anyway, I am an expert climber,mane I can climb up to any surface.

“Why do they call you ‘Squitter?’”

The gigantic spider said: “you might want to stand back.” Feeling a little weirded out by what he meant, they backed away next to him to see what he was going to do. Squitter then used his mouth to shoot out webs from his mouth like a water squirting gun.

Some of the webs he was spitting out created platforms for the others to climb on if they needed to. “Hmm, I see your point.” Johnny acknowledged with a hand under his chin. “So, can you get us up there, Squitter?”

“Yes sirree.” He sang in replied. “Just follow me and don’t fall behind.” He conjured more webs from his big mouth and it looked like they were walking up a flight of stairs made out of thick, sticky web. It wasn’t as sticky as the honey dripping though,mane it was turning out to be a success.

“Do you think you can help us kill King Zing?” Asked Johnny

“I can sure try. That bug was always a thorn on my side, but I always triumph over his stupidity and irrational thinking.”


The inside of the hive looked like any other type of beehive or nest with all the hexagonal shaped holes that were meant to carry the bee larvae. The air reeked with the smell of honey, the sweet, sweet smell of honey webs rushing through their noses. Many more bee-like enemies appeared from the holes, and they all looked pretty angry at the four.

"I've heard of stirring up the hornet's nest, but this is ridiculous." Johnny remarked with a gulp. The heavy sound of more buzzing was heard, and it was even louder than the last encounters from outside. Another big battle ensued, and things were about to get pretty buggy, literally buggy. This time, the brave Squitter joined them in the fight with his eight legs and agile climbing.

"Whoop! you messed me!" the large spider taunted the other zingers. Squitter kept on punching and kicking with his legs to and for at his enemies without breaking a single drop of sweat.

After the first wave of enemies had been cleared up, a second wave of zingers came buzzing at the five heroes.

Johnny suddenly felt a sharp pain at his right arm. One of the zingers sliced at his arm with one of his spikes. Despite the pain, the human was fast enough to decapitate it in retaliation.

"Are you okay, Johnny?" Asked Rose, coming to her boyfriend's aid. "Ah, you're bleeding."

"Don't worry about me, sweetheart." Said Johnny. "I've suffered worse anyway. And we got lives to save. Nothing will stop me from saving my little brother."

"That's quite noble." Said Diddy while clapping his hands in acknowledgement. "And we won't stop 'till we save Donkey Kong."

"That makes two of us, Diddy." Johnny smirked before kicking a zinger in the air.

It took a little while, but after that line of enemies were defeated, they walked along the path down the hive, and with the sounds of sticky noises from stepping in all of this honey.

The two Kongs sometimes got stuck in a few honey puddles, and either Squitter would have to come and pull them out of there, or Johnny and Rose would have to use a web from the large spider to pull them out, like they were stuck in quicksand.

Sure, it was a rather irritating thing to do, but they were a team, and they had to stick together if they were to both save the ones they love and care about.

It might not be easy, but a team's gotta do what a team's gotta do.

Meanwhile, Sonic, Knuckles, Mario, Luigi, and the Cooper Gang were trying so hard to fight off as many enemies as they can take.

They all managed to stand their ground against all these freaks, robots, and monsters, but they didn't know how much longer they can keep this up.

"Man, how many more of these bad guys do we need to keep fighting?" Said Knuckles. "My fists are starting to kill me!"

"Mine too!" Murray added. "I never fought this much on my life before."

"I got an idea." Said Sly. "Bentley, do you still have one if your rage bombs on you?"

"I always carry some on me just in case, Sly." The green turtle replied. He then threw a large rage bomb at some of his enemies and it didn't take long for them to turn on each other.

"That worked out nicely." Said Dimitri. "Like a smooth moonwalk under the disco ball."

"Now's our chance." Said Sonic. "Let's beat it while these morons are busy trying to destroy each other."

And they all quietly sneaked past what was left of the army that George sent after to destroy them all.