• Published 18th Jun 2016
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A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest - MetalBrony823

Colin is back and he has been kidnapped by an evil boy named George. Now, it is up to Johnny, his big brother, his girlfriend Rose, Fluttershy and the boy's family to save him from this evil child and his minions

  • ...

Cruel Kleever

Through the portal, Johnny, Rose, Diddy Kong and Dixie landed in a somewhat volcanic world with lots of lava in it. "Wow, is this hell? No, there's no tormented souls to be thrown into the lake of fire." Johnny thought out loud to himself. He realized he was right, for if he was in hell, he would hear the screams of agony from martyrs, which he did not see. All around him were so many small geysers spewing lava in the sky, for this kind of world looked dangerous for tenderfoots to walk on.

It felt as hot as the earth’s core, but of course, if it was everyone would have melted by now. Over the horizon were some large ships that were shipwrecked and partially sunken under the lava.

“Oh. We made it to Crocodile Cauldron.” Said Diddy Kong. “This place is very hot, and it’s best to watch your step in case you step on lava.”

“There’s no telling what will happen next.” Said Dixie.

“No matter.” Said Rose. “We got a boy to save.”

“And we a good friend.” Diddy added. “I’ll lead the way. Come on, you guys.” They all followed the monkey while watching their every step of the way. Every once in a while, a few drops of lava would shoot out from the sea of magma.

“Oh, there’s a krochead.” Dixie pointed. “We can jump on those and use it to our advantage.”

“What?! That seems dangerous.” Johnny said. “Those teeth look like the can slice through bones.”

“Don’t worry,” Said Diddy. “They are nothing but dunderheads. Krocheads can fling us on high platforms by opening their mouths if you're ln top of one. But you need to be quick, if you stay on their heads long enough, it will fall into the lava, and you’ll turn into roasted humans on a silver platter.”

“There are two types. The green ones you can just walk over like no problem, but the red ones, like these we are seeing, help us get to high distances.

Johnny and Rose were unsure about this, and still thought it was stupid. Still, these Kongs know about this place more than they did, and perhaps they could use these brutes to their advantage. “Okay.” Said Johnny. “I’ll go first.”

The human hopped on one of the krockheads and waited for something to happen. Finally, he felt himself being flung Onto a high ground

Rose was next, then Diddy, and Dixie last. It was a perilous and dangerous type of journey, but they would get the hand of this. It souldn’t have been an adventurous place without any enemies in it first, for they encountered and fought with many Kremlin’s pirates on the path to where they were going.

Despite the ridiculously large number of enemies that were after them, and stopping the, from continuing onwards, the four were still able to hold their ground against these bad guys and hopped on more Krocheads, green and red ones alike.

“I wonder who’s in charge of this realm” Johnny remarked.

"An evil cutlass named Kleever." Said Diddy.

"A sword with a mind of its own?" Asked Rose with a raised eyebrow. "That sounds a little silly."

"Don't let that fool you, Rose." Said Dixie. "Kleever is a cruel enemy that shouldn't be underestimated. He is fast, dangerous, and conniving. He will slice through anyone without question. That's why we have to be on our guard for when we meet him."

"We'll take your word for it, Dixie." said Johnny. "Kreepy Krow was dangerous back there, and I suspect that this living sword will be more powerful than Krow. Question is, how can we defeat a sword like that?"

"We need to throw something heavy at him to destroy him. It would be like a 'rock, paper, scissors" thing." said Diddy. "We'll see what happens when we get there."

"Alright. But I just have an idea, I can distract this Kleever with a little sword-fighting and see what he's capable of while you guys look for something heavy to throw at him. They hopped on many Krocheads one by one over many pieces of rock over the rivers of lava on their travel through this hellish world.

On the way, they did encounter many more enemies like the Kremling pirates, and a large enemy called a Klomp, that looks similar to a Kremling except that they are blue instead of the green color that their smaller counterparts would have on their scales. Despite their tough and burly size, Johnny, Rose, Diddy Kong, and Dixie Kong were able to take down these brutes with a little teamwork.

No, these type of enemies were nothing like Krusha, for he was far more trained and experienced in fighting than these brutes would be. No matter how many of these Klomps came and tried to stop them, the four heroes managed to evade them in every step of the way.

It wasn't really them that was a big problem, for the biggest problem was trying to be careful not to dip into the lava and melt like lumps of clay. There were a few raging fireballs that would spew out of the geysers, or the relatively small volcanoes in the valley below the largest one.

That location was probably where Kleever would meet and try and kill the four heroes once they reached it.

Up there, Kleever waited up there for their arrival so he can slice them all of them into minced meat. Not even their mothers would recognize their remains.

Along the treacherous, they were all careful when going inside the shipwrecks and ruined ships. It would not be easy going through these type of obstacles, but they all had friends and a family member to save.

Several more enemies were appearing o the road, stronger, and more powerful enemies were trying to stop the four from continuing onward.

Even when it seemed like they were losing this battle, Johnny, Rose, and the little Kongs pulled through and threw many bad guys into the lava pit since that was a majority of this landscape.

Rock climbing was very difficult since it felt so hot, and they had to stop and catch their breath while climbing the volcano.

The more they were getting higher to the destination, the hotter and more unbearable the temperature was becoming.

All of them were sweating like crazy. They all had to share some water with one another to keep them hydrated and cool for this was worse than walking across a desert.

Even though the sun wasn't really visible on this world. It still felt hot.

As soon as they all made it to the top of the dangerous, fiery mountain of boiling death, they saw an abnormally large sword, a cutlass with the hilt having a skull and crossbones marking it, like the symbol pirates bad.

All of a sudden, the skull's eyes on the hilt began flowing a green on it, and began shaking, coming to life after.

It was like an invisible monster was pulling it from a pedestal, but that sword was possessed and it looked more dangerous than any sword in the whole world. And not just this one.

The blade aimed at the four, and Johnny drew out the nimcha sword again. Kleever was flying towards them with astonishing speed, but Luke blocked his attack with a metallic "Clang!" Heard.

"Nice try, steel face!" Johnny said. "But you'll have to do much better than that!"

A growling sound was heard from Kleever and then a fight between the two had happened.

While Kleever was distracted with this little match, Diddy and Dixie hopped from one hook to another to look for any heavy stuff to destroy that evil sword. Rose stayed behind and was trying to help her boyfriend gov't Kleever.

"There had go to be something that can destroy him." Diddy thought, scratching his head while looking.

Dixie then noticed a large cannonball, and she had an idea. "I got it!" And she began carrying the large ball. "We can use this.

"Excelling work, Dixie." Diddy praised her. "I got an idea." And he pulled out his jet-pack, and readied it. "Use your back feet to grab on my feet. We'll double team doing this.

"Works for me!" Dixie did what her friend instructed her to do, and latched the toes on her feet to Diddy's, and Diddy hovered in the air with Dixie picking the large cannonball.

Trying to get a clear angle of the target below them, still fighting Johnny. At first, poor Dixie couldn't get a clear shot of him below, for the sword was moving too fast.

It was so frustrating for these two to get a clear shot of him, for they had one cannonball with them.

Diddy didn't know how long he can keep this up, for the cannonball was so heavy, it was limiting the air time for him while wearing the jet-pack.

Finally, Dixie unleashed the cannonball, and it began falling in a fast speed like a comet or a shooting star.

"Johnny, watch out!" Rose warned him. "Incoming!"

Johnny saw the cannonball and rolled out of the way, leaving Kleever confused, but before the sword could evade, the ball fell on him, with a metal band being heard.

Johnny looked at what happened, and saw the sword was completely shattered and broken from the impact from the cannonball.

Rose took the broken blade, and the eyes of the skull hilt vo longer flew a green, knowing the sword was completely destroyed.

She threw it to the lava pit at the center of the volcano, slowly melting and disintegrating into the hot, yellow magma.

"We did it!" Said Rose. "That wasn't too bad."

Another portal appeared and all four of them knew it was their ticket out of this place and one step closer to Colin and Donkey Kong.

"Come on you guys!" Said Rose. All four of then jumped into the portal to the next world, where it unexpectedly disappeared into thin air after they had entered through it.

Johnny hoped that this wouldn't take completely long, for he didn't know how long Colin can stand this.