• Published 18th Jun 2016
  • 2,235 Views, 206 Comments

A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest - MetalBrony823

Colin is back and he has been kidnapped by an evil boy named George. Now, it is up to Johnny, his big brother, his girlfriend Rose, Fluttershy and the boy's family to save him from this evil child and his minions

  • ...

Really Kreepy Krow

In the next world, Johnny, Rose, Diddy, and Dixie were in a land filled with scariness and dark things, all things gloomy. Spooky-looking trees were scattered around like a dark forest, and the sound of crows, ravens, and owls were heard squawking all around the four heroes. As scary as this looked, Johnny wouldn't stop there because of how horrible this place looked to his eyes.

"Come on, the sooner we get to other worlds, the sooner we can find my brother." said Johnny. They all followed him through the path of this spooky place, and the young man had his sword in hand in case something pops up. The wind was howling past them with many scattered leaves seen through them.

Poor Diddy and Dixie were shaking a little, for the forest was starting to slowly get to them. Despite that, saving Donkey Kong was their top priority. Many birds were hovering above them, along with small groups of bats flying past their direction. Whenever there would be bats flying through, the group would duck themselves for cover.

They went over three hundred yards when they saw a small group of hovering skeletons that looked like Kremlings with bandannas with their legs gone, only their torso and rib-cages showing. They had cutlasses tied to their torso with a belt and their eye-holes were glowing a bright color, with an eyepatch on one of their two eyes.

"Who the hell are these guys?" said Rose, looking a little uneasy with these skeletal monsters coming towards them.

Johnny raised the nimcha sword at the goons while growling softly at them like a suspicious Rottweiler looking at strangers at the front door of a house. “Yeah, What are they?”

“Kacklers,” Said Diddy. “They are undead Kremlings that were once pirates, but are immediately brought back to life.”

“Yeah, Yeah, you thought regular Kremlings were bad? Take a look at these guys.” Dixie added.

“Hmm, no matter. Time to crash their undead party.” Said Johnny. He readied the sword and charged at them with seal. Rose followed him and so did the small Kongs, both of them yelling like monkeys or chimpanzees. The undead creatures made moaning and demonic sounds while fighting all four of the heroes. There were sounds of clashing steel echoing throughout these spooky woods.

Johnny was putting up a good fight with these monsters, for he was dodging at every cutlass that was trying to cut his head off in a vicious manner. Diddy and Dixie were fighting off many of them with their Kung fu skills and Diddy’s peanut popgun causing them to fall apart with the sound of bones rattling on the ground.

“There is no substitute for a peanut popgun.” Diddy boasted, blowing on the edge on his right gun, still smoking through the opening. “Uh-oh.” He saw one of those Kacklers trying to slice him in half with his sword, and backflipped just in time, and punched at the undead being, causing the bones to scatter.

Rose was using her own fighting skills, punching at every Kackler that was trying to slice her, hit her, and kick her either way. They were no match for her incredible karate skills, for thy we’re getting owned by her punches, chops, and kicks from all around.

After they were all taken care of, they pushed forward to their destination to find another portal, or a way to get inside George’s palace. “Do you two know where we are?”

“Uh-huh. This is Gloomy Gulch.” Said Diddy. “This place always give us the creeps whenever we set foot in here.” And a chill crept through the monkey’s spine. “See what I mean?”

“There has to be a way out of here to find George.” Johnny said. “Scary or not, we find my brother and your friend.”

“We know.” Said Dixie. “Let’s just stop yapping and get to it.” As the four continued pushing forward. Within every hundred yards, there would be ambushes and attacks from Kacklers and other Kremlings that tried to pursue the four heroes on their little quest.

It was co Pete ly far from easy considering the fact what they were going through and encountering on their little journey. Nonetheless, they saw a rather large pirate ship, looming a little old and ragged. Still, the boss had to be there in order to get to the next world.

A distant eerie squawking was heard and a large figure appeared over them with rain starting to pour from the sky. A few lightning bolts were seen, and the sound of thunder clapping was booming above them.

“So, a couple of landlubbers come into me territory, eh?” Said the flying thing. “Suppose you are trying to stop me boss, George?”

“That’s Kreepy Krow.” Said Diddy. “That guy is definitely bad news. And the worst part, he’s a ghost!”

“How can we fight a ghost?”

"He'll vanish as soon as we defeat him, Johnny." said the red-capped monkey. More thunder was heard clapping in the sky as the rain was getting heavier and heavier every second.

The ghostly vulture then vanished into his vessel and came out of the ocean possessing a large, skeletal dinosaur bird with eyes that shown like fire in the stormy atmosphere. The thing made an ear-piercing screech like a combination of a microphone feeding back from an amplifier mixed with the sound of a T-Rex or a dragon roaring.

"Uh-oh, we got this." said Diddy.

"Yeah, leave that monster to us." Dixie added. A swarm of small vulture-like creatures appeared, and they looked alive and in a cartoon-type of look.

"Neckies!" said Diddy. "Nothing we can't handle. Then the skeletal bird was hovering on the ship, almost touching the crow's nest with it's sharp talons. As the two Kongs went to stop Kreepy Krow, the neckies swoop down toward the two humans. They were squawking and diving at them, but these birds were only pests and gigantic flies compared to them. Johnny decapitated lots of them, and kicked away others.

Rose was punching and kicking to and fro at every neckie that was trying to come her way. Meanwhile, Diddy and Dixie fought off many ghostly neckies to try and get to the top, and swung from many hooks to get to the top of the ship. They couldn't actually hurt them, for they were ghosts, and couldn't be touched, and therefore, they had to dodge many of those ghostly birds, and waited for ones that were alive to show up. A live Neckie came and after Diddy pounced on it, a barrel appeared from it into thin air. Diddy threw it at the ghostly dinosaur bird armor and it faltered for a second before hovering higher.

Diddy began climbing the ropes and Dixie followed after him. It was a rather long climb, for it was a large ship. While climbing, gigantic eggs were trying to fall on their heads so they couldn't reach the boss, but the two Kongs were quick, and dodged as many as they can.

One was coming to Diddy's side, but then he pulled out his popgun, and shot the egg, shattering it as it was falling to the ground in a fast speed. Dixie slipped and almost fell to the deck, but then Diddy caught her just in time with his hand. "Hang on, Dixie! Don't let go!" he shouted

"I'm on board with that plan!" said the female Kong. She immediately climbed on back to the rope, and the climbing continued. The eggs didn't stop trying to stop them both, but they were able to evade all of them to get to the near top. there was an exploding barrel that worked like a canon and Diddy went in first, and then the barrel flew him to another net with Dixie following after him.

The process of waiting for a live Neckie continued, and dodged many ghostly ones swooping down towards them. It took about ten of them to come, until finally, a live one finally came and Dixie jumped on it with an elbow attack from above, and a barrel appeared again. this time, Dixie threw the second one at the bird, and saw that the bones were starting to crack and fall apart from those hits.

"We almost got him!" said Dixie. "Come on!" And they climbed yet another rope, and this time, more eggs were falling off them than the first one, and more eggs were coming from the sides. No matter, they managed to reach the canon barrel and blast themselves to the crow's nest. It was it, they knew, one more hit and that monstrosity will be finished. Now even more neckies were appearing and swarming around, but Diddy was using one of his popguns, and gave his second to Dixie for good measure. This time, it was only live ones for now, and shot many of them as they could.

Finally, after a few long minutes of shooting this birds, the ghostly ones came to their direction, but the Kongs dodged them as usual. The final live one had to have the barrel on him, so Diddy shot him dead, and the barrel appeared out of thin air, and grabbed it just in time. He threw it at the dinosaur bird, and it immediately fell apart with the sound of bones rattling and crunching.

"No!!" said Kreepy Krow. "This cannot be! How can anyone defeat me?!" he bellowed and thin vanished into thin air.

All the Neckies below were gone, and Johnny put his sword away. "We did it!" he said. "Well, Diddy and Dixie did it."

"That was a little rough." Rose panted. "At least we beat this world."

"Easy Rose. Just rest. We have to keep going." and her boyfriend caught her before she could collapse on the deck of exhaustion. It was just then the storm stopped and blue skies were showing. Then another portal appeared, possibly being a way out of this place. Diddy and Dixie came back from the top and regrouped with the humans. "Come on, there's no telling what next world will be next." and they all hoped through the small vortex, one step closer to save Colin, Donkey Kong, and Colin's new family.