• Published 18th Jun 2016
  • 2,235 Views, 206 Comments

A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest - MetalBrony823

Colin is back and he has been kidnapped by an evil boy named George. Now, it is up to Johnny, his big brother, his girlfriend Rose, Fluttershy and the boy's family to save him from this evil child and his minions

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Payback! (Part 1)

Man oh man, this battle was absolutely tense for both fighting sides, Johnny and his friends, and George with all his friends, allies, and minions at the same time. It was indeed, becoming a battlefield. However, despite being vastly outnumbered baby hundreds or even thousands of robots, monsters, and kremlins, Johnny and all of his new friends kept their ground.

Colin just stood in a safe distance with Rose looking after him. "Rose, I'm scared." he whimpered

"Shhh, it's okay, sweetie." Rose soothed him very gently. "It'll be over soon. Just look away from it."

"Okay." the boy said. Then he tried his best to look away from all the fighting that his big brother was taking part in, and tried to focus on his former babysitter. "Rose, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you look prettier than the last time we met."

Johnny's girlfriend couldn't help but giggle, and say "Oh, you're so sweet." then she gave him a tender kiss on his forehead. "And you've definitely gotten bigger, too. Although I wish you still had your handsome long hair, you look just like your big bro in it." What she said made Colin bow his head in shame.

"I know, I used to be beautiful."

"Oh it's okay." rose said. "You still look so adorable." and Colin flushed a tomato red on his cheek. "Besides, I'm sure your family back in Ponyville will be more than happy to help you with your wounds, and maybe grow your hair back, as if nothing had ever touched you at all."

The boy then made a small smile of hope. "I miss my family, and I want to see them all again."

"We'll get you home, we promise, and so does Johnny." Then an arrow hit the ground next to them, making them yelp in shock and surprise. "Uh-oh. I think we should get you back on the boat. that would be a lot safer."

"You think?"

Rose tried to run as fast as she could back to the rowboat and held Colin in her arms. It wasn't easy, she had to go down a few rocky cliffs, and carrying Colin while doing so was the exact opposite of easy. Still, she managed to get close to the boat, which was only ten more yard away. Just when they were about to make it back to the safe houseboat, they were suddenly stopped by the chimera that kidnapped Colin before.

"Not so fast!" said the goat head.

"Where do you think you're going?" the tiger head added in a menacing, demonic voice.

"Oh no, not you again!" Colin exclaimed in horror.

"That'ssss right." said the snake tail. "We're ever so flattered that you remember us."

"Give us back the boy!" the goat bleated.

"Never you monsters!" she shouted. "There's no way you're getting Colin for as long as I live!"

"Challenge accepted, bitch." the tiger said evilly.

"Get back Colin, get to a far away place as soon as possible, I'll hold them off."

"But what about you?" the boy asked, about to run away from the Chimera.

"I'll be fine, just do as you're told. Now go, hurry!" she said. Colin nodded his head at her in reply, and then began to run as fast as he could.

"Oh no you don't boy!" said the snake head. The three-headed monster was about to go after him over the cliffs, but Rose landed a hard, kung-fu kick over the beast's side, causing the Chimera to tumble down a small, rocky knoll, with a few small rocks to tumble in motion into the shore waters.

"Leave him alone!" Rose warned the monster.

All three heads growling at her, the tiger said "You'll pay for that!" and she charged at her with full zeal with pure anger and hatred in all six eyes. Rose was quick on her feet, and side-stepped out of the way before the freaky monster could even touch her with the tip of their fangs.

It looked like a bull fighting match in the stadium in Madrid or Barcelona. Rose attacked the Chimera with every chop and kick, mostly at the tiger's face, but of course, the goat and the snake were suffering just as much as their eldest sister.

All of a sudden, the beast clawed Rose on her back, causing her to scream in terror. The scream was so loud that it caused Colin to go back and see what was wrong, even when told to run away. going back to the fight, he was horrified to see Rose stunned from the slice on her back, small drops of blood was spilling into her grey tank top, and her leather jacket was destroyed.

"Rose!" he shouted.

Without warning, the Chimera than hit her so hard in the face that it caused her to fly and hit her head hard on a rock, causing her to be completely out cold with her eyes closed.

After she was completely knocked out, the Chimera immediately set their eyes on poor Colin, when they looked at him right in the eyes, the boy began running faster than he normally should be, and didn’t even cared if he would trip on something, for he was too focused on getting away from that horrible, vile monster.

With Rose unconscious, Colin had no choice but to try and fend for himself since Johnny was too occupied in fighting many bad guys to protect him now.

Meanwhile, the heroes were still holding their grounds, but for how long? One thing for certain was that no matter how well they were doing, they cannot keep on doing this forever, for they would eventually get the best of all their stamina and be tired than a sleeping sloth.

Of course, they all had no choice, but to keep fighting for their lives for as long as they all can.

Johnny was Hacking and slashing his way against many enemies from robot to Kremlin, to Koopas And Goombas. Many of them were no match for the mighty nimcha sword, and fell to his blade easily like a bunch of practice dummies.

Unfortunately, Johnny did not go unscathed either. He had a few minor bruises on his face from punches and kicks, along with a few minor cuts on his right knee. Despite all of this, Johnny kept on fighting like a living tank.

Sly used many gadgets and gizmos to help him fight, such as the smoke bomb from his cane and when his enemies wouldn’t know where he just disappeared to, Sly would use his silent obliteration technique on one, and then another, after another.

This raccoon was really slippery for his enemies to handle, for Sly would jump and pounce on their heads to dodge many attacks from swords, spears, or flails. He was so quick that some guards incidentally knock their buddies out.

“Ow! You moron, what you do that for?” Said Kevin, the captain of the Kremlin army.

“It’s not my fault! You should have payed more- Eh?” Another Kremlin named Kody argued. Before he. Ours even finish his sentence to the captain, he was suddenly knocked out by Knuckles’ mighty punch.

“Come on! I’ll take you all on!” The red echidna. With he, Murray, and the Panda King, along with their impressive strength, nothing was impossible for these three.

The Panda King would use his fireworks on many enemies as possible, sending them sky high. Others, he would burn them with his fiery wheel technique, along with the palms of thunder, and the booming chop. “Ha! You weaklings can never best a mighty king like myself!”

“You tell him, Panda!” Murray cheered on. He himself was punching here and there at robots and other monsters with no mercy. The hippo didn’t even care if his knuckles or hands might crack or bleed, he just loved all the fighting and destruction around him, so much enemies to hurt and pound all the way. “Score one for the Cooper Gang!” He Said triumphantly. He would even use his power ball move and pound his enemies from above in the air, and burnt some with his fists of flames.

Knuckles saw a rather big Kremlin and a few smaller ones, and readied himself for his special move with a “ping!” Sound being heard. “Maximum Heat Knuckles Attack!” He exclaimed. In a speed of light, he zoomed around the posse, and threw as much fists and kicks as he can, and he threw in one final punch on the large Kremlin with an uppercut tomthe chin, instantly knocked out silly. “Whoo! I feel good!”

“Knuckles, Murray, are you thinking what I am thinking?” Said Panda King enthusiastically, and he normally wasn’t really enthusiastic for most of the time.

Both Knuckles and Murray smiled at each other with a bigger boost of confidencel they formed a triangle and filled themselves with energy and a purple aura formed around all three of them. “Firework Meteorite Attack!” They all said. They spun round and round really fast and began began punching many bad guys coming to them, and heard the sound of many robots malfunction and break into pieces as the three strong men were punching their way, spinning in circle, and all of a sudden, a large batch of fireworks went off randomly, and went into many robots, kremlins, and koopas without hesitation.

Knuckles, Murray, and Panda King then readied their fists filled with fire and leaped into the air with their fists raised and they all landed on them, too. The impact was so strong that it caused a lot of George’s minions to fly into walls, trees, and even windows, and even burn to death from the fire. It was almost like an atomic bomb, except no mushroom, but it did leave a small, deep crater on the ground.

Seeing as they all got rid of the enemies in their way, they congratulated one another.

“Wow, That was so amazing!” Knuckles said. “I never even did something like this before.”

“Totally!” Murray agreed. “The Murray has taken his fists and punches to a whole new level.” And he cracked his knuckles triumphantly with a bold smile.

“Incredible. Who ever knew we have such power together?” Said Panda King proudly. “This makes me feel like the true Panda King. Oh, if only I would have done this on General Tsao years.”

“You enjoyed that, Panda King?”

“Indeed Knuckles. I never even created so much beauty with my fireworks before.”

“Uh Guys,” Johnny said. “A little help over here, please.” Still despite many enemies wiped out by that ultimate group move, there were still soldiers and enemies that were coming, and the heroes were still vastly outnumbered.

“Ooh, let me roast a marshmallow on you, mon ami!” Dimitri taunted, thrusting his Sabre sword into a Kremlin, killing him instantly. The purple iguana continued dancing gracefully while fighting. Well, at least what he thinks is gracefully, along with a few disco moves. “Do a little dance!” He sang “Make a little slice! Get down tonight! Hot!”

“Oh boy.” Bentley said, fighting with a small cutlass. It looked a little awkward fighting in a wheelchair, but the green turtle stood his ground in it. “Prepare yourselves you scoundrels!” He exclaimed fiercely.

"I like ze way you fight, Bentley." Dimitri complimented him. "If only you could still walk on those two gummy worms you call legs."

"I guy can dream, Dimitri." the turtle sighed. "Still, it's fun this way." And he kept on swiping his small sword at many enemies, some of them decapitated if they are not Eggman's robots. Of course, for some big bad guys, Bentley would use the rockets attached to his wheelchair to evade some meaty hands that were trying to grab him.

One of the large kremlins got a hold of Bentley's left wheel, and tried to rip him apart, but Bentley was as quick wit his arms as he was with his brain, and gouge the brute's eye and stumbled up Dimitri's signature sword, who was waiting for the brute to be distracted enough to impale him.

When the monster fell dead to the ground, Dimitri smile triumphantly, and put one foot on his dead foe. "Even my sword is greasy sweet! Hahaha!" Then he dodged a robot pirate and pushed it away with full force. "To slow, you moving turntable!" he taunted the machine before he threw the sword at the robot's head, making it malfunction instantly.

"Nice throw, Dimitri." Bentley admired

"Merci beaucoup." the purple iguana thanked him.

For Mario and Luigi, these two worked together like good brother would always do for each other. "here bro, catch!" Mario said, creating a fireball on each his two hands.

"I'm open!" Luigi exclaimed, going a little farther from him, and Luigi did the same with a green fireball on his hands. They threw the projectile at one another and they would kick their brother's incoming fireball to the enemies around them, making them burn like a bunch of candles.

Next, Luigi pulled out an empty Koopa troopa shell out of thin air, and said "Let's see what this a can do!"

"Come on, Luigi! Ready when you are!" Mario said. Luigi began kicking the shell to his brother like a soccer ball, and began using it to hit enemies on the head, multiple times. One hit would be from Mario, another would be from Luigi, and it would continue so on and so fourth.

When the enemies were all taken care of for the brothers, both Mario and Luigi leaped and high-fived one shouting "Oh yeah! Let's a go!"

Sonic was taking care of the enemies fighting him like no problem, since he was far more faster than any of them, and began bouncing on their heads just for kicks. "Come on, speed up the game!" he said. "Slowpokes!"

"Grr! Stop moving!" said a Goomba trooper in a funny voice.

"Nah, don't think so." and he wiped many of his foes out with his spin dash attack. He looked quite bold and triumphant with a touch of cocky after finishing them all off one by one.

"Try and beat me, you pesky hedgehog!" Eggman said, zooming close to him. The mad scientist began firing lasers and missiles at him from his small ship, but Sonic easily evaded them with his incredible speed. Sonic unleashed all his fury on Eggman, but was swatted away with a mechanical arm.

It was just then Knuckles caught his best friend before the blue hedgehog could hit the ground hard. "Need a hand, sonic?"

"You betcha." Sonic replied. Both the hedgehog and the echidna nodded their heads with a smirk and combined themselves and kept their fists close together, and the red and blue aura instantly became purple. With a powerful explosion like a shooting star hitting the earth, a small explosion was seen, and it sent Eggman flying into the sky out of control, and he faded from everyone's views until a small twinkle was seen in the sky.

"That's enough of egghead." Sonic said.

"Damn straight it is." Knuckles agreed.

George witnessed it all, and began thinking that all these heroes were all stronger than he imagined them to be, even if they are greatly outmatched by his gigantic army. "Grr, my chances of ruling all of Equestria will get crushed." He growled. "I can't afford to lose my chances to be the supreme overlord. Shadow Mavis!" he called his girlfriend.

And the crazy demonic girl flew up to him instantly. "Yes, my love?"

"Go find Colin. Alive."

"Sure thing, sweetie." Shadow Mavis sang, and she flew off in search for the boy.

Lastly, Johnny was fighting the fiercest out of the heroes. He showed no mercy to any enemy he was fighting, and he just overheard what George ordered his girlfriend to do. "Oh no, Colin!" he said. He sliced a kremlin through his chest with his sword and began running to find his brother.

While doing that, he was immediately stopped by Krusha with a gigantic sword as a weapon. "Not so fast, weak little human!"

"You want some?!" Johnny exclaimed. "Fine! It's your funeral." Krusha seemed like a more fierce and tougher enemy to fight than the others he killed and or destroyed. Krusha then punched Johnny three times in the face, causing his lip and nose to bleed instantly, along with giving him a black eye.

Johnny was quicker than the large kremlin and sliced at his knee, making it bleed out while Krusha bent down in agony, trying to mend his wound.

Johnny continued running to find his brother and then saw him being chased by the chimera. The young human leaped and then stabbed the monster in the back, causing all three sisters to roar in agony, and in an instant, the monster fell dead.

"Colin, are you alright, bro?"

"Yeah, thanks to you." Colin replied.

"Wait, where's Rose?"

"She's hurt, that monster hurt her!"

"What?!" and they both ran to where Rose was injured, and she was still looking unconscious. "Rose! Oh no no no, Rose!" he exclaimed. he bent down to gently hurt his injured girlfriend and felt his hands being covered in small amounts of blood from the scratch. He checked for a pulse and became so relieved to see that she was only stunned and not dead.

"Ah, there you are!" said the demonic girl.

"Oh no, Shadow Mavis!" the boy said in horror.

"Stay back you evil little wench!"

Before Johnny could try and slice at her, and with great speed, she clawed at his chest, making him yell in pain, then she grabbed Colin in her arms. "George is gonna be so happy to see you again, Colin."

"JOHNNYYYYYY!" he called.

"COLIN!" and despite the pain on his chest, Johnny was rushing toward them, and George suddenly abducted Colin again.

"You want him so bad, Johnny?" he said tauntingly. "Come and find us inside my castle if you want to see him again!" and he flew away to his large fortress.

At first, Johnny felt like bawling for losing his brother again, but then he realized he couldn't give up, he ran towards the castle, for a hopeful, final confrontation.