• Published 18th Jun 2016
  • 2,227 Views, 206 Comments

A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest - MetalBrony823

Colin is back and he has been kidnapped by an evil boy named George. Now, it is up to Johnny, his big brother, his girlfriend Rose, Fluttershy and the boy's family to save him from this evil child and his minions

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Breaking and Entering (Part 2)

The Panda King was activating his walkie-talkie, and paced to and fro around the small room that he, Mario, Luigi, and Guru were all in at once. "Do you copy, Dimitri?" he asked. "Me and the Guru have infiltrated the prison, too. What's your status?" It took a little while.

Finally, there came a very enthusiatic reply from the purple, French iguana. "Bonjour Panda King, my big fat cookies n' cream friend. Everything here is looking quite shiny and funky where I am."

Panda King made a small groan in response. "That's.... wonderful to hear." he said in an uncomfortable voice. "But can you please drop the vernacular on me?"

"Vernacular you say?" Dimitri said on the other line. "Whatever you say, bro."

"We did not a think you would get in yourself?" said the red and blue plumber.

"You doubt moi, Mario? I am a marine Iguana after all. Nothing can stop Dimitri, a macho, macho man like myself."

"Okay, okay. We get the point. You made in a successfully." Luigi responded in a mildly irritated voice. "Do ya have any information about here Colin is?"

Then the purple iguana began looking over at some of the monitoring cameras within the room he was hiding in from the rest of the guards. He studied high and low for any signs of a human boy in his cells, and had to scroll from camera to camera. "Zis might take a little while for this heart to beat like a drum set." Dimitri said, still going through as much cameras as possible.

"I hope it will be soon, Dimitri." said Bentley. "We cannot waste any time given to us if we're going to save Colin."

"I am going as fast as i can like a slithering snake going down a small space under the dance floor, Bentley." Dimitri said. While being as swift as possible, Dimitri had to go from many prison cell cameras, again and again. This was a rather large prison after all. Finally, he found the boy lying awake on his bed, feeling quite sad and depressed. “I got the goods!” He said boldly. “Colin is in vermin hole twenty-one eighty-seven.”

On the other line, Johnny had bigger feelings of hope within him. “Can we get in and get him out of there?” He asked the other cooper gang members. “He must be feeling all alone right now.”

“We will, Johnny.” Said Murray. “But we gotta get in that place, too.”

“Murray’s right.” Said Sly. “This is all part of Bentley’s plan.” Then he readied his cane so he can fulfil his part of the operation. “I’ll sneak inside the prison and look for the patrolling guards that have all the keys that keep Colin locked up.”

“And that’s when we all come in with you.”

“Got That right, Murray.” Sly Said. “Okay, I’ll give the signal as soon as I got the keys. Don’t worry, it won’t take very long.” Then the raccoon put his cane within his mouth, and climbs a few ship ropes. When he was at ten very top of the ship, he immediately jumped off, and used his paraglider to quietly land on the shores.

Moving his eyes to and fro, Sly sneaked over to a side of the prison wall, and peaked over the edge, and saw a few guards patrolling around the area. He thought of what he should do about these goons not far from him. He pulled out one of his handy tools, the music box, and threw it over to where the guards were patrolling the perimeter, and long-tossed it right in the center between the guards.

At first, the bad guys didn’t know what to think, and thought it was a bomb, but they all got a closer look at it. By the looks of Sly from this angle, there was a total number of six or seven guards in total.

It didn’t take long for the music box to play the lullaby song in a loud volume. It also didn’t take a long time for all the guards to succumb to the beauty of this device, and all fell flat on their backs, fast asleep.

The raccoon smiled and knew it was the perfect opportunity for him to sneak across the road and kill off every one of the guards with his silent obliteration move. All of the guards around this area were taken care of, and weren’t so much of a problem anymore. He immediately pointed a small flashlight at the boat behind him. This was the chosen signal that Bentley wanted him to do when he took care of the goons patrolling the back door.

“Alright! The Murray is ready to go rowing that boat to the prison.” Murray noted with confidence, pounding his fists together in an very tough manner. “Alright..... now let me just cut the rope, and.... Here we go.” And the jolly boat made a somewhat loud splash when it hit directly it fell in the ocean waters..

“Shh, quiet Murray.” Bentley whispered. “We don’t want this to be a bust.”

“Sorry, Bentley.” Said Murray. “Alright guys, get on board the boat. We got a kid to save.” Then the others were more than happy to hop on the large boat, and Knuckles was helping Murray with the rowing. “Nothing like Knuckles and me being the muscles of this team.”

“Ah, can’t blame you, big fella.” Said The red echidna. “So everyone remember your parts on what to do?”

“Knux, I always know what i’m doing.” Sonic gloated with a shrug.

“Do you?” Asked Johnny in a skeptical voice with a raised eyebrow. “You heard abentley, no foul-ups.” And he began polishing the nimcha sword that Severin gave him. The blade had a few tough bloodstains on it, and had to use a rag and splash it with the ocean water to clean the smudges on parts of the blade. “Man oh man. I can imagine how happy Colin will be to see me, his big brother who will get him out of that living hell.”

“We feel just the same as you Johnny.” Said Rose. “ it Sly needs to get the keys to bust him out, remember?”

“I know, Rosie.” Said her boyfriend. “We’ll save him. I know we will.”

“Agreed. Oh, how I can hardly wait to see Colin’s sweet, little boy face again.” And Rose began having thoughts of hugging her boyfriend’s brother again in a long time. It was already three years since she saw that sweet little face of his. Now she can hardly wait to see him again.

“Focus guys, focus.” Sly reminded. “As soon as we get on that beach, we have to focus on the mission.” And he readied his cane for some pickpocketing. As soon as the boat stopped, they all had to hide it somewhere that the guards wouldn’t be able to see it, and quietly went though the entrance.

All of them split up and went to fulfil their parts of this little operation. Johnny and Rose were together of course, and cautiously looked at their surroundings. Murray and Bentley were also doing the same on the right hallway, and the pink hippo was more than ready to fight off any bad guys who would think about hurting him or his best friend.

“Stay sharp, Murray. We’ll need you’re strength.”

“Don’t worry, Bentley.” Murray quietly replied to him. “The Murray’s strength has no limits to him.” And he pounded his fists in a more quiet sound than he would make. Meanwhile, Sonic And Knuckles were also looking more than ready to fight any guards that would catch them. After all, they both dealt with Eggman’s robots before. This will not be any different.

“See anything?” Sonic asked his friend

“Not yet.”

“Good thing Panda King, Mario, Luigi, Guru, And Dimitri disabled the security cameras watching the hallways. We wouldn’t be able to survive if they didn’t.”

“Damn right.” Knuckles agreed. All of a sudden, they both heard a few murmuring voices down to the right, both standing against the wall, close to the edge, they decided to listen in on the conversations.

“Heh. I know.” Said a Kremlin Guard. “That stupid boy will be dead in a matter of days before he can show him to Princess Celestial and Luna so they will give him their entire kingdom.”

“But what the Elements Of Harmony?” Asked a Goomba Guard in a high, gruff voice. “If they find us here, we’ll be done for, eh?”

“No,” said a robot guard. “Not even they would stand a chance on this island. Lord Eggman said so himself.”

“True.” Said a hammer bro. “Think about how much we can get if Equestria will be all ours. The money, the wealth, everything we can ever dream of”

“A guy can dream.” Said the Kremlin Guard who spoke out first. “But you could be right. All the riches we can get if we were to be alongside the new rulers of Equestria.” And he made a chuckle and began smoking a cigar. “Well, I might as well get back to my patrol before Krusha finds me shirking my duty, then kick my ass. If only things’s certain, never make Krusha angry.”

“Noted.” Said the robot.

“How are we going to get past them, Sonic?” Knuckles whispered to him.

Looking around for any ideas, the blue hedgehog saw an empty vodka bottle made of pure glass, and a smile appeared on his face. “Hey Knuckles,” Then he gave him the bottle. “You’re a long thrower, see if you can make a little noise to distract them.”

The red echidna made a rather bold smile, and readied his arm, then made a really far throw that went last the small group of guards who were talking before. The sound of glass shattering was heard and the guards immediately went over to see what was up.

It was the perfect chance for Sonic and Knuckles to sneak up on them, and knock every one of them out. While their backs were turned, Knuckels knocked out the hammer bro, killing him instantly, and Sonic was more than happy to bounce on the goomba soldier.

A small fight ensued, but the two friends easily outclassed these thugs thanks to Knuckles’ impressive strength, and Sonic’s quick wits and lightning speed. While cleaning up the mess, Knuckles noticed something, “Sonic, look! That’s the alarms room.”

“Good eye, knucklehead.” Sonic praised him. “Alright, now we just have to disable the alarms outside of the prison while Murray can take care of the alarm horns that are the backup calls.”

And they tip-toed into the room, and saw a couple of guards sleeping on the job, obviously not very good employees, and it was a good thing Sonic chopped the back of one guard’s head, and Knuckles promptly smashed the head of another by slamming him into some glass.

“Let me take care of the bodies, and i’ll See what we can do.”

After they hid the bodies away, both of them saw a few switches that had the options of fire alarm, intruder alert, code red, and defcon red. Sonic And Knuckels pulled all of the plugs and they were all disabled. Well, almost all of them.

Murray was trying to take care of the ones that were reserved power, including the horns. Luckily, there were a few things that looked quite heavy for him to carry and then throw them at the horns. He picked up one chair, and broke one, instantly breaking and short-circuiting it.

"One less annoying alarm to deal with for the Murray." he gloated.

"There's still plenty more of them to go, pal."

"That's perfectly alright with me, Bentley. Smashing and breaking stuff is one of my favorite things to do. That, and eating, working out, and driving the team van."

Then He went along down many more hallways, and was more than happy to throw heavy objects like chairs, tables, even lone lockers. It was all of a sudden they both heard footsteps coming their way. "Who goes there?" said a high-pitched voice with a thick, Brooklyn accent. It revealed to be a small army of goombas, koopas, and hammer bros, obviously hearing the commotion that Murray was making.

"Hey you! Stop!" said the leader, who was a koopa troopa that seemed a little larger than the other ones he was grouped with in the posse.

"Uh oh. We got company." said Bentley. "You know what to do, big guy."

"That I do, smart guy." Murray promptly pointed his fists, with a mischievous smile on his face. "Evil doers, feel my awesome wrath!" Then he and Bentley charged at them with full zeal, obviously outnumbered probably ten of the bad guys, and only two on the good side. Still, the opposing side was no match for the brains, and the muscle of the cooper gang.

Bentley would use his weelchair as an offensive attack, and even used rage gas on some of his enemies, causing them to turn on each other. To him and Murray, it was really satisfying for them, an after one of the enemies killed the other, they turned back to the other two they were supposed to attack before.

Murray would once again use his mighty fists against these goons. Bentley would even take the pleasure of bouncing on the remaining goombas with his wheelchair, flattening them like pancakes in the morning. When all of the bad guys were taking care of, they hid the bodies, like the other team members did when they infiltrated this area.

"Okay. Let me at the computer room over there." said Bentley. They quietly entered the main security room, and Bentley began his hacking abilities on the master computer. "This might take a while. Murray, do you think you can cover for me in case any guards come by?"

"No problem, little buddy." Murray said boldly. He promptly kept watch at the entrance, while Bentley was hacking into the device. Turned out the computer hacking took a little longer than expected. Bentley never tried to hack into something so complex that had security tighter than a thousand bank safes.

Not so many guards were coming to see what was going on, only a small squadron of Eggman's robots, then some Kremlins, and then some enemies from Mario's world. It was nothing Murray could not handle. It took a long thirty minutes, but it turns out Bentley was able to successfully hack into the system and disable all things security, which included lasers, spotlights, and the alarm sounds.

"Alright. That should take care of the security in this horrible place." Bentley said. "Come on Murray, let's try and regroup with the others."

"No problem, Bentley."

While on the communicator, Bentley said to his raccooon friend "Sly, how is it going with you?"

"Nothing to it, Bentley." Sly whispered. Then he was crawling through an air vent and saws a couple of flashlight guards down below, patrolling all four of the corridors. "Hmm. I think I might have found where the key might be."

"If memory serves, these guards will have at least one key that fits the lock perfectly to Colin's cell. Be careful and sneak up behind them when their backs are turned against you."

"Roger. Pickpocket is something I know I can handle." then Sly tried to be extra sneaky and pickpocket one guard with his cane. After that was taken care of, he would kill the guard with his silent obliteration move. He moved on to the next guard doing the same process after he was done with him, then so on and so forth. When he gotten all five keys, Sly said on his communicator "Okay Bentley, I got the keys. I'm going to go regroup with Johnny and Rose."

"Copied, Sly." Bentley replied.

Johnny and Rose had to fight off a few guards and the human male was more than happy to kill them all with his sword. "There. That should take care of them. And Rose, that was some good kung-fu moves back there."

"Oh come here, you." then they both kissed and made out.

"Pardon the love scene, but I got all the keys to bust Colin out."

"Thank you so much, Sly." Johnny said with a great amount of gratitude. "I owe you and the others big time for this one."

"Don't mention it, Johnny. What are friends for." and the raccoon gave a warm smile.

"Come on. Let's get my brother back."