• Published 18th Jun 2016
  • 2,235 Views, 206 Comments

A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest - MetalBrony823

Colin is back and he has been kidnapped by an evil boy named George. Now, it is up to Johnny, his big brother, his girlfriend Rose, Fluttershy and the boy's family to save him from this evil child and his minions

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Breaking and Entering (part 1)

Rights for the Song go to Sony and Sucker Punch

It was nighttime, and Johnny and his friends were finally at the island. As they all predicted, it was locked tighter than a thousand bank safes, but they did have a plan that might work, but not completely foolproof. It was not easy finding a hiding spot, for the prison had spotlights moving around at the ground, waters, and even the sky in case there was an aerial attack.

Finally, Murray hid the ship behind a large rock that was big enough to cover the large ship they were using. Everyone was all ready to go with this plan.

Bentley came up with the perfect name for this operation. He named it "Operation: Typhoon" and it will be in full swing any second. "Alright guys, you all know what to do, right?" Asked Sly. They all nodded a yes. "Mario, Luigi, have you both got your vanish caps with you?"

"Yep! Let's a go!" The Mario brothers replied boldly.

"Alright. Knuckles, Sonic, you guys ready for this?"

"You know it, Sly." Said the red echidna. Sure, he sounded confident, but Sonic was kinda feeling the opposite.

"Maybe I should stay here and... keep an eye on the ship while you guys perform the operation." And he was about to retreat to the cabin quarters, but he was immediately stopped by Knuckles and his mighty strength.

"Hey! Not so fast! Sonic, we're doing this for a good reason. We all need your help to rescue Colin from that hell hole."

"But does it have to involve me swimming across that...." he gulped "ocean?"

"Look, I know you're scared of going in the water, it we don't have a choice, Sonic. Besides, Knuckles is your friend and he can't help us alone without your help."

"Well... alright. It is just a quick swim after all."

"Exactly! Besides, I am more than ready to kick some bad guy butt, and use all my strength, like a living battleship." Murray said, pounding his fists in great confidence.

"And I cannot wait to see the look on those fools faces when they do not suspect my amazing moves that will burn them all to a crisp, like they had just fallen into a volcano." Panda King added.

"Okay, I think we're all ready." Johnny said confidently. "Hold on Colin, we'll save you." And he readied his sword for battle when he sets foot on the island. "Dimitri, you know what to do, brother."

"Oh yes, it's my time to shine again!" Said he. "Time for me to Stand tall and feel beautiful." Sly and his friends just rolled their eyes at his ego again. "Wish me luck, cracker boxes!" And he dived into the water with his spear gun in his hand.

As he swam into the dark waters, he was being extra careful not to set anything off to alert the guards patrolling the area. It wasn't completely dark, for the full moon was shining through the ocean and giving him a little insight on where he was going.

Dimitri peaked his head up and saw he was near the docks, and saw three Kremlins
Patrolling the deck. Two of them were rather weak and small, but the third was way bigger, more muscular, and had a sawed off shotgun in one hand, and a heavy duty flashlight on the other.

"Sacre bleu." He cursed in his brain. "I'll have to go extreme all over their faces one at a time." And the purple iguana stealthily went underwater again, and waited until the first guard was close enough to make his move.

Without looking, Dimitri grabbed the first guard and pulled him into the water with him while in a headlock. The next move he did was keep him under until the Kremlin drew his last breath, killing him instantly. When he was taken care of, Dimitri quietly hid the body on a rocky landslide where the spotlights or any of the other guards would find him.

Now he was onto the next guard closest to him. He quietly got on the deck, and while he was not looking, Dimitri covered his mouth and then impaled him from behind with his rapier. Hiding the body behind a large hedge, Dimitri saw the third guard coming and hurriedly hid behind a tall rock spire.

"Hmm, I must be dreaming or something. Bah, just need.... a cup of coffee." The brute muttered to himself. As he turned his back and walked back to the position he was before, Dimitri one of Bentley's sleep darts, and shot it in the guard's neck.

At first, he was trying to call for him, but he immediately fell flat on the ground, asleep and snoring loudly. Dimitri then kicked him in midair, and then silently obliterated him by slicing him rapidly with his sword many times like a chef from a fancy Chinese restaurant. "Hahaha. Enjoy the night, my cheesy macaroni man." He muttered with a chuckle. "For there will be a lot of biting tonight." Then he hid the corpse behind the rock he was hiding from.

Now Dimitri was clear to go into the back vent to get inside the prison.

At first, it was all easy, but then he used his goggles and saw a dozen mines scattered around the entrance in a random fashion. They looked like old fashioned mines, but they all had red beacons going on and off every second.

If one thing was for sure, this would not be a piece of cake. Dimitri had to use his flexibility and kept his distance from the lethal balloon-like devices. Just one touch from these things, and it would be like the Fourth of July and Dimitri would meet an unpleasant and disgusting end.

It was not completely easy but Dimitri had to shoot one of the mines farthest from the rest, and a large explosion was seen. Many spotlights saw it and looked over to see what it was. "Oh mon dieu." He thought to himself. "I might get busted big time."

However, just his luck, the spotlights immediately turned away from where the mine exploded, and conginued with their little patrolling.

Then he carefully went through the other mines, and surprisingly, he got through it without a scratch and was inside the vent. He began swimming even faster, but he had to avoid some things like claws coming in from wall after wall as he kept going farther. Finally, he saw the light and knew where it would lead to.

He smiled and very quietly perked his head up like a Nile crocodile to see if any guards were in this peculiar room. It was supposedly a small camera room for surveillance around the perimeter. The iguana quietly got on his feet, and impaled the guard's neck with one of his darts, and locked him in a locker so no one would even try to find him.

He realized that there was even a camera in here too, and he quickly shot it with his dart, shorting it out completely. "Whew. Zat was close." He muttered

"you in, Dimitri?" Asked Bentley through the little dispatcher he Carrie with him.

"Oh yes. I'm inside the doughnut like jelly filling. It was like an easy bat swing in a baseball event. Oh, I thought I was a cooked goose for sure, but Dimitri stood tall and felt funky."

"Okay we get it, you're in." Said Bentley. "Can you see Colin Fraser's cell in the camera room?"

And the purple lizard looked over the screens, and saw many hallways with patrolling guards and cells with many inmates sleeping in them. Finally, he saw Colin being held up in cell block 8199. "Found him." The. He gave the turtle the coordinates for which cell he was in.

"Got it, uploading it to the computer right now. So for now, just keep quiet and keep a very low profile Dimitri."

"What if any of those bad bunnies come in and bust me big time?"

"Ummm, hid in one of the lockers or improvise."

"Well there are a few lockers on zis room." Dimitri said. "Keep me in touch."

"Alright Mario, Luigi, you guys are up next."

"Got it, Bentley." Said the red plumber. "Come on, bro. We got a boy to save."

"Got it, Mario." Said Luigi. "Here we go!" Then they put on their vanishing caps on their head, and turned completely invisible as if they were ghosts. They dove into the water and without any guards noticing, they both tip-toed into the side entrance.

Of course, they both had to wait for a small guard patrol to open it so the brothers can slide their way past them while they were entering. They quietly went up a flight of stairs while the entering patrol was going through a large hallway.

"Where do we go now?" Asked Luigi in a whisper.

Looking around, Mario was peeping over and he saw a double-buttoned door. "This way, Luigi. We'll push the buttons on this a door at same time."

And they counted to three silently and opened the door by pressing the buttons at the right time. They walked down a hallway and saw a few koopas, goomas, kremlins, and some of Eggman's robots alike.

"Alright, we'll have to take some a them out real quiet like. You heard Bentley. One slip up, and it will be a bust."

Luigi nodded his head in agreement and followed Mario down the hall, and went through a wall to see two guards patrolling the back of the door. Both of them looked dangerous, but Mario carefully and stealthily used his hands to grab their head, and slam them into one another. The impact was so strong that it made them unconscious and out of action for a little while.

"We better hide the bodies before they find out about this." Luigi said. Then he helped his brother move the unconscious guards out of sight by placing them inside two lockers. "There, that should a do it."

"Thanks, Luigi. Now to get to take care a the rest." Then Mario silently poked their heads through the wall, and moved their eyes to and fro, and the cost was absolutely clear for them to go past it completely. Both brother's quietly tip-toed into another part of the hallway, and saw three goomba soldiers wearing army helmets, looking quite fierce. Serious or not, both Mario and Luigi faced these goons millions of times before, and they all jumped on the first two.

The third one looked behind him and saw that his comrades were already gone, as if they vanished into thin air. Feeling a little scared, he called out in a funny voice "Hello? Is anyone there?" and he peeped to and fro for any sign of his two co-workers. "Heh, must be going out for a little midnight snack." and he continued his little duty and waddled down the hallway.

Mario and Luigi were relieved and then they saw to Koopa Troopas with small blasters in their hands. The brothers made a smirk, and nodded their head to eachother, knowing how to take care of these guys. They bounced on the turtle-like creatures, and they suddenly crawled into their little green shells. Then they were more than happy to kick them into a small group of Eggman's robots like they were bowling balls.

When the koopa's got out of their shells again, both koopas were more than afraid to see a small posse of angry robots in front of them, and they both ran away so they wouldn't get zapped into a crisp like a couple of fish sticks. The robots angrily followed them posthaste, looking quite mad.

Mario and Luigi snicked to themselves. "Never gets a old." Luigi muttered. Continuing on with the sneaking and snooping, Mario and Luigi went into a small room, and it revealed to be the weapons room. Surprisingly, no guards were there to keep an eye on the place, and they were happy that it was empty

Meanwhile, the Panda King was lurking in the shadows in the darkest corners of the hallways, and used his trusted Flame-fu techniques to burn any coming guard to death. He was extra cautious, for he wasn't really slender like Sly was, and couldn't really just slide on ledges like he would, because he was too big to do so. As he was sneaking around himself, he was stopped by five guards.

All of them were Kremlins. "Freeze!" said the leader, who was a flashlight guard like Dimitri encountered in his rendezvous. "Who are you and what are you doing here?!"

"Peace, my friends." said the Panda King. "I do not wish to fight. I just want this to flow smoothly like a peaceful snow leopard in the Himalayas."

"Then come quietly and you won't have to die!" said one of the four weaker guards

"Shut up, Clem!" sad the leader. "I got this!" then he bonked him on the head like a coconut. "But yeah, just come quietly, and this won't have to end badly."

"Of course." then as when the Panda King was about to let himself be arrested, a sly smile appeared and as soon as the handcuffs were about to be put on his big, muscular wrists, the kung fu master suddenly made a backwards flip and jabbed one guard in the head with his elbow. the guard immediately fell to the floor unconscious, had stars swirling around his head.

"Stop him!" said the leader.

The rest of the small patrol rushed in to take him to a cell by force, but the Panda King was fast, despite being bigger than Murray. He immediately dodged one of the guards and swept his legs with one of his own, and then punched him bad enough to make him out cold like the other.

Next, the third guard slashed his sword many times at him, but the large panda used his muscles to block one strike, and immediately shattered the blade into little, tiny pieces of scrap metal. Nonetheless, the guard tried to fight him head-on with his fists and kicks, but the Panda King was too much for him, and chopped him with a hand of burning fire, burning him instantly to a crisp.

"Is that all you can do?" said he in a crane pose. "No one like you can ever best the glorious Panda King."

"We'll see about that!" said the fourth guard. He charged at the warrior with full zeal and swung and thrusted his spear at him with all his might, but Panda King dodged every strike from him, and grabbed hold of the spear like a mere toothpick, and broke it like one. He then grabbed the guard by his head, and then threw a mighty punch at him with his large fist in the stomach, knocking him straight to a wall, and then fell down to the floor, moaning in pain.

"Right. Just you and me, teddy bear!" said the Flashlight guard. he immediately threw his flashlight aside, and his shotgun with it, and said "Weapons are for the weak." then they charged into eachother, and the Panda King did a swing kick across his face, knocking him down to the floor. He was about to finish him off by piercing him with his fingers together while flames sparkled on them, but the guard was fast enough to dodge it, and then kick the Panda King. The move was none other than a mere flinch, and the Panda King immediately moved his head around like it didn't even hurt him, and looked more mad than usual.

The flashlight guard tried to punch and kick him with all his might, but the large panda used his hands to prevent him from touching a slight inch of his skin.

He grabbed hold of one kick his beefy hand, and began squeezing and breaking it, making the guard yell in pain. Panda King was more than happy to swing the guard across the room, and threw him on the floor. "Had enough you vermin?"

"No! I never quit!"

"In that case, you will die even faster." Then he kicked him in the stomach, and and said "Fiery wheel!" then he made the guard burn into a crisp until nothing was left of him. Thus, the Panda King was victorious once again, and the sound of a gong was heard.

Just then, another guard came rushing in, hearing what the commotion was all about, and tried to charge at the Panda King, but before he can even run, something climbed on his back, along with his shoulders. At first, he didn't know what was happening. Was it a giant spider or something? was what he was thinking. "Get off me!" he shouted. "Get off!"

It was Guru, for he used his magic hand to take control of the guard's weak mind, and made him run radically out of control. Panda King made a bold smile, and then readied his fist. At the last second, Guru left off the guard with his staff in hand, and the Panda King made his move by throwing a powerful punch at his face, making him lose several teeth, killing him instantly

Both Panda King and Guru smiled at this. The purple koala made a funny and snarky remark about the unfortunate goon, ending with a chuckle.

The Panda King smiled an replied "Well said, my old friend. The poor fool didn't stand a chance against your strong mind. Now we must go and rendezvous with Mario and Luigi, wherever they are."

Guru made another aboriginal remark, and Panda King translated it. He said "Hopefully, the young brothers haven't gotten lost along the path. This could be more challenging than the Mask of Dark Earth."

"Indeed." the large panda agreed. Then, with Guru riding on the king's back, sneaked down the hallway, and fortunately, there were no guards around to bust them. They suddenly heard a small conversation in the room, and thought it was a couple of more guards, and Panda King swung the door open, ready for another fight. Guru leaped off his back in a combat pose.

It turned out to be Mario and Luigi. "Oh, there ya are." said Mario. "What took ya both?"

"Our sincere apologies, Mario." said Panda King. "We thought you were one of them cutthroats we had encountered."

"No problemo." Mario remarked. "We made it in successfully, thanks to our vanish caps." Then he and Luigi pulled out the magic hats to get inside their own way.

"Now we wait for the others to report." said Panda King.