• Published 18th Jun 2016
  • 2,235 Views, 206 Comments

A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest - MetalBrony823

Colin is back and he has been kidnapped by an evil boy named George. Now, it is up to Johnny, his big brother, his girlfriend Rose, Fluttershy and the boy's family to save him from this evil child and his minions

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Colin's torture by Tickling

Colin was out in the prison courtyard. Many inmates were all doing tough activities like lifting barbels or making license plates through a machine. Other activities were card games in some tables like mahjong or poker or gin rummy, but of course, since the prisoners couldn't have any money with them, they used small pebbles to substitute for that. Despite how scary and terrifying these prisoners looked, good ole Comet Onyxtail and his little chain gang were there to keep Colin company and help him from any approaching danger, like last time.

"How you pulling in there, kiddo?" asked Comet, sitting next to him.

"Just... trying to stay strong. Ow!" he immediately stood up from the hard bench he was sitting on. Apparently, he was still trying to cope with some of the pain on his butt from the smacking Shadow. "Boy that Shadow Mavis really did a number on my bottom, ow." he added.

"Was it that bad?" asked Silver Moon

"Uh-huh." the boy sadly admitted.

"Well we did kinda heard you next to the cell you were in." said Clover Venture. Then he made a small growl of anger and hate. "I just wish I could have gone in there and beat Shadow Mavis down till not even her own mother would recognize her." and he pounded his hooves together.

Jet Set was thinking of how he could hurt or even kill Shadow Mavis the day before when it happened. "But, at least you were staying strong in the cell, right?"

"I was trying so hard." Colin admitted.

"Good." said Wild Lightning with a smile. "You're big brother would have been proud of you."

Colin smiled to hear that remark. "I think you're right." he agreed with him.

"And we could have helped you when Shadow Mavis was spanking you." said Silver Spirit. "But we were given a warning saying that if we interfered, we would have ended up like Death Gator."

"Not to mention that I was in solitary confinement when that was happening." said Comet. "I'm sorry I didn't help you back there. I would have kicked that crazy bitch's ass myself if given the chance."

"It's okay, Comet." Colin replied, putting a hand on his big shoulder. "There wasn't anything you could have done anyway, and I didn't want to see you get in more trouble."

The large stallion smiled. "Thanks, Colin." and they hugged eachother.

"So, what happen to Death Gator?" Colin asked

"After he punched you and gave you the black eye, they executed him by a firing squid with machine guns." said Jet Set. And he motioned his mouth close to the boy's right ear. "Rumors say that the Kremlin guards ate his entire body."

The wicked rumor already sent a shiver down his spine, along with a gulp of fear. "Gosh, that must have been horrible."

"Are you kidding me?" said Silver Moon. "After what he just pulled on you, you kinda feel sorry for him?"

"I know he did terrible things." Colin admitted. "But still."

"That's what happens when you are in prison, boy." said Comet. "Too much time in the whole can mess with your head." and he gently knocked his head giving a point about what he remarked. It made Colin a little more scared than ever. If there was anything he would hate to be, it would be a cold blooded killer like Death Gator before he was executed. "Ah but who am I kidding, you're a good kid. You're too strong will for that. I know you would never become like Death Gator." and he gave him a gentle pat on the back playfully.

"Thanks guys. At least I have good friends like you all."

"Don't sweat it." said Wild Lightning. "I can guarantee you that we will get out of here. We just need to think of a plan."

"Lightning's right." Silver Moon agreed boldly. "Sadly, I don't know when we can actually break out of here. It could be in a week, a few months or even years from now. But in time, who knows? We might get out of here sooner than we think."

"True dat." said Comet. "We would need a miracle for it to happen right now. But yeah, maybe it might come sooner than we all expect it to happen." And as they all looked around the prison courtyard, they saw a small prison fight where two large Kremling inmates were blowing fists at each other's faces. It looked quite brutal, and many inmates crowded around to watch this little fight.

Colin, Comet, and his boys being smart, decided just to stay out of it, for Colin has been through quite enough as it is. It didn't take long for Shadow Mavis and Krusha to come outside and bring an end to the little conflict,

"Alright! Alright! Break it up!" Krusha said. Being bigger than the other two Kremlin prisoners, he used his mighty fists to bump their skulls into one another. "Kenny! Put these two n the box!"

And another large Kremling came outside and dragged the two Inmates to whatever try box is. Both of them were pleading for mercy, but the brute just ignored them as if they were aponky like flies or bees to him. He wasn't as big as Krusha was, but he still had the same amount of strength as he did. There was a loud sound of two metal doors. Wing slammed shut as Kenny went back outside.

"There. That's a few more loose ends to worry about. Hee hee!" Shadow Mavis. Just then, Dr Eggman came from the skies in his little pod, and he promptly landed on the ground accompanied by two robot guards to protect him. "Ugh, what is it now, Eggman?" Asked the evil girl in annoyance

"Miss Mavis, please forgive the interruption, but Johnny Fraser and his friends are on their way here right now! They took out many of my robot pirate ships and some of King K Rool's own ships."

She was quite surprised to hear of this news and began to worry that with Johnny and his friends coming to safe Colin, the dreams of her and George conquering the world together would be ruined for sure. "What? Are you sure?"

"I assure you, it is them." Eggman said. "I would never lie.... to you or George. I promise." Eggman said. "I honestly don't know how many more guards I can lose to that meddling human and his posse."

"Oh suck it up, Egghead." Shadow Mavis said. "You can always create more. You're a scientist after all, so it should be quite easy for you to make some more robot minions."

"Yes, but- I can get pretty tired easily just by creating robots, the designs of what they look like, all of that."

"Wait, I thought you would make your robot slaves do all the work for you?" Krusha said

"Nonetheless! It's off topic. The point is, what are we going to tell George?"

"Leave that to me." Said Shadow Mavis. "You and you're little robot army just worry about trying to stop Johnny at all costs. He does not get anywhere near Colin, understand?"

"Of course."

"Good. Dismissed!"

"See you soon, miss." Eggman said. Then he and his robots went on board his little pod ship and flew away into the semi-cloudy sky. Meanwhile, Colin heard everything that Eggmanw as saying, and had a burst of hope.

His friends were getting the same thing as he has, and smiled. "You hear that Colin?" You're brother's on his way!" Comet said.

The boy couldn't be more happier or excited to hear this news. Colin wondered if Johnny and his so-called friends of his can actually save him from this horrible hell hole. Of course, he said "that's great! But I think we shouldn't tell anyone about this. "I don't want to be interrogated about it. And I don't want Shadow Mavis or her monsters having ideas on how to make me more miserable.

"That's a good point." Said Clover. "Yep, it's best to keep it quiet."

"Colin!" Called Shadow Mavis in a sing-song voice. She and Krusha went up to the kid making him quite scared. Comet and his friends stood their ground for anything the two would throw at the boy. "Ah there you are!" She smiled innocently.

"What do you want from me now?" He asked in a mildly scared voice.

"Come with me, we're going to have some more fun. Krusha! Make sure that these bozos don't try to stop more or interfere."

"Got it, malady." Said Krusha with a head nod. He melt the friendly stallions back and Shadow pulled Colin's hand to his cell. Throwing him on the bed, she closed the cell door and had a large feether

"Guess what I am going to do next!" She sang

Colin didn't really understand at first, but he had a sudden realization and his eyes puffed up in fear. "Oh no. You don't mean....'

"Oh ho ho ho, I do mean." Shadow slyly replied with a smirk. Then she tied Collin up in a few ropes, and began tickling him with the large feather.

"No! Hahahaha! Mercy! Mercy!!" The boy cackled. "I can't take this!" And he kept on laughing and laughing from the ticklish feeling of the feather.

"You want more? Okay!" And then she resumed after a brief pause, she found herself tickling him harder than she did before, and the tickling and laughing went on and on for quite some time.

Poor Colin, well at least he knows that his brother is on the way to save him from this horrible nightmare.