• Published 18th Jun 2016
  • 2,235 Views, 206 Comments

A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest - MetalBrony823

Colin is back and he has been kidnapped by an evil boy named George. Now, it is up to Johnny, his big brother, his girlfriend Rose, Fluttershy and the boy's family to save him from this evil child and his minions

  • ...

Pirate wars

In his prison cell, Colin was looking at the ceiling in a sad state, and felt a few dry stains of tears on his cheeks.

However, he couldn't give up any hope at all, and should have faith in his new family.

He was trying so hard for him to be patient, but it was starting to slowly dim and Colin's patience and even his sanity if this kept up

The only good thing about being here was that, there was a nice stallion named Comet Onyxtail, and his friendly chain gang in here to protect him as much as they can possibly do. It was rather quiet since most of the other inmates were already fast asleep.

Of course, there were a few stragglers that woukd complain and male some noise and cursing at thw top of their lungs. Mavis and her guards had to go over to the cells where they were making the noise, and brutally beat them to keep them quiet.

When it died down, there was complete silence, except for the sound of crickets chirping and a few sounds of snoring from a few inmates, who were quite the heavy sleepers.

Turning over sadly, Colin said to himself "If only mommy and daddy were here. They would know what to do, along with Princess Celestia and Luna. They would figure put what to do."

"Oh I wouldn't count on that." Said Shadow Mavis with an evil smirk on her face. "They can't help you because if they do try to do anything to set you free, then...."

"Then what?" Colin asked nervously.

Smacking her baton on her hand a few times, she wickedly said "we will kill you." This made a Colin pale as a baby horse, and sick to his stomach, like he was suffering from a case of botulism. He felt like crying once again, but he was completely out of tears to bawl out at this time.

"Ah, but since you are so cute, I will go easy on you." and she made a wink at him. "Just don't tell my cute, and ingeniously evil boyfriend i said that that, it will be our little secret." and she made an evil chuckle. "Now then, time for another arrest."

"another one, but hat doesn't make any sense, I'm already in jail and- Ahh!" He was cut shortly when Shadow Mavis tackled him and forcibly tied his hands behind his back

"Nonsense!" She said in a playful voice of joy, at least, Her definition of joy and violently putting handcuffs on Colin again. It was a very firm grip, that Colin's wrists were starting to chafe and hurt him.

"Ow! Ow!" He exclaimed in agony. "You're hurting me!"

"Ah, don't be such a crybaby." Mavis shrugged cruelly. "You'll only feel a little pinch. That's all.... Not! Hahahaha!!" She cackled wickedly. It almost sounded like a magpie, crow, or a raven calling. It was so much for Colin to bear.

When she was finished, Mavis threw him on the bed violently, and pulled out her baton, whacking her hand a few times with it. Colin was too scared to know what she was going to do with him.

All of sudden, he felt a really sharp pain hit against his butt. Turns out it was painful spank. "Ow!" He shouted, feel like crying again

"We're going to have some more fun together, pretty boy." She said with an evil grin. Then. Very mercilessly, she began wacking Colin's hindquarters with her baton. It was a really stinging pain that made a Colin feel like he was sitting on a bonfire or a campfire.

The whacks were so painful that a few tears streamed down the poor boy's face. He wished that this would just end and go away, but the pain was only beginning for him to experience.

"Let me hear you say uncle!" She said sadistically while still spanking him. His but was starting become red from the impacts from her baton. It was worse than how a mother would spank a child for being naughty or slung something wrong, but he knows that Fluttershy would never do something so horrible and horrendous like this.

"Please! Stop it!" He screamed.

"I didn't catch that."

"Uncle!" He said. "Uncle! Uncle!"

"Say what?"

"Uncle! Uncle! I said uncle!" He shouted once again, but to no avail, she continued spanking him mercilessly for a few long minutes, and then she decided to stop and had her fun. Meanwhile, Clover Venture, one of Comet's boys was hearing it on the other side of the wall. It was breaking his heart that a helpless boy was suffering toture like this.

"Goddammit." he muttered. "Hang in there, Colin." He just wish he could have the strength to bust out of this hellhole called a cell and go to his aid, along with giving Shadow Mavis a piece of his mind, such as stomping on her skull until it cracks. Wild Lightning, Jet Set, and Silver Spirit tried to keep him restrained.

"Easy there." said Silver. "I would love to help him too, but if we try to start yet another prison riot, they'll give us the electric chair as an execution."

Really hating to admit it, he was right, and Clovis gritted his teeth in defeat. "Dammnit." he said again. "If only Comet was out of solitary confinement, he would know what to do."

"here here." said Jet Set. "I just hope that kid is tough as he says."

Meanwhile, back on the other side of the cell, Colin had loads of tears streaming down his cheeks of pain and sadness all at once.

"There, better now, right?" Shadow asked him as if she was never spanking him in the first place.

"No." Colin whimpered.

"Oh don't worry, it will only last for.... a couple of hours by the look of this." then she sat next to him and cuddled with him against his will.

At sea, the skies were clear and the whole rescue party was ready for anything that can come in their way, since they have the new Chimera cannons to protect them from even the strongest battleship.

While on the lookout, Luigi saw a small figure that was sailing closer to the ship he and the gang were on. "Mama Mia." he muttered "Hey! Listen up, my friends!" he called down to them below. "I think a there is a ship approaching us!"

"Is it one of George's minions?" asked Panda King

"I don't know." said Mario."

Bentley pulled out his binocucom and zoomed in to see what it was, and just as the others thought, it was indeed a pirate ship, but it looked metallic and instead of Kremlings, Koopas, Goombas, it had robots with creepy looking smiles on them. The sales were black and it had a creepy loooking man with an evil smile.

"It's... robotic, like no pirate ship I have ever seen before." the turtle said. "It looks like something I wish i created or upgrade our signature ship back home.

"Wait a minute." Sonic said, recognizing "I've seen that ship somewhere before." then he took the binocucom and tried to see for himself. "Ah! It's Eggman!" he realized

"Eggman? That's just what we needed." Knuckles remarked.

"I just hope that zees canons will work against a ship like zis one." Dimitri remarked. "If zey fail, then we have came all zis way for nothing."

"Fear not." said Panda King. "If all else fails, we have fireworks on our side." then the gigantic panda banged his fists together

The small guru made a sentence in the aboriginal language and tapped the ball of his staff with his finger three times.

"You got that right, master!" Murray agreed with him.

"Attention Johnny Fraser!" said a gruff man's voice. There was a small ship that had Dr. Eggman flying it. "Turn around now, or face the wrath of me: Dr Robitnik!"

"Where the hell is my brother!?" Johnny screamed at the mad scientist.

"Don't worry. George is taking good care of him, in jail." then he cackled loudly like any mad scientist would do.

"Jail!?" Johnny exclaimed in horror. Now feeling infuriated, He took out the sword that Severin gave to him before he left Ponyville on this journey, and tried to jump at Eggman with full zeal, but he was suddenly stopped by the others, trying to calm him down

"Easy there, turbo!" Sly said. "Killing him won't bring him back!"

"He's right." Rose said. "Please Johnny, take it easy."

It took a little while, but finally, Johnny calmed his emotions and was not so furious, but still wanted to fight Eggman and his robot minions.

"Don't think you can try to stop me, you fools!" Eggman taunted. "I am the greatest mind in the whole universe!"

"We'll see about that, Dr.!" Knuckles said.

"Robots, attack!!"

then many robot pirates swung on ropes and boarded the gang's ship. Clever as that doctor was, they all fought back gallantly. Sonic was using his spin dash ability, and Knuckles was landing a big line of punches with his amazing strength and did the Maximum Heat Knuckles attack many times.

Mario and Luigi worked together as brothers by performing the Bounce Brothers move on many pirate robots fighting them. They were rather unusual techniques, but also useful. Both Mario and Luigi did a couple more moves together like the Splash Bros, Chopper Bros, Swing Bros, and Fire bros, and together they were unstoppable.

"Here we go!" both brothers said in excitement and unison.

Sly was using his athletic skills to dodge many attacks and whacked many enemies with his cane. Murray didn't really need any help, no he was a like a brick wall to these mechanical menaces. Bentley used a set of missiles and even used a sword to fight off these enemies, along with some bombs to go with it.

Johnny was furiously lashing out at his sword at any robot he would come in contact with, and he was quite amazing at it. He was like a bane to robots everywhere.

The Panda King was using his "Flame-fu" techniques and it was a perfect type of kung-fu fighting style, and the Guru was more than happy to take control of one robot just by hopping on it's back and short-circuiting it, like his own battle-suit.

Dimitri was a fighter that likes to dance to it, and did many disco moves while landing many blows on the machines, and fired purple lasers from his gold ring, causing them to malfunction and drop down like they died.

"Ahhhh! Let's Dance!" he shouted boldly and proudly. He even fired his speargun at some of them, right through their bodies.

"Arghh! We cannot give up you morons." said the robot captain from the enemy ship. "Fire the cannons!"

"Uh oh. Knuckles, Panda King, Murray, ready the Chimera cannons." Bentley said.

"Gotcha, Bentley!"

"On it!" said the red echidna.

"Affirmative." Panda King added, then all the muscle members of the posse swiftly got to work on the cannons and the cannonballs, with the Panda King himself adding fireworks to them to make the balls deadlier and more dangerous, like frag bombs.

"Fire!" Johnny ordered as soon as all cannonballs were inside the cannons. In a flash of light, the canons flew like runaway meteorites, and caused great damage to the robot ship.

Eggman cowered and dodged as many blasts as possible. "Oh dear. This can't be good." he muttered to himself.

It was the perfect oppurtunity for Johnny and the gang to swing aboard the robot ship, and plunder every piece of living scrap on it.

Eggman was even more scared now, and he tried to fight them himself by firing some missiles at them, but Sonic would kick each one away from him and his friends.

Finally, when the robot ship was starting to sink, Eggman tried to escape but was stopped by a spin-Dash by Sonic. Quivering pathetically, he said "alright alright! I give I give!"

Grabbing his threat, Johnny said "tell me where Colin is! Now!!"

"Alright alright, I'll tell you. The prison is on George's island, that's where you can find the boy! I swear, you are sailing on the right track."

"Good! Now what do you think we should do with you, doctor?" Johnny pointed his nimcha at the scientist, but then Eggman had a trick up his sleeve; he threw a signature Eggman smoke bomb, and it temporarily blinded Johnny and the others.

"Sacre bleu!" Dimitri cursed. "He got away."

"Come on, we got to get back on the ship!" Rose stated. Then one by one, they all went back to their own shop, and saw the robotic pirate one sinking down to the bottom of the sea.

"You okay, Johnny?" Asked Sly.

"I'm fine. You heard what he said, we are on the right course."

"He is definitely not wrong." Bentley said

"But if there was a pirate ship here, there could be more when we go further into George's island." Murray noted.

"Don't worry, with these canons, nothing can stand in our way." Sonic said, patting one of the canons. "These babies do massive, chaotic damage."

"We'll be ready for anything else." Said Johnny confidentially. "And let's not forget about our extra help a little earlier today."

"Right!" They all agreed with him, then they continued sailing to the evil boy's island.