• Published 18th Jun 2016
  • 2,227 Views, 206 Comments

A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest - MetalBrony823

Colin is back and he has been kidnapped by an evil boy named George. Now, it is up to Johnny, his big brother, his girlfriend Rose, Fluttershy and the boy's family to save him from this evil child and his minions

  • ...


A few good weeks have passed since Colin Fraser was living happily with his new family in Equestria, and the concert in the Crystal Empire with his brother, Johnny Fraser along with his best friends/bandmates Severin, Christian, and Bobby. Winter was almost in Equestria and it was close to Nightmare Night (Equestria's definition of Halloween). Colin was still feeling pretty very lucky to be with Fluttershy as his new mommy, and everypony else as his new members of his new family. His brother would come visit him from time to time along with his best friends thanks to Discord, the master of chaos himself. Right now. I was a beautiful Saturday morning at the cottage and the boy was helping Fluttershy tend to the critters in and out of the place. All the leaves were on the ground and autumn has been completed in it's phases.

"You are doing a great job, sweetie." Fluttershy said to him.

"Thanks mommy." Colin replied after he was done feeding a boar, making him happy. He was wearing his usual green jacket that he would wear every now and again. All the animals were Colin's family too, and treated him like he was a lion cub in a pride or an eland calf in a herd. "So, What's nightmare Night?"

"Well, it's a holiday where we dress up in costumes and look scary, and tell very terrifying stories." She replied. The thought of the purpose of the holiday was. We gulped before she added "it has bats, spiders, and you tell scary stories"

"Hey, that sounds like Halloween." He pointed

"What is this Halloween?"

Of course Fluttershy would never heard of it since it is not celebrated in Equestria after all. "It's a holiday that's like Nightmare Night in my world."

"Oh. Is it fun?"

"Very fun! Me, mommy and daddy would to different houses and say 'trick or treat!' Then they give us free candy to eat."

"Oh, that sounds wonderful. You know we have children coming to different houses and asking for candy too."

"Cool. How do they ask it?"

"Fluttershy cleared her throat and sang "Nightmare Night, what a fright, give me something sweet to bite"

"Hahaha." Colin laughed. "That's funny. You know, we have a song that kind of smells like that."

"Oh, can you sing me it?"

"Well, alright." He cleared his throat "trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat."

Fluttershy giggled "that is a little funny. Well, we still got several weeks before we have Nightmare Night again."

"Yeah. I know."

"So, you want to help me take some leaves, sweetie?"

"Yeah!" Then they both pulled out a rake and began sweeping across the ground to spread the fallen leaves into a large pile. "So mommy, what should we soon Nightmare Night?"

The yellow pegasus stopped for a moment "well, um- I- I don't usually go out on Nightmare Night." She confessed sheepishly.

The human boy' smiled turned into a frown. "Why not?"

"It's.... It's a little terrifying for me to do."

"Oh, mommy. You know that it's for fun, right?"

"Yes. I know. But I just stay in my cottage under my bed until the night is all over." Then she continued raking once more.

"Come on, mommy. Have you ever been on Nightmare Night before?"

Then she started to remembered last Nightmare Night. It was when she was trying to fit into the holiday by looking and acting scary. Then she remembered the part where she and her animal friends pulled the ultimate prank on her friends in the Corn Maze with Granny Smith and Big Mac. She got a little smirk on her face when she scared them silly by pretending to be a vampire fruit bat, and her friends were happy for her and proud.

"Actually i have." she answered. "Last year at Nightmare Night, I learned how to scare my friends for the first time." she made a cute giggle. "oh it was fun."

"wow, that's cool."

"thanks." then she realized that she is not that scared on Nightmare Night anymore and grown more tolerable about the spooky night of the year. "You know what, sweetie." She said "I think I would like to go out on Nightmare Night this year."

The boy smiled again. "Really?"

"Hmm-mm. I think I remember how much I loved Nightmare Night. So I would be more than happy to go with you and have fun, as a family."

"Yay." The boy said. Then they raked the last piles of orange leaves to the largest one.

"Thanks for helping me, Colin."

"You're welcome, mommy. Always happy to help the greatest mommy in the world."

"Oh come here." Then they hugged like a mother and son would do "I love you, Colin." Then she gave him a kiss on his forehead

"I love you too." Meanwhile from behind a bush in the Everfree forest, there was a peculiar creature stalking them without the, noticing

"So, this is the kid that he was talking about. Well, isn't he so adorable?" Said a really gruff voice that sounded a little demonic

"Yeah." Bleated a higher pitched voice. This one sounded like a goat or a sheep. "I could just eat him up into little tiny pieces

"Remember what he sssaid, guys." Added a third and final voice that sounded like a lizard or a serpent. "He wantsss him alive."

"Yes. For now, let him have fun for a while." Said the demonic voice. "Oh I can already smell the pies already. He will be so pleased that we found him and taking to the boss will bring us more pie than we can imagine."

"I know." Bleated the goat voice. "Come on, let's get back to the forest before we're compromised."

"Right behind you, sis." Said e snake-like voice. Then their eyes vanished as the three figures disappeared into the Everfree in the shadows.

Back with Fluttershy and Colin, they both went back inside the house and enjoyed some hot cocoa. "Careful Colin. It's a little too hot."

"Okay, mommy." Then they heard a knock on the door. The boy was the one who went to answer it and it revealed to be Scootaloo, his new girlfriend along with Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Pipsqueak, and Rumble all together with her

"Hi Colin!" They all said happily

"Hey, guys! What brings you here?"

"We were wondering if you wanted to play kickball with us." Scootaloo replied. Then she gave him a kiss on his cheek, making him flush while the other kids went "aww."

"Well... I.... Sure." He replied, being a little lost for words from that smooch. "But I am drinking hot chocolate right now. Can you guys wait for me?"

"Of course, Colin." Said Pip

"Yeah, we can wait." Rumble added. "Besides, we like looking at Fluttershy's critter friends." He waved at Harry the bear who growled happily at him.

"Oh, hello children." Fluttershy said, coming to the front door to greet them. "What can I do for all of you?"

"We just wanted to ask Colin if he can play kick ball with us in Ponyville." Rumble answered

"Yeah, it will be fun." Said Sweetie Belle

"Well, of course you he can come with you."

"You can trust us, right?" Scootaloo asked her

"Of course I trust all of you. Y are the mist sweetest kids I have met in Ponyville."

The kids all flushed and were a little embarrassed of her to compliment all of them like that. "Yeah, well, you know. Mum says I am a real gentle colt after all." Pip remarked.

"In the meantime, why don't you come in and say hello to my animal friends until Colin is done with his hot chocolate, then he can go play with you."

"Yay!" The kids all cheered

"Thanks, Fluttershy." Said Appleblom as she and the others went inside. Colin went back to drinking his hot chocolate as Scootaloo sat next to him on the table, wrapping her wing around him

"Mind if I keep you warm, buddy?"

"No at all."

"Cool." Them the lovebirds both enjoyed their time together.

Author's Note:

What was this creature in the Everfree forest? And what did they mean by their "boss?" Find out on the next chapter