• Published 11th Jun 2016
  • 13,048 Views, 389 Comments

MLP: The Magic of... Music? - The Bricklayer

So Twilight discovers human radio and decides to share it with her teacher. However, they are shocked at what they find. And soon, everypony wants a listen...

  • ...

Part 8: Seek and Destroy (A pony's faith in humanity...)

A few moments after the Doctor and Company had left...

"Excellent, now that they're gone our plan can begin..." Adagio smirked. Now, they had no interference. Now, you may be asking what about the Crystal Empire and it's rulers the fair and lovely Princess Cadence and the noble and just Shining Armor? Well, to be fair the Dazzlings were banished right during the time the Empire was still under King Sombra's rule so for all they knew it was still the same as it was before, a dark and twisted place where terror of the King reigned supreme.

"I still think this is a stupid plan. It's nothing we haven't done before." Aria grumbled. None of the three knew exactly how their magic had returned, they weren't exactly complaining but even if it had returned with given time, that still didn't mean they should just go back to Equestria and try again. They'd been defeated once before. Of course, on the other hoof Aria mused Starswirl was probably long dead by now and she doubted there was any pony in Equestria besides the Mane Six and the Princesses who seemed to have conveniently just took a trip to who knew where.

"Some heroes, leaving just when the land they live in is about to re-meet us huh?" Aria asked sarcastically.

"Well, to be fair ruling a land's gotta stress you out huh?" Sonata wondered aloud to nopony in particular as she put a hoof to her chin in thought. " I think they deserve a break from time to time, don't you?"

Adagio and Aria growled at the kindness of their sister. She may have been a siren, but that didn't mean she liked to do what she had to. It was just she needed to do it to survive, and even then most of the time she had to be bullied into causing chaos with her voice by her siblings.

"Sometimes I wonder why I'm related to you..." Adagio grumbled to herself.

"Because we're siblings?" Sonata asked cheerfully in her own ditzy manner. Adagio facehoofed, she found she was doing this a lot around her sister.

"That was sarcasm fool." Aria snapped at Sonata, who frowned slightly at the insult but cheered right back up. It was really hard to keep her down. If there was any siren who probably could be reformed, it was most likely to be Sonata. Neither Adagio or Aria wanted to even consider the possibility.

"Ah, but who's the fool? The fool or the one who follows him?" Sonata asked cheerfully, quoting that one movie she'd somehow manage to convince her sisters to watch during a brief moment of boredom. Both of the other Dazzlings groaned at the reminder.

"You had to quote that didn't you?" Adagio grumbled again.

"Hey, it was a good movie!" Sonata replied in her defence.

"No, it sucked big time." Aria disagreed before she shared a look with her sister. "Enough of this," they agreed mentally. Both of the other two Dazzlings hummed a small note towards Sonata. It was weak, as their powers had yet to regain their full strength but it was enough to put Sonata into such a state where she'd do anything asked of her, like a puppet with Aria and Adagio being the ones pulling the strings.

"Now, we've got to get to work. We don't have a lot of time before those goody four hooves come back." Adagio said.

Back in the present....

"Y'know, I bet they're damn curious on who exactly is sending these transmissions." Aria mock-wondered while she held a hoof up to her chin in thought. Adagio smirked at her.

"Should we tell them the full truth?" She asked and Lyra nervously replied. "W-What is the truth?" although something told her she really didn't want to know.

Nearby, Spike was yelling out a warning of "No... No, don't ask. Please, don't ask them! They'll just twist and disto-"

He never got to finish as Spike's mouth was soon stuffed full with a book by Sonata who sneered "And that's enough out of you, little doggy."

Adagio smirked before she said "The full truth is, these songs were made by..."

Here she waited for everypony to lean in forwards in interest before she continued. "...Humans."

Lyra was over the moon with joy, despite every sense of hers telling her not to trust these three and remembering what little of Spike managed to get out as a warning. But the voice of Adagio was already compelling her to obey and continue talking.

"Humans! Yes, I knew they were singing these awesome songs!" Lyra cried in triumph, pleased to have her theory that she'd been telling whoever would listen finally proven, even if it was by one of the Dazzlings of all creatures. Adagio chuckled darkly and shook her head.

"Yes, but they're not as cool as you think they are..." She began seductively while leaning in close to Lyra's face while Trixie, Octavia, Cheese and Vinyl watched nervously in the background constrained by a spell from Aria.

"Want me to prove it to you?" Adagio asked, and Lyra shook her head nervously but was ignored and Adagio began up a song which began with a bassline but soon squeaks of electric guitar were added in...

The song described somebody singing of a kid who'd been to school and thought that maybe he'd seen it all, but wasn't true as he kept on being surprised on what was in this land called Cambodia. Foul words (One even racist if you could believe it) were uttered, some ponies never thought they'd ever like to hear again and the kid being sung about was like a leech. Then, it got worse as it described no matter how hard the kid worked, he'd still end up with his head on a stake.

"Celestia above... Please tell me that place isn't really like that?" Octavia whispered in horror and Adagio gained a evil smile as the ponies were continued to be exposed to how foul certain sides of the human race could be.

"Oh, it is. And you know the really funny thing?" Adagio laughed, taking pleasure off the rage their quarries felt at the song's description of the strange land.

"W-What?" Octavia asked, not really wanting to know.

"There are even fouler places, where you can get killed for just speaking your mind." Adagio replied, remembering all she'd heard of North Korea and some Arabic countries.

"No... No, that's not possible! Humans can't be like that!" Lyra cried, nearly close to tears.

"Oh, but they can, and be even possibly more worse then anything the demons of Tartarus themselves could think up." Adagio continued, before she used Twilight's machine once more. And so, the next song began with a truly thunderous guitar riff...

Throughout the Dazzling's visit, the ponies faith in humanity as more then violent creatures was wavering, but now it was finally and truly broken and shattered with this final song. The things the final verses described, digging up somepony's body and... Nopony could bear to even think of the next phrase in the song. Octavia sobbed and threw off her bow tie and smashed the control panel to Twilight's machine with a mighty buck while Vinyl threw off her headphones and glasses. If music could be twisted and distorted this way, why should she make any herself?

Meanwhile, Cheese's mane style went from curly right to flat and straight, almost as if the party had been sucked right out of him entirely. Nearby, Trixie screamed 'HUMANS, THEY ARE BASTARDS!"

But the truly saddest of all was the state of one Lyra Heartstrings, with tears rolling down her face as she cried silently and she whispered to herself "Humans... I truly thought they were better then this..."

The Dazzlings smirked collectively, their work was almost done here. Adagio turned to her two sisters and asked "Girls, I think it's time we bust out one of our own numbers, don't you agree?"

Sonata and Aria both nodded, before they began to croon one of their infamous bewitching songs...

Once the song was over, Adagio asked one simple question, just to see if the song worked as it should.

"Now, do you promise to serve and obey us?" She asked, and in unison the ponies answered "Yes, our mistresses."

Adagio and her cohorts, seeing this laughed long and hard although in Sonata's mind she was screaming for herself to stop this and break free from her siblings control, but her pleas went unheard. The first of many were now under their Siren spell, and more were soon to follow. Soon, they'd regain their rightful places as the Queens of Equestria, and nopony, not even the Mane Six themselves could stop them now!

Author's Note:

I am very truly sorry for the generally dark tone of this chapter and the downright nasty depiction of the Dazzlings and pretty much Discording the ponies and I understand if you hate me after this, but it had to be done.:fluttercry: Just remember though, it's only a story and we know for a fact us humans can be better then the ones described in the songs here. Believe me, I took no pleasure in writing this chapter.:fluttershyouch: Next time, seeing as how we're going back to the adventures of the Doctor and Company to various concerts in time and space things will go back to their normal light hearted tone, I promise.:scootangel:

And yes, this chapter means I have now had THREE Metallica songs, but considering this one is a medley of songs originally written by Mercyful Fate I think we can let it slide.:unsuresweetie: Plus, considering how nightmarish some of the lyrics would be, it probably would give ponies a bad impression of humanity which is what the Dazzlings aim to do so they can have a easier time of controlling the pony race. (Also, poor Sonata huh? Brainwashed by her own sisters!):pinkiesad2:

Okay, finally I just want to say as I think I've got enough suggestions for the time being but I would like more general criticism on the story itself, and anything you think might need to improved chapterwise, either past or in future ones to come.

Next time: A very diverse lineup indeed as we get Rush, Nirvana, Widespread Panic and Johnny Cash!:yay:

Alternate Takes: The song that never made it in: