• Published 11th Jun 2016
  • 13,048 Views, 389 Comments

MLP: The Magic of... Music? - The Bricklayer

So Twilight discovers human radio and decides to share it with her teacher. However, they are shocked at what they find. And soon, everypony wants a listen...

  • ...

Part 17: Tell her about it!

Golden Oaks Library

Today was the day. Today was the day Sunset Shimmer and Sonata Dusk made their trip back through the mirror and returned to the Human world. But Twilight didn't want either of them, or to be more accurate, just Sunset to go. She still hadn't figured out why she felt the way she did. No matter what she did, still no real answers came to her mind.

Twilight cursed herself, she was an Alicorn Princess, the personal student of Princess Celestia for crying out loud and yet she couldn't figure out why her face heated up when she saw her, why she felt her heart flutter and beat faster when she saw her, and why in the Nine Realms of Tartarus she had un family friendly thoughts about things like Sunset's flank and how delectable she mysteriously found it to be.

"Faust and Bonnie above, what's going on with me! I was raised right and proper, I shouldn't be having those kind of thoughts about anypony, in private or not!" Twilight mentally ranted to herself as she paced around the main room's wooden floors of the Golden Oaks Library while Spike watched. Books were scattered about, including books on feelings and what they might mean. All the while, this song played in the background from a radio station Twilight had tuned in on.

"Careful Twilight, watch yourself or else ya might wear a hole in the floor and then where would ya be?" Spike lightly teased his adoptive mother. Unlike her, he knew perfectly well what was wrong with her, Tartarus, he'd even joined the bet Scootaloo had set up and contributed some money of his own to it that Twilight would figure out her feelings by the end of the day. Actually, he'd set up his own bet on who would confess first and kiss the other, and money was being exchanged by all the other members of the Mane Six and the CMC. There were even rumors that Princess Luna herself had joined in on this bet. Spike felt very reassured he'd be one very rich dragon by the end of the day.

"No time for jokes Spike, I'm not in the mood." Twilight yawned. She'd been up all night trying to figure out her predicament and now found herself being forced to take desperate measures with figuring out her problem, and finding a solution to her woes. That drastic measure? A pony named Rarity Belle.

Carousel Boutique

Twilight made her way to Rarity's place of business and explained her problem, only to be met with laughter from the fashionista mare.

"Oh Twilight, you silly mare!" Rarity chortled in amusement at Twilight's obliviousness to her obvious feelings for Sunset. "You're in love darling!"

"N-No... No, that's impossible! Love?" Twilight denied, finding it impossible to believe the obvious truth staring snack dab in front of her, even if she didn't see it. Rarity then found herself giving her friend a deadpan expression.

"Twilight, we've all noticed. Sunset. Loves. You!" Rarity exclaimed as if speaking to a child. "And I think it's fairly obvious you love her back." Rarity continued. "So do us all a favor, and if you pardon my language not suited for a lady here, damn well tell her about it!"

Rarity wasn't even blushing at her language use, as she felt it absolutely necessary in this particular case. She then shoved Twilight out of her shop with a shout of "Now get going!" before slamming the boutique door shut.

Twilight steeled her eyes. Rarity was quite right. She knew it now. Love was the feeling that had been bugging her ever since her reunion with Sunset. She had, no she NEEDED to tell her. But how was the question.

Then, Twilight got an idea. She would use the same thing that had strengthened her friendships with her friends. Of course! Music! That was the only solution to this problem! And Twilight knew how to solve problems.

With a new fevor in her gallop, and a purpose planted firmly in her mind, Twilight raced back to the Golden Oaks Library. But to her surprise, Sunset was already there, with a book held up by her magic as she flipped through it's pages half-heartedly.

"S-Sunset?" Twilight stammered out in surprise, making the Alicorn mare look up from her book before dropping it on the floor where it landed with a soft thud.

"W-What are you doing here?" Twilight continued to stammer out, her heart beginning to beat faster, not from just being around Sunset, but from just plain nervousness.

"Spike sent me a letter. He said you were acting funny." Sunset explained with a concerned tone in her voice, trying to hide her frankly obvious blush apon seeing Twilight. "I got concerned, so I came straight here to see what was the matter."

"O-Oh, I... I suppose that makes sense." Twilight stuttered, cursing herself once again. She had to get ahold of herself. Talking to Sunset, even if she was the mare Twilight loved, should have been talking to just like any other pony!

"Spike sent her here? That's... That's... Is it really that obvious to everypony?" Twilight mentally asked.

"You alright Twilight?" Sunset asked in concern. "Your face is all red. You sure you're not coming down with a case of a fever, are you?"

Twilight shook her head rapidly in a no manner before answering. "No! I'm completely fine. Completely fine!" Twilight lied, although Sunset didn't look as if she believed a word of hers for a minute.

"Okay, if you say so..." Sunset trailed off, her tone of voice indicating neither of them was done with this line of conversation.

"Actually..." Twilight began, quickly thinking up a quick lie to change the subject as fast as she could and begin a new topic of conversation.

"I was going to come looking for you. You see, I finally finished a few of those recording crystals a few days ago, and I wanted to show them off to you in a private listening section before I debut them to the rest of Ponyville for a dry run and then, if everypony likes them, the rest of Equestria!" Twilight said excitedly, clapping her hooves in glee at finally finishing her creation.

Sunset smiled at her friend. Twilight was always at her most cutest when she was being her adorkable egghead self.

"Wow, Twilight, I'm honored!" Sunset complimented. "Well, if you got a song recorded already, let's play it! I'm very interested to hear it!"

Twilight smiled before bringing out a small pink many spiked crystal glowing with a blue orb inside it. Twilight's magic flared, before the orb changed to bright orange and a song began to play...

Sunset smiled widely when she felt the first synthesizer notes hit. She recognized this song alright, remembering when she first heard when she was watching Back to the Future with the Human version of the Mane Six at a sleepover at Pinkie's house.

"Good choice Twi! I love this song!" Sunset exclaimed in glee. Twilight blushed at the nickname even as Huey sung about the power of love. Sunset offered a hoof and held it out.

"Care to dance?" Sunset offered, and Twilight nodded and stammered out a "S-Sure!"

The two danced together to the song as it continued and when it reached the almost bluesy guitar solo, Twilight did a ballerina like twirl before Sunset pulled her back in close. Their muzzled were now perilously close to each other and their eyes connected. Finally, Twilight took the initiative.

"Well, nothing ventured... Nothing gained." Twilight mused before she captured Sunset's lips in a soft but sweet kiss.

"Wow..." Twilight breathed out and Sunset nodded back.

"Yes, I know... Wow." Sunset replied before capturing her new marefriend's lips once again and pressing forwards as the two's tongues did battle with Sunset's forelegs wrapped around Twilight's neck. Spike, peeking in from a doorway smiled to himself.


Trixie's Wagon

Meanwhile, across town Sonata had made her way to Trixie's wagon, where she found the showmare getting ready to leave town, presumably for another show. When Trixie saw who was coming, she grimaced.

"What do you want?" She muttered towards Sonata, who hung her head looking ashamed of herself.

"To apologize." Sonata admitted but Trixie glared back at her harshly, judging her with her eyes.

"There's nothing you or your sisters could do that would make me forgive you." Trixie snapped back at the former Dazzling.

"I'm not speaking for my sisters. I'm just speaking for me." Sonata tried to explain but Trixie was having none of it.

"Doesn't matter." Trixie growled out. "What you and your sisters did to me is something that can't be easily forgiven or forgotten."

"I... I see." Sonata said before turning and walking away tears in her eyes. Almost immediately, Trixie felt guilt well up inside her.

"What has the stupid and foolish Trixie done?" She asked herself sadly...

The Hay Burger

In another part of town, at the popular cafe known as the Hay Burger, Discord and Fluttershy were on a double date with the Doctor and his wife Derpy Hooves.

"...And then, my TARDIS materialized inside Jack's shop just as it was about to blow up and he was standing there agape as if he'd never seen a TARDIS before!" The Doctor laughed, as he was just finishing up explaining the events chronicled in "The Doctor Dances".

Everypony present was now laughing long and hard at his story. Discord though, thought he had something better.

"Oh yeah? Well, I helped stop a giant red centuar that looked like something off the cover of a metal album!" He challenged, daring the Doctor to find something that would best that feat.

"Sucked both the Daleks and the Cybermen into the void!"

"Turned Ponyville into the world's chaos capital!"

"Met the devil!"

"Well, at least I have a marefriend who can freeze you in place!

"Oh yeah? Well I have a marefriend who can spot things no one else can with her special eyes!"

"Well, mine can talk to animals and has saved the world at least FOUR times!

As Discord and the Doctor continued their arguement, Derpy leaned over to Fluttershy from across the table and whispered "Are they always like this?"

Fluttershy just sighed to herself.

"No, today's one of their better days..." She muttered.

Later that night, Sunset and Sonata were just about to head home through the mirror which would take them back to Canterlot High. Sunset looked at Twilight sadly, and whispered "I won't forget to write."

Twilight nodded tearfully. She wished Sunset could stay, but she knew Sunset had her own friends to get back to and that Earth was her home now.

Just then, Trixie burst in through the door.

"Wait! Wait, don't leave yet!" She called, making everypony look at her in confusion. "The Great and Powerful Trixie has something to say!"

Sonata stood, stunned as Trixie walked over to her and hung her head.

"The Great and Apologetic Trixie wants to apologize. I was wrong." Trixie confessed to the siren. "You really aren't like them. You're different, I see that now."

She extended a hoof in a offer of friendship.

"Friends?" She asked nervously. Sonata took the offered hoof and shook it.

"For realsies." She smiled, and Trixie smiled back.

"For realises." She repeated.

Author's Note:

Okay, for this chapter I wanted to focus on more character development and on romance (Hence the two songs chosen for this chapter.) and finish off the Sunlight story arc, along with add the argument between Discord and the Doctor about who had the better abilites and marefriend for a comedy moment which was severly lacking in the last chapter and probably will be in the next, which will be filled with needles, spoons and locomotive breath. Now, can I just ask what do you think of my writing and can you offer comments and criticisms instead of just songs?