• Published 11th Jun 2016
  • 13,048 Views, 389 Comments

MLP: The Magic of... Music? - The Bricklayer

So Twilight discovers human radio and decides to share it with her teacher. However, they are shocked at what they find. And soon, everypony wants a listen...

  • ...

Part 11: "And I believe I'm sinking down..."

Golden Oaks Library...

Twilight nervously opened the wooden door to her home, it creaking and groaning as if it hadn't been opened in a good while as she did so. The lights were out, and everything seemed to be covered in that fine green mist the Dazzlings put out. Dust covered everything as well, giving Twilight more and more reason to believe they'd been gone for a longer time then anypony had thought (A week, if she had to guess personally) as she lit up her own horn to use as a make-shift light source and it's purple magic aura lit up the area around them but not by much so if anything were to jump out at them, the group would not see it coming until the very last moment and by then it would be far too late.

"I... I don't like it in here..." Fluttershy stammered out while trying to make herself as small as possible and hid in the group like many young creatures do in their parent's herds on the open plains of the Serengeti or elsewhere so if any threats appeared, she wouldn't be likely to be the one attacked by them and have some muscle between them and her.

"What happened...?" Rainbow Dash wondered aloud to herself.

"Ah'll give y'all three guesses, and the first two don't count." Applejack said dryly in response to Rainbow Dash's question.

"Yep, they've probably been here alright." The Doctor commented, and nopony needed to ask who "They" were. The Doctor then pulled out a small white orb from his coat pockets, drawing everyone's curiosity.

"Hey, what's that?" Scootaloo asked, and the Doctor grinned at her question before giving out the answer.

"It's called a Gravity Globe, and it should help us... er, lighten things up a little." The Time Lord replied/joked, before giving the "orb" a little shake as he muttered "Allons-Y..." and throwing it upwards while the newly named Gravity Globe glowed white and held itself aloft near the ceiling's wooden rafters somehow, lightening up the whole room and illuminating every nook, cranny, and crack of the whole room. It didn't help matters much, as showing how much the Library had suffered in it's owners absence only made everyone more worried. As for how the Globe worked, the Doctor didn't seem to be keen on offering up any explanations, as he figured nopony would understand a word of it if he did try and explain.

"Doctor, you never cease to amaze..." Princess Luna murmured to herself, but the Doctor heard her and beamed at her compliment.

"Yeesh, never thought Ah'd say it... But this here place gives mah the creeps." Apple Bloom muttered to herself as she'd just let out a small sneeze from all the dust in the room.

"Yeah, talk about needing to fire the maid." Sweetie Belle joked, but Twilight didn't find this very funny as this made a new worry come to the forefront of her mind. Someone very close to her was missing, and Twilight was cursing herself for only now noticing, or not noticing who wasn't there to be precise.

"Spike! Spike!" Twilight yelled, as she had yet to see her number one assistant/little brother in all but blood. Him being missing, combined with the Dazzlings seemingly ruling Ponyville and for all she knew Equestria beyond made her very worried. Many horrific possibilities flashed through her mind on what the Dazzlings possibly could have done to the young drake, each growing more and more frightening as they flashed through the lavender Alicorn's head as she paced back and forth.

"Twilight, you okay?" Pinkie asked in concern, only for her friend to snap at her.

"DO I LOOK OKAY!?!" She yelled, and Pinkie's hair deflated in fear making Twilight feel extremely guilty at once about it and she put a hoof on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry Pinkie, it's just..." Twilight began, but Pinkie nodded without saying a single word nor did she need to. She understood completely.

Now normally, Rainbow or the Doctor probably would have made a joke about digging a hole in the floor with Twilight's pacing back and forth, but they sensed this wasn't the time for making wisecracks, not when they saw their friend in this sorrowful and absolutely frantic state.

Finally, Twilight receiving no response broke down in tears as she whispered to herself "S-Spike... N-No, I can't have lost you... Please, just please, I-I don't care how but just come back to me..."

Nopony present knew how to comfort the young Alicorn and relieve her of her worries. But that didn't mean they weren't going to try.

"Twilight, maybe he's alright. For ya know, he could have fled to somewhere safe before the Dazzlins gone and went and taken control of Ponyville. Ya know that's a possibility, right?" Applejack reasoned, while putting a hoof on her friend's shoulder. Twilight sniffed and wiped away some of her tears with one of her hooves, maybe that was true. She had to be logical about this.

"Applejack's right darling." Rarity put in, while nodding her head at the farm pony's words. "We may not have seen Spikey-Boo yet, but that doesn't mean he's around here someplace dearie."

Suddenly, there was the sound of a window opening and everypony turned their forms to that direction and readied to attack if necessary but as it turned out, that was not required as it was only Spike. This revelation was accompanied by sighs of relief. As for Twilight, she rushed towards him and embraced the young drake in her forelegs in a almost crushing hug.

"Twilight... Can't breathe..." Spike coughed out, and Twilight released him at last as she thanked Faust and various other deities for his safety, and for seemingly being uncorrupted by the Dazzling's siren-like soulbinding singing.

"Spike, how are you...?" She asked, before a more important question came to her mind. Twilight needed answers, and she needed them now.

"What happened? How'd the Dazzlings turn Ponyville into... Well, just look outside." She asked, gesturing to a nearby window. And so, Spike explained the whole story, from the Dazzlings breaking in and restraining him to using Twilight's transmission receiver to show the worst sides of humanity and how things progressed from there.

"What Ah don't get is, how are ya not effected?" Applejack asked and Spike could only shrug.

"My guess, must be because their song doesn't work on dragons." He reasoned as his best guess. Meanwhile, Twilight wasn't taking the news well.

"It's... It's all my fault. MY FAULT! If I hadn't built that damn receiver none of this would have happened!" Twilight yelled/sobbed as she faced away from everypony so none of her friends nor her teacher could see her cry. But Celestia, seeing her student's sorrow was quick to reassure and put a wing around her fellow Alicorn in a comforting manner.

"No, it isn't your fault Twilight, never tell yourself that." Celestia told her faithful student before Sunset jumped in as well.

"She's right you know, I was the one who led the Dazzlings here, even if only by accident so if anypony should be blamed it should be me!" Sunset told Twilight and Celestia in a somewhat bitter tone, but Twilight wasn't reassured at all by her words, and it showed when she gave them an absolutely heartbreaking look of guilt.

"But if I hadn't built the-"

Celestia was quick to cut her off before Twilight said any further.

"No, you had no way of knowing what would happen. Nopony can tell the future, now I'm going to tell you something a very old friend of mine once told me and that is "There is no sense dwelling on past mistakes as you cannot change them." Celestia said sagely, and Twilight wiped away her tears as she looked up at her teacher in curiosity.

"W-Who told you that?" She asked, and Celestia smiled sadly.

"Starswirl the Bearded, he said it to me right after..." Celestia trailed off while looking directly towards her sister. At once, Twilight understood and wiped away her tears as she whispered "T-Thank you..."

Celestia smiled again, this time a happy one.

"No need, as you will always be my student." She replied, before there came a great and gleeful shout from the Doctor drawing everypony's attentions towards him.

"It's fixed! I fixed it!" The Time Lord cried as he reappeared from the transmission receiver room.

"What? What'd you fix?" Scootaloo asked rapidly in excitement.

"The receiver, it's back online!" The Doctor exclaimed while holding up his Sonic Screwdriver with a smug look on his face before he said "Amazing, what a little handywork and duct tape can do."

And just then, as if to signal the onset of happiness that accompanied this statement, a triumphant tune began to play...

This song, and the man's words that came with it at the very end and his speech filled everypony with hope, a hope in defeating that threat which now faced Equestria once more. The man reminded everypony of somepony else, somepony familiar, but they couldn't place who exactly. And when it reached the "Trust me" part, nopony's eyes were wider more then the Doctor himself. Sunset smirked as the tune and the speech reached her ears. She knew it, and what it represented. The Doctor was definitely in now, and the Dazzlings should be very afraid indeed as he and the rest of this merry little group of his were coming for them.

"I've got a plan." Sunset proclaimed, and everypony looked at her in interest before the bacon red and yellow maned unicorn continued with "Time to reform the Rainbooms, pony style. First things first, I'm going to give you all a crash course in rock and roll and then we can kick the Dazzling's flanks once more."

Author's Note:

First off, a moment of silence for those lost in the attack in Nice, France. You are in my prayers tonight.

Okay, the musical reference here in the chapter title should be easy enough to guess as it's part of the lyrics to one of music's most famous songs that has a legend behind it's writing that's pretty much embedded itself in rock and roll lore to this day and had a Supernatural episode focused on said legend.:twilightsmile::twistnerd:

Anyways, on the chapter... Whoo boy, you have no idea how long it took me to come up with this one. The only thing I had in my mind for a while was the Celestia and Twilight Teacher/Student scene and that was it. But, as they do, eventually the ideas came. Next time, the final battle against the Dazzlings begins!