• Published 18th Jun 2012
  • 29,661 Views, 2,040 Comments

My Little Minecraft: At the End - Journeyman

I hold the power of creation in the palm of my hand, yet these creatures still frighten me.

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Chapter 19: The Gunpowder Plot

Chapter 19: The Gunpowder Plot

“♫Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake.

Clap your hooves and do a little shake!♪”

Cadance and her filly charge giggled ridiculously as they flopped belly first onto the warm grass. “Come on, Twilight; let’s get some ice cream. I’ll buy.”

“Ice cream!?” Twilight inhaled. “Yes!”

Cadance could not help but laugh at the filly’s enthusiasm as she jumped for joy. They walked together down the gentle hill towards Cadance’s destination. The warm sun and cloudless day was perfect for a fun get-together, and the two had wasted no time to enjoy their morning. Several other children frollicked in the field with their respective guardians, but none were of any notice or interest to the pair; that was the benefit of the world of dreams. Neither noticed when the warm, sunny day had shifted into the bustling city Canterlot streets, all filled with faceless ponies dressed in their finest posh getup. Shining Armor had appeared on Cadance’s right, yet she did not mind. He had been talking to her, but she hadn’t paid attention.

“I’m sorry, Shining. What was that?”

“Dozing off, Mi Amore?” Shining chuckled merrily. “I’ve been accepted into the academy. I start next month, and I’m getting shipped off to Trottingham for basic training.”

“How’s little Twily taking the news?” Cadance asked, not noticing the absence of a hyper filly in her ephemeral dream.

At this question, Shining sighed in resignation. She could see he worry etched across his face and the the messy state of his usually pristine, groomed mane. “She doesn’t like it one bit. Ever since I told her, she’s locked herself up in her room with all her books. Everytime I try to comfort her, she grumbles and shuts the door in my face. Mom and dad say she just needs a little time, but when she’s ready to listen, I’ll probably be gone.”

Cadance’s kneejerk reaction was to nuzzle Shining affectionately. Shining squeaked in surprise, and blushed at his own girlish response. She could not help but laugh, both at Shining’s reaction and his words. “ Ha ha ha! Cheer up, Shining!” Shining looked away, uncomfortable. Cadance only meant to cheer Shining up with the display, but it had certain... unintended consequences. Her words became more serious. “Of all the fillies and colt’s I’ve foalsat, I’ve never met a foal who loved their siblings more than her. Every time, whether outside, or at some kind of part, or dress up, she always talks about you at least once, Shining. You would never hurt her, and even if you did, she would forgive you.”

Shining smiled warmly, oblivious to the fact that the road had shifted dusty stonework. Neither noticed the dream’s change, just like the first time. “I’ll see if I can come home early today. That way, I might be able to catch dinner for once and explain things to her.”

“Just write to her, Shining. She doesn’t want to lose her BBBFF. All of this talk about you going so far away scares her a little; she’s still a filly, after all. She’s not mad, but she certainly is afraid. If it’s all you can do, just write to her twice a week. Or even better, send her some candies or take a picture with that Scottish pegasus she likes. Donner McCloud, was it? Don’t say she shouldn’t worry because you’ll be back, teach her how to cope while you’re gone.”

Shining snorted. “I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’ve helped out my family a lot in the years.”

“You’re welcome, Shiny,” she teased.

He blushed at her pet name for him. Scrounging up his courage, he spoke, “Say – uh, Mi Amore – ”

He was cut off by Cadance chuckling. “For you Shining, call me Cadance.”

“...Cadance,” Shining winced as if Celestia would strike him down where he stood for saying her name. “Would you like to, um, get a cup of coffee or something?”

She giggled, “Sure, I have some time.”

Gone was the hustle and bustle of the city streets. The shops had vanished, the people were absent, and all Cadance could hear was the rhythmic clopping of her own hooves in the dry, dusty, and very dark cave.

“Not again...” She shivered. Trapped in a lightless, unsanitary cave for over a month had left deep scars on the young princess, some of them not yet healed. She could feel those eyes - her eyes - staring at the back of her neck. She recalled the taunts, the tricks, the dangling offers of freedom and promises, and all the hurt she felt when she believed some of them. She would occasionally enter with under the guise of Shining Armor, just to wrench her moments of peace away from her. Another dream, another nightmare, yet the blessing of slumber did not come. The happiness of pleasant time were over, and the nightmares began once more.

How is my fair little pony?” Cadance covered her eyes with her hooves as a green light illuminated the form of a lean stallion on the wall in front of her; Chrysalis had indeed come as Shining.

“Please... let me out...”

No response came. That was odd; Chrysalis never passed up an opportunity to torment.

“Princess...” Now that wasn’t Chrysalis’s voice; that she knew. Every intonation, every raspy syllable was burned into her mind. It wasn’t Shining’s either. While Chrysalis’s voice reminder her of those dark tunnels with her silky speech, Shining was deep and comforting, like a burning hearth in a winter afternoon.


“Princess... you asked me to wake you up at this time, M’Lady.” Cadance groaned as Butterscotch gently rocked her out of sleep. “I’ve taken the liberty of preparing you your favorite raspberry tea, M’Lady.”

That got her attention. Cadance yawned and rose, rubbing her eyes childishly. She found her reflection in the mirror across her room. “Wow, I look awful.” Her usually pristine coat and mane and become nothing but a disheveled mess and her eyes were bloodshot.

Butterscotch giggled lightly. “I’ll fetch a brush and start a bath, M’Lady.” Butterscotch walked to the dresser while Cadance took a hearty gulp of water from the pitcher on the nightstand, foregoing using a cup. After she whet her dry throat, she used her magic to pick up the tiny porcelain cup and sipped her ambrosia. Cadance mewled in pleasure, causing Butterscotch to giggle once more.

It was not long until steam started billowing from her private bathroom. Cadance gently hopped off the bed, fighting a momentary sense of vertigo, and walked across the hoofstitched carpets and mahogany floors and into the bathroom with a waiting Butterscotch.

The room looked like it was cut from a single, solid piece of white marble; the floors, walls, and generously large bath tub were all fitted together seamlessly. It truly was a masterwork piece of craftsmanship. The bath stood invitingly, Butterscotch at its side next to a tray full of soaps and shampoos. Without a word, Cadance slipped into the tub, sighing as the warmth covered her like a blanket. The calming scent of lavender permeated the air, lulling her body and relaxing some of the aches gained from a night’s sleep.

Butterscotch started the usual routine of lathering up her hooves to wash Cadance’s hair. After rinsing, she proceeded to scrub her coat of any accumulated grime. As clean as Canterlot castle was, her coat always required a daily cleaning to remove dust and sweat.

Butterscotch was familiar with the routine enough to be finished in no time. Cadance collected a towel and dried herself off while Butterscotch ran a brush through her mane, removing the kinks and knots garnered over a rough night’s sleep. She waited patiently for her hoofmaiden’s work to complete; she had a long day ahead.

“When is Princess Celestia’s speech scheduled?”

“In two hour’s time, M’Lady,” Butterscotch responded.

Butterscotch was finished in short order, but she was not presentable just yet. She was scheduled to be in court with Celestia soon, so she picked a fine, silken dress with gold lining across the hems. Cadance always liked the appearance of stitched scrollwork, and this one was designed with scrolls around the neck and ankles.

“Let’s not keep the princess waiting, Butterscotch.”

“Yes, M’Lady.” The filly flattened her own dress and followed in step behind Cadance. Taking a moment to fluffen her amber mane, the pair opened the double doors and walked down the hall.

Canterlot Castle was vast and broad, constructed to house the largest of creatures short of full grown dragons. The stone floors were lined covered in rich red carpets adorned with gold trimming. Murals and tapestries depicting famous events or the imaginings of artistic minds adorned the walls. The one outside her wall was an intricate mural of Starswirl the Bearded, dressed in his signature hat and robe, leading several children into a deciduous forest clad in nothing but black leaves. The plaque below it said:

Starswirl the Bearded and

the Germaneigh Black Forest

A reproduction by A. C. Easel

Cadance liked to admire the tapestries and murals, but she had enough to do that morning. Celestia had returned in the night along with major Stormcloud. After Shining gave her his report, she immediately dispatched the major with all haste to collect Celestia and return her home. They two of them had several reports to listen to, along with each other’s on their own respective experiences. And then there was Celestia’s speech looming ahead.

The throne room was lined with guards and servants. Butterscotch took her place in their ranks, her black and white maid dress blending in with a line of others. Celestia was at her place, waiting for Cadance’s arrival. Despite the day and certainly long night, Celestia looked as refreshed as ever. Her aunt always did have the tendency to bottle up her problems and worries, but it was not the time to discuss such things.

Cadance took her seat on Celestia’s right. Normally, Luna would be on her left, but current events prevented that. “I wished for Shining Armor to be here, but he was weary from a long night. How do you fare, Cadance?” Celestia asked.

Normally, Celestia would not be so informal with her niece, but at the center of the room as they were, nopony was close enough to catch their whispered conversation. “A rough night’s sleep, is all. Events have been trying, to say the least.”

Celestia kept her face smooth, but Cadance could see the subtle softening of lines on her face. It was a look of understanding and concern, and not the first given since the debacle started. “Dusk and dawn, sunrise and sunset. Times are not pleasant, but this too shall pass.”

Cadance nodded. That was, unfortunately, all the time granted to the pair. Despite being royalty, they were still susceptible to the whims of the masses, and pressing matters demanded their attention. The two rose to their full height. “Send them in,” Celestia ordered.

While Cadance entered through one of the side doors, the throne room’s main doors were a pair of broad, oaken double doors adorned with gemstone starbursts. A pair of guards opened the door, and a small stream of ponies stepped forth: a unicorn adorned in the black cloak and crest of the Council of Magic, a clerk with a ruffled coat and glasses messily played across her face, a grizzled gray pony with a snow-white mane bearing the rank of lieutenant general on his helmet, and Major Stormcloud.

The Magi approached while the remainder halted near the guards. As it was customary, only one petitioner or report may be presented at a time. The Magi bowed deeply to the princesses. “Silver Streams, Magi of the Council of Magic, Third Class.”

“Rise,” Celestia ordered. He did so, waiting for the next command to be given. “What have you to report?”

“I bring a report involving the attack on Canterlot walls last night, Your Highness. At 20:33, the Royal Guardponies manning the battlements investigated a disturbance outside the Canterlot walls. Their investigation did not produce results, but they did discover some type of creature shortly before the explosion that damaged the walls. One of the ponies involved in the search was skilled in artistry and produced this rough sketch of the beast.” Silver pulled a lightly crumpled piece of parchment out of his saddlebags and offered it to the princesses. Celestia seized the drawing with her magic and brought it to the two of them.

“What manner of creature is this?” Cadance asked.

“Unknown, princess. It does not correspond to any known creature or feasible mutation that we are aware of. Research is still pending, and we are searching through old legends as well in the hope to gain some insight as to this creature’s behavior and modus operandi,” Cadance nodded, conveying she was done with questions. Silver looked up to Celestia, whose face was artfully blank. It was the calm poker face she had been renowned for using under even the most stressful of times. She returned the parchment and nodded for Silver to continue.

“The creatures physical appearance made it blend in with the gardens outside quite well, but it was soon discovered. Upon being cornered, the monster detonated, killing itself in a small explosion that wounded several Royal Guardponies. There were no fatalities, but two ponies are still in intensive care. Sergeant Stone, the pony in charge of the search, helped evacuate his squad while also under serious injury. However, I spoke with the doctors on staff; they believe the injured should make a recovery, barring any unforeseen circumstances.”

Cadance sighed in relief. “Thank goodness. Stone shall be commended for his valor under duress and injury.”

Silver continued, “As is customary for any new threat such as this, the Council of Magic lead the initial forensics investigation. No traces of the creature or any recognizable forms of genetic material were found at the blast site, although there was a generous residue of gunpowder. However, the monster, if the reports are accurate, did not carry any sort of pack or device that could conceivably utilize or conceal such a compound.”

“Are there any hypotheses as to how gunpowder was found at the scene?” Celestia asked.

“None that we can prove, Highness.”

“And of those you cannot?”

For the first time, Silver seemed uncomfortable giving his report. He shuffled from side to side nervously. “The only conceivable means of doing so - that I can believe - is that the creature had some sort of remotely detonated explosive lodged in its body triggered by a very specific magical harmonic.” Silver shifted again, avoiding Celestia’s and Cadance’s eyes. “Which means... the creature’s only reliable means of defense was detonating a suicide bomb.”

‘Who could do such a monstrous thing?’ Cadance thought, but Silver continued.

“That would explain how the monster carried combustible materials, but not its behavior. Sergeant Stone reported the creature did not make any attempt at communication before detonation. If the creature was forced to bear the explosive, it would have likely made some sort of communication as to who sent it. Being as that was not the case, I am forced to assume the creature was a willing participant in its suicide.” Silver shuddered at the conclusion. Suicides were a rarity in of itself, even more so than murder. It was not unnatural for ponies to suffer from depression, but that was part of the reason Equestria had a universal health care in place to cover physical and mental distress.

But the fact that a creature would be so twisted as to take its own life in the process of harming others was more than just a crime, it was an abomination of rational thought and problem solving. “Are there any clues as to the creature’s motive or accomplices, if any?” Cadance asked.

“None, Highness. Given the recentness of this attack, there is little data to be had. Thus, I conclude my report.”

“Very well, Magi,” Celestia said. “You are dismissed.”

Silver nodded and turned on his hooves. The Guards opened the doors, shutting them with a resounding thud. The seemingly disheveled clerk was the next to step forward. “Blank Note, clerk in service to the crown, Highness.” Neither Cadance nor Celestia responded, so Blank continued. “In the night, we received a missive via dragonfire stamped by the Griffon Emperor and the Academy of Science. Emperor Talos issued a formal request for Equestria to open its borders and allow a task force to study the portal alongside the Council of Magic. I am paraphrasing here, but he claims that the existence of two portals possibly capable of interdimensional travel is not something Equestria can handle on its own. He proposes a joint effort between kingdoms in order to better understand how they function.”

Celestia couldn’t help but chuckle. She leaned in close to Cadance and whispered, “It appears we have an information leak; I have not revealed the second portal to him just yet.” Cadance also chuckled; it was by no means a laughing matter, but the notion of a griffon spy seemed so trivial in lieu of recent events.

“Draft a reply to Emperor Talos. We shall set a date and time to discuss the terms of a joint effort. Dismissed.” Silver bowed and exited through the large double doors. Although the general was next in line, it was Stormcloud that stepped forward.

“Major Stormcloud, Royal Guardpony in service to the crown, Your Highness.” Stormcloud bowed deeply.


Stormcloud stood tall, hooves firmly planted. Celestia already knew much of what he was about to say, but Cadance did not. “Last night at approximately 21:55, Head of the Pegasus Corps, Captain Barricade, encountered and captured one of the beings that exited the obsidian portal. He is currently safely contained off site and has been relatively cooperative for the duration of his custody.”

Cadance sighed in relief, lifting a great, unseen weight that had settled in the back of her mind for some time. “That is a relief. Has this creature revealed any further information?”

“Scant little, Your Highness; the creature does not understand our language, so communication has been difficult at best. We have been, however, able to further confirm the existence of the second creature.”

It was at that time the whole court hushed. A flash of smoke and light snaked its way through the windows straight to Celestia. Nopony moved, for all recognized the signs of a message delivered by dragonfire. The particles coalesced and solidified to dried parchment, of which Celestia snatched with her magic. The message was short, but Cadance recognized the signs of surprise crossing her aunt’s face. Nevertheless, she rolled up the piece of parchment and set it aside, her face returned to its perfect smoothness.

“Please continue,” Celestia said.

“Unfortunately, the next stage of my report contains sensitive information unfit for civilian ears. I request privacy, if you so will it.”

That was strange. Stormcloud had not hinted or explained such details during the return trip to Celestia. She furrowed her brow, trying to think of what could be so important as to require such privacy. “Granted. Leave us.” Some ponies, especially the servants and hoofmaidens were miffed at the prospect of missing a potentially juicy morsel of gossip, but a stern look from both princesses shushed any grumbling they had planned. In an organized stream, they filtered out through the double doors in silence, save for the rhythmic echoes of their hooves on the carpet and stonework. The doors shut with another reverberating thud and the two unicorn guards’ horns were soon alight with magic. It was a simple Sound Silence enchantment used to seal rooms against prying ears.

The only ponies that remained were those guarding the chamber and the lieutenant general standing immobile in the back. “Speak, major; we are safe from prying eyes and ears.”

Stormcloud nodded. His expression was grave, and Cadance knew from the hard lines across his face she would most certainly not enjoy what she was about to hear. “There was an... incident before the creature’s capture. While the exact details remain unknown, Captain Barricade and I have been able to deduce some key facts.

“Captain Barricade made the capture in her issued armor, but was wearing a rain cloak over it. The creature did not react adversely to her, but when I entered its presence, it reacted suddenly and violently. It brandished a weapon and huddled in a corner, as if terrified I would attack at any moment. Due to Captain Barricade’s cloak, he could not see her armor, so he did not react to her. We came to the conclusion that – ”

He was cut off by the general in the back, “We have a saboteur in our midst.”

It was the wedding all over again. A scheduled event, almost routine in its regularity within Canterlot, was nearly destroyed by the will of a single individual. Cadance could almost feel those eyes watching her again as she struggled in the confines of the abandon mines.

“We know not who met with the creature or when,” Stormcloud continued, “and the Night Guards on duty that can reach this conclusion were sworn to secrecy on this matter. Captain Barricade hopes to find a time and place in hopes of discovering who has been lying to us. I know not the context of this creature’s meeting with the saboteur, but it terrified him so bad the mere presence of a Royal Guardpony sends him into a scared fit.”

Celestia was immobile for the entire time, choosing only then to speak her mind. “What you speak of bears many similarities to what my student concludes.” Celestia brought the letter up to her once more and read the contents to those present. If bells could speak, it would be the voice of the Princess.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have been conducting some independent research with my friends on the escaped creatures and the portals. I’ve concluded that the biped has remarkable transmutation abilities that surpass even the most skilled unicorn. Not even I can reproduce what I’ve seen.

Analyzing incident reports involving past behavior, I have also been able to conclude that the two creatures are either ambivalent or apathetic towards each other. The Farlander displays a high evasive and stealth quotient, yet did not assist the biped when the opportunities arose despite having the means to do so. I have heard just recently that the biped was captured by a single Royal Guardpony, and it did not help. It does not make sense to conclude that they were friends.

However, I have been able to hypothesize one more fact, although I have no evidence to prove my claim. Both creatures leave a distinct mark on the environment whenever they use their abilities. The obsidian portal does not contain any such magical traces, or any traces for that matter. I surmise that the gateway was constructed by a third party, and one at least partially familiar to the two creatures.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle”

“Who is the pony behind the pony?” Stormcloud chuckled sardonically. “Any opinions, Tempest?”

“We are being played by a skilled chessmaster,” General Tempest replied. “but an arrogant one.”

“General?” Cadance asked questioningly.

“If this unseen stranger had the capability of conjuring this portal, why not dispel it and prevent us from learning this information? Hubris. This cur believes to be our better, and is letting their pride cloud their judgement.” Tempest had been stoic for the duration of his stay, but a smile had inched its way across his lips. “That gives us the advantage. Assuming Ms. Sparkle’s guess rings true, then these two creatures have a larger part to play than we realize. It is just a matter of discovering what that is before the coup de’gras.”

“This information does not leave this room. Is that understood?” Celestia commanded. Her voice bounced off the interior walls, creating the effect she was speaking everywhere and nowhere. “I wish for the focus of research to be on this captured creature and what he may know. Send a message to Captain Barricade and Count Hexxus Incantus; they shall have any resources they desire.”

The Royal Guardponies lining the walls, in addition to Tempest and Stormcloud, stood at attention and saluted. “Yes, Your Highness!”

Cadance could see the worry and age across Celestia’s face as they walked together. Despite her experience and familiarity dealing threats to national security and public well-being, the weight of danger and the responsibility thrust upon her never grew any lighter. The power that comes hand-in-hand with ruling induces a security and sense worth, but there was always that sneaking doubt in the back of Cadance’s mind, that sense of terror if she ever failed those that were under her rule. When confronted with those doubts, cadance always remembered the happier time: a dancing filly rolling in the grass, her first kiss with Shining Armor, and the most recent, her marvelous wedding to the pony of her dreams.

But what did aunty Celestia do when burdened by that weight? Equestria had not even contemplated the thought of elections or successive rule, so what would Celestia do when ruling could not sate her? Cadance could not shake the thought. “Aunty?”

Such familiar terms of endearment would be frowned upon in normal company, but the pair were alone on their path to the balcony overseeing Canterlot Square; Celestia’s speech was upon them all. Nevertheless, Celestia smiled and replied, the age gone form her face, “Yes, Cadance?”

“Have you ever...” Cadance trialed off. It was not a topic she had ever thought about and it seemed too personal upon closer inspection.

“Speak your mind, Cadance; I will hear you out.”

“Have you ever thought about... leaving the throne? Doing something else other than ruling Equestria?” She blurted out that last sentence in a rush. Celestia smiled amusedly.

“Not thinking about deposing me, are you?”

Cadance squeaked. “No! Of course not – ”

Celestia laughter was like the chorus of a thousand singing angels. The sound echoed in the wide, stone walls, giving the impression she was not alone in her jubilance. “Ha ha ha! I only tease, Cadance.” Celestia’s laughter died to a light chuckle. The air seemed to chill in the absence of her mirth. “Never, Cadance. Do I sometimes doubt myself? Yes. I see the pain and suffering others cause my subjects and I feel it like a thousand steely claws ripping into my heart. Am I not strong enough to remove their pain? Why do they suffer while I languish in these stone walls?”

Nopony currently occupied the section of Canterlot castle they currently traversed. The barren feel coupled with Celestia’s own words gave her words a quiet - almost sage-like - vibe. “But then I remember the happy times as that accompany those unfortunate events. For every banishment, there is a glorious and remarkable rebirth. Every tribulation can carry a victory. I cannot fix all of this world’s ills, but that does not stop me from trying. I receive no greater sense of joy and pride than seeing my subjects bloom like lilies in the morning sun. That is why I continue.”

The exact strength and constitution of the alicorn bloodline was known to precious few, but the mental strength was even less so. It was a heavy burden to age without limit. The ill compounds just as equally as the good and it can become easy for a mind to become overburdened with the weight of time. After all the tribulation, after all that time, Celestia still had the strength to rule.

Cadance smiled.

The two stepped through the doors into a lavish room, but the contents were of no significance to them. The balcony on the far side of the room beckoned like a siren’s call.

The air was crisp and cool with the scents of water on the farthest winds. Off to the south lay naught but a mass of black storm clouds smothering the skies along the mountains to the south. Such ominous conditions did not sway the mass of ponies before them. Large enough to contain half of a hoofball field, the square was packed with ponies eager to hear the status of the threat, straight from their ruler herself. Small talk began to die as the crowd slowly recognized the presence of the ones they’ve been waiting for.

Celestia splayed her wings, silencing the remaining chatter filtering through the crowds. She waited a moment, collecting her thoughts for the impending speech. She nodded, took a deep breath, and began to speak.

“Citizens of Canterlot, Equestria, and beyond, I stand before you on the eve of something grand and mystifying. As many of you know, just over two days ago, a hamlet to the south was the destination of two creatures from another world.” That line brought a rustle of chatter and movement that quickly died as soon as it began. “Equestria is host to two creatures, both lost, alone, and scared of their new surroundings.”

A slight wind blew through the square, ruffling baggage and clothing in its path. It did not so much as alter the shifting of her ethereal mane. The dead silence coupled with Celestia’s chiming voice gave the speech the feel of a dirge from ages long passed. “You may also know that one of my subjects has been attacked by one of these creatures.” Another ripple of agitation passed through the crowd, this one much more heated. “However, I do not fault the creature for his actions.”

That brought even more fuss through the crowd, this time open disapproval of hushed disagreement and shaking heads. “I understand that there are those who would not deem these actions acceptable even in the most dire circumstances, but these are not normal by any means. Two creatures, lost and so far away from home, would no doubt panic upon seeing a strange and unfamiliar land. By no means, does attacking another life form an acceptable course of action. I do not condone it and the creature will answer for his actions, but I do understand. I ask no more of you all than that.

“These creatures are afraid, and I understand if you share those feelings in turn. Tensions are high, as are tempers, but I beseech you all to be the better pony. Do not allow such negativity to cloud your judgement, for you would be not better than those you perceive a threat. I freely admit I know little of these creature’s nature, but I will greet them as equals, not enemies.

“One of these creatures made the brave first step of trusting us. He has freely surrendered himself to our custody.” Muffled gaps and shocked surprise streaked across the mass in an explosion of noise and movement. Couples, some dressed in their finest to impress those in the crowd, quietly chatted with companions and spouses alike. The very idea that a violent creature surrendered itself soon afterwards was a piece of gossip to chew on for some time. Some bickered with their neighbors: why should such a creature be trusted, and an alien no less? Others countered with what they were given: he had surrendered. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance to establish mutual trust.

Little could be discussed, for the princess held up a hoof to call for silence once more. The chatter died to a dull mumble, and Celestia’s heavenly voice graced their presence once more. “In the sad times, and bad times, it is easy to be consumed by fear and doubt. I am uncertain of these creature’s culture and behavior, but there is no better means of discovering than asking. When confronted, I will freely offer each creature a hoof of friendship and trust. Approach the unknown will integrity and honesty, not superstition and fear.

“Fate may decide that our choice – my choice – may prove futile. Our suspicions may very well be confirmed, our trust – betrayed, our hopes – dashed. These creatures may be every bit as hostile as the most foul beasts in Tartarus, but that is the price to pay for offering an olive branch.

“I hope to gain this creature’s trust and help in discovering why our beloved city was attacked. I know not what assaulted the city walls, so I hope this creature may reveal that information to us. I will not tolerate such attacks on my subjects.” A burst of thunder echoed from the south, only emphasizing Celestia’s declaration. Her face had hardened in the light of the morning sun, bringing forth hard line previously unseen. Cadance couldn’t help but shiver. “The Council of Magic and Royal Guard is working around the clock to unravel this mystery. I have the utmost faith in their abilities and strength of character.

“We are in the dark. Let the fires of hope light our way. I know these are trying times, for us as well as that poor soul who made such a courageous risk in surrendering. I am asking you to give him a chance.”

The crowd was silent save for the whispered conversations and contemplations of those pondering what had been said. Similar words followed Cadance’s wedding after the expulsion of the changelings horde. An olive branch, a gift of peace; Cadance only hoped it was enough. The two alicorns retreated back into the tower, waiting on a letter from Luna to discover her results.

Two Night Guards, Private First Class Broodwing and Azazel, galloped down the stone pathway. Their shifts were nearly over, but they had gotten lost in the vast caverns below the Everfree Forest and southern plains. Their shifts had been most uneventful other than the occasional old sign of Diamond Dog trails.

Most of the cave systems were wide and dark, perfect places for the Night Guard and their 20/20 dark vision. The cave they current traversed, however, was too cramped for sustained flight, especially for two full grown stallions decked out in their armor. They were soon scheduled to return to the garrison with their unit, but the complex cave system threw the pair for a loop. Now it was a race against time to return and not get their flanks chewed out by their NCO.

Broodwing, being much leaner and stronger than Azazel, had kept their brisk pace much easier than his wingpony. Hearing Azazel breathing heavily right on his heels, he called over his shoulder, “Get that flank moving, Azazel! We’re already late! If I’d known you liked dark, moist places this much, I would have left you down here.”

“I like your mom’s dark, moist places,” he huffed.

“Ha ha, and my horse shoe is going so far up your ass, you’ll be spitting iron.” Both stallions sniggered at their crude yet friendly banter. The pair turned a corner to a much larger tunnel, skidding across the dusty floor as their hooves fought to retain traction with their momentum. The air was indeed moist, and wrought with the smell of dust and stagnant air.

“Well excuse me for not having as much stamina as you, Mr. Top-marks-in PT-and-drill-sergeant-brown-noser,” Azazel retorted.

“It’s what you get for not growing up in the rich jackass part of Fillydelphia.” Azazel snorted in amusement and accidentally inhaled a hearty dose of cave funk. Soon enough, the tunnel widened enough for the pair to obtain sustained flight. The pair made a sharp right –

“Oh, fuck.” Broodwing breathed as quietly as possible. They had rounded a bend into one of the branching tunnels that lead to the Farlander portal. The only problem was something freakishly tall was blocking their path. Before Azazel could react to Broodwing or what he saw, Broodwing yanked him and himself behind a rocky outcropping on the far side of the tunnel. Azazel was about to protest, but Broodwing shoved a hoof into his mouth. “Shhhhh...” he whispered and removed his hoof.


Broodwing listened carefully for any further sounds. The air had suddenly imploded in front of them, but the cave was otherwise silent. “What did you see?” Azazel whispered.

“Don’t know...” he whispered back. “It was black and as big as two-story flat. That’s all I got.”

“Do you know an alternate route?”

“No, you?”

“Why the hell would I be asking you if I did?”

“Shut it, let’s think for a moment...” Broodwing scratched his chin in thought. “Forward is our only way back, but that thing is in our way.” Broodwing, slowly and very carefully, peeked over the boulder. Azazel did not look, but say Broodwing sigh in relief. “Whatever it is, it’s gone now.”

“I’m pretty sure it heard you after you said ‘fuck’ and ran off, but what was that noise?”

“No idea. Come on, we gotta go and report this at least; that didn’t look like any monster the reports said would be in these tunnels.” The pair started running down the tunnel at a good clip before gaining enough speed for flight. Their eyes were wary and muscles tight, carefully observing what was ahead of them for any sign of trouble or danger.

“Do you think it’s one of the monsters that exited one of those portal?” Azazel asked.

“Hell if I know. I was nursing a hangover when I read the file, but I think that thing was too tall to be the one the princess fought. It could be the other, but nopony knows what that one looks like.” Broodwing entered the portal chamber and banked right to meet up with their NCO, flying over a Night Guard scheduled to monitor the tunnel they exited. The chamber was illuminated by several glowing magical spheres for the Magi who ventured that far down for research. Several desks, alchemical stands, and other occult equipment lined the walls. There were a total of five tunnels branching from the chamber, each one guarded by a single Night Guard.

Broodwing continued flying down the tunnel, but Azazel stopped, folded his wings, and landed. “You’ve been here this whole time, right?” he asked one of the sentinel Night Guards.

“Yeah, what of it?” Broodwing, noticing his wingpony was missing, flew back down the tunnel to discover why he halted, passing over a Night Guard’s head.

“Azazel, I swear to Celestia if you make us late – ”


“I will coat your armor to shit with itching powder, watch you squirm as it takes effect – ”

“Broodwing, look – ”

“–stomp on your nuts, and then laugh my ass off.”



Azazel did not immediately respond to Broodwing and asked the Night Guard patrols a question instead. “Nothing interesting’s happened yet? Have you seen a creature come down the tunnel right before us?”

“Not a peep. We all heard a weird noise noise, but nothing happened. Probably just some settling rock or a stray Diamond Dog nearby. Wouldn’t surprise me, those mongrel pups,” he spat.

“Oooooooh, crap,” Azazel swore. “So nothing came down the tunnels? Nothing at all? Not even ours?”


“Azazel, the hell you talkin’ about?” Broodwing asked, clearly disgruntled at the prospect of missing his scheduled departure.

Azazel spread his wings and took to the air. Following his example, Broodwing and the five Night Guards did the same. The Farlander portal, like the portal above Ponyville, hovered completely inert above the ground without any known means of supporting it. Azazel landed on one of the twelve blocks, which didn’t even twitch with his added weight. The others hovered in the air, expectantly, but Broodwing gasped; he discovered what Azazel was talking about.

“So if nothing came in or out of this room... and our friend that we saw in the tunnels did not exit the tunnel yet still managed to disappear...” Azazel looked down and nudged the sphere currently inset in one of the twelve blocks. As it was nearly the same color as the greenish stones, he nearly missed it as he passed, as Broodwing had. “How did this get here?”

A shudder ran through Broodwing and the Night Guards. Almost as if it were staring right back at them, a single gemstone in the shape of a dragon eye lay lodged in the brick.

Minecraft/MLP:FIM crossover.
For chapter updates and my ramblings, visit my page on Fimfiction HERE.
Eye of Ender image: LINK
Creeper sketch: LINK
Chapter Commentary: LINK
Edited by: Material Defender, Wolfmaster1337

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