• Published 27th Jul 2016
  • 3,993 Views, 51 Comments


when it comes to her lovers, nightmare is obsessive and persistant. So what happens when she falls in love with twilight from the main timeline? She chases her with her persanol hit squad of course.

  • ...

Battle for Twilight.

Rarity threw a small rune, shaped like a beetle. It landed between Celestia and Luna, and conjured up a bubble shield. As they tried to break free, a large timer appeared on the outside. " That will hold you, just long enough to complete our mission."

As Rarity charged her counter part, she saw a beam of magic and moved her head to the side. " What are you, some kind of tailor? I mean, I bet you don't even know a single defense spell." After that little quip, Rarity gave a huff of anger, and let loose a beam of magic. Shadow Rarity merely gave a chuckle and stepped to the side. Imagine her surprise when the beam split in three, and one of them hit her face.

As she rubbed the sore spot on her face, she growled and said " Ok. Now you made me angry darling." With that, she lunged at her.

Meanwhile, Rainbow was locked in an aerial duel with her shadow counter part. As they looped, dived, and barrel rolled their way through the air, Rainbow was starting to tire. She had never been in a duel with someone who could take the hits she gave, much less deal out a harder one. Sensing that her opponent as tiring, Shadow Dash gave one last buck to the face, and watched with a content expression on her face as Rainbow crumbled on the ground. ' Discipline beats raw talent any day.' With that, she rushed to her commanders side.

As Shadow Rarity was blasting away at her opponent, she saw that shadow Dash was charging. With a smile on her face, she jumped into the air and let Rainbow smash into her counterpart. " You should pay more attention." As she looked around, she saw that herself and Rainbow had come out almost unscathed. " Do any of you have military training? I thought this would be a tougher fight!"

As if to give her her wish, she was blasted in the side of her head with pure solar magic. " If you want my student, you shall have to fight me for her." Celestia stood, wings flared, horn lit up, and a look only a pissed off mother could give. Luna stood next to her, rage written clearly on her face.

" Oh crap, i forgot about them. OK, we may need reinforcements, and the queen. The queen is a must." She turned to her remaining squad mates. Pinkimena had been dueling with Applejack, though the word toying would have been more appropriate. Shadow sentry was dealing with this worlds pinkie pie, and was starting to get very annoyed, as she kept disappearing and reappearing where she wasn't supposed to be able to.

" Shadows, it's time to slink out. We need reinforcements." As Pinkemena jumped out of Applejack's charge on more time, she said with a monotone voice " Next time cowgirl."

As Flash sentry was about to join his teammates, he felt his wings being pinned down by magic. He quickly turned his head to find Celestia burning her eye color into his memories. " You are not going anywhere." She growled.

He tried hitting her with his wings, but failed to reach her as he was thrown onto the dinner table. He looked desperately at his team, but only heard shadow Rarity yell " Just stay tight. We'll be right back." As she jumped through a portal that had opened up behind them, he turned to see the defenders. He was faced with three alicorns, two pissed off earth ponies, the fastest flyer in recent equestrian history, an animal whisperer, and a seamstress. With a growl, he said " Alright, i'm not an idiot. I can tell i wouldn't win this fight. I surrender."

With a quick flare of her horn, Luna melted the utensils in the room to form a pair of hoofcuffs. After a quick debate in her mind of how cruel she felt like being, she decided to cooled down the scalding metal, and attached it to his hooves.

With a puff of magic, he was teleported to a cell in canterlot. Twilight rushed to find Rainbow partially stuck in the ground. She tried using her magic to pull her out, pull wasn't able to. She simply opted to pull the chunk of floor she was in out.

After a couple seconds of shaking her, Rainbow fell out, landing in a heap on the floor. Twilight helped her to her hooves, looked at her friends, and said " Ok. We need to have a talk."

Author's Note:

I know it's been a while, and this doesn't really satisfy anyone, me included, but I need to get it out there, otherwise else I would never have gotten it done. So, here you guys go. Working on ALL HAIL THE QUEEN next.