• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 22,779 Views, 697 Comments

That Strange Stallion - Gunther the Green

There's a new pony in Ponyville but they just can't figure him out. He answers questions but that only crops up more questions.

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The Strange Inventor

That Strange Stallion

The Strange Inventor

While others were kind of doing their duties. There were some who found their time needed elsewhere. One particular premier pink party pony of Ponyville, was dashing in and out of the Golden Oaks Library setting up for the bestest library welcome party anypony had ever seen!

She brought in balloons, streamers, punch, cake, party hats, party games, party everything! Nothing was too good for a friend. As she added more items, she kept passing by a green and brown object. Mmm, chocolate mint would be great.

"Hi there," said the object. Oh, it was a stallion. Duh, chocolate mints don't just walk up to you. Oh wait, he's talking more, "Watcha doin?" That's a silly question.

The earth pony mare didn't stop zipping back and forth from the library to where she was getting supplies as she answered, "Isn't it obvious, silly? I'm setting up for a party!"

"Nice, I love parties," and who doesn't? They're the most fantasmical thing, with cake, and games, and friends. "Is it for that Summer Sun Celebration?" he asked further.

"Nope! It's for a new pony that just came to town," boy won't she be surprised, and why wouldn't she be? It is a surprise party.

"Wait this is a party for me?" What? The pink mare skid to a halt, making squealing rubber sounds as she stopped in front of the stallion, getting a close look at him. She definitely didn't recognize him and she knew everypony in Ponyville.

She gave a sharp inhale, "Oh my gosh! You ARE a new pony in Ponyville. Nope this is for an older new pony." Now she can throw two parties! Should she combine it with the first one? No, that wouldn't be fair to the both of them. So she'll throw the one for the purple unicorn and baby dragon, and then she can give the green stallion his own surprise party. But where would she throw it? She didn't see any new buildings being bought out. Oh well, she'll figure it out later. This was going to be great!

"Yep, I'm Martin," he introduced himself. He's got a good smile, which makes her smile in return. Smiles are the best.

"Hiyah Martin, I'm Pinkie Pie." That's a funny name, Martin, Martan, Martian. Oh! What if he was actually an alien, "Are you an alien from another planet come to Equestria to spread your galactic playground and bring fun and cheer to all life in the universe using a jumbo space ship that holds like a gajillion gallons of whipped cream and cover the whole planet in a blanket of creamy goodness. But then a misunderstanding happens and we retaliate with caramel apples and candy corn and then there's a war of sweets that'll last for decades until somepony makes a delicious treat that BOTH sides will end the war to have?" That sounded like the most delicious misunderstanding ever!

But the green stallion looked at her funny, "What? No, that's totally not why I'm here." Aww, that's too bad, "But that sounds awesome! If that was true, I'd totally have an orbital laser that spews chocolate sauce," oh, yummy! "I wonder if Director could build anything like that?" He looked up in thought. Who? That sounds like a cool name.

"Who's Director?" If he can make something that shoots chocolate sauce she would have to get in contact with him.

"Director is a very rich friend of mine who makes wicked inventions that can do almost anything." That sounds super neato. She wondered if this Director fellow would let her borrow some of his toys. "But he's like super constrictive with his stuff and only let's his workers use them," he said, dashing her hopes. Well, there goes that idea.

"Aw that's too bad. Oh well. I have fun toys of my own, like my party cannon!" she said as she pulled an actual cannon from nowhere. She always kept it close by, in case of party emergencies.

"Sweet how does it work?" he asked while putting his head in the barrel of the cannon.

"Well you just do this and," Kaplow, went the cannon. Martin was blasted backwards with confetti and streamers covering his face. Pinkie hopped over to him and stared into his eyes. Oh, swirly, his eyes look like whirlpools. "So watcha think?" she asked.

"I taste party in my brain," he said and took a moment to sneeze confetti and shake his head. Pinkie gave a giggle snort before falling over and laughing outright. Martin soon joined her, finding the laugh contagious.

Pinkie got up first, "I like you. We should totally hang out again later when I'm not as busy. You'll be in town for a while, right?" Her excitement was emphasized by a quick bounce. She definitely had to give him a party now.

"Yep, no idea how long, but I'll be here for awhile," he answered, giving a firm nod while standing up as well.

"Goodie! I'll see you later then," she gave a little wave, which he returned, before zipping back off into the library. The funny stallion walked away. Oh she had the perfect prank for him at a later day. He'll never see it coming.

Author's Note:

This one was definitely fun, I enjoy a wacky character and Pinkie is good for having those kind of goofy ideas. Although, the constant use of her fourth wall breaking powers in some other fictions confuse me. So I'll seldom if ever use that. I was actually going to have her mention Marvin the Martian but I felt that would be pushing it.