• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 22,754 Views, 697 Comments

That Strange Stallion - Gunther the Green

There's a new pony in Ponyville but they just can't figure him out. He answers questions but that only crops up more questions.

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The Strange Analysis

That Strange Stallion

The Strange Analysis

While some would lead a patient in a gentle manner, Melody literally dragged Martin by his tail towards the clinic. The tail hair was clenched tightly in her teeth. It tasted like dirt, grass, and for some reason something that reminded her of honey. Martin himself was calmly laying down as he slid on the dirt, not bothered by the roughness of the path. On his back lay Heavy Weight still unconscious and injured. They were on their way to the clinic to get both of them looked at.

"So, Melody," Martin started, "Is there a reason why I'm not supposed to walk on my own?"

Whatever possessed Melody to drag him through town quickly evaporated, she spit out his tail and shook her head. "Sorry, I may have panicked, seeing the both of you injured," she explained. That and she wanted to repay him for his kindness.

Martin stood up, not bothering to wipe the dirt off himself. They continued on towards the clinic while they talked. "Aw it's no worry," he dismissed, "Although, Heavy's the only one injured. I feel fine."

"But the bruise I saw," she started but stopped herself when she looked at his head. There was no sign of the injury. Where had it gone? Did she imagine it?

"Nope, perfectly healthy, no matter how long the war against doors goes on," he said with a look of determination in his eyes. War against doors? What in the world is he talking about? "Are the doors in Ponyville especially hostile for some reason?" he asked looking over at her with a curious expression.

"Not to my knowledge?" she offered. She wasn't entirely sure what he was going on about, maybe the damage was more internal then she first thought. She decided to change the subject to something relevant, "So what exactly happened to get one of you hurt like this?"

"Well we were lifting weights and he tried to pull more then he could handle. Left him hurt and the equipment broken," he told her.

She knew it! All that heavy equipment, the hot room, the floors full of sweat, a-and the bulging muscles. Melody quickly shook her head to get those images out. She's a happily married mare with a lovely husband and foal. Anyway, all that stuff combined could only lead to injury. It was a good thing her Record didn't go there. Her hubby wouldn't last a second there. But something struck her as odd. Martin was in there and he didn't look like he'd done anything at all. Did he simply watch the other ponies workout and elected to take this Heavy to the clinic before her arrival?

"Do you work out there too? Cause you're a lot stronger then I thought you were," Martin pointed out.

That got a frown out of her, "What, just because I'm a singer doesn't mean I can't pull two stallions down a road. I have my earth pony strength and I'm proud of it." Not that she needed it that often, if at all. Taking care of Lullaby took a more gentle hoof.

For some reason he looked down at his hoof with a curious expression. Then his head shot up as if realizing something, "Wait you're a singer? Can you show me?" he asked with an expectant smile. Great, he was asking for a performance now.

"I don't really think a song is appropriate right now," she said nodding to the injured pony. They needed to get to the clinic as soon as possible.

"C'mon," he insisted before he started to sing.

There's room for everyone in this world

If everyone makes some room

Won't you move over and share this world

Everyone make some room

Even a dragon deserves a place, a wide open space

With no fears, no tears

He wants to play games, dance with you

Give him a chance to sing his song

He only wants to belong

Melody was a bit confused at his vernacular, but she could feel the song resonate within her and so she sang along.

There's room for everyone in this world

Will everyone make some room?

Spread out while Lula gets all curled

She needs the silence to snooze.

Rock her, and pet her,

And lay down beside her

You'll see how quickly she sleeps.

A dragon is just one more stranger

In search of some peeps

From an ant to a bird to a buffalo herd

Let them walk and fly and roam

Step aside, let them live, it's simple to give

Like us, they just need a home

There's room for everyone in this world

Back up and make some room

Let's all move over and share this world

Everyone make some room

Just think how far out the ocean goes, the whirling wind blows

Shore to shore, door to door

Think of the valleys, the mountaintops, the world never stops

So deep so high, with miles of sky, we all have a part of the pie

There's room for everyone in this world

Will everyone make some room

Love given freely can spare this world

Let friendly feelings bloom

Just give an inch, give a yard, never flinch

When the time comes to offer a hoof

So let's make sure there's somewhere everyone can act aloof.

Just the way it is meant,

Just the way it is meant.

Despite her claiming singing wasn't good for right now, she felt a lot better. Singing always made her feel better. Martin had dispelled any guilt she had for smacking the door into his face. However, it did not dispel her curiosity, "Martin, while that song was nice, I can't help but notice your odd vernacular."

He tilted his head at her, "Something wrong with my words?" he asked.

"You use 'everyone' instead of 'everypony', is that normal where you're from?" she asked. It wasn't really unheard of, but everypony in Equestria uses that terminology. Was he from someplace that didn't have ponies as the majority?

"Oh ya, it's especially relevant for my hometown because we have a lot of different species. Some of them I've never even heard of. Some of them don't want to be heard of," he explained.

Well that sounded interesting, "Such as?" she urged him to continue.

"Well have you ever heard of a Huldra?" He asked.

"Do you mean Hydra?" Maybe he said it wrong.

But he shook his head, "There's one of those outside the town, but what I'm talking about is a Huldra. Ok, imagine a lady in a dress but beneath that dress is either a cow or fox tail. They're very temperamental creatures who will do small favors when treated with respect or given gifts. But if they are betrayed or treated disrespectfully, they transform and attack the one who did it," he explained. That sounded horrible. And there was one of those in his town? "That's what the myth says anyway, but the Huldra in our town doesn't follow that. Instead she wears a suit and let's her cow tail sway free. She's actually a decent lawyer there. She is still easily angered but she doesn't get violent."

"That's nice?" she offered. She had no idea on what to say. Here was somepony talking about a completely foreign species as if it was normal. Just what kind of town houses that kind of species? "Where'd you say you were from again?"

"I'm from Broken Depths," he answered immediately, his smile growing with pride. Broken Depths, she'll have to research that later. For now, though, they had arrived at the clinic.

She opened the door for him, "Martin, I know you say you're fine, but please have yourself looked over. Can you do that for me?" If he did have internal damage he needed to get treated right away.

He smiled kindly at her, "Alright, if it will make you feel better, I'll get a check up. You have a good night." With that he entered the building.

As for Melody, it was too late in the evening to go shopping now. So she decided to head home and make some leftovers for dinner. She closed the door and headed back down the path she came. Along the way she saw a familiar lavender unicorn walking with a relieved smile.

Melody narrowed her eyes. So they meet again, Twilight Sparkle. "Hey!" she yelled towards her.

Twilight looked over in surprise but quickly wilted in guilt as Melody glared at her. She gave a weak wave and a nervous chuckle as the earth pony mare stomped over to her. Twilight took a breath and tried to speak, "Look, I can explain," but Melody cut her off.

"Explain what?! That you're a thief?! A scoundrel?!" Melody raged. She dared the mare to give an excuse.

"I'm sorry ok, it was the only idea I could come up with on short notice. I needed to get away from that crowd," Twilight said but it didn't calm the older mare down.

"And what an idea it was," Melody said with heavy sarcasm, "You get off scottfree while I'm trying to calm down my wailing child. Not to mention being bothered by ponies looking for you every few seconds!"

"You got your stroller back, along with an apology," she pointed out.

"Yes, but second hoof," she countered, "If you were really sorry you would have come to me yourself and faced the music."

Twilight finally seemed to gain some resolve and stared into her eyes, "Well I'm apologizing now."

They stared at each other for a while before Melody snorted and held her nose high in the air. "Alright, but this grudge won't resolve so easily. But for tonight, I'm content. I had fun with a new friend. If only briefly. Good night Ms. Sparkle." She turned to leave but Twilight called to her again.

"That reminds me, I don't think I got your name," she asked.

Melody frowned at her, "It's Sweet Melody."

Twilight nodded and continued, "And about Martin, may I ask if he mentioned anything odd about himself or where he's from?" she asked but wilted under Melody's glare again.

"Don't push your luck," she said through grit teeth. With that she walked away.

Twilight sighed, sad that the mare was still mad at her. Hopefully she could make up for what she did. She also needed to thank Martin for his help today. But for tonight, she just wanted to go to sleep after a stressful day.

"Hi again Nurse Redheart," a familiar voice called to the mare. She looked up from some paperwork and saw that strange stallion, Martin. On his back was an unconscious stallion with several bruises. Redheart made a quick call to some orderlies to grab a gurney before addressing the stallion.

"Martin, what happened, is that pony alright?" she immediately inquired. The orderlies quickly came in and took the large stallion off Martin's back.

Martin thanked them before turning to Redheart, "There was an accident at the gym and he crashed into some equipment."

"I see," she took a quill in her mouth and wrote down some things on a paper. When she looked back up at him, he was giving her a confused look. "Is something wrong?" she asked.

"Huh," he looked down at his hoof, "I guess that makes sense." What was he thinking about? "Doesn't that tickle though?" he suddenly asked.

"What? The quill? It does at first but a pony can get used to it's feel easily enough," she explained, "Have you never used a quill?"

"Well I know some magicians who use them, but personally no," he told her, "I like pencils, let's me fix my mistakes easily enough."

"While that's good in some cases. In official medical documents, they need to be permanent. I like to use a quill as often as I can to keep my calligraphy up to par," she said.

"Good on ya," he praised, "Do you need anything from me to help with Heavy Weights process?"

"Heavy Weight? Is that his name?" At his nod she wrote some more on the paper, "As for your question? We'll need a statement on how exactly this incident happened so we have a clear view on what to expect."

"Thorough," he complimented, "Actually a friend recommended I get a check up as well, and thinking on it. I should probably do that."

She raised an eyebrow at that. Somepony had recommended he get looked at? Did something happen to him as well? "If you would like one, then I would be happy to give it to you. However, I would like your testimony first," she urged him.

"Oh right, well it happened like this," he started the story, "So me and Bulk were heading to the gym where this really loud guy tells us he's there to help and to call him sir. Then, for some reason, he asked me to introduce myself, so I did. Then he tells me to go on this bridle thing, so I do. As I'm on it he was being helpful by putting more and more weight on it. Oddly, after a minute, he calls me a cheater and asks me for the bridle. I told him no, because it was too heavy for him, but he takes it anyway and it pulls him into the equipment. The whole thing just smashed to pieces. One piece happened to hit me in the head, probably because I didn't try hard enough to stop him. Anyway, I decided to bring him and, after being assaulted by a door, we were escorted here by Sweet Melody."

Nurse Redheart leveled a stare at him. That didn't make any sense. From what she could glean from the story and his physical appearance, he was implying that he was several times stronger then the larger stallion that was wheeled away. Either he had incredible strength in his scrawny form or that blow to the head he mentioned muddled with his memories. She'll be sure to check for any trauma to the head during the check up. She quickly wrote down his testamony, adding that it may be compromised due to head injury, and led him to the back.

Martin did not remain silent for the trip, however, "So is Doctor Horse going to be examining me?" he asked.

"No, I'm perfectly qualified for the tests we will run," she told him.

"That's too bad," he said with a smile, "I liked him, he kinda reminded me of Doctor Styles."

"Really?" she asked, "And what might this Doctor Styles be like?"

"Well he's super business like," not surprising, "But funny thing is, I don't think there's anything that could make him lose his cool. I remember this one time, he was checking the throat of his patient and a huge bird monster crashed into the room behind him. Doctor Styles didn't even bat an eye as Jordan came in shoved it through another wall. Although he did tell his nurse to call up the construction crew to fix the room." Martin chuckled at his story but Nurse Redheart could only stare at him. Besides the fact that the doctor should have immediately brought any nearby patients out of the danger zone, he just insinuated that there was a pony who could shove large monsters through walls.

"And who is this 'Jordan'?" she couldn't help but ask.

He hesitated in answering that one, "Jordan is... Difficult to explain. His full name is Jordan B. Crusher. He's a self-proclaimed local delinquent." Redheart raised her eyebrow at that. A delinquent is the one battling a monster? Where were the police or guards? "He's angry most of the time, he'll beat up anything that insults him or goes against his views, and nothing in our town can truly stand against his might." That sounded horrible. Having some delinquent go unchallenged around a town. But his large smile reassured her that it was fine, "But he has a giant heart and it's all made of gold. Figuratively of course. And I'm more then glad to call him my friend."

"You're friends with an easily angered delinquent?" she asked. While not surprising, given his nature he would proclaim himself a friend with anypony, she couldn't help but wonder how they became friends.

Martin simply smiled at her, "He calls himself a delinquent. While some residents would agree, those of us close with him would probably call him a protector, a guardian, or even a hero," he lowered his voice for some reason, "Just don't tell him I said that, he just hates the term 'hero'." That didn't make sense, he's a hero but a violent delinquent too? That was not something she could imagine easily. Martin's voice returned to normal, "For the past few years, Jordan has been the core of our town. The prosperity we've had in our town directly coincides with his accomplishments."

As Martin regaled about the so called 'guardian of his town', they entered the room and Nurse Redheart took that time to give Martin his check up.

"A lot of residents in our town wouldn't be there if it weren't for him. And I mean that in both the good and the bad way. And he's all for equality, but he takes it a little far, not that it's a bad thing. No matter what age, species, gender, race, title, or state of being you are, he'll treat you like he treats everyone else. Unfortunately, unless he personally knows you, that usually means badly. If you try to hold yourself over another simply because of a title, he'll get mad. But if you're in trouble and you were going to get hurt? He would be the first to be there for you. He's a great guy but he has trouble making friends. He doesn't even consider me and the others his friends, just acquaintances. And it took a lot of effort just for us to make it that far. Like this one time," but Nurse Redheart stopped listening. She was staring at the results of his check up. Everything seemed normal. But it couldn't be, several times he had said he had been injured. And yet, there was no sign of bruises, no sign of any internal damage, and no sign of strained muscle or sweat from exercising at the gym. He was perfectly healthy, but there was one last thing she could do for him.

"Martin," she interrupted him, "Have you gotten a shot for any specific diseases in a while?"

"Uh," he looked up in thought, "I don't think so, I haven't gotten sick in years. So I don't think I really need one."

She refused to believe that one and insisted he get a shot for Pony Pox. He shrugged nonchalantly at her and laid down on a table so she could inject him. With precision, she quickly gave him the injection into his flank, surprised he didn't tense or twitch. Does he just not feel pain? She turned around to grab a bandage, but when she turned back around, the puncture was gone. What was with this stallion?! Out of frustration she slapped the bandage onto where she remembered the injection was.

"Yipe!" Martin yelped in surprise. Nurse Redheart watched in shock as he jumped forward in surprise and off the table, landing on his face. She slowly put a hoof on her face trying to hide the blush she had. She couldn't believe she just did that! She just slapped his flank!

"I'm ok!" Martin called from his position on the floor.

Nurse Redheart quickly helped him up and apologized, "I'm so sorry Martin! That was completely unprofessional of me."

"That's alright," he quickly forgave her, "just apply the bandage gently next time." She just nodded, unwilling to say anything else as she led him towards the exit. She was going to have weird dreams tonight.

Dreams. The inner most realm of the subconscious. The window to hope and fear. The realm Princess Luna hadn't been in for a thousand years. And her return wasn't the most pleasant. Countless nightmares of The Nightmare, of her. Princess Luna looked out into the realm of dreams and came upon a specific dream she wished she could avoid. The one strange pony named Martin. She knew that he has had only bad experiences with her, both physically and emotionally. She could only imagine how his subconscious would see her. But she could not back down, it was her duty. She would make it up to him. With a deep breath, she stepped into his dream.

She looked around herself as the dreamed formed. It seemed that he was dreaming of the town Ponyville. But there was no burning buildings, no eternal night, not even a maniac monster that resembled herself. Children were playing, adults were chatting, everypony was just having a good time. She could spot the Elements of Harmony having a nice picnic laughing together. She finally spotted herself, at a table, but it was of her in her weakened state, and she was having tea with her sister, Celestia. That scene brought a smile to her face. It seemed he had truly forgiven her and held no ill will. That eased her conscious. But something struck her as odd, for some reason, every building was missing it's door. It was the strangest thing.

"Hi Princess!" somepony got in her face and yelled. She jumped back in surprise and looked at the smaller giggling pony. "Wow, you look amazing. I love what you did with your mane," Martin complimented her renewed form. She had finally met the owner of the dream. "So what brings you here?" he asked her.

She regained her bearing, "Greetings young Martin, we have stepped upon thine dream because we feared you would fall upon nightmares for our actions in the past," she explained.

He chuckled, "Wow, ye'olde speech, I know someone who talks like that too," he waved a dismissive hoof, "But I already told you that I forgave you. Are my words not enough?" he asked with a tilt of his head.

Her ears lowered in guilt, "Nay, we are sad to say, we did not believe you. We had thought you simply told us that for our crown." She had seen many ponies say things but never truly meant them, but she was glad his words rung true.

He was not angry though, he just continued to smile up at her, "Well at least believe this, I don't lie to my friends."

She blinked in surprise at him, "Friends?" Had she heard him right?

He nodded, "Ya, you came here to make sure I was ok. So of course I'd consider you a friend. Friend's look out for each other."

This stallion, "Very well!" she suddenly declared loudly, "You may call us friend as you like. It matters not to us." He only beamed up at her dismissal. "But we must inquire," she waved a hoof to their surroundings, "Why is thine dream as such?"

He turned towards the rest of the area, "This is what I always dream, it's the thing that makes me the happiest in the world. Friends, family, acquaintances, strangers, all of them being content with their lives and simply having a good time. Their happiness is my happiness," he turned towards her, "It may not be home, but while I'm here in Ponyville, I'll try to make this dream a reality." She returned his smile at his optimism.

However, at his mention of home, the ground began to shake and the Everfree forest erupted into a large city with two towers that pierced the sky that made the horizon look like it sprouted horns. Princess Luna stared at the massive city in shock while Martin held a large proud smile. "Home is where my heart belongs," he said, "It was nice chatting with you again Princess, but there are some other friends I want to spend time with. You're welcome here any time." He walked towards the city and out of sight. But for a second, as he left her field of view, she swore she saw his form shift. She shook her head to right her thoughts. She had to continue her duties. No distractions. She took one last glance of her dream self laughing with her dream sister before flying out of the dream.

She looked towards the next dream that had an odd vibe to it. She walked inside of it and almost immediately walked back out with a look of utter bafflement on her face. She glanced back towards Martin's dream and then back to the one she just entered. What in the world did she just see? Princess Luna shook her head and decided modern day ponies were just weird.

This morning hadn't gotten a good start for Rarity, what with the stampede of cows causing the ground to shake. Several of her plates had shattered on the floor, her mannequins were knocked over, and some of her fabric had unfurled. Nothing to worry about though, just a bit of magic cleaned up every mess. Today, it was her turn to interrogate Martin. Much like Pinkie, she had put up a request on the bulletin board. She asked for somepony to be a model for her. At first she was afraid that another pony would take the request but Pinkie reassured her that Martin would most definitely go for it immediately, especially since she was a friend. Rarity decided to trust in the party mare's words and hoped Martin would arrive.

No sooner had she thought that, she heard something tap on her door. That didn't sound like a hoof. She looked towards the door as more taps came from it. She opened a door with a bit of magic to reveal nopony there. Rarity went out the door and looked around, spotting the culprit a literal stone's throw away. It was literal because he was sitting next to a pile of rocks. She glanced down and saw several rocks at her door step.

She looked back up towards the approaching stallion, "Martin, why in the world were you throwing stones at my door?" Perhaps he had a good reason.

"So it couldn't attack me," perhaps not.

"Martin, I'm going to ask you not to throw any more rocks at anypony's door," she told him. She couldn't believe she had to tell that to a grown stallion.

"Aw, alright," he said in disappointment, but quickly recovered "Oh well, so I heard you need help modeling. I hope I'll be good enough for it."

She glanced at him taking in his unbrushed, possibly unwashed, self, "You will do quite well, but I have to ask that you clean yourself before we begin. I would like my fabric to remain without smudges. You may use my washroom," she offered to him as she led him deeper into her house.

"Oh, well thank you, that's very generous," he said following her. She pointed out where everything was and left him to bathe in privacy. Rarity went back to the front room and got her fabric and tape measures ready. She took this time to organize her thoughts. Pinkie had already found out about his odd arrival and this so called 'ethereal realm'. Twilight had seemed relieved at that and left back to the library intent on researching it. Today, Rarity was supposed to find out about why this 'Tim', didn't make Broken Depths a known hotspot for his 'condition'.

After several minutes, Martin left the washroom, "Ok, I'm done, and I smell slightly like a strawberry. Yum." He looked and smelled clean but his fur, mane, and tail were still unbrushed.

"Martin, when I said clean yourself up, you were to brush yourself as well," she told him.

"Well," he hesitated, "I tried, I really did but I just couldn't get the brush to do what I wanted," he answered.

Rarity sniffed indignantly. Fantastic, the stallion couldn't properly take care of himself. Very well, she would demonstrate it for him. "Come over here Martin, I will show you how to properly brush yourself," she used magic to bring out one from her drawer. "At least 100 strokes for each brushing, slow and smooth, like so," she used magic to lightly brush her mane. She levitated it over to him, "Now you try." He clumsily took the brush in both hooves and tried to brush his mane but was unsuccessful, only managing to drop the brush. After the 5th try, she took the brush away from him, "Perhaps I should do this for you today and you can practice at home on your own time. To speed up the process."

"Alright, you're the professional in this matter," he said while laying down. She raised an eyebrow at his action. He didn't need to lay down like a pet for this. Oh well, she could just imagine she was brushing her precious little Opal.

She decided to chat while she brushed him, "May I ask you a few thing's Martin?" Some light coversation she could direct towards her real question.

"Sure, I don't mind," he agreed.

"How have you been adjusting to Ponyville?" she asked.

"Well it's very different from Broken Depths, I had to learn a few things both about myself and how you Equestrian's work." Huh, seemed he got some self reflection from his visit. That was nice.

"I'm sure everything you learned was very beneficial," she told him.

"Ya," he nodded, "Hey, did you know Princess Luna can visit dreams? That was nice."

Rarity blinked at that information, "She can?" Well that was a little worrisome, having ones dreams invaded. But she is the princess, she'll have to trust she wouldn't do anything untoward. But for now, she needed to steer the conversation back to where she wanted. "About Broken Depths, are there any worth while sights there?" she asked.

"Well," he began, looking up in thought, "Besides the two skyscrapers and the memorial park, we have an entire area dedicated to education. It's one giant campus that houses every grade of schooling."

At this point she had finished brushing him and asked him to stand on the stage without moving. He shrugged and walked up onto it. Rarity pulled out several fabric and put it up against his coat, seeing what colors would go well with him. While the post on the board was to just get him there to talk, she really did need a model to help her figure out the best article of clothing to use for this years Winter-Wrapup.

"While that does sound like an interesting sight, I hardly think tourists would look at a school building." There, she had finally gotten to the point where she can ask the important question.

"Well we have a theme park too, but tourists don't stay long enough to really visit the sights," he told her.

That made her pause her next question. Was this the answer to the question she was going to ask? "Why ever not?" she asked.

"Well some things in our town scare them away usually. More often then not it's because of Triple B or Jordan," he explained, "The tourists spend about a day there before they leave, if even that. I like to spend some time with them when I can, you know. Find out about the places they come from, where they've been."

"Do any of them notice Tim during their stay?" she blurted out her question feeling that she may have already gotten her answer.

"Well they meet him obviously since he's everywhere, but he's just so unassuming and dull that they tend to overlook him," he answered. So that was it then, Tim didn't get any attention because of tourists being hurried and his plain nature. While not the greatest or most exciting answer, it would suffice.

"You know, I think Marribelle would have liked to meet you," he changed the subject. Marribelle, now that peaked her interest.

"Oh? And why is that?" she inquired.

"Well she really likes to dress up. Everyday she's in a new dress and it's never one she wore at any time in the past. And when I mean new, I mean new. She especially likes her dress to be bizarre. Like this one time, she walked around in a dress that was stitched to look like a brick house. Not in the shape of one, but in design," he described. Huh, that sounded odd but it could have had some strange appeal to it.

Speaking of appeal, Rarity took a step back from her work and looked Martin with the prototype team vest. She wanted to add more glamor to it but something about how it fit Martin's style made her stop. Simple but eye catching. She'll smooth out the details later. For now, she had gotten her answers, a prototype vest, and a new style of dress she wanted to try out. She used magic to take the vest off and levitated some bits over to him. "I think that will be all I need. Thank you very much for your assistance Martin. It was a pleasure working with you. You were especially good at keeping still." He was, which was surprising since he just seemed like a bundle of energy.

"Thank you," he accepted the compliment and the bits, "It was nice chatting with you Rarity. Have a good morning." She opened the door for him and he left with a nod.

Well that had gone well. Still, she couldn't help feel like she had missed something. Oh well, if it was important she would remember it again.

"Oh dear, oh dear," Fluttershy whispered to herself. This wasn't good. The baby bunnies were on a rampage through Ponyville eating all the fruits and vegetables. She didn't really blame Applejack for how it happened, any pony could have made that kind of mistake. Fluttershy herself should have been better prepared for the accident. But that didn't matter right now. What mattered was getting these bunnies back home. But how?

"Bunnies!" somepony yelled. Fluttershy looked towards that direction and saw Martin holding a bunch of bunnies in one foreleg and petting them with the other. "Pet the bunnies, pet the bunnies," he chanted.

"Um, excuse me, Martin?" she tried to get his attention, which she got immediately. "Could you please stop? You're scaring them," she asked of him.

"Oh sorry, didn't mean to scare them. I just can't help myself sometimes," he said while setting them down. She made to stop him but he already let them go. They scampered off quickly away from him. Oh no, she had only wanted him to stop petting them. Not to stop holding them, she still needed to talk with them. "What's wrong, Fluttershy?" he asked noticing her distress.

"It's these baby bunnies. They're making a mess and I can't get them under control," she explained.

He looked out into the town and seemed to notice the large amounts of bunnies running around. "Huh, don't see that everyday," he turned towards the upset mare, "Don't worry, I have a plan. I'll be right back." Martin ran off in a direction leaving Fluttershy alone. But only briefly, because Twilight trotted up to her.

"Fluttershy, what happened? Wasn't Applejack supposed to help you with the rabbits?" Twilight asked looking around at the destruction.

"Well she was, but um, her method didn't really work," she sheepishly explained.

"Ugh, what is with that pony? I'm going to talk with her again," Twilight frowned in thought but then looked at the pegasus weirdly, "Wait, why aren't you doing anything? Shouldn't you be rounding them up or something?"

"Oh, well I was going to but Martin came by and said he had an idea. I'm waiting for him. I don't want him to feel bad for being left out," she told Twilight.

"What plan?" Twilight asked.

"I have returned," said a green blur as it slid to a stop next to the two. Martin had come back and with two saddlebags full of wooden planks and nails. He waved to the lavender unicorn, "Hi Twilight, I'll be back in a second. I gotta take care of this."

Martin kicked off his back legs and stood only on his forelegs. The momentum caused the planks of wood to fly out of his saddlebags and out onto the ground. He ran up to one piece, stood it up straight, and used a hood to drive it into the ground. He gave it a quick tap to make sure it stayed, which it surprisingly did, and promptly did the same for several other pieces. In about a minute he had made an outline of a box out in the middle of the street. Next he took one of the remaining timber, and some nails, and set the piece up against one of the posts. He took nail with his teeth, pushed it into the wood, and hammered it in with his own hoof. He did this several more times along the square and made a crude pen. The girls blinked in surprise at his quick but not perfect craft. With surprising agility and sneakiness, he captured each of the bunnies and tossed them into the enclosure. Not long after he started, he had successfully caught each and every bunny.

Twilight was speechless on how he quickly resolved the situation. There was no possible way he should have been able to do that and not even be winded. Something was seriously up with this guy. Something not natural.

Fluttershy however was not bothered by any of that and quickly approached the stallion. "Oh thank you so much Martin," she said to him, "Although I don't like you had to cage them. But at least I can talk to them now and get them to cooperate."

He smiled kindly at her, "No problem Fluttershy, I'm happy to help," he chuckled a little, "But dang, things have been active around here lately. First that screaming rainbow flew through the sky, then those weird tasting treats from Sugarcube Corner, and now the town's been blanketed by bouncing baby bunnies?"

"Nice alliteration," Twilight complimented, but she ignored his 'thank you' in favor of her own thoughts. Once again because of Applejack's pride, another incident had happened. She was going to get that stubborn pony to listen to her and she wasn't going to take no for an answer.

Both Martin and Fluttershy watched her walk off with a determined look in her eyes. "So how was your day, Fluttershy?" Martin asked her. She didn't give a verbal response and only shrugged. "You know what I want to do right now?" he asked. She shook her head in the negative. With no further prompt he ran towards the pen and jumped into it yelling, "Bunnies!"

Fluttershy watched in shock as he laughed and hugged the frightened bunnies. Oh dear, perhaps calming them down was going to be more difficult then she thought.

Author's Note:

I should have called this chapter 'Exposition'. Also, Yes, I have been purposefully not having Martin say Everyone and Everypony. It's made several sentences awkward to rewrite because it was difficult to find a replacement for those words. I will continue to do so for the upcoming chapters.
While I'm glad I got Rarity's interrogation out of the way, I feel like I'm going to have an even more difficult time with Rainbow, Applejack, and Fluttershy. But we'll see.
Also, I'm so sorry to any Princess Luna fans, I've no idea on what her personality is so I just made some guesses.
That's all I have to say, so I hope you liked it and thank you for reading.
Ps. Yes, I made another small reference. It's there if you squint.