• Member Since 3rd Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Wednesday


I'm Scootalonely. A lonely pony that writes erotica, sometimes pony related. All of my stuff is over at my tumblr (NSFW), but some things might be here so well ;)

Comments ( 14 )

The funny thing is that this actually was pretty well written :rainbowlaugh:

But yeah, what the fuck?

Oooh~ Can Sweetie one up Scoots in the next chapter? huh PLZ :pinkiehappy:

I did not realise root fruit related pony erotica was a desired genre, but sure; Sweetie Belle might meet a handsome vegetable at some point.

6436912 Thank you! However, I don't understand the confusion and the chock; it's a very descriptive title.

Humanity has been evolving for millions of years, human civilization has been evolving for 15,000 years. In that period of time we have grown, learnt from our mistakes and managed to pull ourselves out of our primitive dirty and barbaric roots into something graceful and civilized. We learned about the horrors of war, the beauty of art and literature, and the kindness that can be found deep in the human heart. After so much time evolving, so much time taken into making sure our legacy is one for legends, we created a massive weapon, the nuclear bomb; and saw the absolutely horrible effects of such an evil weapon. And in that same century as a species we finally managed to agree on something, after the bloodiest war in human history, and potentially an even bloodier one barely avoided; we finally agreed that nuclear weapons should only be used as a last resort, if at all and humanity rejoiced in peace, no matter how brief. Finally we come to the present day. Where people are rioting because a some dude was shot by a police officer, where 14 year olds are twerking against their closet doors, and this story exists.

Where did we go so wrong.

6449486 A hundred billion humans have walked the surface of this planet, most of which are long since gone and never got see technology even as advanced as a clay bowl. Most of the people that got to see such marvels were so disadvantaged by their respective civilisation that they spent their short lives malnourished, silenced and locked into a lifestyle with little choice in career, sexuality or education. For most of them, writing did not even exist and the majority those that got to see such things never got the privilege of learning the secrets of how to interpret these scribbles. We, you and me, however are thousands of miles away (a journey that would have been impossible for almost all humans that have existed), shooting electrons and photons at each other at speed of light, with the privilege to decipher them, with the privilege to shoot whatever signals we want no matter the distance, no matter the content and we do so with such proficiency that we've reached the very edge of the laws of physical matter. To all but the tiniest elite of humans that have ever lived, we are Gods and with that Godhood and that privilege I will do whatever the fuck I want. Even if that means having tiny, orange horses fuck root fruits... and I will love and marvel at everything that that requires, because our transcendence was not our achievement, because Gods are created by the mortal and weak.

This, too, was fun. Thank you!

6451061 I am privileged to go on this existential journey reflecting and recounting human history with you, perhaps one day our paths may meet and we may be able to speak again, however for now my people need me. Farewell.

...I will simply share this one last image, to summarize my thoughts throughout this conversation

6451584 I don't know either, honestly. Regardless, I think it was enjoyable and may the gods be with you.

6451884 Uhh






But seriously man Scoots:scootangel:X a Potato?:rainbowlaugh:


Yet I read it and I liked it:pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:

7594962 Even if the idea itself is ridiculuous, I feel like it's one of my best written pieces. And now I'm reminded that I did start working on a sequel :P

7930969 Sexy, funny and almost ok writing! What more could anyone ask for? :P

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