• Published 5th Sep 2015
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Equestria’s Changeling Queen and the Abyssal Empress - vren55

After Alternia, changeling queen and former regent for a missing Celestia, is coronated as Equestria’s third ruling princess, she must face her first crisis in the depths of the Eastern Sea. Sequel to Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen.

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Chapter 17: Into the Depths


Chrysalis, Alternia, Celestia, and Doggess Sebastiana were all seated around a carved mahogany table in one of the many meeting rooms in Sebastiana’s palace. Everypony and changeling else in their retinues stood close to them, while Retariusil was standing before a tackboard with many maps and drawings pinned to it.

“Alright, ladies.My hive, probably not the most well built considering how things have turned out, but this is how we’re going to get into it.”

Retariusil pointed to the first map that showed a network of tunnels underneath the island where Venecia had been built upon, and beneath some of the first pilings to be washed away by the tsunami. It gave the look of a tangled spider’s web.

“The hive, as you all now know, was built by connecting the network of lava tubes under Venecia, which were tunnels created by lava flows from the ancient volcano that makes up the bedrock of Venecia. Together, they create a network that could house an entire hive. Unfortunately, when the tsunami hit, everything below sea level was flooded, which meant all of this…” Retariusil pointed to the colored blue section of the hive, which was substantial to say the least. “Is underwater.”

“Luckily for us, my mom was rather smart about it when she placed the library. It’s one of the few areas in the hive that is just at sea level.”

Retariusil pointed to a large drawing of the Sea Snakes’s library pinned on the board next to the map. It essentially was a cylindrical chamber seven stories tall tall, with shelves built into its walls. A ramp snaked up alongside the walls, giving access to the changelings

“However, not all of the library is above sea level. We built it by digging a chamber that connects three lava tubes that crossed over one another, which also serve as entrances and exits to the library. The area below the middle tube is below sea level, and so water flooded into the library through the seaward exit of the lowest tube. Luckily, the Legendarium section, where the book should be, is just above sea level, near the mid-level landward entrance, so we can get it, and it should be in good condition as we cast waterproofing spells on all of our books. Unfortunately, the water in the hive and the library means that kelpies and seaponies could be present.”

Alternia nodded and took over. “As such, we will be going into the hive with heavy escort. Chrysalis and Retariusil will each bring ten of their best chevaliers, whilst I will bring ten of my Mirror Guard, five ponies, five chevaliers. Doggess Sebastiana’s Venecian marines will watch the entrance to the tunnel along with the rest of our changelings and ponies. Captain Harlequin, what strategy will you be employing?”

“We’re adopting a mobile strategy. Our primary objective is to find the library, but we will use an indirect route if we encounter kelpies. Depending on how many kelpies we encounter, we’ll withdraw to larger corridors where we can surround the kelpies at our leisure, and if we are outnumbered, we use the narrow corridor to get out and try an alternate route. Plus, we’ll have extra units on standby near the entrance to our tunnel to reinforce us.”

Sunset Shimmer frowned. “Have you considered exploiting the kelpies’ weakness to light in your strategy, captain?”

Diamondshell coughed. “Yes, Miss Shimmer, but we realized that it wouldn’t be a good idea. Thanks to Princess Alternia’s experience fighting Empress Tethys and the interview with Prince Typhon, we’ve realized that kelpies also have rather a rather strong sense of smell and hearing. Just lighting ourselves with white or bright lights in general in a cave environment will wreak havoc with our own expeditionary force’s vision over time. We also realized that trying to flash light in the narrow confines of the cave would blind ourselves as well. So for our expedition, we’ll cast some red light spells, the same that we use in night battles to allow for our soldiers to see, but not to get blinded.”

“And if alternate routes don’t work and this starts turning into a battle of attrition? Considering you can only access the library through the tubes leading to its landward side, that means you only have two entrances that are not flooded,” asked Celestia.

“We withdraw and try digging in from above the library,” said Retariusil grimly.

“Though it would take time as we would be trying to break through a combination of hard, sharp volcanic rock and dirt, not to mention there would be the danger of compromising the library’s integrity,” said Doggess Sebastiana..

“Granted, we would have few other options at that point, unless we want to lose our entire expeditionary force,” said Chrysalis.

Turning to Alternia, Celestia nodded. “In spite of the risks, I approve of this plan. When will you set out?”

“Sunrise the next day. We don’t know if the kelpies are nocturnal, but we might as well try,” said Alternia.

“Alright, be careful, all of you, any other questions?” Celestia asked.

There were none, at least until a quiet voice piped up.

“Your highness, with your permission, I’d like to join this expedition.”

Alternia’s eyes widened as she stared at her personal assistant of many years. “Denied. We’re going into a warzone here, Raven, that’s no place for a personal secretary with little to no combat training.”

The white unicorn glared right back at Alternia through her black-framed glasses, her brown eyes narrowed. “Your highness, unless Queen Retariusil remembers the entire library from head to toe, you need ponies who are good with filing and researching, especially under pressure.”

Alternia wanted to retort, but she couldn’t help considering Raven’s point. They were going to need to research and retrieve the book really quickly and while Retariusil knew the library, she had told them she didn’t know where the book had been filed. They would need help finding the book once they got to the library.

And while Raven had never looked for a book in the middle of a warzone, she was used to working as Alternia’s secretary and fact-checker in time crunches.

“I see your point, Raven, but I’m ordering you not to endanger yourself.”

“Yes, your highness.”

The next day, after a light breakfast, Cyndra started helping Alternia into the set of light armor that the queen had brought with her for the expedition into the hive. Essentially, it was a chain mail dress backed by a boiled leather chestpiece, neck gorget and kneepads. On top of that, Cyndra buckled on Alternia’s regalia, which Chrysalis had rather helpfully retrieved from the capsized hull of the Hornblower.

There was, however, one issue with the armor. It had been commissioned before Equestria’s discovery of the true identity of “Princess Celestia”. So the chain mail was all washed in gold.

“I think you might need some new sets of armor, auntie. Gold is really not your color,” said Cyndra, voicing Alternia’s thoughts as she examined her aunt and tightened the straps.While the gold chain mail worked well with the silver peytral and hoofshoes, the gold did not match very well with the black of Alternia’s carapace.

“I agree, and since I became a true queen, none of my helmets fit anymore. The antenna gets in the way,” said Alternia, adjusting her crown.

“I know right,” said Cyndra, trying to smile, but failing. Swallowing, Cyndra bit her lip briefly and looked up into Alternia’s eyes.

“Please make sure you and mom come back safely,” said Cyndra. Chrysalis had forbidden
Cyndra to come on this expedition and while Cyndra had begged her mother again and again, the queen had been adamant. There was going to be fighting, and Cyndra, a changeling of the scout class, would not be suited to this operation.

“I will,” said Alternia softly, she wrapped her arm around her niece and squeezed before trotting out of her chambers.

Chrysalis and Retariusil, both in dark-blue lacquered changeling armor met Alternia with their chevaliers at the tunnel entrance. Behind them, even more changelings, Royal Guardsponies, Mirror Guard changelings and ponies, and red and gold clad Venecian marines stood at the ready.

Ahead of Alternia though, in an alley between two apartment buildings, was a large hole in the street. Originally the hole had been small, just a ponyhole covered with a steel plate, but the Venecians and the changelings had widened it in preparation for the operation so that it could fit two changelings in at once.

Sebastiana approached, escorted by a squad of Venecian marines and nodded to Alternia respectfully. “We’ve checked the immediate tunnel entrance and its clear. Are you ready, your highnesses?”

Chrysalis and Alternia just nodded, while Retariusil grinned, a slightly fierce expression to her features. “Indeed, Doggess.” Her features softening for a second, Retariusil dipped her head to Sebastiana. “Thank you, for all your help, Sebastiana.”

“It was my pleasure. Stay safe, all of you,” said Sebastiana, her eyes travelling over all the volunteers for the trip before returning to Retariusil. Alternia blinked as she caught a sense of the Doggess’s fear and… love… most definitely love, even if the Doggess was hiding it underneath her stoic expression.

“I will,” said Retariusil all levity gone from her features as she held the Doggess’s gaze and as Alternia turned her senses to the queen, and also sensed the same emotion, returned.

Alright, those two definitely have a thing for each other. thought-spoke Chrysalis.

Alternia chuckled inwardly. I agree, though I think it might be for the better. replied Alternia as she followed Retariusil, her twenty Mirror guards surrounding her. She could spy Chrysalis behind her, hugging Cyndra before she left.

Taking a deep breath, Alternia focused on the mental link she had established with Retariusil this morning, for the purpose of the operation.

Retariusil, you seem rather calm today. Actually you’ve been very much in control of your emotions for the past few days. I would have thought you would be a little more... vengeful, considering things thought-spoke Alternia as she watched Retariusil and her changelings hover into the hole.

Retariusil’s retort was annoyed, but the frustration wasn’t directed at Alternia. You know I got something to prove, Princess Alternia. Having Chrysalis dismiss me from the battlefield was humiliating. I don’t intend for that to happen again, especially in my own hive.

Alternia nodded and trotted to the edge of the entry hole so she could look down at Retariusil, who was waiting for her. Of course. I bet your nightly visits to my Doggess’s bedchambers helped immensely.

Changelings couldn’t blush, but Retariusil’s ears shot straight up and her eyes widened to comical proportions, leading Alternia to smirk, just a bit as she jumped into the air and hovered down toward the ground with her chevaliers. Once they set down, they started to levitate the pony guards and Raven down, as Alternia continued to speak to Retariusil.

Relax, Retariusil. I know you aren’t doing anything other than talking. As to how I figured it out, you get along rather well with Sebastiana for a queen and a pony ruler, and I sometimes saw you walking around the palace late at night, sometimes very close to Sebastiana’s bedchambers. I never listened in, but Cyndra tells me a little about what the servants gossip about and she hasn’t told me anything about you and Sebastiana doing anything untoward, which meant you must have just been talking.

Retariusil swallowed. She listens… and we’ve talked for a long time, even before I left for the council and … and it helps. I wanted to kill Tethys so badly at one point. I still do. But after seeing Celestia in the infirmary, and hearing about how you could do nothing… I was lost for a while. There is no way I can kill her and there is no way I can wipe the kelpies out. We talked about that among other things.

Alternia nodded and the pair stood aside as they waited for Chrysalis to join them. And she understood right?

Retariusil smiled weakly. Yes. Her city is starving slowly to death and she has to keep order regardless. She hasn’t even had time to mourn the death of her own friends, or the subjects she had lost. Knowing that it was an accident doesn’t help at all, and considering Tethys is our common enemy, we bonded.

Ah. And what have you decided to do about your vengeance? asked Alternia, as she watched Chrysalis hover down.

I’ll get my revenge by surviving. If I can’t kill Tethys, then I’ll help you get my mom’s book and I’ll do anything I can to thwart the kelpies efforts to expand, to threaten changelingkind, and to hurt those I love, my subjects and… yes, Sebastiana. It would be what my mother would have done in my position.

A wise resolution, Retariusil. said Chrysalis as she landed beside Alternia and Retariusil.

Queen Chrysalis? spluttered Retariusil.

It’s a three way link, Retariusil. You still have much to learn about telepathy... and on the ways to please your mare. Your efforts last night were amateurish, sloppy.

Alternia, eyes narrowed slightly as she turned to Retariusil, whose jaw had dropped out of mortification. I thought you were just talking?!

Not last night they weren’t. I mean seriously, that was your idea of the “the best and possibly last night you’ll have together”? You have a perfectly good weathervane at the top of the Doggess’s palace. Why didn’t you just fly her up there and actually show her a wild time instead of the standard fare you gave her?

“Shut up!” Retariusil spat, glaring at the smirking Chrysalis, much to Alternia’s suppressed mirth.

“Um, your highnesses, are you alright? We’re about to head out.” Diamondshell asked.

“We’re fine, captain, lead on,” snapped Retariusil irritably.

Diamondshell was unconvinced but nodded. “Alright then.”

Don’t worry about not coming back, Retariusil. We will make sure you come back, said Chrysalis, whilst Alternia smiled encouragingly at Retariusil, who blinked and nodded.

Thank you.

About twenty minutes in…

The atmosphere was tense, particularly for the changelings at the front of the group. All of them wore tough changeling armor made up of lacquered layers of molted changeling carapaces, but they still gripped their weapons tightly in their magic.

Harlequin was one of them, his telekinetic grasp closed around the handle of a small flanged mace. He would normally use his short swords, which were strapped to his sides, but they would have been useless against a kelpies carapace.

In fact, every single fighter in the group was equipped with weaponry that should be more appropriate to fighting kelpies with. This led to all present toting a wide assortment of maces, and warhammers.

Unfortunately, the narrow confines of the tunnels had limited the size of the weapons they could bring. The expeditionary force could walk comfortably in the corridor they were in now, but only in a single file.

Harlequin hated single file formations with a passion. He considered it a recipe for disaster. His only comfort was that, to ensure that the queens and Raven wouldn’t be ambushed and just taken out, they were at the centre of the line with Hydrangea, Diamondshell’s lieutenant.

Speaking of Diamondshell, she was behind him, holding a flashlight whose glass had been tinted red. It had the effect of soaking the tunnel with the color of blood… which Harlequin had seen enough of in recent days. He knew he would likely see more.

An hour into the walk they had their first sign that the kelpies had been in the hive.

Diamondshell grimaced and glanced at Harlequin, whose features were unreadable. She could feel the frustration he was giving off of though.

The group had trotted into the hive’s workshop and smithy, which they had hollowed out from the bedrock. Heavy, scarred wooden tables and an assortment of tools cluttered this chamber, and in the centre of it was a coal-forge fireplace and bellows with a massive smoke-catcher at its top. According to Retariusil, flues directed the smoke from the forgefire into the chimney system of a factory in Venecia that lay directly above the forge. This was rather ingenious as it masked the existence of the forge from prying eyes.

It was then that the captain of Retariusil’s chevaliers, a stockily built changeling called Husarki, noticed something off, and when he checked it out, he had quietly said some rather colorful things and called Diamondshell and Harlequin over.

The forge’s floor was wet with hoofprints… in fact, it seemed as if someone constantly dripping water had walked.

“There should not be water here: this is the driest place in the entire hive, and we have not been here since we abandoned the hive,” said Husarki.

“So some very wet someone trotted in… a kelpie then,” said Harlequin.

“But this doesn’t make sense,” said Diamondshell as she recalled the map of the Sea Snake’s hive. Looking down into the corridor where the trial of water led off to, Diamondshell’s brow furrowed. “The nearest flooded section is almost two hundred and fifty meters away from this forge. Nobody can drip for that long.”

Husarki blinked. “How did you know that the flooded—”

“She does that,” said Harlequin offhandedly. They needed to focus. “In light of that, is this possibly a unique feature to kelpies? That they always wet even when on land?”

Diamondshell nodded. “Perhaps. We wouldn’t have noticed that in our battles. They’ve always taken place at night, in areas that are supposed to be wet.”

“Well… we were expecting them, so I guess this just confirms it,” said Husarki.

“Not quite,” said Harlequin. Diamondshell raised an eyebrow at her head captain, who looked down the corridor… a hint of fear in his emotions.

“Sound travels quite quickly underground, and we know the kelpies have excellent hearing, so why haven’t we been attacked yet?”

Still without a reason for why the kelpies had not just attacked them, the expeditionary force pressed forward, with those in the vanguard being extremely cautious about it.

Things were quieter in the centre of the line, where Alternia, Chrysalis, Retariusil and Raven were fenced in by their guards.

“Any theories as to where the book may be, Raven?” whispered Alternia.

“A few. Retariusil does know the filing system of her library. They copied the National Library of Equestria’s classification system, so she and I know the rough subject area the books will be stored in, but… well, there are still quite a few books in that section,” said Raven. The white pony pushed her glasses up a little. “I have a feeling Murmillar might consider that book special though, and might find a way to distinguish it slightly from the rest. Then again, she might have tried to hide it.”

“All the same, if you can’t find the book, get out. Since we know the kelpies are here, it’s possible they might have found the book and removed it from the library,” said Alternia.

Raven glanced over her shoulder to meet Alternia’s gaze. “Your highness, this is the tenth time you’ve told me not to risk my life. I think I understand what you’re asking me to do.”

Alternia blinked and sighed. “Sorry, Raven… it’s just that you never enlisted to be a fighter. You never signed up to put your life on the line.”

“I signed up as your personal secretary, your highness, to help you find things. I’m going to do that,” said Raven firmly.

“You’re also one of my closest friends… who has known me since before I became Equestria’s Changeling Princess,” whispered Alternia.

“Which is why I need to do this. You’re my friend too.”

Alternia swallowed as she tried to force down the dread in her heart. “I know. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, your highness.”

“The library’s just ahead,” said Husarki, who was two changelings behind the head of the column. Behind him, Harlequin sent a quick message to Alternia and nodded.

The corridor sloped down and so all they could see clearly with their red flashlights was the floor green, changeling-goo walkway. Slowly, the changelings tip-toed to the mouth of the tunnel and the one at the point of the column, took a peek.

And screamed as armored tentacles wrapped around the neck and yanked him out of the tunnel and out of their sight.

Instinctively, the changelings backpedalled, or if they had space, turned themselves around, and the column quickly withdrew from the tunnel mouth, as they had agreed upon. The kelpies did not pursue

My queen, the mid-level entrance to the library is blocked. We will have to try the topmost one. The kelpies are not pursuing. said Harlequin.

Understood. How many did we lose from Retariusil’s detachment? asked Alternia.

One… how is she handling the loss? asked Harlequin. He did not know the details, but he had heard whisperings that his queen had mourned the death of his Mirror Guard greatly.

My sister and I are doing our best to support her. Thanks for asking, Captain. Alternia’s thoughts paused for a second. You said they are not pursuing?

Harlequin glanced over his shoulder to check, but only saw his fellow changelings and a tunnel mouth that was rapidly growing distant. No, your highness.

Strange, they certainly pursued us in the Hornblower. Why not now?

That was a pretty good question, that Harlequin didn't have an answer to at the moment, only suspicions. I don’t know, my queen. But I’ll let you know when I am certain.

Alternia’s reply was affirmative, but tinged with worry. Please do, my captain. This mission is not going according to our expectations, even if our losses have been minimal.

There had been no space or time to turn the column’s formation, so Diamondshell, who had been part of the rearguard, now was helping lead the new vanguard toward the topmost entrance to the library. They hadn’t wanted to use the topmost entrance because as Retariusil said, it was further from where the book would likely be, on the middle level of the library in the section reserved as the Legendarium, for books on lifeforms, monsters, gods and god-like creatures that beggared description.

As they trotted through the red-lit dark, Diamondshell blocked out the hoofsteps she could hear and narrowed her focus on the problem at hand. The kelpies knew they were there, so how would they break into the library? Caution clearly didn’t work as they were ambushed instantly, would speed and a different direction allow for the changelings to gain an advantage?

She also needed to concentrate, because it was incredibly awkward walking being between members of her old hive.

One of them, walking just ahead of Diamondshell, was Andraste, a changeling with a very light build and lithe legs, yet her telekinetic grip toted two sizeable warhammers that she rested nonchalantly on her shoulder. She was also Diamondshell’s former mentor, who was in charge of the rearguard, and who had… not been happy with her student after the then disguised Alternia had successfully interrogated Diamondshell.

Needless to say, Diamondshell hadn’t said much to draw attention to herself.

When they just spotted the end of the tunnel, Andraste raised her hoof to stop the column, and lowered her voice. “We’ll have to go in quickly. We don’t know how many there are, but we do not have another chance. Cordelia, Thelred,” —the two changelings at the head of the column glanced back at Andraste— “use what we did at the Royal Wedding. We won’t be as fast, but you’ll have some protection. Then start casting some red werelights, we need vision.” Andraste turned to Diamondshell, her gaze hard. “Rest of you, follow me. I’ve already alerted the queens.”

Diamondshell nodded. “Yes ma’am,”

“You know my name, Captain Diamondshell. Use it,” said Andraste a hint of a smile on her lips. Diamondshell blinked, and managed to return the smile, but as glad as she was that apparently her mentor wasn’t pissed at her, she resisted the temptation to say more as she raised her warhammer and rotated it between its spiked and flat head.

Andraste raised her hoof, and the changelings braced themselves. When she dropped it, all sprang into motion.

Thelred and Cordelai galloped down the corridor, green light from their horns washing over their front. Barrelling down the corridor, they cleared the mouth of the tunnel, unopposed, Andraste and Diamondshell charging in after them, more changelings bringing up the rear.

Diamondshell had a second to get a sense of the library layout as the changelings cast as many changeling werelights into the air as possible to give themselves some light.

As the shadows cleared to be bathed by a comforting red glow, Diamondshell was able to see that the library was as they had been briefed. A large vertical cylinder, with the shelves on the inner walls. Yet, Diamondshell couldn’t help but be impressed for a moment. Right now they stood on the top of a hardened, and quite slippery, changeling-goo roadway that snaked down a veritable, unending shelf of books, published, written and collected by changelings, for changelings. Across from them was the other end of the lava tube, heading out toward the sea, also linked by the ramp. There was only about five stories that of the library that Diamondshell could see, before the shelves ended in seawater, but every one of them was chock full, crammed so tightly that they looked as if they’d need a crowbar to extract, of bound books. They were of all shapes, sizes and judging by the different shade of some of the books seemed to have in the crimson-tinged darkness, different colors, some huge tomes, others small slivers of paper. Perhaps it wasn’t comparable to something like the National Library of Equestria, but the knowledge that at least half of these books were treatises written and published in secret by changelings, for changelings, gave Diamondshell a small boost of pride.

Something that she needed for as she looked down and across from her position, she saw the black eyes of the kelpies who were clustered near the platform to the mid-level landward entrance to the library, just above the strangely still water. She counted six of them. There were also nine other kelpies in the middle section of the library, four of them with books in their tentacles, some of them open. They were accompanied by four seaponies in the water, who were also gripping tomes in their magic, staring at the changelings, slack-jawed.

That split-second of stillness broke as Anstarte roared.

“Go for the objective!”

And the changelings jumped off the platform and into the air. Retariusil’s changelings led the way, making a beeline for the shelves at the mid-level.

Now, Diamondshell, her warhammer at the ready, expected the seaponies to start throwing ice at them, and for the kelpies to drop their books, or start using them as projectiles.

Except, the four kelpies carrying the books started throwing them down to the seaponies, who caught them in their magic and threw them into the saddlebags they were carrying.

Diamondshell cursed. She didn’t know why they were so interested in the books, but any one of those books could be the one they were looking for. Luckily, as she glanced back, she saw Hydrangea and the four ponies of the Mirror Guard who had accompanied them arriving.

“Hydrangea with me! We need to stop those seaponies!”

Hydrangea and the unicorn guard with her immediately responded by firing magic balls of orange flame into the water from their position, while the three pegasi with her dived down. At the sight of them, three of the seaponies ducked their heads to avoid the fireballs and the swooping pegasi. Diamondshell meanwhile, changed her course and flew at another of the seaponies, whose eyes widened as they saw a the dark-armored changeling charging at them. He or she, Diamondshell couldn't tell, dropped the book he was carrying and dived. A book which one of Retariusil’s changelings with their distinctive amber eyes, caught and threw back onto the ramp.

The seaponies gone for the moment, Diamondshell turned back to the ramp and grimaced. It was a bit difficult to differentiate the changelings from the kelpies in the dim red light, but judging from how only the tentacled forms of the kelpies occupied the ramp, the changelings had not gained a foothold. Some had set down onto the ramp itself, but dared not advance recklessly into the grasp of the kelpies. Particularly since the ramp was damp with humidity, and nobody wanted to slip into the grasp of a kelpie’s tentacle.

It was then a black, tentacled form jumped from the ramp, slamming into one of the hovering changelings and biting into its neck. Its tentacles still holding onto the changeling, it plunged into the water with a splash.

Diamondshell immediately beat her wings to gain altitude, and not too soon. Like a leaping shark, the kelpie lunged out of the water, snapping at Diamondshell’s rear hooves. Spinning around, Diamondshell faced her opponent as he surfaced, his black eyes meeting hers.

This kelpie was different. It was wearing some kind of bone and metal armor and it seemed larger than the other kelpies Diamondshell had seen.

A changeling from Chrysalis’s hive and one of the Mirror Guard pegasus attacked the kelpie from both sides, but it was ready. It must have heard the wingbeats, because its tentacles lashed out, seizing the pegasus. Flexing its coils, the kelpie turned to the changeling and used the pegasus as a battering ram, slamming him into the changeling and plunging them both into the depths.

Whirling her warhammer, Diamondshell grimaced. Already seaponies had resurfaced, and were seizing books from the lower shelves again, and there was no way Diamondshell could charge at them, not with this kelpie on the loose. It must be some kind of elite soldier.

And they were all over water. That wasn’t good. Diamondshell glanced at the three other changelings and the one pegasus guard with her.

“Spread out, keep your eyes peeled. Don’t stray too close to the water—” A scream cut Diamondshell’s command out and she spun around to see the kelpie bull into one of the changeling chevaliers, sinking his teeth into his neck, while driving him into the water.

The pegasus was the first to get to the kelpie and he swung his spiked hammer at the kelpie, except the kelpie was ready. One tentacles grabbed the hammer, while the rest of his tentacles seized the pegasus’s wings and flexed.

Diamondshell winced as the pegasus screamed, and buzzed her wings harder, but it was too late. The kelpie cut the guard’s scream off with a bite to the neck, dropping him into the water. One of his thicker tentacles, also took the guard’s hammer.

Diamondshell figured out what the kelpie was going to do before it did it and rolled left, just as the kelpie flung the hammer at her. Unfortunately, the hammer slammed right into the changeling following Diamondshell, and she fell into the flooded library, sinking out of sight, just as the kelpie also dived back into the water.

Her teeth grinding together, Diamondshell resumed hovering, her ears and eyes peeled. Nope, this was not good at all.

Upon entering the library, Alternia took in the situation and grimaced. According to what her changelings had told her, the kelpies were also after the books, and were crowding the same level the Equestrians and changelings wanted to be at. And judging by the buzzing sound of changeling wings and the hovering mass on half of the library’s middle section, their expeditionary group was nowhere near close to dislodging the kelpies from their position.

“Sister, I’ll join the battle, you and Retariusil find that book!” ordered Chrysalis, her magic gripped around a morningstar-headed mace instead of her usual spear.

“Got it. Harlequin, give the others a hoof! Raven, hold on!” ordered Alternia as she leapt off the ramp, Raven in her telekinesis.

Alternia descended quickly, Retariusil at the lead.

We’ll never be able to get to the book if the kelpies are there! thought-spoke Alternia to Retariusil as they drew nearer to the mid-level. Now closer, Alternia could see that while their changelings outnumbered the kelpies and had managed to hold most of them on the ramp against one side of the library, but they couldn’t push in, or else get snagged and killed.

The Legendarium wraps around the entire middle of the library, we can check out this section first! replied Retariusil as she set down and started pulling books and skimming their spines. Raven did the same, her eyes narrowed, while Alternia, her magic at the ready, watched the battle going in just across from them with wary eyes.

Harlequin meanwhile had joined the battle with the rest of the changelings and he frowned.

The tactics the changelings had worked out earlier, of not attacking recklessly and using their numbers to outflank, meant that the changelings weren’t dying like flies to the kelpies. Instead they were flitting just outside of the range of the kelpies’ tentacles.

But the curvature of the library itself was working against them. The kelpies had backed themselves up to the shelves, which meant that the angles the changelings had to attack were limited, and they dare not use any spells for fear of damaging the library and its books. They were waterproof, but damage-proof was a different story.

Speaking of the books there were four kelpies in the group who were throwing books into their saddlebags. That was very odd.

On the plus side, Chrysalis had just landed on the ramp to the left of the kelpies position and was advancing slowly toward one of them, getting closer and closer.

Too close for Harlequin’s comfort.

The kelpie lunged forward as Harlequin tore toward his queen’s sister, but Chrysalis reacted instantly. She lunged back, raising a shield, while swinging her morningstar downward at the kelpie. The kelpie used its tentacles to seize the shelves to halt itself, and the mace missed, burying its head into the ramp of changeling goo. Chrysalis fell back then, yanking her axe out, while dodging the kelpie’s return strike.

Her horn glowing, she seized the kelpie in her telekinetic grip and yanked forward, trying to pull the kelpie away from its comrades. The kelpie skidded forward for a few paces before his comrades behind him grabbed his legs and tail with their tentacles and stopped him from going any more forward.

The changelings waiting behind Chrysalis would not let the fact that the kelpie was effectively pinned go to waste though. One of them charged in from the front with a mace, but the pinned kelpie used several of his tentacles like one big baseball bat and whacked the changeling into the mass of kelpies behind him. Another changeling flew in from above and behind and swung her hammer up into the kelpie’s gut, shaking the kelpie and making it gasp, before it used one of its tentacles that had a crab claw morph to seize the changeling’s leg.

Two other changelings seized their trapped comrade and managed to stop the kelpie from tossing her into the others, but the wounded kelpie’s crab claw managed to snip through the changeling’s leg. As the screaming changeling was taken away to the medic on standby, Chrysalis growled and funnelled more magic into her horn.

Except she had to duck and release the kelpie, as the earlier changeling’s mace was thrown right at her. The mace passed so close to Chrysalis that it actually brushed past her right ear before bouncing off a shelf. This distraction allowed for the kelpie’s comrades to pull their fellow behind them and for another to step forward and face the queen.

Harlequin wanted to intervene, but the kelpies fighting Chrysalis was covered by another kelpie, who was glaring at him with its black eyes. In fact, all along the ramp, changelings and kelpies were glaring at each other. The changelings sometimes tried to flit in, and the kelpies occasionally lashed out, but all along the line… the fight on the ramp had stalemated.

“Anything?” demanded Alternia, still watching the hovering changelings and the kelpies across from them. Chrysalis had now lifted off from the ramp and was trying to attack from the air, feinting in and out in an attempt to get a hit, but without much luck.

“Nothing yet,” said Raven, tossing another book away and pushing her glasses back up.

“We’re running out of time, the kelpies’ reinforcements might already be on their way,” said Alternia.

“We know that, Alternia!” snapped Retariusil as she continued to skim the titles, her horn lit to provide her with some better light.

Alternia swallowed, and instinctively braced herself against the damp roadway. She hadn’t been this nervous in a long time. Although the battle was stalemated… they were edging closer and closer to the feinting changelings and kelpies on the ramp in their search for the book.

Moreover, she could still see Diamondshell and a few other changelings just below them, hovering above the water. They were fighting an armored kelpie, one who had, by Alternia’s count, now claimed the lives of six of their expeditionary force, and was allowing the seaponies in the water to grab more books from the lower shelves.

Briefly, Alternia wondered if she should engage the armored kelpie directly, but she shook her head. Retariusil and Raven needed the extra protection. There was a possibility the kelpies across from her could break out and try to go for them.

“I’ve found it!”

Alternia’s eyes snapped to Raven, a smile already rising to her face.

Which was when everything went wrong.

For a moment, at least to Alternia, it was as if everyone was moving through molasses. She could see Raven, magic gripped around a bound leather book, spinning around to run toward them. Alternia could see Raven’s hoof come down on the damp ramp, and slide on a spot wetter than the others. Alternia could feel her features warping into a expression of horror and her body tensing itself to leap toward Raven, whose own expression slowly filled with shock, as her rearmost hoof also slipped, and rolled to the left, over the ramp.

Desperately, Alternia summoned her magic, but Raven was already over the edge and falling toward the water with the book. Alternia followed her, wings beating furiously, but the fall was too short.

Before the unicorn even hit the water, the armored kelpie was onto her. Surfacing under Raven, it caught her in its tentacles and sank its fangs through the fur around the unicorn’s throat and into flesh, biting through it all in one gulp, dark ichor Alternia knew was Raven’s lifeblood gushing from the wound as he tore his jaw away. Murmillar’s book, once surrounded in Raven’s pink magic, dropped into the water, floating

Alternia saw all of this, and her mind went blank. It was as if she saw nothing else in the dim light, but her dying friend, and the one who had killed her.

As the kelpie let go Raven’s body and sank back into the water, Alternia first seized Raven’s body, and the book, throwing them to the approaching Diamondshell, while firing a lance of green magic. The kelpie quickly dived back into the water, the lance clipping his armor and spinning him slightly, but it did not stop him from vanishing under the water.

Heart racing, Alternia flew to Raven. Maybe there was a chance, however slight that Raven could be saved, but as she approached where Diamondshell had set Raven and the book down, and where Retariusil had knelt beside, her heart sank.

Raven was already dead. She’d bled out in seconds. The left side of her throat was missing, bitten away, blood staining the ramp she was laid upon. Retariusil, her eyes wrinkled in sorrow, was closing her eyes.

“Get the book and Raven out of here, Retariusil,” said Alternia in a low voice.

“Alternia?” gasped Retariusil.

“Now!” snapped Alternia.

Retariusil nodded and flew up, carrying Raven’s body and the book of Murmillar with her. Meanwhile, Alternia lit her horn, its bright, green glow washing over the crimson light provided by the floating were-lights above.

Your highness, it would be unwise for you to fight this creature head to head. thought-spoke Harlequin.

Alternia felt her fangs clench, her eyes shutting for a moment to push the tears from her eyes, but she knew her captain was right.

Harlequin, Diamondshell, Asclep, Ethelflaed, Phylos, kill this kelpie. I’ll support you from above.

Yes, your highness. chorused her changelings.

Jumping off, Alternia flew into the darkness, keeping herself far from the water, but not so far that she could not help her changelings if necessary. She could just glimpse her changeling descending past her, their wings thrumming furiously as they hovered above the water, turbid due to the wash generated by their wings.

Captains, do you have any ideas to lure this kelpie out of the water? asked Alternia.

Unfortunately, nothing better than using ourselves as bait, said Harlequin his thoughts tinged with sarcasm, and quite a bit of wariness.

Diamondshell’s thoughts burst into Alternia’s mind. I’ve been trying that, but this kelpie is much faster than the ones we briefly faced over Aquamaris, and he is also highly skilled in ambush tactics. He also wears armor, which no other kelpie wears, but why?

Alternia narrowed her eyes to better pick out the outline of her other captain. Diamondshell’s thoughts were filled with frustration and rage, which worried Alternia a bit. Neither emotion was good for combat.

Come to think of it. I saw a kelpie in armor among the ones we are trapping on the rail. said Asclep as Alternia slowly spun around, her gaze watching over her changelings.

We’ll keep that in mind. Focus everybody. ordered Alternia, though her eyes had briefly looked up in an attempt to identify the other armored kelpie amongst those pinned on the rail. This was futile though, it was too dark and there were too many changelings in the line of her sight, and so Alternia returned to trying to scan the red-tinged water below her.

The onrush of shock and horror that hit Alternia’s through her hive link sent the queen into movement.

You see, within the hive network, each changeling has a slightly different… taste to their thoughts and emotions. This sensation could change depending on the changeling’s state of mind, but it normally allowed Alternia to differentiate each changeling’s thoughts and telepathic messages. Buzz usually had a somewhat teasing tone to his thoughts. Diamondshell’s thoughts always expressed a degree of deference and respect. Harlequin’s was always quite easy to identify as she could always feel some love coming into her link.

And so Alternia could instantly tell, even despite the panicked emotions in the link, that Diamondshell was in trouble.

The armored kelpie had seized Diamondshell from below, its tentacles wrapped around her torso and wings, its fangs sinking into her left foreleg as it dropped back into the water.

Alternia was not going to let that happen. She seized Diamondshell with her magic, holding her chevalier aloft, eyes narrowed against the horror she knew Diamondshell was feeling and ears flattened against the excruciating screams of her changeling. The kelpie had just bit off Diamondshell’s foreleg, and its jaws now were savaging her wings.

Coming in like moths to a lantern, Harlequin and the changelings charged. Harlequin fired a bolt of magic, aiming it away from the main body of the kelpie as it was too close to Diamondshell. It clipped the kelpie’s back armor plate, doing no damage. The kelpie, though, seemed to realize that it had outstayed its welcome, as it let go, falling back into the water.

But before the kelpie vanished into the water, one of the Mirror Guard changelings, Ethelflaed, used her magic to swing her warhammer’s spike up at the kelpie as it fell. The kelpie’s own weight drove itself upon the warhammer’s spike, piercing the midsection of the kelpie’s armor, but also taking the weapon with it in the kelpie’s plunge.

“Set her on the ramp now!” yelled Asclep, his saddlebags opening with gauze and bandage.

Alternia nodded and turned, her eyes seeking the ramp, only to gasp. The armored kelpie was already there and making his way toward the main kelpie group. He wasn’t exactly galloping and thick red blood was dripping down his hooves from the wound on his barrel, but its injuries didn’t stop it from doing a sort of jump-step, cantering a few paces, before reaching forward with his tentacles to pull himself, or hop himself forward.

“How in tartarus did it get there?” gasped Alternia. It was as if he had instantaneously appeared across the water. As fast as she had seen Tethys swim, this was ludicrously fast.

“Your highness!” yelled Harlequin, forcing Alternia back to the urgency of the situation.

“Right. Don’t let it escape, Captain!” roared Alternia. Turning back to Diamondshell, she quickly set her chevalier down on the ramp.

A bright flash surprised her as Lieutenant Hydrangea did a short teleport and materialized beside them. She quickly grabbed a pad from Asclep and pressed it into the gaping hole that was Diamondshell’s foreleg.

“Please guard us, your highness,” said Hydrangea, as Asclep unpacked his medical equipment. Alternia nodded in response. As much as she wanted to leave and stop the kelpie from rejoining the main group, they had no idea if reinforcements would be coming. Moreover, Alternia knew that the love and magical power she had at her disposal might be necessary to save the now unconscious Diamondshell.

Harlequin, and Phylos were taking swings at the kelpie with their weapons. Ethelflaed was making do by using the books on the shelves as projectiles. Yet, the kelpie was nimble and even though he was confined to the ramp, he employed his tentacles in an incredibly inventive fashion. He used two of them to seize shelves to yank himself out of the way, four of them to block books thrown by the changelings, and the rest he morphed into hardened crab claws to snap at the changelings and block their weapons.

Harlequin readied his flanged mace. This kelpie was wounded, and was still dripping blood, but he was also getting very close to reaching the main group, which was just a couple more meters away.

That was when two changeling chevaliers dived on the kelpie from directly above, slamming onto the back of the kelpie and tackling it to the ramp. The kelpie quickly used several of its tentacles to seize one of the guards and violently slam it into the library, snapping the guard’s neck.

Harlequin would not let this opportunity pass, though: as the kelpie’s tentacles wrapped around the second guard, he landed on the ramp and swung his flanged mace, but the kelpie threw the changeling on top of him into Harlequin, bowling the pair aside and off the ramp.

“By the Traitor’s cursed shell!” swore Harlequin as he recovered in mid-air. But while he rose back up to focus on the armored kelpie though, he noticed something… odd as the kelpie determinedly continued to trot toward the main group of kelpies, albeit, at a slower pace than before.

Harlequin wasn’t sure in the dim red light, but while the kelpie was clearly bleeding red blood from his wounds, the liquid that flowed down the ramp was of a much lighter color… perhaps even clear and of a less viscous consistency. It was as if the blood had transmuted into something different entirely as it left the kelpie.

Shaking his head, Harlequin put that mystery in the back of his mind and prepared to attack again.

He immediately backed away, though, as another armoured kelpie abruptly rose out of the clear liquid left over by its fellow.

“Halt!” roared Harlequin to his fellow changelings. One armored kelpie had killed seven of their comrades and maimed Diamondshell, one of their best fighters. Harlequin had no idea how this new one had just appeared, only that it came out of the liquid that came out of the first one’s wound, but the danger of these armored kelpies was now all the more present in Harlequin’s mind

Except this kelpie didn’t seem to have any intention of fighting. Its tentacles seized its fellow and it hurled itself off the ramp. Harlequin was confused for a moment until he heard Queen Chrysalis’s voice.

“They’re jumping!”

Alternia looked up in the direction of sister’s voice and backed away instantly as the kelpies who were fighting the changelings on the ramp jumped. Leaping into the air, they abandoned the books they were trying to take aside from the ones already in their tentacles.

“Everybody below duck!” roared Harlequin as the kelpies dropped. Most of the changelings dived or flew for the ramp, but dared not fire at the kelpies lest they hit their fellows below. On the lowest level, Alternia braced herself as the kelpies splashed into the water, ready to stop any kelpie from attacking Diamondshell.

But the kelpies didn’t surface, and it then occurred to Alternia that the seaponies had vanished as well.

Which was when she heard Retariusil’s shout, causing Alternia’s eyes to look straight back up.

“Alternia, Chrysalis, incoming from above! Shoot them!”

Alternia wasn’t initially sure what she was seeing as the light was so dim. All she could see was the rough outline of a group of forms blocking out the red werelights, plunging toward her.They seemed to have jumped off from the ramp somewhere two-thirds up the library. Still she summoned a barrage of magical lances, ready to fire at the forms.

But before she could release her spells into the targets, she heard Chrysalis’s scream.


That was when she figured it out. The plummeting figures were kelpie young. An uncountable swarm of kelpie young diving for the water in front of her. They were far smaller than the average kelpie and they had no tentacles, but they had the same black carapace of their elders, ending with long shark-like tails.

And Alternia had a perfect shot to hit them, and only seconds to make it before they dropped into the water.

It was one of the moments where the thoughts in Alternia’s mind was running so fast, it was as if time had slowed to a halt. Every emotion, every thought was screaming like a chaotic chorus of voices in Alternia’s mind.

They’re monsters. They killed Buzz, Raven, maimed Diamondshell. spat her anger, the ball of rage that choked Alternia’s throat and brought tears of fury to her eyes.

They’re just colts and fillies. her conscience retorted, shocked that she would consider such an action.

It’ll make me happy. thought Alternia. Killing so many of their young… would deal a blow against Tethys and her kind that would hurt. That was probably why Retariusil had told her to attack.

But for how long? she wondered at the same time. Killing adult soldiers in wartime can be justified, but children? That was the worst kind of murder and she knew it. Chrysalis knew it. That was why she had screamed for her to not shoot.

They’ll grow up to kill your loved ones. wailed her fear.

You don’t know that for sure! exclaimed her optimism. The part of her that had been seen enemies become friends and feuding families reconcile. This one act of mercy could change things into their favor.

They are children of your enemies, they’ll be raised to kill you. jeered her cynicism, honed by years of politics, and by long sleepless nights of overseeing Equestrian campaigns. What’s more, Alternia knew that was true. Letting these kelpie fillies and colts go for now would change nothing. Their loyalty was to their Empress, who did not trust Equestria and would not seek peace with them. One act of mercy would not change that.

Killing them won’t bring anypony or changeling back. whimpered her grief.


Alternia released her spell, and the lances dissipated, the kelpie young splashing into the water and disappearing from sight, leaving the library empty except for the buzzing wings and heavy breathing of changelings and ponies.

Chrysalis was quick to set down beside her sister, who stood, frozen, looking at the water.

“Alternia, you were—”

“We’ve gotten what we came for, let’s get out of this place,” snapped Alternia trotting up the ramp. Chrysalis blinked but could only sigh and follow her sister as they all made their way back up the library.

Doggess’s Palace...

Chrysalis wanted to go to Alternia. Her sister had barely spoken a word since they had left the library, but immediately after they got back to the Doggess’s palace and got their wounded into the hospital, Alternia had shut herself in her room.

Normally, Chrysalis would drag Alternia out, but in this instance, she knew that her sister needed some time alone. Besides, the queen had some other priorities to take care of.

Ponies and changelings alike dodged out of the way as Chrysalis stormed to their debriefing room, where Celestia, Retariusil and Sebastiana were waiting along with Cyndra, Sunset and the rest of their commanders. Harlequin was not present, as he was debriefing the soldiers himself.

“Retariusil, what in the traitor’s name were you trying to get my sister to do!” snapped Chrysalis.

Retariusil . “Pardon? What do you mean, Chrysalis?”

Chrysalis glanced at the confused Celestia, Sebastiana and Cyndra, before refocusing her gimlet glare on Retariusil.

“We entered the library, which was partially flooded, after losing two changelings and being forced to take an alternate route, and engaged the kelpies. Our battle stalemated as we pinned most of the kelpies against the library wall while Retariusil, Alternia, and Raven searched for the book. The kelpies also appeared to be searching the library for something and tossing books down to some seaponies in the bottom of the library. Some of our changelings tried to stop that and were engaged by an armored kelpie.” Chrysalis sighed. “The battle continued on until Raven found the book, but slipped over the edge and was killed by that kelpie. The armored kelpie retreated towards the main group and then shortly afterward, the kelpies all jumped back into the water and were followed by a pack of kelpie young.”

Chrysalis stomped up to Retariusil, thrusting her face up towards the wide-eyed younger queen who backed away as she advanced.

“That was when Retariusil had the bright idea to tell Alternia to open fire on the kelpie young. To attack and probably kill children! CHILDREN! What do you have to say for yourself, Retariusil! You ordered a war crime!”

The younger queen flinched, but her eyes only narrowed. “Chrysalis, you know that in changeling society we authorize the killing of youths should they hold a threat to the betterment of our society and if they are willingly going to follow their parents. It’s how we ensure the children of queens who go mad don’t take revenge on the Queens Council. In this case, we know the kelpies are going to become our enemies in the future, we need to kill their young before they can become a threat.”

Chrysalis forced herself not to throttle Retariusil. “Don’t you dare try to rationalize it. I sensed your lust for revenge in your words. Besides, Alternia has not been one of our queens for a thousand years! She is still learning about our customs and traditions. Had she killed those children…” Chrysalis swallowed. “She would have deeply regretted it, and perhaps been just as angry at herself.”

“We’re at war, Chrysalis,” said Retariusil, her voice chilly.

“But does that mean we should kill children, Retariusil? Besides, that act would most likely have provoked the Empress to swamp this entire island,” said Sebastiana.

Retariusil’s eyes widened as she turned to Sebastiana. “Oh… I hadn’t considered that.” Her shoulders slumped. “I just… I just wanted to protect you, and my hive.”

Celestia coughed and lifted the book in her magic, though she couldn’t help but wonder how such a valuable work could look so harmless. It was bound in green cloth, with gold borders. It’s spine simply read On Kelpies by Queen Murmillar of the Sea Snakes. And yet, ten changelings and ponies had died to seize this book.

“Let us leave that discussion for later. For now, we must see what this book has for us.” Celestia laid the book down and opened it. “And let us hope that it was worth it.”

The ponies and changelings nodded, Cyndra barely able to blink back her tears as she levitated Raven’s clipboard and pen.

Next day…

Harlequin cantered to the infirmary, only pausing to return the salute of the odd changeling or pony that walked by him. He had been just eating his breakfast in the canteen when he was told that Diamondshell had woken up.

That had prompted him to immediately leave his breakfast and make his way to the room he had been told Diamondshell was in.

For pony standards, this was a really nice hospital room and Harlequin had infiltrated a couple of hospitals. Instead of being stark white, the room had a nice, abstract mural on the ceiling and the walls that one could study for days and not get bored. There were two beds, but only one of them, the one nearest to the window, was occupied.

“Diamondshell! Thank the Hive Mothers!” panted Harlequin.

“Thanks,” spat Diamondshell, her window-looking eyes not even glancing at him.

Harlequin slowly let the smile leave his face as he took in the state of his friend and comrade. Bandages were wrapped around her torso and around the stump that used to be her left foreleg. Her shoulders were slumped and her turquoise eyes were unfocused.

Gently, Harlequin grabbed Diamondshell’s right hoof, even though she tried to tug it out of his firm grasp. “I’m just glad you’re alive, Diamondshell.”

The prickly chevalier sighed. “I am too. I am very glad… but I’m done, Harlequin.”

Harlequin frowned. “What in tartarus are you talking about?”

“My leg’s gone, and—” Diamondshell waggled her remaining wing— “I can’t fly anymore. There’s no way I can stay as a captain of the Mirror Guard.”

“Do you really think Princess Alternia will throw you aside after all you’ve done?” asked Harlequin, incredulous.

“No! She would never do that!” Diamondshell bit her lip. “But that’s why I have to resign. I can’t be her guard commander like this. I can’t fight on the front line anymore.”

Without warning, Harlequin seized Diamondshell’s shoulders, forcing her to face him, his red eyes narrowed at her. “Don’t you dare you thin-shelled idiot.” He swallowed, forcing the ache in his chest down. “Not when Princess Alternia needs you more than ever. Not after so many of our friends have died.”

Diamondshell blinked slowly, eyes wide. “Harlequin?”

“Nearly half of our Mirror Guard have been wounded or killed since this mission started. We…” Harlequin released Diamondshell, used his magic to grab the bedside chair and sat in it heavily. “I cannot bear to lose another.”

Diamondshell shook her head. “This isn’t your fault, Harlequin.”

Harlequin nodded, his eyes meeting Diamondshell’s. “I know, so you should know that you don’t need to resign. Our guard needs more than just fighters. It needs leaders and teachers, changelings who can help safeguard our queen’s future.”

“I’m not entirely convinced, but if you say so…”

Diamondshell’s trailing voice was cut off by Harlequin’s nod. “I know so. Now, wish me luck. I’m going to do something that might be monumentally stupid, but is definitely going to be necessary.”

“Ah, I assume you’re going to drag Princess Alternia out of her room?” asked Diamondshell as Harlequin trotted to the door.

Changelings could not roll their eyes, but Harlequin tried anyway. He was too used to doing it as a pony, and only found that it bloody hurt to the point he had to blink rapidly to stop himself from feeling disorientated.

“You figured it out from your hive link didn’t you?” said Harlequin sheepishly as he recovered.

Diamondshell gave Harlequin a half-lidded stare. “Of course I did Captain Obvious. But in all seriousness, go get her loverbug. You know as well as I do that she is not in a happy place. I would come with you, but...” Diamondshell winced as she waggled her stump.

“I could get you a wheelchair and—”

“GO! And fetch me a book or some actual good company!” snapped Diamondshell, sending Harlequin scurrying out of the door.

Author's Note:

Someone told me I should apprentice myself to GRR Martin... Don't worry, I'm not nearly as good as plot twisting as he is...

So the changelings have learned a lot more about their enemy and will learn... but will it be enough?

Also, I derped so hard by leaving the gdocs comments section on bottom of this document... whoops :P... It's gone now, but I'm such a loon.