• Published 22nd Jul 2015
  • 10,030 Views, 1,069 Comments

Daughters of Glimmer - Summer Dancer

Starlight reverses the ages of the Mane Six and raises them as her own.

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Chapter 8 - Starlight's Vendetta

"Why aren't you a Wonderbolt?"

Scootaloo looked at Rumble, her eyebrows raised. "What makes you say that?"

Rumble shrugged. "You're the fastest one here, faster than Featherweight even. Didn't you say once you learned how to fly, you'd make something of it? Make Rainbow Dash proud?"

The purple maned pegasus sighed at the mention of her idol. "My purpose is to help others find their cutie marks. Not become military."

"So? That shouldn't stop you from applying. It's what you always wanted...right?"

Scootaloo laughed ruefully. "Rumble, why would I try to be what she never became?"

Prism came up to Buttercup’s bed. “Hey,” she whispered after a moment’s pause. Buttercup continued to stare up at the ceiling, her hooves folded across her stomach.

“Still not talking, huh?” Prism shifted awkwardly and brushed a lock of hair from her eyes. “Well. Can’t blame you. Again...I’m really sorry this happened, Buttercup. We care about you a whole lot. Mom isn’t punishing you...if that helps. You should be back on your hooves in a few days.”

Prism nodded when she didn’t get a response. “We’re just glad you’re...still here.” She rubbed her foreleg and cleared her throat. She wasn’t good at this. At all. The blue pegasus stole a brief glance at the doorway. “Wanna talk about it?”

There was a long silence before Buttercup replied with a dry “No.”

Prism’s heart skipped and her ears drooped. “Okay. Do you want to be alone?”


Buttercup made room as Pism climbed into bed next to her. They held each other the rest of the day.

“You wanted to see me, mother?” Moonlight asked apprehensively, stepping into her mother’s study.

Starlight looked up from her desk and smiled. “Yes. Sit down, dear.”

The young pony lowered her gaze. “It’s about yesterday, isn’t it?”

“You're troubled. And understandably so,” Starlight replied as Moonlight sat across from her mother. “Due to the circumstances, I’m willing to forgive you and your sisters. I’m just..relieved that you’re alive.

“There will be a punishment of course. But...believe me when I say, my Moonlight--” She reached across the desk and clasped Moonlight’s hooves, giving her daughter a sweet smile. “I understand.”

Moonlight looked up questioningly. “You...do?”

Starlight chuckled lightly. “Believe it or not, I was a teenager once too, you know. I know what it’s like to not have my parents understand me. Cutie marks effect everypony, Moonlight.” Her eyes suddenly took on a new pain that Moonlight had never seen before. “Everypony. Especially the ones closest to us. But I see something in you, Moonlight. Something I haven’t seen in a long time.”

“...Like...like what?”

Starlight released her hooves before she leaned back and dug around for something in the desk drawer. “Before I go into anything else, I believe you're going to need these.”

In her hoof, she held out two small round objects, causing Moonlight to blush. “How’d you know?” she murmured as her mother slid them across the table.

“I know how you walk without them,” Starlight said. “Lost yours during the fight, did you?”

Moonlight said nothing as she carefully placed the small lenses into her eyes. Starlight nodded curtly when her daughter blinked a few times. “You’ve grown, Moonlight. In more ways that I could ever hope to imagine. I’d be a fool if I didn’t call attention to it.” She smiled gently. “I know our relationship isn’t perfect. Nothing is, really. But we can always try to make it better.”

The older unicorn slid off her seat and walked over to a picture frame of an equal sign on the wall, her back turned. Her eyes locked onto the mark and sighed, quite tiredly. “I won’t always be here, Moonlight. You...know that, don’t you?”

A heavy silence hung in the air.

“You’re not the only one who’s growing older,” Starlight went on. “And I want to do more with what I have before I grow old and frail. I want to help those who have yet to see the truth about cutie marks. I don’t want to see that truth buried with me when my time comes along.”

Starlight finally turned around to face Moonlight and instantly found herself staring into her eyes. Those wide, doe-like eyes gazing at her in adoration with a hint of confusion and concern. Still innocent, still a little girl in many ways. Still the foal she sang to when she cried and cared for when she fell ill.

Still my foal.

There it was again, the odd sensation that tugged at her heart when she had found her daughters shivering on the mountain trail two days ago. She had called them her babies. Her mouth twisted into a confused frown.

Starlight had always told the girls that she loved them. It was easy to say, easy to act on. She fed them, she bathed them, combed their hair. Gave them the name ‘Glimmer’, claimed them as hers. But that love had never reached her. A seed in her chest that never blossomed. Love was more of a duty than anything else. She had an agenda to complete after all. If anything...

Starlight licked her dry lips, her mind spiraling. Could I really love Twilight Sparkle? And the rest of her friends? I mean...I knew I would have SOME sort of affection for them when I first started out, but...I didn’t think it would…

“Mom, are you alright?”

Starlight snapped back into reality, realizing that she had been staring off into space for far too long. All the more reason why my plan will WORK.

She shook her head slightly and smiled apologetically before slowly sauntering across the room. “You and I are more alike than you realize.” She stopped behind her with a smirk. “Why do you think I left those books for you under the rug?”

Moonlight’s jaw dropped and she whirled around in her chair. It took everything in Starlight’s power from laughing at Moonlight’s shocked expression. “Wha...why...it...you knew!?” Moonlight’s hoof instantly flew to her mouth, but it was far too late.

Starlight resumed her walking with a certain spring in her step. “Of course. Did you really think I wouldn’t know if one of my important belongings were missing from it’s place? But yes, those were all for you to explore, Moonlight. I wanted to see what you girls would do if you ever discovered my treasure of books.

“I was surprised when I learned only one book was taken. I thought your curiosity would be greater than that...however, I did run a tight ship when you were younger. But you girls kept the book a secret for a whole year. Your spelling improved greatly.” She tilted her head to the side in thought. “I’m not sure if I should be proud or disappointed.”

Moonlight’s mouth opened and closed, struggling to find the right words. “I-I…”

“Now, Moonlight, none of that now. I am proud. I did this to help prepare you. Something is coming, Moonlight. Nothing will ever be the same, and I want you all by my side when it comes to pass. Your sisters will play their parts as well, but what you will be doing will help change everything.”

Moonlight raised an eyebrow and turned back around in her chair as her mother sat back down again. “Prepare me... for what mom?”

Starlight’s eyes twinkled. “Moonlight, what if I told you that we can make a difference in Equestria?”

One Month Later...

“Today is a special day, my starlings,” Starlight announced in front of the class. “You're growing more each and everyday, which means it’s time to move on to the next stage.”

Sunshine’s brow furrowed. “You mean there’s more?”

“I wanted to wait until you were older,” Starlight explained. “What you experienced down the mountain is but the tip of the iceberg.”

Buttercup winced slightly and glanced back at her damaged wing. “In the last nine years I have taught you, you learned about the lifestyle of equality and the torment of cutie marks. You have all exceeded my expectations. You all know what it truly means to be Equal, and for that I’m so very proud.”

Pearl couldn’t help but grin at this, but the rest of her sisters waited in silent anticipation, knowing that there was more to come. “In the next few years, you will be deep training.”

Prism’s ears perked up while Sapphire frowned. Starlight smirked. “Not that kind of training. At least in the first run. This year, I will train your mind. And your deep abilities. A true Equalist can never prosper without a firm grasp on reality. I will help you with that.”

With the exception of Moonlight, the Glimmers regarded each other in excitement. This was truly an honor for them.

Buttercup raised her hoof. “But...what exactly are we training for?”

Well, Buttercup…” Starlight smiled, glancing at Moonlight. The oldest Glimmer nodded, eyes burning with purpose. “I’m glad you asked.”

She stood by a portrait covered by a sheet. “This world full of cutie marks has a ruler. Two in fact. But the eldest is the one who puts everypony beneath her. She makes every mare stallion and foal bow down to her...forces them to serve her...and she sent her own flesh and blood into a thousand years of captivity.”

After surveying their horrified faces, Starlight took away the sheet, revealing a terrifying creature with wings and a horn. The large monster snarled as it blasted a smaller darker version of herself to the moon; its eyes blazed like hot balls of fire, as if they originated from the pits of Tartarus itself.

“First thing's first. Girls, it’s time you learn about Princess Celestia.”

Author's Note:

This chapter is quite short and difficult to write, but it's meant to be that way :derpytongue2: I hope t's alright :fluttercry: Just to clarify, Moonlight knows all about what Starlight is planning to do and is behind it 100%. This is where the story will really transition from here.

Like Starlight said, nothing will ever be the same again. With that said, I'm wondering if I should change the rating from Everyone to Teen, with all that's happened and what's probably going to happen.

That's up to you guys though. I hope everyone will be alive by the end of this. Lol jk :twilightsmile: Maybe Merry Christmas!