• Published 22nd Jul 2015
  • 10,013 Views, 1,069 Comments

Daughters of Glimmer - Summer Dancer

Starlight reverses the ages of the Mane Six and raises them as her own.

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Chapter 6 - Like Glimmers In the Sky Part 2

Discord gazed tiredly out his window. He watched with thoughtfulness as his personal warped skies made unique patterns outside his home. No mail today, he thought. He should be enjoying his own free time since Ponyville hasn’t sent a distress parchment as of late. He was often called whenever their little town was in danger.

But then again...when is it not? Discord smirked. Ain’t that the truth. He had years to work for everypony’s trust and saving their little lives more times than anyone could count certainly seemed to fit the bill. At first he relished it. He was a hero. Every mare,stallion, filly and colt adored him. But, to his surprise, as time passed on, it grew...well, rather tiring. He had many friends, that what he strived for, but...none of them could fill that hole. That teeny tiny itsy bitsy hole in his heart that refuses to be satisfied. He had friends, sure. But none of them were like them. None of them could be….like her.

He shut his eyes for a brief moment. He reluctantly snapped his claws, conjuring up an old photograph of him...and her. He stared at her smiling face for a long time before the rage began to resurface. It bubbled up inside him like a boiling pot of water, ready to spill over. He gripped the picture frame so tightly, the glass shattered, making blood mix with the shards. He didn’t care, he didn’t even flinch. The picture crumbled in his paw and claw; tears leaked out of his eyes. A deadly snarl formed on his face, his eyes turning wild. “I swear it...whoever did this to you, Fluttershy...when I’m through with them...they’ll beg me to finish them off…”

The twins launched into educating the Glimmers in all the luxuries that Cranberry Grove had to offer. The guided them through carnival games, relays, and merchandising sales. “And this is the concert hall,” Pumpkin said cheekily as they passed a large stage with a white backdrop; ponies in uniforms were unloading all sorts of strange mechanical machines off a truck.

“What’s a concert?” Prism asked.

Pumpkin laughed. “You’re such a kidder! Anyways, over there we have…”

Pound glanced back at Buttercup who brought up the rear, her eyes drinking up every bit of her new surroundings. “Does she talk?” he whispered to Pearl.

Pearl giggled softly. “Of course. She’s just a little shy. She’s actually more open whe--”

“Look look look, there they go!” Pumpkin shouted, grinning at the sky. Pearl looked up along with the others, each gasping at what they saw. Pegasi, lots of pegasi, all ranging from ten to sixteen, flying high above their heads, quicker than a blink. They whizzed by, almost too fast for the eye, as onlookers that surrounded them cheered enthusiastically.

Prism stared after them, her mouth hung open. “Who are they?”

Pound rolled his eyes. “Competitors for the Flighter Fighters competition. Bunch of stuck-ups.”

“I...I’ve never seen anypony fly so high...and so fast!”

Pound gave Prism an odd smile. “It’s not that high! ‘Sides, they kinda have to fly that fast if they wanna win!”

Prism kept her eyes on the sky, her expression shifting slightly.”Pfft. Winning is a sign of egotism. Where we’re from, our flight speed limit is not more than two miles every three minutes.”

“And we don’t fly higher than six feet off the ground,” Buttercup added quietly.

“What? That sounds ridiculous!” Pound said with a snort. “How can you expect a pegasus to be happy if we can’t go as high and as fast as we want?” He flapped his wings twice and zoomed circles around the girls.

Dust rose from the ground, making them cough. “P-Pound!” Pumpkin choked. “Q-Quit it!”

Pound slowed down and stopped mid circle, grinning at them. “That’s how a true pegasus should fly.”

Prism frowned. “You don’t think you’re bragging a just a little?”

“It’s not bragging if it’s true,” Pound said smugly as he landed back on the ground. “C’mon, we’ll show you where the food is.”

As they continued on, the girl’s eyes glued to everything and everypony they past, drinking it all in. They came to an area that had food stands lined up in a row. “What’s an ‘Ice Cream’ ?” Sunshine asked. “Are they selling Ice Cubes or something?”

The twins stopped short and whiled around on her. “A...Are you saying you’ve never heard of ice cream?” Pumpkin said incredulously.

“W-What about candy? You guys have to have had candy before, right?” Pound asked. The girls glanced at each other and shrugged. Pound and Pumpkin were beyond baffled.

“Hey, what’s that?” Pearl inquired, walking up to a stand that had different colored muffins under glass.

“Oh, those? Well, those are called cupcakes,” Pound replied, walking up beside her.

“Those don’t look like cups to me .”

“No, as in mini cakes.”


“Here. we’ll just buy you guys one. You’ll see.”

“Our treat!” Pumpkin grinned.

After Pound and Pumpkin ordered cupcakes for each of them, the Glimmer's eyed the pasties with hesitation. Pearl looked at her sisters and smiled, taking a bite. As Pearl chewed, her eyes grew bigger and brighter. “Oh...oh wow. WOW!” She pushed the rest of cupcake into her mouth and bounced on her hooves with newfound energy. “Ermehush, isshso gud!” Seeing how much their sibling enjoyed the mystery food, the rest of the Glimmers each took small bites. Collectives gasps surrounded the Cake twins as the icing flavors worked over their tongues.

“This is...amazing!” Buttercup breathed, getting chocolate smeared on her cheek. “What do you put in it?”

Pound shrugged. “You just pour the batter in the tray and pop it in the oven. Then you put on the icing.”

Prism licked the strawberry icing in a circular motion. “Mmmm. Why can’t mom make these?”

Moonlight, however, frowned at her cupcake as she held it up to her eye level with her magic. “Thanks, but...I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

“Why not?” Pumpkin asked, munching on her own cupcake. “It’s vanilla! With sprinkles!”

Moonlight glanced at her with doubting eyes. “There’s a reason why mother never served outside food. It’s a sign of self-indulgence--not to mention how much sugar might be packed into these!”

“The more sugar the better then!” Pearl giggled, bouncing in place. “I love cupcakes!”

“And I highly doubt a little sugar will affect our figures, Moonlight,” Sapphire assured, running a hoof across her lips to make sure there weren’t any remaining crumbs.

“Our figures aren’t what I’m worried about,” Moonlight said irritably.

“Moonlight.” Prism deadpanned. “We snuck out from behind mom’s back and traveled all the way here while she’s still thinking we’re going over Equality flash cards. I think eating a small cupcake won’t make much of a difference.”

Moonlight’s posture visibly sagged at the reminder of their act of deception. She closed her eyes and shook her head. This isn’t right. “I’m sorry. Thank you for the gifts, but I can’t accept them. I just... can’t.

Pearl leapt forward and gulped down the cupcake, disabling her sister’s violet aura. “I sure can!” she declared, licking her lips. “Mmm-mmm!” Moonlight merely growled at her sister, almost not noticing when Pound placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Hey, it’s okay. We wouldn’t want to make you do anything that makes you uncomfortable. I can already tell that it’s a complete culture shock for you guys.” He glanced back at his sister. “Maybe we should slow things down a little?”

Pumpkin nodded. “Of course! I bet your minds are blown, huh? We oughta take it down a notch though--we wouldn’t want you to have an aneurysm, would we?” She playfully jabbed Moonlight in her side. “Hey, I know what would be super amazing--but it’s super calm, I swear! We can watch Misty Lakes sing tonight! Wouldn’t that be cool?”

“Who’s she?” Sapphire asked.

Pumpkin stomped a hoof in the ground and blew a raspberry. “Stars and Moonbeams, you must have been living under a boulder or something! She’s a famous singer--she's the daughter of another celebrity...uhh, Sapphire something. She's so cool.”

“And easy on the eyes,” Pound added with a smile. “She goes on after the singing competition’s over--which is in six minutes! What do you say, ladies? Up for it?”

The girls looked at Moonlight, who sighed. "One song."

Pound and Pumpkin led the Glimmers into the back row of the audience just as the last singing contestant was stepping off the sage. The stadium was outdoors on a field of grass; the sun began to descend in the sky, making Moonlight tense up. Hoof Stomps accompanied a single pony as he took the stage and adjusted the microphone in front of him. “Alright, mares and gentlecolts!” he boomed, causing the Glimmers to recoil slightly. They had never heard a voice so deep and loud before.

“What got ahold to his throat?” Sunshine whispered to Prism, who snickered.

“You’ve all been waiting, and here she is! Everypony give it up for the lovely….the timeless...the incomparable...Misty Lakes!”

Wild cheers rose up from the crowd as a pretty mare took the stage with a smile; she was wearing a shimmering blue dress with a rhinestone dolphin sewed to the front. She had long cascading blue hair that flowed past her midsection. “How y’all doin’ tonight?” Her voice was as smooth as butter as she spoke into the microphone. Some fans screamed in adoration. The mare smiled. “It’s good to be here with y’all tonight! This song is about commitment...loss….and love.”

With that, the music started playing a simple tune. Misty Glaze swayed slightly and harmonized softly, sending chills up the girls’ spines.

You mean the world, Oooh and everything that I want for

Since I’ve been your girl, Oh my whole life has been much better than ever before

You got a tender sweet love, yes you do

That wakens me and takes over me whenever we touch

The mare closed her eyes and smiled to herself as sang the chorus.

Baby, that’s just why I love you so much

Baby, that’s just why I can’t get enough!

Baby, that’s just why I love you so much, I love only you…

Sapphire quickly rose from her seat and headed for some bushes. “Saph?” Sunshine called over her shoulder.

Moonlight stood up and began to follow her. “I got her.”

The unicorn trotted after her sister and caught up to her before she could go any further. “Sapphire!” She cut in front of her and pushed a hoof against her chest. “What’s wrong?” The white unicorn lifted her gaze, and Moonlight could see unshed tears welling up in her eyes. Her voice took on a softer tone. “Hey, what is it?”

Sapphire let out a choked sob. “I...I’ve never heard anypony sing with...with such feeling and passion. Ever. We’ve only known one song in our entire lives...I believe in our principles with all my heart, but…” she turned to look at the mare on the stage. “The way she sings about the one she loves…” She faced Moonlight with longing in her eyes. “I want that, Moonlight. I want to feel love.”

Moonlight hesitated as she mulled over her words in her mind. “But...you have all the love you need from us...and mom.”

Sapphire silently glanced at Pound before lowering her gaze. “Not that kind of love, Moonlight.”

Before Moonlight could say anything, Pearl popped up between them, making them cry out in alarm. “Is everything okay?” she asked innocently.

“We’re fine,” Moonlight said flatly with the roll of her eyes. Then her eyes froze on the sinking sun. “...Oh no…” She looked around frantically. “Quick! Someony! What time is it?” Her sisters looked at her dumbly. Groaning in exasperation, she raced over to Pound Cake and tapped his shoulder. “Pound, do you have the time? Please, it’s important!”

Pound held up his watch. “4:09.”

Half the girls held back a scream. Their mother would be returning at 5:30. They had a little more than an hour, maybe even less, and the trip here took two. “We need to go!” Moonlight squealed, pushing Buttercup out of her seat. “Now!”

“Aww, so soon?” Pumpkin asked sadly.

“It’s important,” Sunshine said hurriedly, charging after Moonlight and Buttercup. “Too important! Bye!”

Pearl stopped briefly and gave Pumpkin a quick hug. “Thanks for everything!” she pulled away and waved as she trotted after the others. “You’re the most wonderful ponies we’ve ever met! The only ones, but still!”

Pound moved forward before Sapphire could leave. “Wait!...will I, uh...ever see you again?” His brown eyes were filled with hope...and something else.

Sapphire managed a smile and hugged him so he wouldn’t see her lower lip trembling. “I….” She broke the hug and wiped her eye. “I have to go!” She turned and galloped through the town.

The twins stood together and watched all six girls disappear behind a cluster of booths.

“They’re so weird,” Pumpkin said. She turned to her brother with a grin. “I like them!”

The Glimmers weaved through the crowd of ponies, running faster than they ever had before. Their legs and calves burned with intensity. “I..never knew...running could be so...exhausting!” Moonlight puffed.

“Well too bad, ‘cause we’re gonna have to run all the way there to make it in time!” Sunshine panted. “Who in the hay was in in charge of time check?!”

Buttercup shrieked as she bumped into a stallion before continuing on. “Sorrysorrysorrysorry!”

They finally emerged from the town, not one pony bothering to look back. They jogged up the hill with the tree to fetch their belongings.

“C’mon, keep moving!” Prism urged, throwing her cloak across her back. The young teenagers plunged into the forest, leaves and branches scraping their faces and coats as they charged through.

Sapphire cried out as she tripped on a rock and scraped her knee. “Oooh…” Sunshine came up behind her and nudged the unicorn into standing position.

“C’mon Sapphire, move it! We’ll look at it when we get back!”

Suddenly, Prism heard something snap and skidded to a halt. “Hey, hold up! Stop! Everypony, stop!”

Everyone halted in their tracks, panting heavily as they regarded Prism with confused and exhausted expressions. Moonlight whirled around and looked at her sister as if she grew a horn. “STOP?! What do you mean STOP? Are you crazy!? We can’t just--"

“Shut up!” Prism hissed. “Listen!”

A silence fell over the Glimmers. The only sound that existed was shaky breathing and the occasional loud swallowing. Moonlight looked at Prism and shook her head in confusion. “I don’t hear any--"

Pearl shrieked as a large figure emerged from the trees. Moonlight gasped while her sisters screamed in alarm and terror.

“What is that thing?!” Sunshine yelped as they stumbled backwards. The rocks and bushes behind them caused the teenagers to spread out unconsciously.

Sapphire drew in a sharp breath as she stared into the creature’s eyes. “I think it’s a...tiger!”

Groans of fear emanated from their mouths as the tiger came closer with a low growl.

“M-Moonlight…” Prism whispered. "...what do we--"

Without warning, the Tiger sprang forward on Buttercup with an open mouth. Blood curdling screams cut through the air as blood splattered the ground.

Author's Note:

What's this??? An UPDATE!? GREAT SCOTT! That's right, in honor of Back to the Future Day, I have posted a chapter! Did you see any strangely dressed teenage boys roaming around? :rainbowlaugh:

This is the song I used in the chapter, don't own it!

I apologize for the shortness of this chapter, but it will have to be on account of...well, you know. This is where Daughters of Glimmer gets dark. So...brace yourselves. Edit: This is as much gore you will ever see in this story, no worries :twilightsmile: