• Published 30th May 2012
  • 7,382 Views, 586 Comments

Dancing Flames, Cooling Ember - Tamara Bloodhoof

Human in Equestria becomes a dragon. Takes place in the universe of Griffin the Griffin & Co.

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Chapter Seventeen, Silver Gilded Treatment

Chapter 17,
Silver Gilded Treatment

“…………..awake yet?”

My head was spinning, a dull throb pounding throughout it all. I couldn’t remember anything except for entering into Stalliongrad. From my sense of touch I could tell that I was in a bed, something fuzzy wrapped around me. By smell, I could hear the sound of……singing and of something sizzling, somebody cooking meat? And I also found an all too familiar odor in the air, one of copper, iron, and meat, raw and cooked.

My eyes flew open as I recognized the scent of blood, only to see a giant wall of black fur right in front of my face. Half-asleep, my good arm immediately raised itself high and then shot towards his back, trying to either maim the wall or to use brute force to push it away.


My arm shuddered to a halt, and I could feel Gemina stirring feebly in the back of my psyche, mumbling something about ‘furries and ‘Musta been a good night.’

‘Gemina, you were about to commit accidental manslaughter.’ I muttered, anger swelling up in my chest. ‘Or did you mean to brutally stab Grim?’

Gemina immediately snapped to attention, her senses suddenly wide awake and piggybacking on my sight to see what had just happened. Sighing, I pushed myself slightly up on the bed, only to feel something heavy and furry fall off of me. Wait………

‘…….I guess it really was a good night.’ Gemina remarked dryly as we looked down at our bedmate. Grim was lying on the bed, stark naked, and was drooling onto a pillow we had been sharing not a minute before. His arm had been wrapped around me, and he was wearing a slight smile.

My face began to flush, my brain kicking into overdrive to cope with the sight before me, or, more accurately, playing out every possible scenario of how I got like this. ‘I…what? How did we get here? Why am I in bed with him? Did we do it? If we did then how, he’s neutered!’ It was so improbable, so unbelievable, that it suddenly became just a tiny bit possible.

‘Okay, first off, if you’re that worried, then check, it isn’t that hard. Second, if you are afraid he could actually do anything with your body, he’d be limited to his fingers. Trust me, I know, I watched enough dirty videos and pictures on your computer while you were asleep.’

‘So that’s why I was so tired at school on my test days! You dirty little vixen!’

‘Oh dear, it’s true, I truly am so bad. But if you must know, you shouldn’t get so mad!’ Gemina said, laughing loudly and obnoxiously like that annoying Tarutaru.

‘……As long as you promise to stop acting like her, I won’t proceed to throttle you.’ I muttered, my anger fading in an instant.

‘So then, what do we do about fuzzy McHugging you?’

I blushed scarlet yet again ‘How the hell do you do that with black scales?’ and squeaked as I remembered about Grim, pushing him in the chest hard. His body offered no resistance and rolled right off the mattress, landing on the ground with a loud *thump*

“Well, seems that everyone is awake now.” Came a voice from the other side of me. I span around, growling, my good arm up, my body already poised to spring when I recognized her. In a flash I suddenly remembered about how the guard had suddenly attacked us, and how she had stopped them and saved us from being killed.

“Well, can’t say that I’m surprised that dragons are hardy, but to recover that wound in two days is rather amazing.” Fluttershy commented, but her voice didn’t seem right. It was deeper by far, and held an almost melodious tune to it, and, above all, it seemed mature, something I hadn’t really found in a world filled with children cartoons.

“I’m not a dragon.” I mumbled as she continued to look at me, her face falling into a frown. “I’m actually a dragoness.”

She looked at me for a second, then nodded. “Makes sense, you don’t have mammaries like us, do you? I remember seeing a lizard once and seeing if they looked like us at all, but they looked completely different, they didn’t even have hands for crying out loud.”

My ears suddenly shot up………okay, they would’ve suddenly shot up, if I still had any, but she suddenly caught me off guard with that comment. ‘Hands? How does she know about hands? Only humans have those, even Diamond Dogs have paws instead of palms.’

‘I agree with you on the sentiment of being confused, but, truly, why do you keep asking me questions that other people can answer so much more succinctly. I mean, really, do I know about everything that happens in the world?’

‘That’s….actually a good point. Also, since when did you know a word like succinctly? Isn’t that word too complicated for you?’

‘I’m playful, not stupid. I know a lot of complicated things, but I don’t really feel like always proving that, it gets boring quickly.’


‘Nice to know I can shut you up in more ways than just embarrassing you.’ Gemina commented dryly.

Fluttershy turned away from me and Grim, and I got to inspect her more closely as she trotted back into the kitchen. She looked a bit different than what I expected from the show. Her hair was a deeper shade of pink than the light bubblegum she was drawn with, and her canary coat was also a bit darker, instead becoming a light blond. Her Cutiemar………..

‘Wow, we were way off, weren’t we?’


‘Gemina two, Ember zero.’

Her Cutiemark showed me just how wrong I was. She wasn’t Fluttershy, not by a longshot, and the symbol on her flank wasn't even similar enough to her three butterflies to be called a far cry. In fact, it wasn’t even in the same dimension as Fluttershy’s Cutiemark.

The Cutiemark I saw was that of an old Victorian pocket watch, nicely gilded around the edges with silver and all sorts of Tudor ornamentation, including red and white roses. The screen of the pocket watch was broken, cracks crisscrossing over the glass pane. The second hand of the watch wasn’t a normal arrow, but rather a small sword, the pommel of the hilt connected to the middle of the clock’s face.

It was at that point that Grim sat up, yawning widely and stretching, his body shaking with the exertion. He shook his head a few times before looking down at me, his face first showing concern, then breaking into a huge smile. “Ember, you’re okay!” he shouted, hugging me so fiercely that if felt as if my lungs were being crushed.

‘As I said, Fuzzy McHugging you.’

“Yes, yes I am, now please let me go!” I squeaked out, my voice muffling in his hair.

“Oh, sorry.” Grim mumbled, letting go of me. “Didn’t mean to hug you so hard.”

“That’s okay…” I croaked from the ground, having slid off of the bed after he relinquished his stranglehold on me. My hand flopped towards the door the Pegasus had just walked through. “Hey, Grim, do you know who she is?”

“Oh, well, not really.” He shrugged. “I’ve just been helping her out with work around the house over the last few days while you slept. She’s…”

“LAST FEW DAYS!” I shouted at the top of my lungs, my eyes shooting wide open, quickly scrabbling to my feet.

“Ember, Calm down!” Grim sighed, stressing the last two words. “She’s been patching both of us up since the incident with the guard, you really need to relax.”

‘Okay, this may be weird, but for once I actually agree with the idea of no fighting.’

‘Who the hell are you and what have you done to Gemina?’

‘I’m your big sister and I decided that my little sisters health is more important than a few minutes of amusing chaos.’


‘Gemina three, Ember zero’

“Fine.” I growled, walking back over to the bed and sitting down on the edge. “But answer me this, why did she take care of our injuries?”

“Actually, I didn’t.”

I whirled around to see the mare walking back into the room, balancing a tray with a teapot and cups on her back. She was chuckling slightly, shaking her head. “Then who did take care of the injuries?” I asked.

“He did.” She replied as a familiar face entered the room. It was the guard who had attacked us, his head drooping down towards the ground, his face hidden from view. He wasn’t wearing armor this time around, and I was about to capitalize on that fact.

I lunged across the room, bringing my left claw swinging down towards his neck, only to feel a tug at my neck drag me back to the bed. A fuzzy grey paw.

“Grim, let me go!”

Grim shook his head, pinning my arms to my side. “No, he’s also been helping us out.”

“He’s why you’re hurt in the first place!”

“And he had a good reason to attack us, or at least a legitimate reason.”

“Then give me the reason. Quickly, so I can get back to beating him even faster.”

It was at this point that SilverWing walked up to me and put a hoof on my mouth. “Look, I know that no love is lost between us, but could you at least stop fighting against your friend for long enough to listen?”

I froze with fury. This goddamn Pegasus had hurt Grim, then put his hoof on my mouth, and he expected me to listen? But……I can’t deny that his words held a good deal of sense in them.

Swallowing my pride, I slowly nodded my head at the Pegasus, stopping my frenzied struggle against Grim. As I nodded he took the hoof off of my mouth, freezing a moment before dropping it to the floor. “So, you’ll listen now?”

“Yes.” I growled. “But I doubt that I’ll like it.”

“How about a griffin coming through Stalliongrad ‘Dear lord that sounds like a male enhancement drug.’ ‘Oh shut up.’ just a bit ago, attempting to steal food and other supplies? The griffin was arrested by one of my officers, who has since been fired from the force, because he was carrying around a sword made of a black dragon scale.”


‘Oh buck, Ember’s actually getting angry?’

“A black dragon scale sword.” He repeated, raising an eyebrow.

“HE DESECRATED MY FATHER FOR A SWORD! I’M GOING TO KILL THE BASTARD!” I shouted, once again attempting to wrench myself free from Grim.




I felt my blood turn cold. Five years ago……………….

‘Am I…truly getting that angry?’ I whispered to Gemina, the words barely audible.

‘Yes…you are…’ she whispered back, wrapping her arms around me. I could feel myself begin to break, but Gemina murmured into my ear, ‘It’s okay. Don’t cry now, everything is still fine. I know it’s hard, but keep pressing forward, that’s all you can do.’

“Well, he went to the forest last, so I guess that’s where he is. Or, more correctly, he died.”

I glared at Silverwing, then sighed. “Fine…lead me to the woods, I’m going to follow him.”

“Are you suicidal?” he gasped, backing up from me in alarm. “The forest is filled with all kinds of wild beasts!”

“Then I’ll beat them all down.” I growled, walking away from Grim, my arms slipping out of his loose grip. “I don’t care anymore. He’s a murderer, a thief, a desecrater of bodies, and an abomination to the face of this world. I don’t care anymore, I will find him, and I will kill him.”

“Why would you throw your life away like that?”

“Answer me this, why did you help me and Grim?”

Silverwing looked taken aback at my question, but coughed and said, “Well, because I felt guilty for what I had done.”

“Then you now know why I’m chasing him.” I muttered. “And thank you both for helping me.”

Grim stood up, walking to my side. “Is there room for another person to join in?” He asked, a small smile playing across his lips.

“Grim…you’d…you’d actually go with me?”

“Of course. Remember, together forever?” he joked, rubbing my head with his paw.

I stood there for a moment before spinning around and hugging him, my head buried into his fur yet again. “Thank you………thank you so much……” I whispered.

“So, interspecies relationship, eh?” Silverwing muttered, looking from me to Grim. “Can’t say that I object so much that I’m confused.”

“I. It. Didn’t. We. Aren’t!” I spluttered, pushing myself away from Grim, A blush creeping onto my face.

“I was just joking.” he laughed. “But I’d be careful if I were you. There’s a lot of people that might not realize you aren’t related like that.”

‘Now he’s my kind of guy. Shame he isn’t a dragon.’

‘Shut up you.’

‘Ahh, red certainly suits you, underlines your volatile personality.’

‘What red?’

‘Red, who said red? Also, Gemina four, Ember zero.’


“So here we are.” Silverwing muttered, waving a hoof at the enourmous forest before him. “There’s the forest he flew off to. You sure you’re going?”

“Yes, I am.” I said, fire dancing in my eyes and a grim smile on playing across my lips.


“Yes?” I said, turning around to Ritz.

She shuffled for a second before walking over to me. “Take this, I want you to have it. I used to use it all the time, but, well, it’s been harder to use it ever since I got here, so I think it would work better for someone who has hands then who doesn’t have them.” She mumbled, unhooking the blade from her side and proffering the hilt to me.

I reached out and grasped the handle, slowly pulling the blade from it’s sheath. It was a rapier, finely crafted and well-polished. The pommel seemed to be crafted of pure steel, the handle made of smoothly carved oak, wrapped in fine leather. The guard was a basket hilt, while, with little ornamentation, had hardly a nick on the metal. I gave the blade a quick swipe and quickly learned out how great the weapon truly was.

The blade had been obviously been the work of a master craftsman, with an edge invisible to the eye and the tip ending in a needle thin point. It was hard to the touch, yet it still bent with the swipe. I pressed the tip against the ground, and the tip began to sink into the ground, but when I pulled it out and pressed the side of the tip against the ground it bent, bending enough to keep the sword strong, yet prevent the metal from snapping.

“You’ll probably want this as well.” Ritz said, handing me the scabbard, attached diagonally to the belt by a leather blade sheath. Looking at it, the scabbard was just as beautiful as the blade, the body crafted out of hard metal with a black leather cover. All along the leather were pink vines, twirling around and around the scabbards body. Finally, at the tip and base of the scabbard the leather was topped with beautifully carved bronze rims.

“Oh, almost forgot, a token of apology from me personally.” Silverwing said, facehooving as he quickly dug into his interdimensional pony pockets, pulling out a pouch which he handed to me. “Around three hundred bits in there.” He said, smiling. “Use it well.”

I looked from Silverwing to Ritz, then finally back at Grim. “I……thank you all so much……” I mumbled, gulping down a lump that came to my throat.

“Don’t mention it.” Ritz said, a broad smile playing across her face.

“All I ask for is for you to give that Griffin what’s coming to him.” Silverwing chuckled.

Grim strode forward, roaring out, “ONWARD TO VICTORY!” And, with those words, we entered the woods, quickly vanishing into the underbrush.