• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 9,626 Views, 418 Comments

Monkey Business - FrostTheWolf

The plan was to dress up as a Faunus from RWBY. Specifically Sun Wukong. But plans don't always go the way we hoped. I just hope that my newfound abilities and skills don't get myself in Major trouble. [Displaced][RWBY/MLP Crossover]

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Tail 20- Meet the Countess

Author's Note:

Tail 20 is here and boy is it a huge one. Keep in mind that things are different since the timeline of season 5 has changed from what we already know. Also, to point this out, the events of Friendship games occurred during one of Sun's travels to another Displaced's world. Specifically, Jack and Jen.

Thank you to both ElementBrigade and ShadowsInTheDark for the crossover and helping with the conversations later on in this chapter. Trust me, they are good partners to work with.

Also, I added a bit more involvement with Astra this time around. Primarily because Sun will need her help in being able to expand his combat skills and abilities. Tell me what you guys think about this one? I tried some new things with this chapter and I would like to hear feedback. Enjoy!

Monkey Business- Meet the Countess


With the passing of the seasons, the winter snow had melted away. Of course, it was only the beginning of February, but hey… it was at least the start of something good. After meeting Cruger, Beacon’s construction continued to go along smoothly and Sun himself had been working on trying to create an application form to send into the void. After having a talk with Twilight, the Alicorn had suggested for him to keep track of the progress with Beacon by writing in a journal. He was first against the idea because it just made it sound like he was being asked to keep a diary, but after some thought, he actually had come around and made his decision.

He knocked on the door to Twilight’s room, expecting a response. “Hey Twilight-.” However, to his surprise, the door was left ajar and out on the nearby table was a open book. With no words in it or anything. Funny thing was, when he looked at any previous pages, there was nothing in there either. Maybe this was the Journal that Twilight had out for him for if he came around to his senses? If that was the case, then maybe he should start writing.

Plans for Beacon Academy:

As of right now, Beacon Academy is going to serve as a school for any civilians or Displaced that want to be able to find out their special skills or talents. As of right now, construction plans are going smoothly and I have already gotten a few other Displaced to be teachers in numerous areas of interest. But there are still a few things on my mind. One of them is students, and an application is still in the process of being created. The second thing is that I need to make sure to tell Twilight about her new role as headmaster. Unfortunately, I just remembered now that both her and Twilight have been called to go to some place by some… cutie map or whatever it’s called. Nevertheless, that needs to be taken care of at the best time possible.

It was just around then that he felt his token vibrate in his pocket and that someone was summoning him. “Well, guess I can continue later.” Turning around, he grabbed his token out of his pocket and closed the journal that he was using with his tail. Brushing the dust off what appeared to look like a sun shaped crest on the front of it. Originally, he just thought of seeing the symbol as weird and possibly something belonging to Celestia until she gave it as a hand-me-down to Twilight.

Unaware of the fact that the colors of the sun in this instance were yellow and red, not yellow and light orange like with the Princesses cutie mark.

Upon arrival, the monkey faunus found himself spat out of the tear in the void that opened with his summoning and landing on what appeared to be a tiled rooftop. Almost instantly, something stood out to him. That… was the population. Most of ponykind here were anthropomorphic, but then there was also the fact that there was a LOT of other figures that looked human, but also had traits of either creatures or animals. Did he end up in a place filled with Faunus? Only one way to find out.

Using his tail to hold himself, he slowly descended to the nearest open window that he could find. Where he was hearing a very… familiar voice coming from inside. But the first thing that he saw though was the face of what appeared to be a young woman in a burgundy dress.

“Umm… Good morning I guess-?” He said, only to hear a familiar deep sigh as he turned his head a little to the right as he noticed the second figure in the room. “Lance? What are you doing here?”

“Are you trying to get the others to see you?” The woman then asked him, causing the Faunus to redirect his attention while maintaining balance.

“Wait… others?” He asked, releasing his tail and landing on the windowsill as he stepped inside. “Also, not to be rude, but who are you?”

The first thing he noticed was that the girl had fangs. So either she was a carnivore… or a vampire. But, not to make hasty assumptions, he listened to her response. “I’m Shalltear Bloodfallen. The Blood countess…”

“Yep. She is a vampire.”

“She’s still speaking…” Astra reminded him mentally as Sun redirected his attention to her. Just as she was pointing towards Lance.

“... And that is my dad Lance.”

“Woah…” Sun’s reaction was a raised eyebrow and him looking back at the Displaced that was his cousin. “Woah, Dad? I know you and Max are getting married, but I honestly didn’t expect that…” By then, it was when he noticed another familiar face. This time, passed out on the floor and drooling on the floor. “Aye yae yae, what happened to Asphy?”

“It’s a long story and I prefer not to relive it again.” Shalltear said, shaking a small box the size of a cube of sugar as she tossed it up and down in her hands. “And this b*tch in the box is the cause of it.”

“Sun, she’s referring to Nightmare Moon.” Astra told him mentally as he looked at the box Shalltear was messing with. “I can feel her corruptive presence inside… Oh dear stars.”

“What’s wrong Astra?” Sun asked.

“I just had a glimpse of what this “Shalltear” has been through in the last few days. This Nightmare Moon… is even worse than the one in our world.” She said to Sun, speaking in a serious tone. “She had Shalltear injected with a Lust Poison along with almost nearly raping her if it weren’t for Asphyxious and a few other Displaced.”

“Dear god… That’s just horrible.” Sun replied mentally. It was also then that he noticed something. For being a Displaced that had gone through a lot, she was hiding it very well… A lot like when his mother… Aya, ended up in his Equestria. Was it somehow possible that… something traumatizing and horrible happened to her? Before she could ask anything else though, he heard Lance speak up as he looked back in his direction.

“Sun, I got to go,” The Adept told him, grabbing hold of his own token. “Can you spend some time with Shalltear?”

“Sure I guess,” He replied, only to say something shortly afterwards so that was he did not forget about it. “Oh and before you leave, I might need to tell you something… I’m starting a Displaced Academy.”

The Adept in response just raised an eyebrow and grinned a little. “Seriously?”

“Yeah. I thought that Displaced who get pulled in don’t necessarily have to go in alone and endure many hardships.” He explained, all the while pointing to Asphyxious as he laid on the ground in his drunken sleep like state. “Plus… Asphy here is going to be one of the teachers.”

“Seriously?” Shalltear chimed in, eyeing the lich on the ground before looking back at the faunus. “You do know that this guy is hornier than most of the monsters in town right?”

“So the townsfolk aren’t Faunus… Figures.” Sun sighed deeply. “I know. When her daughter tried hitting on me, he was chasing me for a few hours during a christmas party.” He replied. “Plus, last I heard, he’s been trying to cut back recently.”

“Sure he is…” Shalltear replied, rolling her eyes and sounding sure about what the faunus was telling her.

“Yeah, but he’s not a teacher for that. He’s a teacher for Spellcraft, Rune Magic and is also a combat instructor.” He replied to her, noticing the lich mumble to himself in his sleep. “Speaking of which… should we get him back to his home? His wife and hoard might be worried if he’s gone for too long.”

“I’ll do that afterwards…” The countess spoke, her eyes glowing red for a minute as she licked her lips. “I find him… comfortable to be around.” Lance left the room shortly after that, trusting Shalltear to Sun as he looked back at her. Trying to be nice, he spoke again and said the first thing that came to mind.

“What do you need assistance with, Madam Shalltear?” All this did was cause Shalltear to flinch a little and get in his face, pointing a finger at his face. Because of the expression on her face and her right hand was gripped in the form of a fist, all that did was make Sun think that he accidently offended her.

“One, don’t call me madam I feel old when someone calls me that.” The Countess rasped, pulling her finger away as she then folded her arms for a short bit before speaking again. This time answering Sun’s question. “And two, I need you to get me a veil of jelly extract from one of the slime girls in town.”

“Should I be worried about this?” Sun wondered. Only for him to shake it off and get out a notepad and pen that he kept on him to write down the item he was asked to get. “Okay, what’s her name?”

“Any one of them would do really. Just tell them I asked for them.”

“Sounds simple enough. I’ll be right back.” Sun replied, walking out from where he last entered while trying to stay calm. While he was walking along the rooftops of the nearby buildings and homes, a thought entered his mind. A thought that he wanted to ask Astra about. “Hey Astra? What do you think Shalltear might need this extract for?”

“Honestly, I think it has to do with this Lust Poison that she was speaking of earlier. It’s nothing I’m familiar with, but if it has poison in the title, then that is an indicator that it’s something bad.” She replied to him.

“Yeah, that’s kind of a no brainer.” He spoke mentally, noticing a sign for what looks like a trading post of some kind. Hopping down, he looked at the sign for the door and noticed some sticky residue on the floor. Carefully, he opened the door and walked inside. Careful enough to not step on the slime as he walked to the counter and rang the bell.

“Welcome to the item store, my kauken friend.” He heard from the stock room as something was walking towards him.

“You’re one of the slime girls right?” He guessed, grabbing his notepad as he looked it over. “Shalltear wanted me to pick up something for her. A veil of jelly extract-.”

“No, I’m Ren Xiongmao, or Panda Girl for most folks.” He heard, lifting his head up to see the store owner. “Momiji Chung Lao. At your service.”

“Sweet Celestia! That’s too much exposure!! Cover yourself, lady!!” Astra shouted inside of Sun’s head. But Sun just ignored the outburst as he focused on what was going on as he introduced himself. “Sun Wukong, Monkey Faunus…” Looking over the counter and around him for a minute, he then thought his next sentence out. “Uh… Ms. Lao? Shalltear needs the Extract so where can I find the girls? I rather not make her wait.”

“We got what you need here, cutie.” She replied, winking back at Sun as she used her bamboo stick to bring the item he needed off of a nearby shelf. “That’ll be 100 bits please.” Going into his back pocket, he brought out the required amount of change he needed to pay the clerk as he set the change down on the counter with his tail. She took the payment and complimented him on his purchase. Telling him to come back anytime if he needed anything else.

“Well, let’s get this back to Shalltear.” He said mentally to Astra, trying to see if she was still personally sane after her closer encounter with Momiji.

“Yeah and quickly. You walking here on your own is attracting the attention of most of the locals in town. They’re seeing you as a walking chick magnet.” Astra advised him. All Sun did was roll his eyes, walking to Shalltear’s apartment before climbing up the side of it and leaping in from the windowsill… gently to not disturb Asphyxious.

“Ah, good you made it back.” He heard Shalltear as she walked over to where Sun was, taking the extract that he was handing to her. “I was worried that the slime girls would’ve gotten their hands on you by now.”

“Well, geez. Thanks for being concerned.” He sarcastically thought. “Actually, I ran into a panda girl named Momiji in the shop. Paid the bits I needed before coming here.”

“Perfect,” she chimed happily. “With this, I’m halfway there to making a lust poison for Nightmare Moon.”

“Lust Poison?” Sun asked. This was one thing that both Astra and Sun were very unfamiliar with. Therefore, asking the vampire about it might provide some much needed answers for him.

“Nightmare Moon wanted to make me into her sex toy, so she injected me with the same poison that I’m making.”

“Okay, that’s just… that’s just… ugh I can’t even think about it! TMI!!” Astra blurted out inside Sun’s head, causing him to sigh. He though, had a different response to that.

“Is it suppose to make it worse or is it suppose to be a vaccine?” He knew that back home, Flu shots were used during flu season to prevent people from contracting the flu. Then again, like with certain medicines, the side effects could sometimes make it worse.

Shalltear looked back at him and then simply replied to the Faunus. “Yes, right now, I’m using her as a test subject to see if there’s a way to get the poison out of me.”

“Well that sounds risky. Beforehand though...” He said, noticing that Asphy was still on the floor. He thought that something with him wasn’t right… so he did the most common thing people did when something wasn’t right.

Poke it with a stick. Or in Sun’s case, his staff. Lightly poking it against the Lich’s staff and getting no response, he breathed a sigh of relief. “Yep, still asleep.”

That assumption soon dissolved once he noticed the Lich curl up in a ball and start talking to himself. “Hmm… No Len… We can’t do this here… Shalltear will be mad at me….” All he did was glance down at him before looking at Shalltear in confusion. Seconds after he asked her something, his ramblings continued. “Hmmm… Shalltear what are you doing?… No if you bite Len this will get worse… Gwen?... How did you get here?... No stop I don’t want to blight you...”

“And that… just answered every question I had.” He said, partially disturbed before trying to put a blanket on his shoulders. When he was able to successfully do that, he tried to walk away silently…

Only for the lich to start hugging his leg like a teddy bear. “Hmm… Oh yes…”

“Oh COME ON!!!” He cried out inside his head. “Seriously!?” The Faunus tried to pry himself from Asphyxious’ iron grip, “Well, this is just great…

“Hmm… Beef…”

That, caused Sun to panic a little inside his head. “Oh no! No no no no no!! ABORT! ABORT!! Abandon ship!!” When he tried to struggle a little, his tail brushed across the Lich’s face as he was waking up because of the familiar scent.


The Faunus breathed out a sigh of relief, using his tail to wipe his face. “I was beginning to wonder when you might wake up. You’re kind of… grabbing onto my leg.”

Asphyxious let go of his friends leg as he yawned and scratched the back of his head. “I had a dream I was going to eat a roasted beef leg.”

“That… probably wasn’t the only thing you were dreaming. Good to see that you had come to your senses at least.” The Faunus replied. “Lance was here earlier to check on Shalltear.”

“Oh? Is she okay?”

“Better yeah. But what surprised me was when Lance told me that she was one of his daughters.” Even though the comment was simple, it set off something inside the Lich’s head.

Staring at him, Asphyxious spoke. “Wait, what?”

“Shalltear is a daughter of Lance and his Fiance Max. Adopted into the family, but something tells me that now I am Uncle Sun.” He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood a little. Only to notice the lich have a far off look in his only eye since the other side of his face was covered with an eyepatch. “Something wrong man? You look like you were caught red handed in something.”

“Nope! Nothing at all… Really, it’s good.”

“He’s lying.” Astra said. Confirming Sun’s suspicions.

“… You’re a horrible liar, you know that right?” The Faunus told him, catching the Liches immediate attention, before he drooped his head down in defeat.

“I… I know… I… asked Shalltear if she could… join… my… hoard…” He spoke, playing with his tail as Sun just raised an eyebrow and folded his arms. He personally thought that this was the reason why Shalltear earlier was doubting on him trying to cut his…. antics.


“I’m… Not sure… If she said no because of the plan she had for Nightmare Moon. Or if it has to do with her misunderstand my meaning. I just don’t know…”

“Well… You need to give her some time.” He told him honestly as he unfolded his arms. “She may think that something like that was a little too soon, so you should have her think a little before making a final decision.”

“I guess you're right… I don’t want to push her into anything right now. With everything that happened.” Asphyxious told him as he turned his head and watched Shalltear work. “Do you know all the details?”

“Bits and pieces. Why?”

“I… Felt I could of done more to keep her safe…” Asphyxious groaned as he looks at the floor. “I also… ate Nightmare’s arm… I never questioned this before. How can I eat another living being so… Carefree?”

“Anger and rage could lead to many things,” Sun said, thinking everything over before he said what came next. “If I were in your position, I would’ve blown her head off for what she tried to do.” The two of them talked for a while before they both finished talking, Asphy himself moving downstairs so he could get himself something to drink as Sun went to try and lend a helping hand to Shalltear.

“Sorry that took a little while,” He apologized. “Ready to get started?”

She nodded her head as Shalltear poured the jelly from the veil into the beaker. “Okay, now I need another sample from another monster girl.”

“Please don’t tell me that this is another one of those fetch quests again… I’m not an errand boy here!” He sighed, grabbing his notepad and tearing off a clean new sheet. “Should I make a list? Something tells me that I need to go shopping if I need to get everything you need for your test, lady Shalltear.” He added the lady part to try and be respectful. But… like before… it blew up in his face.

“Don’t call me lady, that also makes me feel old as well. Anyway this is the last thing I need for what I’m making.”

“Well, that’s a relief.” He thought as he put the pen and pad away. “My apologies, what’s the item and who do I need to get it from?”

“A blood sample from Suzy, the chesire cat.”

“Alright, where can I find her?”

“She should be around town,” Shalltear said to him. “Though be warned, she can break the fourth wall.” Before Sun had the chance to say anything, he felt the air in the room change and the hairs on his neck stand up.

“She’s right behind me, isn’t she?” He asked, only to hear a simple pur as he turned around. “Called it.”

“Sup monkey butt?”

Chuckling a little at her humor, sun then replied. “If you’re Suzy, then we were just talking about you. Oh and my name is Sun. Sun Wukong. Shalltear said that she needed a sample of your blood for a test she’s doing.”


“Oh knock it off? What could go wrong?”

“She’s a cheshire cat. What do you think?” Astra deadpanned in Sun’s head.

“I could give you that… But I won’t.”

“Called it.”

“Astra… not now.” He sighed. “You do realize she’s right there right?”

“Yeah, but that does not mean that I’ll fill out your request,” She purred as the cat disappeared. “You want me, you’re going to have to work for it.” With it, Sun had to play along with her mind games. Overall, he had only two shots of getting this right. The first time was when Asphyxious (in his drunken state) shouted loud enough for the house to topple down. But that try only had the syringe be filled with soda.

The second try though, was much different. Mostly because it started after Suzy saw Sun’s exposed chest. “Oh my, I’m surprise the girls in town haven’t gotten their hands on you.”

“I’m surprised that you haven’t tried to do that yet.”

“Sorry, you’re sexy… but you’re not my type.” Suzy said as she turned around and noticed a few monsters looking through the window. “But I think they have you as their target.”

Sun turned around and soon noticed what she was talking about. “Well sh*t…” He cursed. But not because of the monsters staring at him. It was because of the circumstances. Suzy’s back was exposed, turned away from him as he used his tail to try again. This time being more successful and the cheshire cat only noticed this after Sun had finished with the withdrawal.

“...... Oh you are so going to pay for that.”

“Yeah… maybe next time.” With that, the Faunus leaped for safety to where Shalltear was in the guest room as he locked the door behind him. “Okay… here you go Shalltear, some blood in exchange for an angry feline.” Shalltear smirked, saying a few wise comments as she mixed the blood in with the extract. Things were going according to plan as she placed it in the fridge downstairs. Even though Sun had suggested for her not to do so because of the drunken lich that was in a drinking contest downstairs.

That same thought was coming back to him once he found Asphyxious on the floor, with a familiar mixture dripping from his mouth.

“SHALLTEAR!!!” He shouted with a bit of worry. “Asphy drank it!”

“Keep it down… my head hurts…” The lich moaned a little, trying to put a pillow over his head. Only leading to Sun pulling it away from him as he whacked him with it like a filly was in a pillow fight.

“You idiot!!”

“What? What’s going on? The last thing I remember is having the drinking game with Amy.”

“Then tell me why did you drink what was in the beaker in the fridge?! That was suppose to be Shalltear’s vaccine for the lust poison!” He snapped at him, only causing the lich to try and say some wise remarks to him as the faunus groaned. “Well great… Shalltear’s going to freak out once she hears about this.” As he said that though, he happened to notice the vampire by the door as she looked at the two of them. More specifically, at Asphyxious.

“……… You do realize you’re an idiot right?” She deadpanned.

“I was drunk… Everyone is an idiot when they're drunk.” The Lich groaned.

“That… is the worst alibi I’ve heard if that’s even suppose to be one.” Astra replied, sighing a little in Sun’s mind. “No wonder she’s into him.”

“How do you figure?”

“Ever wonder why Shalltear said she’s… comfortable… around him?”

Sun just thought about it for a few minutes, only not getting anything but just weird thoughts. “Good god, Astra!”

“What? It’s just one possibility.”

“One that’s WAY out of left field.” Sun groaned as he saw Shalltear send Asphyxious home. Only leading to her saying something to him.

“And as for you Sunny, you can go home as well.” She told him, only for Sun to shake his head in response.

“I wouldn’t mind staying a little longer. Something’s telling me that Asphy’s escapades are more than just drinking that…” He replied to her. “Plus, wouldn’t that mean we would need to make another?”

All that had her do was groan for a minute, before levitating herself towards her room. “After what happen to me yesterday and from working on that potion. I think I’m gonna call it a day and relax for the rest of the day.” She told him, while Sun offered to stand guard for a while. For one moment, he even brought up the school to see if she was interesting. At least she was going to consider it though, that was a good thing… But it didn’t last long.

“Well, I thought I never see a ghost from the past again.”

In turn, Sun shot upward at the sound of the voice. For a moment, he was confused. “Who said that?”

“Oh Uncle Sun, it’s been forever since I’ve seen you.”

Now the voice became familiar to him. Looking at the door to Shalltear’s room and remembering that she was lying down, he turned to the window and looked outside. Only to see that everything around him was in suspended animation. Leaves that were suppose to fall were stopped in midair. “Wait… Shalltear?”

“Well aren’t you just a smart monkey. Guess you’re not as dumb as before when we first meet long time ago.” He heard as the Faunus dropped down from the window. Only to hear the voice again. “If you want to talk with me, meet me outside of Ponyville.”

“Sun… I don’t like this.” Astra said. “I think we’re walking into a trap.”

“Again, Astra… That’s a no brainer.” He sighed, complying with the instructions the ominous voice was giving him. “Plus, it doesn’t look like we got any choice in the matter.”

As he ran outside of town, he soon found the source of the voice. A strange figure that resembled Shalltear, but was not Shallltear at all. For her appearance was a lot different and looked more… sinister.

“… I’m going to go on a whim here and say that you are Shalltear, but not the one I know.” The Faunus said.

“Great deduction, Captain Obvious.”

“Not now, Astra.”

“You are correct mortal, but you should know who I am seeing how this is the multiverse. But something tells me that your mind wouldn’t even understand so I’ll explain it to you” The Vampire said as she appeared in front of Sun in an instant. “I’m Shalltear’s future self if she chose to kill Celestia and rule over Equestria and part of the multiverse.”

“Hey!! I take offense to that! I’m part of this monkey’s mind, you little Bi-!”

“Language Astra!” Sun interjected mentally, before speaking. “And why exactly are you here?”

“Simple really, I want more power. So where else but to go back in time and go after an alternate version of myself. That and along with my former friends and family.”

“…… Sorry, but that just sounds like Terminator to me.”

“What’s a Terminator?”

“Old action movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger.” He tried to explain.

“Okay… What’s a Schwarzenegger?”

“... Let’s save that conversation for later.” He said mentally, focusing on the vampire in front of him as he watched her channel a bit of lightning. Lightning that belonged to his cousin.

“Unlike the terminator, I can steal other displaced powers.” She chuckled, before pulling off what looked like a laugh of insanity. “Oh how fun it was to kill mother and father. The look on their faces were laughable to watch.”

“... Okay, that b*tch just crossed a line.”

“Language, Sun! You kiss your mother with that mouth!?!”

“Oh shut up, Nick Fury!!” Sun growled, grabbing his Gunchaku.“...... Look, that may be in your timeline, but things are different here. And I’m not taking what you said about Lance lightly.”

“Oh? And what can you do about? I’m going to do the same thing I did back home with him, but before I do that. I’m gonna have some fun with my alter self, slowly and playfully.” Sun cursed under his breath. She was right… Unless he could pull out something now, then Shalltear was in danger.

“Sun, this may be the best time to try something out… I have a feeling that we could surprise her.” She said. “Since my energy is combined with yours, it means that you are a lot faster and you can use your abilities in different formats.”

“Really? Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”

“I didn’t really think it was important…”

“... Alright, what do we do then?”

“Just leave that to me. Focus on keeping her occupied.” Astra instructed him as he pulled out his weapons. A new aura glowing from him.

“Really now? Do you honestly think I would let that happen?”

“Ah, pointless fighting from a weakling.” The Vampire mocked as she backed away from Sun, a crimson aura appearing around herself. “Just like last time... Do try not to disappoint me like last time uncle Sun.”

“Step forward.”

“Oh trust me…” He said, vanishing almost instantly before reappearing behind her and hitting her point blank. “You made a wrong decision coming here.”

The Vampire simply just scratch the back of her head and turned around to look at Sun. “I hope that wasn’t the best of you abilities uncle Sun. Because if it is, then you need to train more.” What was not seen by her though was Sun’s next attack as he changed out the ammunition in his weapons.

“Actually, this is just the beginning.” He said, firing off multiple rounds as he got up close and personal with the vampire. With the new shells he put in, the Faunus was firing off rounds of dust that fused two different forms to make steam. It allowed for him to hit the vampire with multiple strikes since each shot blinded her and her field of vision, not allowing her to see what he was doing now. He formed the energy he would muster up in a semblance based attack, only to have it burst outward in an explosive punch. He figured that if instead of letting his semblance form clones and letting it come to his fingertips, it would let him attack more effectively.

“Interesting little trick, monkey.” Shalltear chuckled, reappearing from behind him in the shadows. But you should know the difference between a time double and the real one. You can thank Max for teaching me that little skill of hers.” She said as she grabbed Sun by the tail and toss him towards a rotting tree.

“If it’s a clone fight you want, it’s a clone fight you’re gonna get!” Sun smirked. “Says the one that can’t tell which one was a decoy!”

To his surprise, the steam ammunition served two purposes. One was for blinding the vampire. The other was for letting a fake version of himself commence his attack on Shalltear while the real one watched what was occurring from a nearby tree. Letting him drop down as he shot an explosive round in her face.

“I’m a trickster after all. I have many tricks up my non existent sleeves.”

“Sun, Behind you-!” The second he turned around, he saw his opponent re-emerge and grab him by the neck. Causing him to choke and drop his guns.

“Almost forgot about that trait of yours. But even tricksters have moments of screwing up… Now, you die-.” Then, the vampire’s eyes widened. Something she saw caused her to drop Sun to the ground and flee in a state of fear. When the Faunus got back on his feet, he turned to see a strange grey girl with a hood over her head.

“What is it with this place!? Can’t they PLEASE cover themselves!!!? Is that too much to ask?” Astra yelled in Sun’s head.

“Uhh thanks…… who are you?”

The figure just remained silent, but hearing her speak just left a chill down his spine. “The Grim Reaper.”

“O...kay. Thanks for the help… Why is that Shalltear afraid of you though?” Sun asked, thinking that she might have some information on the vampire they just encountered.

“Everyone is afraid of death. Even you were the moment you felt that surge of power flowing from her hand.” She spoke, with no tone in her voice.

“Well… At least she’s honest.” Sun muttered to himself. “You may be right… But still… thanks. I owe you for that.”

“It wasn’t your time to die yet. I prefer to not collect a soul that isn’t ready to pass on.”

He nodded his head. It made sense to hear this from the reaper of all individuals. But then, he had a question to ask. “Do you have a name?”

“Sun Wukong, Age 18, displaced June 25, 2015. You’re real name is Sean Jiris before you got displaced along with your mother, who I had the pleasure to bring back from the dead along with Jane Anderson.” She said as she turned the pages of a grimly looking spellbook she had.

“I was asking for your name, not mine. But oka-.” That was when one part of that sentence caught his attention. “Wait, you brought back my mother? Now I am really grateful for that.”

All she did was blink a minute, before returning her gaze at the faunus. “Just don’t act so reckless around an enemy that years beyond your understanding. Had I not come in time, she would have killed you and stolen whatever knowledge and powers that you have gain.”

“I’ll take your advice.”

“Sure… Take advice from the Reaper of all people. I just hope we don’t die from Streakin-.”

“Astra, I’m trying to talk and get some information.”

“Sorry… I’m just reeeeeeeally uncomfortable with this place.”

“Can’t you go get some sleep?”

“…… You make a good point. Good night!” With that, Sun sighed deeply as he refocused his attention. He continued to speak with the reaper for a little while before finding a pair on index cards on the ground and when he picked them up, the time freeze spell disappeared. As he raced back to Shalltear’s home, he flipped the cards over and saw the label PROPERTY OF SHALLTEAR BLOODFALLEN on the backside in blood red letters. Soon, he was running up the side of the apartment as he hopped back into the second floor room. Approaching Shalltears door with caution, he knocked softly.

“Hey Shalltear, I found something I think belongs to you.”

She opened the door and Sun was surprised to see her of all people sleeping in a t-shirt and underwear. Honestly, he thought that for someone who normally wore dresses on a daily basis, she would have something like a nightgown. “What is it? It’s 12 midnight, can’t you see I was busy master…..sleeping.”

“Well, that could mean many things…” Sun sighed, handing her the index cards that he had picked up on the way back to her apartment. “Well, you might want to see these.” In response to her holding them, the two cards materialized into two different objects. The first being a set of crimson armor that landed with a loud THUD! while the other formed into a Lance that formed in Shalltear’s hands.

“Never thought I would see these two again. Where did you find them?”

“That’s a bit hard to explain… I found them after running into a girl who turned out to be the grim reaper.” He said, not stating anything else. “You said you were worried that something bad might happen soon. Maybe these could help you get ready for whenever that day comes.”

“Only thing left is to remove the magic seal that Celestia had on me when she hit me with the Elements of Harmony, and I’ll be back to my former glory.” She grinned, satisfied with having the armor and weapon back. Sun though, had something to ask in response to her last sentence.

“What about the lust poison? Wouldn’t that need to be taken care of too?” Sun then asked, curious to hear her answer.

“I’m working on it. The side effects haven’t hit me yet, so I’m pretty much in the clear until I smell something sweet.”

“Riiiiiight… Says the fact you were mastersleeping.” He said, chuckling a little and noticing what might have looked like a blush on her face. He knew that when it came it side effects, it’s reflected not just on what you see or smell, but also what you do and your actions. He was a little concerned for her, but right now, he just thought that he should play it safe. If she wasn’t so concerned about it, he should be either.

“... You do know I can throw your ass out on the street, and the monster girls in town will have a field day with you right?”

The Faunus gulped a little, scratching the back of his head. “Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you, Countess.” He apologized frantically.

“Good, now then I’m going back to sleep before something weird happens.” Shalltear said as she walked back to bed. Sun himself just laid down, leaning against the wall in a relaxed pose. Trying to fall asleep… Despite the strange noises he kept hearing throughout the night and the fact that he was sleeping on the floor instead of the bed. Mostly because it seemed like the sheets needed to be washed with another half being that Shalltear might get mad at him for if he tried to sleep in it.

Next Morning

Sun woke up to the sound of voices echoing from downstairs and one of them mentioning his name as he slowly rose from his spot on the floor and began to walk downstairs. Finding Shalltear with two others and all of them were having breakfast.

“Wait, that monkey dude is your uncle? How many family members have you not told us about?” One of them asked as they all turned to see him walking down the stairs.

“Morning Shalltear.” He said, looking at the vampire. “God help me, I need some coffee.”

“Morning Uncle Sun, how did you sleep last night?” Shalltear asked him.

“Alright for the most part. Slept on the floor since I didn’t want to try sleeping in your bed and possibly make you mad for not asking beforehand. Did I miss anything?” He asked, getting a banana from a fruit bowl in the center of the table, that he then removed the peel and tossed it in the trash.

“Nothing much really. Janelle and Suzy are at Sweet Apple Acres, Monica is busy helping around town, Vinyl and Octavia are off at work. So that just leaves Me, Shalltear, and Rebecca alone in the house.” One of the other girls replied.

“And I’m going to take a guess that almost everyone except Octavia and Vinyl are Displaced?” He asked, causing everyone to look at him, almost choking on whatever they were eating. “Just curious, that’s all.”

“Pretty much all the monsters in town are Displaced that have been sealed away for the past one thousand years or so. You can thank Celestia for the blunder.” The one known as Rebecca said.

“Well… That just makes things more interesting.” Sun replied. “Most of the displaced in my world are Human or Faunus. Humans with animal traits… Not to mention that I was telling Shalltear something that I thought the rest of you might be interested in.” He noticed the look on Shalltears face, almost like she was trying to say “Please don’t say it. Please don’t say it! Please don’t say it!!” telepathically.

“What would that be?”

“Back in my world, we’ll be opening an academy for Displaced in the Spring. That way, Displaced don’t have to be sent into the void and have to figure out what happened to them. I asked Shalltear if she and the rest of you would be okay with possibly being students. Asphyxious is even one of the teachers.” The Faunus told them.

“Huh, that would be interesting. But we would have to decline that offer of yours.” The other one, whose name was Sally said as she took a sip of coffee. “I’m sure Shalltear would join seeing how Asphyxious is there, but we can’t. Mostly because the king of monsters is holding an academy for monsters like us.”

“Must… resist… temptation!” Sun thought as he saw her set the cup of coffee down on the table. “I see… I was going to say that you could make your own weapons and that where I’m from, almost every weapon is also a gun. But-.”

“It’s interesting, but like Sally said we have to decline.” Rebecca said as she interrupted Sun. “But I’m sure some of the monsters in town wouldn’t mind joining.”

“Well, it’s under construction right now. But it will be open in two months. It’ll give you some time to think on it.” He replied to them. “Besides, one of the humans there named Ruby has a scythe/combat action sniper rifle.”

That… only caused Shalltear to look back at him with a weird expression. “......I get feeling that this Ruby girl has low IQ.”

“You’re right on that… The second she saw my Celestia and Luna, she thought they were in league with the FBI.” Sun sighed, groaning a little upon recalling his first encounter with her. “Besides Ruby, her sister Yang is there too… Along with Weiss and Blake, who is a black cat faunus.”

“Dude, your friends are weird.”

“Trust me… I just ran into them. Ruby thought I was a saiyan at first glance. So yeah… Like Shalltear said… Low IQ.”

“.....Welp I’m not going to your world anytime soon.” Shalltear said as she munched on a piece of toast.

“Right now, yes. It’s either that or get stuck in Lance’s universe… Would any of you be familiar with the comic books they have here? Like Power Ponies?” He asked, thinking that Spike would be one for reading an issue right around now.

“.....And that’s another world on the list of places I won’t be visiting anytime soon.”

“Maybe once you guys decide to use your vacation days-.”

“WE HAVE VACATION DAYS!?!” Rebecca and Sally shouted in unison. This in turn, Sun saw as his cue to return home as he looked back at Shalltear.

“Well, I gotta get back home. Just summon me if you need me Shalltear.” He told her, setting down his token on the table by the Countess. A gold medallion with a monkey insignia on it that looked to be an ancient coin.

“Will do uncle! Here’s my token if you need me.” She replied, handing the Faunus a bat plushie token as Sun caught it.

“Thanks! Oh Fluttershy will have a kick out of this. Thanks Shalltear!” He said, before using his own token to return home.

Back in his world…

By the time Sun had returned back home, he found himself back in the castle of friendship and it was a little bit before Dawn. He noticed the book remained untouched from the way he left it earlier, so taking a moment, he decided it to take it with him as he left to Fluttershy’s cottage. As he went to his room upstairs, he cracked open the book… only to find the most strangest thing inside.

Somehow… someone had responded to him.

Wow I didn’t know you was making a new school. I don’t know who these displaced are but they sound like they could use the help. By the way the girls want to come over and see it but I thought I’d ask you first if that okay.

Taking a moment to process this, Sun grabbed a pen out of his pocket and began to write in response.

Umm… Not to sound rude, but who is this?

Twilight it’s me… you know, Sunset? Are you trying to play a joke on me? Remember how badly that went last time. It was funny but not for the reason you think it was.

Sun stopped for a second. This required a bit more time to process now. One, he was dealing with some kind of mystic book. Two, it seemed like it worked like writing a letter to someone… And three… someone thought of him as Twilight… Oh the humanity.

Yeah… Actually, I just came across this while looking for Twilight. Only to turn out that she’s not home right now.

Who this and where Twilight…

Whoa, hang on! I was getting there, Ms. Sunset. Ironically, my name is Sun. Sun Wukong. I’m a faunus, or to phrase it in less complex terms, human with animal traits. He sighed for a minute, until he saw something else appear in the book this time.

Oh my gosh, are you a monkey?! Pinkie Pie Give that back! Wait, are you writing down everything I'm saying? Yes I am. Stop it and give that back!

“O… kay. That’s… weird.” Sun said to himself. Technically, yes. I am a monkey faunus. Like I first said, I’m a Displaced. A human who is taken from their home and brought into another world as someone else. This typically happens at costumed events, but that just sounds like a stereotype. And yes, before you even ask, I am a person on two legs walking around with a bunch of ponies. The same can be said about Ruby, the crazy one with the scythe/combat action sniper rifle. Penny, the socially awkward, yet awesome synthetic. Weiss, the living diva who can also be bossy. Yang, the party animal. Blake, the black cat faunus version of Twilight minus the bow covering her cat ears. My friends, Neptune, Sage and Scarlett along with a few others. Also, we ended up here with our own tools. Because every weapon here… is also a gun. Something that would make Ruby squeal like a fangirl.

Sorry got the book back, Pinkie Pie's going on and on about throwing you all a party.

My Pinkie Pie (The Earth Pony) already did it… Don’t get me started with Nora. Sun wrote down as he looked outside. She’s another Displaced who is just as hyper, but also carries a grenade launcher that turns into a sledgehammer.

...I just asked the others what a grenade launcher is and that doesn't sound safe to me…

How else do you think we are going to protect ourselves from Grimm then? Sun then wrote. Oh and Grimm are monsters that form from negative emotions. You know, like Anger, wrath. That sort of thing?

Rainbow Dash wanted me to tell that cool. No wait awesome. Now she wants one of these weapons, I don’t think that a good idea.

Trust me, most weapons here can switch between a melee weapon and firearm. Mine’s a bo staff that’s also Gunchaku (Nunchaku+Shotguns). Trust me, Fluttershy here was first confused when I told her about that and Twilight thought that just sounded theoretical.

Someone here had a question, Sun. Are you dating anyone? Rarity asked… I don’t know why.

Well, actually I’m in a relationship with Fluttershy (The Pegasus) and we’ve been together for the last three months… Oh sh*t. That reminds me, I need to prepare for Heart’s and Hooves day!

Okay, our Fluttershy just fainted after reading that. And Rainbow Dash is laughing. Well I hope you have a good time oh and tell Twilight I need to talk to her.

Probably next time I see her. Sun then wrote inside. Oh and before I forget, here’s a picture. He then took a pencil and spent another five minutes sketching himself out as he then got his pen back. Yeah, don’t think I messed up with the shirt. I normally dress like that.

Mr Sun. Would you like to go to out to Dinner some time? Once he saw that, Sun just put his pen away and closed the book.

“...... Twilight’s friends are weird.” He sighed before lying on the couch to get some sleep.

Early Morning…

The Faunus that laid upstairs wasn’t able to sleep much that night and about a couple hours before Sunrise, he was lying awake in his makeshift bed. Since he couldn’t really do anything until morning in threat that he might disturb someone, Sun turned towards the book he found the other night. Finally coming up with something to say as he wrote it down.

Sorry for the long pause in the conversation, I fell asleep beforehand. I’m not sure who wanted to ask that, but I was thinking that if you were asking me that Ms. Sunset, then I think maybe we should get to know each other a little better first. Because hearing you offering me dinner just made me think I would be going behind Fluttershy’s back. Not to mention bring back old memories of a date gone wrong that I rather not remember because of family reasons.

Speaking of family, I can say that mine is very… diverse. I don’t have any siblings, but whatever family I can account for is mostly Displaced like I am. My mother is Displaced as someone named Aya Brea, my cousin Lance is displaced as a lightning based adept (human with psychic) abilities and I can safely bet that my aunt and uncle are probably also Displaced despite the fact that they died in the real world. Oh and not to mention that Lance is going to be a married man soon and that I now found out that one of my nieces is a displaced that’s a vampire.

Trust me, this might sound crazy, but it’s all true. I kid you not. However, it’s your choice if you want to believe me or not. Maybe you should come over and see me in person first. Therefore, we can finally get acquainted with one another and possibly learn a little bit more. Because personally, I was surprised about having someone else be on the other end of the line.

With that finally written after giving it some thought, Sun just used the opportunity to clear his mind. The past few days were just flat out crazy for him. With newfound responsibilities involving both family life and life at home. However… oddly enough, hearing from Sunset actually was… interesting. A change of pace from what he normally would have to handle and he liked it.

I’m so sorry about before, one of my friends wanted to see if they could get a date with you after seeing your art. But I’m happy to hear things are going well for you. Also we'd like to see the opening of your new school. I’m still waiting on a reply from Twilight, but she could be really busy being a princess and everything.

Sun smirked a little, sighing happily as he began to write his response. You are right about Twilight. Right now, she and Fluttershy have to solve some… friendship problem or something like that, so she might not be back until tomorrow. Currently though, I’m still trying to think of an application form for future students. Because as of right now, I only have a few teachers and one of them is a weird undead lich. Seriously, just don’t ask. Any suggestions with the form before I try to compose it and send it into the void (You heard me right. That’s how most Displaced meet others).

It took a little bit of time before Sun got a reply. Just to ask, does this Lich guy call himself Asphy?

… Okay, how exactly did you know that? He then wrote, surprised to see that appear in the book.

Well, let’s say when Rainbow was doing a band, he and another Twilight show up… It was kind of strange, even they didn’t know what was going on.

Sun could only just facepalm himself as he groaned a little. Well, yes. Asphy is a teacher… Hey, just wondering this randomly, but are you doing anything right now? Because if you aren’t… well, maybe you can come over here so I can meet you in person. You said about some kind of Mirror right? Would that be in Twilight’s Castle?

Yes, are you sure that’s okay? The others want to know if they can come to.

Technically for me, it’s four o'clock in the morning and two hours before sunrise. They can come if they wish, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around the whole “mirror” thing because I don’t exactly know what that is. With that, Sun took the book with him as he leaped from the top floor window of the cottage as he went over to Twilight’s castle. Along the way, the book glowed briefly for him to look at once he made it to the castle and leaned against the wall, nearby the Cutie Map.

It’s a large mirror that should be magical. Twilight must of put it in a safe place where no one will notice it. Try looking for a large room with a lot of space.

Sun followed the instructions, looking around and thinking one of two options. Either the giant hall where the Cutie Map was… or the personal study that looked like a reference section in a library. It took a bit, but he soon found it.

There we go. Found it in Twilight’s study. Looks like a bookaholic’s paradise because of the amount of textbooks here. I’m ready when you guys are. He wrote, closing the book as he leaned against a stack of large textbooks. Waiting patiently for this Sunset and a few of the people she knew to cross over. Soon, the mirror began to glow as Sun watched a few figures step out.

“Wow so this is pony world, huh Sunset?” Asked a mare who looked like Rainbow Dash. Just with her mane in a ponytail.

“Yes Rainbow, this is Equis. Hello you must be... Sun.” Said Sunset as she stared at him.

“Yeah, that’s me. I did kind of tell you that I was a monkey faunus.” He said, as his tail became visible to them.

“He’s a Saiyan!” Yelled a mare who looked like Pinkie only she had confetti in her mane and tail.

Not Saiyan. Faunus. As in humans with animal traits… You must be the friends that Sunset was mentioning.” He replied, having his Bo staff now over his shoulders. “Nice to meet all of you.”

“Well it’s nice to meet you, Sorry about being so rude before Mr. Sun.” Said the mare who looked like Rarity who was wearing a hat.

“It’s alright… How about you all introduce yourselves?” He suggested.

“Hello, I am Rarity. It’s nice to meet you.”

“I’m Rainbow Dash, but call me Dash.”

“Name Applejack nice ta meet ya.” This mare had some kind of jacket on.

“Oh, Umm… I’m Fluttershy… Nice to umm meet you.” This Fluttershy wore a hair pin in her mane and looked a bit different on the outside,

“Hi… I’m Twilight and this… All this is so amazing.” From what Sun could notice, this Twilight had a pair of glasses on and had her mane in a ponytail like Rainbow Dash.

“I’m Pinkie Pie! Also known as Pinkipler on youtube!”

In that moment was when all seven of them got a surprise from the left where the door to the room was. “And I’m NORA! Vanquisher of Grimm and Queen of Pancakes!!” The orange haired girl cried out, surprises all seven of them as Sun could only facepalm himself.

“No one is the Queen of pancakes but me!” Yelled Pinkipler.

“Ooooh really?” She asked, bringing out her weapon in her grenade launcher form as it transformed into a hammer in front of their eyes. “You want to prove it?”

“Nora, we’re not fighting now.” Sun sighed. “Besides, why are you here?”

“Pinkie felt a doozie and she and I came to see what’s up.”

“... Wait a minute… Are you telling me that-?”

“Oh Sunny? Are you in here-?” A certain party mare asked as she entered the room from the entrance. Seeing Nora and… herself. Before squealing like a fanfilly. Sunset friends just stared at this being stunned by both the weapon Nora had and the fact there were now two Pinkie Pies in the same room, talking so fast that no one can understand them.

“What did I tell you? Any weapon here… is also a gun.” He said, collapsing his staff as he showed them Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang. “Even Nunchaku like mine.”

“That so COOL!” Yelled Dash as she ran up to Sun even she had wings but didn’t use them.

“Trust me, that’s only the tip of the iceberg…” He said, looking at Nora as she was hugging both Pinkies in her iron grip

“Sunset, you do know you have a horn on your head right?” Asked Twilight as she looked at it. This made Sunset laugh.

“I don’t think you realized this but so do you and Rarity.”

Both of them stare at one another, before realizing what their companion meant. It didn’t help the fact of what Sun said afterwards.

“Not only that, but Rainbow and Fluttershy have wings.”

“WE DO!?” They yelled and looked themselves over. Only for Rainbow Dash’s wings to soon unfold as she tried stretching them out.

“This feels so weird…” Said Rainbow as she moved her wings.

“You’ll get use to it… Come follow me and I can show you what we got so far.” He said, having the group follow him as he lead them out of the study and towards the courtyard. “Beacon itself is halfway complete with construction. By March, it should be ready for anyone to come by.” He explained, looking at the others. “Impressed?”

“I sooo want to enroll here.” Said Rainbow Dash as she looked on in awe.

“Trust me, like I said before, we have a lot of others here too.” He said, handing a few images of the people he mentioned before. “First is Ruby, with the Combat action sniper rifle/scythe. Second is her sister Yang, with shotgun gauntlets. Weiss with her specialty rapier. Blake with her blades and handgun blade. Team JNPR, which Nora is a part of. Team CFVY, with Coco and the bag that turns into a minigun, and also my friends for Team SSSN. Lastly, there’s Penny, the synthetic.” With that, he handed a few more cards to them. “And these are the professors.”

“Oh my, who is this handsome young man?” Asked Rarity as she looked over the picture. Sun then leaned over, looking at the one that she was referring to.

“That’s Asphyxious… Or Asphy for short. May be a bit… weird, but he’s an interesting guy to say the least. Have his token to summon him if I need him for anything out of the ordinary-.”

“He looks so much older in this.” She said blushing a little.

“Well technically, he’s an immortal Dracolich.” Sun sighed, soon noticing both Pyrrha and Jaune practicing in the training grounds. “and Undead. But still-.”

“Spike, we’re home!!” A familiar voice echoed from the front of the castle as everypony soon turned to see Twilight and Fluttershy enter from the front. “How is-...... everything?”

“Umm Hello again miss Twilight.” The Twilight with glasses said with a sheepish smile. This only caused the Alicorn to look at Sun, her gaze narrowing.

“What… did you do?”

“Okay… but you can’t be mad at me.”

“What, Did you do?!”

“Well first off…” The Faunus replied, trying his best to stay calm. “I was minding my own business.”

“LIAR!” yelled the alicorn.

“I WAS!!” The Faunus responded.

“Oh really? Care to explain why Sunset and my other friends from the mirror are here?”

“Well… you did suggest me to start writing in a journal…” He said, causing Sunset to look at him a little.

“...... Oh dear Celestia.”

“Psst, Sunset are these two married or something?” Asked Rainbow Dash as she whispered to Sunset.

“We aren’t married…” Sun deadpanned. “Just a little… miscommunication.”

“Besides Sun is dating Fluttershy.” Said The Alicorn Twilight then stopped. Both Fluttershy’s had huge blushes on their faces.

“To further clarify, the Fluttershy I know.” Sun added on. Rainbow just laughed.

“It’s okay. We understand what you meant.” Said Sunset as she jabs Rainbow with her hoof. “Anyway let's talk over lunch, I have a feeling this will be a long story.”

“Trust me… it is… Oh and I hope you mean Brunch. Celestia just raised the sun.” The Faunus mentioned as the sunlight from outside poured into the room. Giving light to the entire room around them.

“Wait, isn’t Celestia a personable here?” Asked Applejack as Sunset friends look at Sun and the others. Sun and Twilight looked to Sunset.

“You didn’t tell them?” She asked.

“I thought you were going to tell them. Until we saw that other you with Asphyxious!” Said Sunset annoyed. When hearing his name, the Alicorn’s eyes began to twitch a little as Sun sighed.

“Uhh… What’s wrong?” The Rarity that was behind Sunset asked.

“Twilight has had a few… strange encounters with Asphyxious. An experiment with trying to learn about the Displaced ended up with him arriving in her room while she was asleep… and getting blasted all the way to the other side of town.” Sun sighed. “So until they’re on better terms… let’s not mention Asphy for the time being.”

“Aww why he was a great snuggle buddy.” Said Pinkpiler. “Him and the other Twilight slept like logs together.” Sun just rolled his eyes, looking back at the other Pinkie as he then turned towards Nora.

“Nora, prepare some pancakes… I have a feeling this is going to be a LONG morning.”

End Tail 20

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