• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 4,644 Views, 52 Comments

Duel of the Millennium - RoyalStar709

Celestia belives that peace can be done if we all become friends, I believe it can be done through power. She thinks harmony can be done if we are able to express our thoughts, I know that can never work. And one way or another she will see it my way

  • ...

Ch.4- A Nobodies ideals and Harmonies wrath

“Alright Starlight, concentrate.”

The filly struggled, the Millenium Ring around her neck burned. “Mr. Pegasus, the ring burns!” She hissed.

Pegasus urged the filly to continue, “It’s alright Starlight, that’s just the shadows accepting you as a new wielder!”

Starlight held in the tears that were threatening to escape, “Pegasusss” She whimpered as the burning subsided. She panted, feeling exhausted. Suddenly a new feeling took over, it felt….. odd, she felt stronger, yet weaker. “Mr. Pegasus.” She groaned. “I feel wired.”

Pegasus smiled, feeling a sense of pride overwhelm him. “That means that the shadows has accepted you.” He poked the ring around her neck, “And now, you’re ready to begin the next level of your training.”

Starlight jumped up in excitement, “YES! YES! YES!” She jumped around her teacher.

The five figures behind her applauded. Alice and Jack walked up to congratulate her. “Nice job Glimmer!”

The Kuriboh nodded, “You did good kid.”

Starlight hugged the two, “Thanks guys!” She trotted to her three Toon bodyguards, “Cannon! Sorcerer! Alligator! Did you see! The shadows accepted me!”

The Toon Sorcerer floated towards her, “Yes, we see that young master, and I believe this calls for celebration!” The toons and the filly cheered, egear for a party.

Pegasus smiled, “You guys go to the dining hall, we’ll catch up.” The four cheered and left the room.

Jack floated towards his seat, “So do you think anybody is going to use our token?”

Alice floated beside her brother, “I think it’ll take more than just a few hours for someone to call us.” She chuckled, “Who knows maybe we’ll find a token and summon them to us!” She sat down on her seat, only to be poked by something. “HEY?! What was that?!”

She looked down on the items that poked her. One of them was a pink seashell, and the other one was a emblem, it looked similar a emblem from the Kingdom Hearts game she played on earth. “Hey what’s this?” She picked up the two items and looked over them. “Hey Max!”

Pegasus walked over to the Dark Magician, “What’s this?”

“Heck if I know.”

Grabbing the item, he looked over it and suddenly a oath echoed in their heads.

“Whoever finds this shell, if you ever find yourself assaulted by the light or the dark, call upon me, the one who walks the path between and I will show your enemies the power of nothing”

He looked at the shell, shocked! “It’s a token!”

The two looked at the shell, surprised. “Wow really?!”

Ignoring the two he grabbed the second item and listened to the oath.

“I am the ruler of the naught, that which does not exist. Should you find this need aid, hold it high and call upon me, Xemnas, Superior of The In-Between.”

“Whoa.” The Kuriboh floated around the second token, “Do you think we should summon them?”

The two looked at their leader, “Well Max, should we?”

Pegasus looked at his Duel Disk, and took out a card from his deck. “Ryu-Ran!” In an explosion of light, a giant yellow egg with blue polka dots appeared, hatching, the egg revealed itself to be a giant red dragon, two bull-like horns on the top of his head. “Ryu-Ran will be here incase these Displace turn out to be hostile.” Holding out the tokens, he tried to summon the two.

For a few moments, nothing happened, leaving the room in silence. A second later, two pools of darkness form on the ground, quickly spawning two portals. Out of them stepped two cloaked figures, one smaller than the other.

“You called?” the taller asked, both their faces hidden by their hoods. The voice was male, with a slight monotone to it.

Clearing his throat, Pegasus stepped forward, “Yes my good man, my comrades and I were curious about the tokens and wanted to summon whoever they belonged to.” He bowed, “Allow me to introduce myself, I am Maximilian Pegasus, you may just call me Pegasus.”

“I am Xemnas, Superior Of The In-Between,” the other man spoke reaching up and pulling his hood back. He had fairly tanned skin, long whitish silver hair and sickly yellow eyes.

The Magician floated in, “I am the Dark Magician Girl, you may call me Alice.”

The Kuriboh floated next to her, “The names Jack. Jack Kuriboh.”

“I’m Alex,” the smaller figure said, pulling its hood back to reveal a girl of around fourteen with black hair and deep blue eyes.

“Well Alex, Xemnas. I’d like to welcome you to Stronghold Harmones,” He said, gesturing to the building they’re in. “Please make yourselves at home.” The Millenium eye glowed, scanning their minds for any malicious intentions.

Xemnas just raised his eyebrow, looking at Pegasus. Instead of the usual, both seemed to be voids, as if they didn’t actually exist.

Pegasus ignored Xemnas look, himself getting frustrated that the eye wasn’t able to pick up anything, “Would you like to join us? We are having a celebration for my student’s latest success.” He turned to his two partners and gestured them to play along, “We would be honored if you would join us.”

“I don’t see why not, if Alex has no objections,” Xemnas said, looking down at his partner, who just shrugged, “I believe thats a yes.”

“Excellent!” He said joyously, “Now let us go! I’m sure that the Toons have prepared something quite unique!” Pegasus walked out of the room, the rest slowly followed.

The group eventually made it to large rusted door. Walking inside they saw a small cartoonish alligator, he was currently setting down plates, a small robot walked in, carrying several types of food in. Suddenly a lavender blur tackled Pegasus onto the floor.

“Mr. Pegasus! You’re finally here!” Starlight cheered, “We’ve been waiting so long for you guys to finally come!” She trotted towards the other two but stopped when she saw Xemnas and Alex standing next to them, she hid herself behind Pegasus’ leg.

Pegasus smiled at Starlight’s shyness, he turned towards the other two to address them, “Gentlemen, this is my student, Starlight Glimmer.” He said pointing at the filly behind him.

Starlight timbly poked her head out of Pegasus’ leg, seeing them, she yelped and hid herself again.

Xemnas narrowed his eyes ever so slightly but showed no other sign of malice, “We’ve met.”

Pegasus raised a curious eyebrow, “I assume at your universe?”

“Of course,”Xemnas said with a nod, watching the filly closely, “I feel the darkness in her.”

He narrowed his eyes at Xemnas, activating his Millenium eye, he simply smiled, “Ah yes, I assume you can sense the shadows, they have accepted and recognized her as another wielder of the Millenium Items.”

“Shadows are not to be trifled with,” Xemnas said, frowning, “The road to darkness is paved with good intentions. It corrodes the heart until there is nothing but hate.”

“I see what you mean, but I have already mastered the dark arts a long time ago. I know the dangers they can bring to those who are not strong enough, but with my guidance Starlight will master the power the Shadow Realm gives her, and learn the true meaning of harmony.” He reached down and grabbed Starlight, trying to get her to calm down.

“What exactly do you mean by... true meaning of harmony?” Alex asked, an uncertain look on her face.

“What else could I mean?” He walked over to the Toon Sorcerer and handed him the filly, “Harmony is being indifferent, the same, after all.” He looked at the two, his Millenium Eye now glowing brightly, “Isn’t that what harmony is all about? With differences you get chaos and hatred.”

“Thats not harmony,” Xemnas said, looking into Pegasus’s eyes, “Thats a perversion of balance. You would kill all creativity and create a sterile world that will stagnate and die. Believe me, I am what you strive to be and I would give anything to be normal again.”

“Then clearly you have failed somewhere along the lines.” He gripped the Millenium Rod, cautious of a sudden attack, “If ponies or any other creature were allowed to keep their sense of freewill, or creativity then that would allow chaos to move in. Differences causes fear, anger, hate, and suffering.” He looked at them, his eyes full of determination, “And I’d sooner die, than let another creature suffer to the their false harmony!”

“Freedom is the right of all sentient beings,” Xemnas countered, narrowing his eyes, “You would upset the natural balance to create a world of absolute order, one that would collapse in on itself just as a world of pure chaos would. A goal that is rather self-defeating.”

“Freedom is what causes suffering! It causes chaos to move in!” His eyes harden, “If my harmony was spread, then ponies would no longer be able to cause suffering, no one would be different, we would all get along. Once harmony has taken over, peace would finally come.” He looked at Xemnas, his glare never leaving, “Tell me how would peace be a self-defeating goal? It certainly won’t be because of order, order is what keeps harmony going.”

“You would sterilize a species, take away their creativity, their drive to achieve, that leads to stagnation,” Xemnas said, his voice never rising beyond a monotone, “You know what happens to a species that stagnates? They go extinct. Thats what your harmony will cause.”

“I never said they wouldn’t be allowed to breed, just wouldn’t be able to keep their creativity, it’s what causes all that hate and ignorance in the first place.” He forced himself to relaxed, though still being on guard. “After Equestria becomes harmonized, it will spread to the griffins, dragons, zebras, and all the other species. The Minotaurs are the only ones to accept and practice this philosophy, and look at them, they are still striving and living perfectly fine in a truly harmonious country.”

“But for how long? Stagnation has nothing to do with breeding. A species that does not strive to out compete its rivals will go extinct,” Xemnas said, crossing his arms, “It is an inevitability.”

“But if they have no rivals, why do they need to compete. When harmony comes we will provide everything for them,” He allowed himself to smirk, “The Minotaurs had survive 5000 years living in this type of rule, I’m sure they can survive 5000 more.”

“Competing is what brings both advancement and evolution. That which does not evolve will perish, as you already likely know,” Xemnas shot back, still keeping his cool.

“Advancement and evolution won’t be needed for harmony. Besides what makes my harmony so different from Celestia’s? Is it because she allows freewill, allows ignorance and difference to reign. Also isn’t there already a species that has lived for so many years living under this type of lifestyle?” Pegasus scratched his chin, “What were they called? Hmmmm….” He snapped his fingers, “Ah yes! Ants are one of them, aren’t they?”

“Ants aren’t sentient.” Xemnas deadpanned.

“But with harmony around, what’s the difference?” Pegasus countered. “They will all be in equal footing in a short while.”

“And what of beings like myself and Alex?” he asked with a raised eyebrow, “We can never be equal to any other.”

“Then we are meant to the shepherds, tending to our flock of sheep.” He narrowed his eyes menacingly, “Unless you plan to end up like the draconequus species? Fools they were for standing in the way of true harmony.”

Xemnas threw his head back and let out a mirthless laugh that echoed hollowly around the room. “You think you can destroy nothing?” Xemnas asked, a slight smirk on his face.

“Destroy nothing? Me? Think? Oh no.” Pegasus chuckled, “When you have the power to control the shadows and the gods, what is there that can’t be destroyed?”

“I can name a few,” Xemnas pointed out, “Yggdrasil comes to mind, Alien X, nothingness,” Xemnas listed off, unphased, “You know nothing thus can understand nothing.”

“The answer to that problem is very simple, if you can’t destroy something, then convert, extract, seal, or break them.” He looked at Xemnas with a challenging glare, “What isn’t there to understand? I’ve been told this once before, during the great purge of the draconequus race, I extracted their power and souls and used it as fuel for my Toon monsters.”

“Your very ideology proves that you know nothing,” Xemnas said, watching him impassively, “Though, I must know, are you threatening us?”

“Only if you plan to go against the path of true harmony.” Pegasus said, now taking out the Millenium Rod.

Xemnas narrowed his eyes, a strange key like object appearing in his hand. He didn’t move, locking eyes with Pegasus, daring him to make a move.

“I have been a very proper host, even going as far to invite to for dinner.” The Millenium Eye glowed, uncontrollably. “Now I must tell you, if you plan to actively go against me and harmony, then I’m afraid we are going to have some problems.”

“I have lived what you call harmony for the past thousand years, I would wish it on no one,”Xemnas said, unmoving, “But, you summoned us here and unless you intended to attack us, then we shall be proper guests.”

“Then I will be a proper host.” Pegasus muttered through clenched teeth, “Come sit, I’m sure my Toons have something prepared.” He walked towards an open seat at the end of the table and sat down, “I prefer to keep things civilized, but just know, I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty.”

Xemnas dismissed his ‘weapon’, taking a seat, Alex sitting next to him.

“We’ll keep that in mind,” Alex muttered, running a hand through her hair.

Once everyone had sat down, Pegasus decided to break the silence, “Tell me, are the draconequus race still around in your world?”

“Depends on what world you ask about,” Xemnas said, “On the Equestria I first appeared on, there was only Discord, until Hodgepodge came into existence. On my current Equestria, I have no idea.”

“Hmmm…..” Pegasus looked at the wine that had been severed to him. “So my world’s Discord isn’t the only Discord to survive, I wonder why? My Discord was the only one to survive the purge I bestowed upon his people.” He sighed sadly, “It’s a shame, I truly was looking forward to use his power to create a new Toon.”

“You should be glad you did, in my world he was redeemed and had a family with Fluttershy,” Xemnas said, boredly sipping his wine, “Eris is rather adorable.”’

Pegasus stopped drinking, he slowly set the glass down, “A chaos spawn and a pony? If your world is anything to go by, then that means it’s only a matter of time before he breaks free of my corruption spell.”

“I wouldn’t know,” Xemnas said with a shrug, “I just know that he was changed enough by the ponies that Tirek had to mind control him to make him him betray them. I wasn’t there myself, they had the smart idea to keep me locked away at the time.”

Pegasus smiled fondly, “Ah Tirek, that old man? It’s been awhile since I heard of him, must still be Tartarus.” The doors opened and a group of goblin like toons appeared, all of them carrying trays of food of all types, once they were done setting it down, they refilled all the wine and left. “Ah! Dinner is severed! Please dig in!”

“Thank you,” Xemnas said before starting to eat, seeming to just go through the motions, while Alex seemed to enjoy herself.

There was tense silence, and almost no one dared to break it, finally Pegasus spoke again. “Tell me Xemnas, you said that you were the result of my ideals? How is it that you know the results before hand?”

“It is simple, I am a Nobody.” Xemnas answered simply.

“Yes but, how is that the result of harmony?” He asked curiously.

“I am nothing, I feel nothing,” Xemnas said, looking down at his plate, staring at it, “I feel no joy, no anger, no hate, no love. I do not exist and I never shall again. This is not an existence I would wish on another.”

“Then you are not a result of harmony.” Pegasus stated simply. “You are harmony stopping halfway, you still feel something, and you still have something that is basic to all things disharmonious, a freewill, a conscious, and to some extent a soul. If you were harmony, then you wouldn’t have all that.”

“I would never give those things up but what you think I feel is nothing, I merely remember how I used to feel and act according to those memories.” Xemnas explained, merely poking at his meal.

“Yet you still have a freewill, at least thats what it looks like to me. Why else would we be talking, if you didn’t have one, you’d be a simple animal.”

“You forget, I do not truly exist,” Xemnas reminded, looking up from his plate.

“So are you a pretender?” Pegasus looked up from his meal, “Do you pretend to have a soul? Pretend to have a freewill because you want one?”

“Perhaps, perhaps not. I am what's left, or maybe I’m all that ever was,” Xemnas said cryptically, sipping at his wine. “My point is, I would never wish this on anyone.”

“You wouldn’t wish it upon anyone because you are not harmony, but instead something similar.” Setting his fork down, he looked at him, “You are nothing, and unless you want to be harmonious or disharmonious, that is all you’ll ever be. Nothing.” He sipped his glass of wine.

“I would rather be nothing than that poison you call harmony,” Xemnas said, finishing his wine.

“If harmony is poison, then why is it the key for peace?”

“I said what you call harmony,” Xemnas corrected, “I’ve seen actual harmony, this is not that.”

“Then what you see is false harmony, no doubt from the ponies.” He countered, “They claim to be about love and tolerance, yet that only extends to ponies and not anything else.”

“Actually, it was from a jotun,” Xemnas said, the faintest trace of a smile forming on his lips, “My friend Jason brought together the changelings and the ponies, hell he even redeemed a siren. I don’t recommend going to his world, you would find yourself very unwelcome.”

“Then perhaps it is time to extend harmony’s border,” He took a bite out of his meal and swallowed. “Your friend Jason’s harmony is so close to finally becoming peace and true harmony if he got the changelings and the ponies to make peace. All he needs is a little push.”

“Jason would die than yield,” Xemnas commented, taking a bite of his food, “And even if you got rid of him, I don’t want to imagine what Hel would do to you in response.”

“She wouldn’t do anything, especially with the Egyptian gods at my side.”

“You think they would have any power in that world? Hel is billions of years old, connected to Yggdrasil itself. She has seen, done and known things that we can never imagine. To anger her is to bring the wrath of a universe upon you.”

“Then she would make a lovely sacrifice for Zork.” Pegasus answered. “After all, no matter where you go, there will always be shadows.”

“She is connected to Yggdrasil, the world tree,” Xemnas argued, “To think you could simply sacrifice her is simply foolhardy. To even try would render this Zork as food for the tree.”

“Zork is one of the original ones, he is the very embodiment of darkness and is the Shadow Realm itself. Gods from all around had tried to stand up against Zork, only to be defeated and absorbed by the shadows.” Pegasus drank his wine and set the glass down. “His power is beyond anything anyone knows.”

“In this universe,” Xemnas corrected, “To assume the rules of this one apply elsewhere is idiotic. If you were to go to Jason’s world you would be subject to the rules of Yggdrasil, which feeds on admins and there is no shadow realm. That world doesn’t even end, it merely resets itself with Ragnarok.”

“Then the only thing left to do is to bring them here.” He called a Toon goblin to refill his glass. “Then they will be forced to play by my rules.” He gave Xemnas a cheerful smile, “Wouldn’t that be grand Xemmy-boy? True harmony will always find a way.”

“I feel compelled to warn you that Jason is not one to be trifled with, “Xemnas warned, “He can rework the very fabric of reality, more so than any god could hope to.”

“Would he be able to do that while fighting of numerous gods?” Pegasus asked curiously.

“Yes,” Xemnas said with a nod.

“Then Ptah would be the ideal choice, two beings that can change reality fighting.” He chuckled to himself. “I wonder what would happen if I were to convert him into a Toon.”

“I wouldn’t try,” Xemnas said, taking another bite, “It would most likely end badly.”

Pegasus stared at the meal, thinking. “Someone like him must have some powerful enemies,” He smirked, “Or at least some powerful allies for me to turn into some more precious toons.”

“You would be wise to learn that there are powers in the multiverse that make you look like an ant, ones that would slap you aside in an instant,”Xemnas looked up, brushing some hair out of his face, “Tread lightly,”

“But a ant never fights alone, when in large groups they can be quite troublesome.” Pegasus looked at Xemnas more closely. “In fact you could prove to be one strong ant, maybe even something else.” The Millenium Eye started to glow again, “Makes me wonder how effective of a Toon you would be.”

“Do not try,” Xemnas warned, letting a hint of malice leak into his voice.

“Oh?” Pegasus put a hand over his heart, as if he was insulted, “Xemmy-boy you wound me.” He smiled again, “Besides if I wanted to turn you into a Toon I would have already done it.” Slowly all the Toon monsters around them started move behind Pegasus, the Toon Sorcerer had a large green book in his hand, it was labeled ‘Toon World’.

“If this leads to card games on motorcycles I’m out,” Alex said, eyeing the book wearily.

Pegasus laughed, “And here I thought that you two didn’t have a sense of humor.” Pegasus started to search for a specific card in his deck, “Tell me, which one of you is the strongest?”

“That would be me,” Xemnas said, watching him closely.

“Thank you Xemmy-boy.” Pegasus grabbed the card he was looking for and set it onto his duel disk, “Doppelganger!” A blue cat with a long body appeared besides him, “Doppelganger do be a dear and mimic our guest Xemnas here.” The cat stretch his body around Xemnas, looking over him. He returned to Pegasus side and started to glow, when the light disappeared a perfect replica of Xemnas stood in his place.

“What exactly are you doing?” Alex asked, raising her eyebrow, her right hand twitching a bit.

“I’m going to create my most powerful Toon yet.” Pegasus answered, now walking towards the Toon Sorcerer. “A Toon Nobody.”

“That I would control,” Xemnas added.

Pegasus looked back at him and smiled, “Toons can only be controlled by whoever holds the book, just because he is a nobody doesn’t mean he will be exactly the same once he becomes a Toon.”

“I control all Nobodies, no whatever what they spawned from.” Xemnas watched, still looking rather bored.

“What if he is just a clone of you? He is everything you are, he has Doppelganger’s soul and mind in him, just with your body and powers.”

“Then he is a Replica and still under my domain.”

Pegasus frowned, grabbing his deck he started looking for another card, “Then the only thing left to do is to…..” He grab the card he was looking for and summoned it, “Is to convert you into Toons!!! Comic Hand!” A large gloved hand appeared and leaped at Xemnas and Alex. “If I can’t have the copy, then get the original.”

Xemnas stood up, resummoning his weapon, slicing through the hand. He brought his hand against his left shoulder, becoming clad in intricate blue armor. Alex jumped out of her seat, summoning up two blades, one black and demonic, the other white and angelic. Xemnas threw his hand out, several strange silver creatures spawning into existence around them.

“Toon Goblin Attack force, attack!” The Toon goblins leaped at the creatures beating them with their clubs. Pegasus glared at Xemnas, “Xemmy-boy, I wouldn’t fight this if I were you, change is inevitable.” He took out five cards.

“The only change I seek to to be human once more,” Xemnas retorted, dashing forward, swiping his weapon at Pegasus.

Pegasus brought his Millenium Rod and clashed with Xemnas weapon, “Fine, we’ll do this the hard way.” Using his free hand he summoned another monster, “Toon Summoned Skull, attack!” A blue skull like demon popped out of the book and started throwing lighting as if they were spears.

Xemnas nearly deflected them, sending out a burst of darkness, throwing the toon back. “I have a counter offer Pegasus, how about I remove your heart? A few centuries of being a Nobody may change your mind.”

Pegasus chuckled, “So you do have a sense of humor! Unfortunately I must decline, until harmony is realized I need to keep all of my senses, that includes things that make me disharmonious.” The Toon Summoned Skull appeared again, he wrapped himself around Xemnas, restricting his movement. “But trust me, you’ll love being a toon.”

“I think not,” Xemnas said, ramming his head against the Toon’s throwing it into a wall, “As I said, the only change I am looking for is to be human again,” he throwing his hands out, more of the strange creatures appearing, several varieties this time.

Pegasus rolled his eyes, “Your creatures can’t fight against my Toons, only a Toon can destroy a Toon.” He leaped at Xemnas, the Millenium Rod in his hand. Xemnas grabbed him by the face, slamming him into the ground.

“Unlike you, I am strong enough on my own, I have no need for creatures such as your toons,” he held his weapon above Pegasus, preparing to stab it into him, “Your heart is forfeit.”

“Not on our watch it isn’t!” A brown ball of fur tackled Xemnas. The Kuriboh glared at him. “Sorry bud but Max is staying with us!”

“Hey, this is the thing that controls all the toons guys right?” Alex asked, having snuck up on the book. She leapt forward, striking at it with both her blades.

“NO!” Pegasus yelled. The Toons all started screaming in pain, their bodies glowed and instantly all of them shattered as if they were glass. “How could you! They were just innocent Toons!” He yelled angrily. “You’ll pay for that.”

“You made them out of peoples souls! The fuck is wrong with you!?” Alex shouted, hurling a blade at him.

Pegasus jumped out of the way, he glared at Alex. “Oh please, it was the draconequus fault for thinking they could stand up to me! They could hardly be considered people!”

“Thats still murder you twisted fuck!” she screamed, the blade reappearing in her hand as she dashed at him, swinging wildly at him.

Using the Millenium Necklace, he was able to dodge the attacks, “More like pest control! Nothing was more satisfying than seeing the look on Discord’s face, when he found out that he was the last of his kind!”

“You commited genocide! You're no better than any other dictator the world has spawned!” she shouted, firing off a blast of ice at him, her face contorted in rage.

Grabbing another card from his deck, he glared angrily at them, “Well it looks like this is the end for you two.” Slamming the card down, a large golden object appeared, “I sacrifice one card in order to summon the Relinquished!” A large blue demon like creature appeared in front of them, it’s one eye resembled the Millenium eye.

“I believe it is time for us to leave,” Xemnas said, dismissing his minions. He held his hand out, conjuring up another shadow portal.

“But!” Alex started before Xemnas pushed her behind him.

“Go, we’re a bit out of our element here.” Alex opened her mouth to argue before sending a glare at Pegasus and dashing through the portal.

The Relinquished dashed at the two trying to at least get one of them. Pegasus laughed, “Don’t think this is the end Xemmy-boy, Alex, we will meet again!”

“I never said it was,” Xemnas said appearing in front of Pegasus and slashing him across the face, “You can keep the scar, it’ll make a nice memento of our time together.” Xemnas said, giving him a two fingered salute before vanishing into another portal.

Pegasus screamed in pain, clenching his face, he glared at the spot Xemnas was in. “I’ll be sure to repay the favor.” Relinquished went to it’s master and returned to it’s card. Picking up the Relinquished card, he smiled, “You’ll make a fine Toon indeed, or at least a good meal for Relinquished.”

"So, I see your still sticking to that story."

Calmly, Pegasus turned towards the Dark Magician Girl, who was currently glaring at him. "Why Alice, what story do you mean?"

She snorted, "Come on Max, I was there too! And we both know who really killed off the draconequus race, and it wasn't you!" Alice crossed her arms. "So tell me, why is it that you always take the blame, for something that wasn't even your fault?" She finishes, looking at him a bit concerned. "Do you still blame yourself for what happened?"

Pegasus sighed, "Alice, who was it that gave the order?"

"But you didn't order a genocide! That was his doing!" Alice tried to argue. " It wasn't your fault! You didn't know he was going to do that!"

"But I gave the order to attack! So in a way, the blame falls to me as well!" Taking a few deep calming breaths, Pegasus started to walk away, "Tell Starlight I said goodnight.... I have some things I need to take care of."

Author's Note:

This was a crossover with Shagohad12's story, Something from Nothings. Give it a read when you have the chance. Tell me what you think in the comments below and I'll see then.