• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 4,390 Views, 1,265 Comments

The Velveteen Mask - Crystal Wishes

Everypony knows her as a cute, bubbly mare with a penchant for playful mischief, but is that just a mask she wears? Who really is Velvet Step?

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The Smile on Her Face

"Sorry I'm late!" Velvet called as she crossed the threshold into the back room of Sunridge Sweets. "They're getting really strict about perfecting these routines."

Sunbeam waved a hoof, her attention focused on the cake in front of her. "It's fine, doodlebug. We understand that your job is more important to you than helping your family."

Velvet stuck her tongue out at her mom as she walked past her to the wiggling Red. "Yeah, well, sorry about landing my dream job!" She flopped down on the colorful blanket and booped the foal on the snout. "You forgive me, don't you, little guy?"

Red giggled and wrapped his forelegs around her hoof. "Si-si!"

"Oh, he'd forgive you even if you accidentally broke one of his toys. Which, by the way, he's into his piano right now."

Red's ears perked and he sat upright. "Pa-no?"

Velvet propped herself up and stretched out to reach the little toy piano that had a key for every color of the rainbow. "This what you want, Red-cutie?" She grinned when he squealed with delight as she pulled it closer.

Half-bouncing, half-scooting, Red wiggled his way over to the piano and slammed his forehooves on the keys. A horrible sound filled the air, like fifty bells being slammed together all at once. It took everything Velvet had to not cover her ears, instead smiling at the begging-for-praise look he gave her while he smashed the keys.

"Isn't it wonderful?" Sunbeam called over the noise. "We're so happy we bought it for him!"

"I think my ears are bleeding!" Velvet replied in a forced cheerful voice to keep Red happy.

Seeing this all as encouragement, Red threw his head back and howled in sing-song, "Aay bee cee, cee, aay bee, tree, tree four!"

Velvet shifted to sit behind him, putting her hooves on his to stop them. "Hey, Red, sweetie, honey, crumbcake, muffinlove. Why don't we try—" She gently pushed his hoof so it only hit one key, then tapped out a few more notes. "—something like this?"

Red oohed and aahed as she guided his hooves through a little song. A song they both knew. "Laa-ven geen, dill dill," he started.

"Lavender's blue," Velvet continued, smiling fondly down at him while they gently played a melody on the piano together. "If you love me, dilly dilly, I will love you."

Sunbeam couldn't help but join in. "Let the birds sing, dilly, dilly, and the lambs play. We shall be safe, dilly, dilly, out of harm’s way."

Velvet's smile widened at the sound of her mother's singing voice. It was pure honey, so sweet and melodic that it could lull her to sleep even as an adult.

"Dill dill," Red squeaked off-key, his eyes locked on his hooves held in Velvet's as though it were magic that guided them.

"Ohh, Red," Velvet cooed as she scooped him up and cuddled him to her chest. "You are literally the cutest thing in all of Equestria and beyond!"

Red gasped and pushed against her, craning his head to look at the piano. "Pa-no! Si-si, pa-no!"

Velvet buried her face into his mane and chuffled. "No pa-no! Si-si!"

With a chime of laughter, Red relented and relaxed in her embrace. He batted at her neck with one hoof, chomped on a strand of her bangs, and gave a giggling gurgle.

"So, pancakepop, how are things going in your life?" Sunbeam glanced over, smiling. "I—"

"Sorry to interrupt," Pepper said as he poked his head into the kitchen, "but we have a small situation."

Velvet's brow furrowed. She placed a quick kiss on Red's forehead, set him down, and pranced over to follow Pepper into the bakery proper. "What's the—"

"Cake frosting!" a voice yelled with way too much squeaky enthusiasm. Azurite was visible above the counter. And how had she managed that feat? She was perched on a stallion's back, whose expression matched her own excited one.

The stallion was definitely Soarin. Velvet would have figured that out even if he weren't a famous Wonderbolt. Azurite kept saying he was kind and hot. He certainly looked the part on both accounts.

Velvet flashed a grin up at her dad. "I got this." She returned her gaze back to the beaming couple. "What do you need, Azu?"

"Cake frosting," Azurite repeated, hugging Soarin's neck. "Soarin and I need, like, tons of it."

Soarin nodded. "Tons!"

"Tons of cake frosting, huh? Okay. What flavor?" Velvet's grin widened. Were they drunk? Or was this just the way they were together?

"Flavor?" Azurite leaned forward to look Soarin in the eyes. "What flavor do you want to taste?"

Soarin's ears wiggled as he mulled it over, then shrugged. "Why not a bunch of different ones?"

Azurite gasped. "That's a great idea!" She pointed at Velvet. "We'll take a variety pack of frosting!"

Velvet snickered and nodded. "Can do. What about, you know, cakes?"

"Cakes?" Azurite sputtered into laughter and waved a hoof. "What for?"

It took so much willpower to not laugh with her. All she could do was keep grinning and nodding. "The frosting?"

"Oh… no, thanks!" Azurite shook her head. "Just the frosting, no cakes! Oh, and to go, please! We're going to Ponyville."

Velvet snorted and stomped a hindhoof to keep her composure. "I'm going to have fun with this later!"

Azurite beamed. "Me, too!"

That was it. There was no amount of willpower in the world that could have withstood such a test. Velvet tossed her head back, cackling. "Great!" She looked over at her dad. "You got that?"

Pepper nodded, his expression a perfectly professional smile. "Coming right up."

Velvet returned her gaze to Azurite and Soarin, who were whispering to each other and grinning like idiots. Seriously, what had they had to drink? She wanted some of what they were having. "So, is today a special day for you two or something?"

"Huh? Oh, nope!" Azurite rested her muzzle on top of Soarin's head. "Just kinda felt like having fun tonight."

Soarin nodded, bobbing both of their heads. "Yup. Sometimes you just have to go with it!"

"Well," Pepper said, setting a bag filled with six different containers of frosting on the counter, "have a great night, you two. This is on the house."

"Wow, really? Thanks, Papa Pepper!" Azurite chimed as her magic encircled the bag. She straightened up and tugged on Soarin's neck to angle him back to the door. "Hi-ho, Soarin, away!"

With a whinny and a mighty flap of his wings, Soarin took off running to the door, Azurite squealing with delight the whole way. Velvet managed to make it right up until the door shut before she clutched her sides as laughter overtook her.

Pepper lightly whapped her on the back of the head. "Be nice! You should be happy that your friend and her coltfriend are doing well after how hard you and Sunbeam worked."

Velvet snorted, wheezed, and managed to regain some sense of composure. "We worked hard to get the three of them back together! But…" She wiped the mirth-stirred tears from the corners of her eyes. "Of course I'm happy for her. But come on, that was hilarious!"

"You can go in the back room and laugh all you want there, but you know how I feel about laughing fits at the counter." He smiled despite his words and ruffled her mane. "I'm sure your mother will enjoy the story, though."

"Oh, totally! Definitely!" Velvet's grin grew wicked as she scrambled toward the door. "Mooom!"

Sunbeam was already grinning back at her. "I heard the whole thing. Did Azucakes really just buy frosting for her and her stallion?"

Velvet nodded emphatically. "And they were not shy about it at all! Like, I've been drunk and done stupid stuff before, but wow."

After a pause where her grin faded into a somber smile, Sunbeam reached out and pinched Velvet's cheek. Her voice was strangely soft as she said, "Oh, crumbcake, you've never been drunk like they were."

"What does that mean?" Velvet frowned, swatting the hoof away.

"I'm just stating a fact." Sunbeam turned back to the cake and picked up her piping bag. "They're just in love, and love can make you drunk. It's a marvelous feeling."

Velvet huffed. "So you're saying they're love drunk?" She plopped down onto the ground beside Red, who had been entertaining himself by pressing keys of his piano as quietly as possible. "I've been love drunk. I'm drunk on love right now!" Her hooves wrapped around her brother and she tickled his stomach, smiling as he gasped and squealed.

Softly, Sunbeam said, "It's not the same kind of love, sweetie."

Velvet's ears pinned back and she glared up at her mom. "Whatever! It's the only love I need." She scooped Red up and cradled him to her chest. "I'm happy with my life as it is. Why would I complicate it?"

Red beamed up at her, his forelegs reaching for her face. "Si-si!" When she leaned in closer, he booped his nose to hers. "Lo-vu!"

And just like that, Velvet's heart melted and any negative feeling within her simply vanished. "Love you, too, Red."


The sun seemed particularly... sunny. It was bright and cheerful, filtered perfectly through the clouds so that it wasn't blinding or too hot. There was a light, occasional breeze that stirred the foliage above and the grasses below. Velvet smiled when she spied a couple foals playing ball, a couple sitting on a bench, and various other ponies enjoying the green space of Canterlot.

"If I ignore how small it is," Dawn said in a soft voice, "it sort of reminds me of Ponyville."

Velvet looked over at her and laughed. "This park compared to Ponyville is, like, comparing an apartment to a manor." She waved a hoof. "I know it's not very much, but I figured some sun, some fresh air, and some other locals that like those things would be good for you."

Dawn blinked. "What?"

"It's worth a shot, right?" Velvet gestured at a mare sitting under a tree and reading a book. "She might be single! And she likes parks. You like nature. It's good to start with some common ground." She snorted and glanced at Dawn, hoping for a smile or a giggle, but was instead met with a look of apprehension. "Right?"

"Oh, um, right." Dawn's ears flicked back. "D-Do you want me to just... ask her out?"

Velvet scrunched up her nose. "Uh, you should probably get her name first, chat a bit, and if she's into mares and interested, then ask her out. I think?"

Dawn raised a hoof to step forward, but stayed otherwise still. "Are you sure you want me to?"

"Of course! You want a special somepony, right? Well, you gotta get out there!" Velvet bumped her shoulder to Dawn's side. "What's the worst that could happen?"

Dawn mumbled something under her breath in response, glanced between the reading mare and Velvet, swallowed, and tentatively walked over to the tree. Velvet watched with interest and caution as Dawn said something and the mare smiled. So far so good!

Of course, it was a completely random shot in the dark. The odds of this random mare being into other mares, being single, and being Dawn's type were slim. However, it had been months since Velvet and Dawn had first met, and the sweet little thing had yet to find a pony on her own. It was time for Operation Velvet Step the Matchmaker!

What she actually needed to do was talk to Crystal or—worse—that crazy Lovey Dovey about it, but she didn't want to do either. How hard could it be to find a match for Dawn? There were tons of ponies in Canterlot! Most of them were stuck-up, self-involved snobs, but not all of them.

After a few moments, Dawn waved goodbye to the mare under the tree and hurriedly made her way back to Velvet's side. "I, um, uh—"

"It didn't work out?" Velvet offered, smiling when Dawn nodded. "Don't worry about it!" She waved a hoof. "What were the odds she'd be the right one for you? Let's keep walking and looking."

Dawn nibbled on her lower lip, but followed alongside her through the park. "S-So, do you, uh, come to this park often?"

With a smile, Velvet replied, "Yeah! It's the best in Canterlot, which doesn't say a lot when you're from the country, but, well, it is. It's Red's favorite for picnics."

"Picnics?" Dawn's ears wiggled. "With your little brother? That sounds like a lot of fun."

"Tons. He's a hooffull, though. Last time, Azurite and I could barely keep him from crawling off the blanket." Velvet laughed softly. "He really wants his freedom."

"Azurite," Dawn repeated in a soft voice. "Azurite is... your... friend?"

Velvet blinked. "Kinda? My weird friend." She gave a rolling shrug without interrupting her stride. "It's complicated."

Dawn's gaze lowered, bobbed up, then returned to Velvet. "Oh, okay."

"So, anyway, partners! Did we ever talk about if you're only into mares?" Velvet furrowed her brow. "I can't remember. Are you open to stallions? 'Cause there's a hottie under Mr. Peepers's tree."

"Whose tree?" Dawn tilted her head to one side, looking between each tree in their field of vision.

A small bubble of laughter escaped her. "Sorry, sorry. Azurite's goldfish kite, named after her goldfish, Mr. Peepers. Did I mention she's my weird friend?"

There was a moment of quiet between them, filled only with the sounds of foals playing and birds chirping. Finally, Dawn said, "I'm kind of not exactly sure what I like. I know I, uh, I like you..."

Velvet snorted. "There aren't many ponies like me, but I'm sure we can find a close second. Why don't we start with that hot stud of a stallion, see if you'd like him?"

"Oh." Dawn went through the same routine as before; her gaze darted, her hoof lifted, and her body remained still. Velvet gave her another nudge and, finally, she made her tentative way over to the stallion.

This was for her own good. She was so darn shy that she'd never meet a special somepony on her own! Velvet would just have to make her talk to every mare and stallion in the park until she stopped being so hesitant about just saying hi to one. Even if today netted no candidates, it would at least be good practice.

A breeze brushed through her mane and she closed her eyes to enjoy it. There was something wonderful about being in nature, even if it was a small pony-made park within a city of stone on the side of a mountain. It just felt right. Maybe she'd take her parents and Red on a trip to the countryside next weekend...

Dawn's voice cut through the moment of peace and quiet. "Velvet?"

"Huh?" Velvet blinked her eyes open, then smiled. "How did it go, sweetcheeks?"

Dawn flushed and shook her head. "Oh, f-fine, I guess, but I think... Can we just... Could we just enjoy the park for a bit?" She rubbed her foreleg with a hoof. "I don't think I'm going to meet a special somepony by just talking to strangers at random."

"Well, the real point is to just get you used to talking to ponies, but all right. If you're not feeling it, then I won't force you." Velvet wiggled her ears, nodding her head toward a pony with a cart set up at the edge of the park. "Ice cream?"

Dawn's face lit up with a smile and she leaned in to place a kiss on Velvet's cheek. "Yes, please."

It was a start, at least. Velvet would just have to keep working at it until Dawn wasn't so nervous and shy. How hard could it be to draw her out of her cute little turtle shell, anyway?