• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 4,390 Views, 1,265 Comments

The Velveteen Mask - Crystal Wishes

Everypony knows her as a cute, bubbly mare with a penchant for playful mischief, but is that just a mask she wears? Who really is Velvet Step?

  • ...

Saving Face

Velvet stretched her forelegs above her head, then looked down at Diddy sleeping peacefully beside her. Her nose scrunched up at the bitter feeling of envy that bloomed in her chest. While her appetite was sated, no mare had ever made her feel so wonderful that all she wanted to do was fall asleep in a sex-induced coma.

Was there something wrong with her? Or had she just not found the right mare? She sighed, shaking her head to chase away the questions. What she needed right then was a shower, and she didn't want to bring the smell of alcohol, another mare, and sex home.

After ensuring she was more or less presentable, she cautiously left the apartment with the least guilty look she could manage. The humming started up again. It wasn't too long of a walk to the ballet studio, a place that thankfully never closed. There was always somepony practicing something at every hour and given that some nights that sompeony was her, Velvet could let herself in without raising suspicion.

To her delight, the locker room was unoccupied. She started one of the showers and let it run to heat up while she let her mane down. "Let's see, let's see," she muttered to herself as she opened her locker and retrieved two bottles, one of shampoo and the other of anti-curl serum. "Perfect."

Steam started to rise from the shower stall to indicate its readiness, so she walked over and slipped inside. A wave of relief washed over her with the warm stream of water that hit all the right spots. She'd scrub her coat, wash her mane, and come out on the other side clean again.

When she turned over the anti-curl serum bottle and gave it a squeeze, it responded with a wheeze and a sputter. Her eyes widened and she slapped a hoof to her forehead. "Right. Of course. Great! Stupid me!"

Continuing to curse under her breath, she tossed the bottle to the bottom of the stall and ran her hooves through her mane to feel the damage. It was already tangled. If it dried, it'd be a disaster. She stuck her head under the water and kept it there while she contemplated her options.

At that hour, most ponies would either be asleep or at the clubs. The odds were slim that anypony she knew would see her. She could dry off and just head straight home and nothing would happen and—

"Velvet Step?"

That voice. It was one of the very last voices she wanted to hear. She tried not to groan and instead just remained where she was, her back facing the mare. "Hi, Perennial."

Perennial asked with a small snort, "What are you doing here? Did you forget to pay your water bill?"

"Just cleaning up after practice," she replied and immediately regretted it.

"Practice?" Perennial leaned against the edge of the stall. "I was alone."

Velvet, still facing away from her, allowed herself to wince and bite her lower lip. "Perennial, if you ever learned how to pay attention to anything but yourself, you'd realize there were two other ponies besides me in there."

Perennial gasped, huffed, and scowled. "There were not!"

Velvet finally turned to look at her, one brow raised. "Are you calling me a liar?"

Perennial glared. "Are you calling me self-involved and unaware?"

"If the slipper fits," Velvet said, offering a light shrug. The water started to shift to lukewarm. Time was almost up. She had to make a decision and make it fast. Giving an exaggerated sigh, she kicked out a hindleg to flip the knob and stalked out of the stall. "I'll just go, then, since you'd clearly rather be alone so much that you ignored three ponies in the room with you."

Perennial's ears shot straight up and her voice rose to a squeaky yell. "There were no other ponies with me! I was alone!"

"As you wish!" Velvet grabbed her mane clip, tossed her shampoo bottle into the locker, and on her way out, dropped the empty bottle of serum into the trash. She really, really needed to remember to buy more the next day—or, at that hour, was it already the next day?

As she left, she made sure to holler down an empty hallway, "Have a good night, girls!"

That should keep Perennial on her hooves for a while and off the trail. Velvet smiled to herself, even though she was completely soaked to the bone. She'd take care of that soon enough once everything else had been dealt with. First, distract Perennial to avoid any suspicion or questions. Check. Second, get home as quickly as possible. She added an extra skip to her step to move along a little faster. Check. Last, get to her room before Crystal saw her. Soon-to-be-check.

A small shiver ran from her shoulders to her flank and compelled her to kick her hindlegs when a breeze drew across her wet coat like a bucket of ice. Why hadn't she at least dried everything but her mane off? She rolled her eyes. Of course, that was because having only a wet mane would arouse more questions than just being completely drenched. There was an easy excuse and if somepony tried to stop her, she had her answer at the ready.

When she finally got to her condo, she stopped in the living room to listen to her surroundings. It was completely quiet, save for the low hum of the fridge and the clock ticking away. Either Crystal was fast asleep or she wasn't home yet. All she had to do was make the last few steps that separated her from her bedroom and—

The lock of the front door clicked and the handle turned. Velvet's cold muscles seized up, save for her neck, which could only rotate to watch her impending doom. The door was pushed open and Crystal started to walk inside, but froze when their eyes met.

"Oh!" Crystal's expression lit up. "You're home." Her gaze darted about to take in the sight of Velvet and she asked with a furrowed brow and a faltering smile, "Why are you soaked?"

What was her excuse? Fell in a lake? No, no, there weren't any lakes in Canterlot. Fell in a bathtub? That made no sense! Finally, the prepared answer returned to her and she rolled her eyes. "Oh, you know." She waved a dismissive hoof. "Rogue pegasus. I swear, it's like they're always in a bad mood or something."

A small gasp escaped Crystal as she clasped her cheek with one hoof. "I hope it wasn't Rossby. I did irritate him the last time we met..." The furrow of her brow returned and she began pacing. "But he shouldn't take it out on you. I think I'll have a talk with him!"

Velvet wanted to swear, but that would definitely blow her cover. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" she exclaimed instead, waving her hooves. "I don't know if it was Rossby or not. Maybe just forget it before you start a war with the guy."

Crystal stopped pacing and frowned. "I suppose you're right, but still. Whether it was him or not, pegasi are supposed to be responsible with their clouds." Crystal sighed. The smile returned to her face and she moved forward to push Velvet toward the bathroom. "Go on and dry off before you catch a cold."

Velvet laughed triumphantly at the averted crisis, then trotted forward to escape Crystal's hooves. She stuck her nose in the air, flicked her wet tail to send a small spray of water at her friend, and disappeared into the bathroom where she subsequently pumped her foreleg in victory. "I don't think it works like that," she called through the closed door, "but all right." She straightened up and looked at herself in the mirror to give her reflection a wink. "So, how did your double date go?"

"Oh, he was wonderful," Crystal's airy voice responded. There was a brief pause, then a hurried correction of, "The date was wonderful, I mean."

Thank Celestia for Silent Knight and his distracting qualities! "Uh-huh, sure." Velvet grinned while she grabbed a towel and started to dry herself off. "Well, I'm glad for you." She tossed the towel back on the rack, gave her coat a shake, then called as she opened the door that led to her bedroom, "I'm heading to bed! Night, lovebird!"


A happy little bell chimed as Velvet opened the door and trotted into her parents' bakery, Sunridge Sweets. "Hi, Dad!" she called above the light noise of various patrons conversing. The place was always busy, which meant her parents would never have to worry about bits and that she would never have to worry about them.

Pepper Ridge looked up from the pastry he had been packaging for a customer to smile brightly at her. "Hi, sweetie! Red's in the back with your mother."

Velvet pranced around the counter, swept in to place a quick peck on his cheek, then jumped the distance into the back room. "Where's my little Red?!"

"Oh, my! Look who it is!" Her mother, Sunbeam, shifted the dark red foal sitting on her knee to face Velvet. "It's your big sister!"

Red, the epitome of all that was cute and perfect in the universe, gave a high-pitched squeal and waved all of his legs toward Velvet, not ceasing the annoying sound until she took him from Sunbeam.

"Okay, little guy! Calm down!" Velvet laughed and spun on one hindleg while the other swung to carry her momentum, holding him up as high as she could at first. The faster she spun around, the closer she held him to ensure his safety until the world around them was a blur.

"That's quite enough," Sunbeam interrupted. "He's too young for that much motion, sweetums."

Velvet snapped her leg down to stop suddenly and sighed. "Only twelve," she muttered, looking down at the giggling and squirming foal in her embrace. "I'll never be on her level."

Sunbeam looked up from the little, half-decorated cake in front of her. "What's that, schnookie cookie?"

Velvet flopped back onto a sitting pillow and snuggled Red closer to her while she explained, "Perennial did thirty-two fouettés the other day. Thirty-two, Mom."

"Okay." Sunbeam tilted her head. "Is that good or bad? That sounds pretty impressive to me!"

Velvet rolled her eyes. "It's good for her! Her and her smug little attitude." She wiggled Red's forelegs and mimicked, "And that, girls is how it's done and why I'm Snooty McSnootyflank and deserve a kick in the snoo"—Sunbeam cleared her throat—"out? Aw, Mom, he's too young to even know what I was going to say."

"Maybe so, but you're not going to say dirty words where my sweet, innocent baby can hear you, plumpkin." Sunbeam waggled the knife she was using to cut fondant.

"Fine, fine, fine." Velvet returned her gaze to Red and tapped her hoof against the foal's in a one-sided game of patty-cake. The smell of cupcakes baking to near perfection stirred a grumble from her stomach. "Uh oh!" She gasped and held up her hooves. "There's a rumbly in my tumbly! You know what that means!"

Red blinked up at her with bright purple eyes until she started to lean in toward him. With a small gurgle of a giggle, he started bouncing up and down in anticipation as her head neared his own.

"That's right! I need something sweet to eat!" She nuzzled her snout into his fluffy mane, which resembled cream cheese frosting in color and shape. As she snuffled and snorted against his scalp, she exclaimed, "Om nom nom nom!"

It didn't take long before the excitement was too much for the foal, who expressed his sudden exhaustion with a wide yawn. Velvet smiled down at him while he smacked his lips and crawled forward to snuggle against her chest. "Hey, Mom?"

Sunbeam glanced over at her and smiled. "Yes, sweetie?"

Velvet sighed as she leaned back to get more comfortable with the sleepy weight on her. Red buried his face against the crook of her neck, one of his hooves shifting so that he could suck on it.

"What were you like before you had me?" Velvet asked in a voice just above a whisper. "Before you became a mom?"

Sunbeam set down the piping bag to turn and face Velvet completely with her full attention. She was quiet for a while, her expression muddled between a furrowed brow and a soft smile. "I suppose I was a different mare. I spent every day at the bakery with Pepper, and every night thinking of what I'd create the next day. Don't get me wrong, sweetie, I was certainly happy, but when I had you?" She put her hooves to her cheeks and sighed. "Every day was full of sunshine, even when it was raining!"

Velvet closed her eyes while she stroked a hoof along her brother's back. "So you were pretty normal, then? You weren't kinda weird and then calmed down when I was born?"

Another moment of curious silence fell on them until Sunbeam cleared her throat. "Velvet, are you trying to tell me that you're pregnant?"

"What?" Velvet's eyes snapped open to shoot her mother a stern glare. "No, Mom, jeeze. I'm just curious, all right?"

Sunbeam shrugged and returned to her decorating. "Well, if you were pregnant, I think you'd make a wonderful mother. Red certainly loves you more than me some days, I think."

Velvet stuck out her tongue. "I'm too young to be a mom, Mom."

"I wasn't much older than you when I had you, crumbcake," Sunbeam retorted.

"Whatever." She tilted her head back and stared up at the ceiling. "I'd like to enjoy my career a little longer before I even start thinking about that stuff. Besides, Red's the only foal I'll ever need in my life!"

Sunbeam hesitated before she pointed out, "He won't be a foal forever, you know."

Velvet quickly looped her foreleg over his head to cover both of his ears, glaring at her mother again. "Shh! Don't put such silly ideas in his head!" She tucked her chin down to peer at him with a smile. "My sweet, little baby brother would never do that to me."

After another moment of hesitation, Sunbeam turned back around to her decorating table and resumed her work. Velvet stuck her tongue out at her mother's back, then closed her eyes and hugged Red while he slept.

Of course she knew he wouldn't be a foal forever, but he was one of the things in her life that was perfect. Why couldn't she just enjoy that he was still cute and wonderful and innocent without having to be reminded that it wouldn't last?

Author's Note:

Companion Wishes Chapter: Wonderful Tonight