• Published 26th Feb 2015
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Cutiemark Crusaders 10k: The fourth deity - The Psychopath

In this dark future of Equestria, the CMC have become the guardians of the remaining ponies against the chaos demons, Nightmare Luna, and the crystal ponies of the formless King Sombra. Three deities, but an unknown fourth comes for conquest

  • ...

The meeting

Abstract the Dark had taken the crystals filled filled with Celestia's corrupted magic to a personal chamber given to him by the CMC. His brainwashed followers were given the task of spreading his likeness around the city. How they did it was up to him, and if anypony came up accusing him of negative things, he only had to raise his muzzle and accuse them of taking their worship to fanatical levels.

Aside from the large crystal and the multiple smaller ones growing all over the room, there was nothing decorating the chamber. No furniture, no lights, no paintings. It was just Abstract, the crystals, and his stolen magic which he worked tirelessly upon. His forehooves would rise up and down, side to side, and even in elaborate directions, and the bubble of corrupted magic would twist, bend, and warp under his touch. The door to his room opened slowly, leaving way for Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom. The empress closed the door slowly behind them whilst Abstract continued his work.

"You wanted to see all of us?" Scootaloo asked calmly.

"Yes," Abstract answered.

A minute of silence passed by, annoying the Master Engineer to an extreme. "Well?" she bellowed. "What is it?!"

Abstract did not answer, but the grand inquisitor found interest in his craft and leaned to the side to see better what the crystallion was doing.

"What are you doing?"

"Crafting the magic I stole from the white pony of crystal."

"You mean Celestia?! H-how did you get that?"

"That is my personal information. You do not warrant the appropriate value to receive such things."

Sweetie Belle raised pulled back and raised an eyebrow. She was quite clearly insulted. "Then why did you call us all here?"

"I want you to tell me more about these 'chaos' creatures that attacked your city when I first awakened."

"They're chaos lords, not just chaos creatures," Scootaloo corrected. "And if you want such important information from us, then you must concede important info of your own." She smirked. "What are you doing?"

Abstract remained silent and stoic as he continued to 'craft' the magic. "I am reworking and purifying the magic I stole from Celestia."

"For what purpose?"

Several small crystals that could fit into a hoof broke off the immense pillar and onto the floor. When Sweetie Belle reached for it, Abstract stopped her.

"Do not touch those. They are filled with the impurities of the crystal magic mimickings. You will become attuned to the fool who thinks me a toy created by his weak crafts."

"Then how do we remove them?"

"I don't know. I'm occupied."

Apple Bloom scratched her head in confusion and put her hooves on her hips. "Wha' in the world would ya wan' magic from a crystal pony traitor? A weapon? Poison? A new spell?"

"Far more than something so puerile, and I felt a source of extreme darkness where the drake took me. I will appropriate this magic too and work on a second one." He shot a few thin beams of bright darkness into the large pillar from his two horns then resumed talking. "This will ensure the survival of my race. I have no other chances. Does this satisfy your request?"

"It does," Scootaloo answered. "Thank you."

"Now inform me of that benign threats that plague this entrapped land."

Scootaloo was interrupted by the engineer before she could even speak. "How come ya never jus' left after ya woke up?"

"My powers were still largely dormant, and treasure chest buried so deep in the ground tends to have very interesting things within it. I just needed to remove the code locks on it."

"As I was about to say, Discord took the Elements of Harmony somewhere. We're not sure what happened to them, but they came out like that."

"And then they tricked us..." Sweetie Belle looked down angrily. Had she a fist, it would be balled right now.

"What are the consequences of such powers? The chaos of now is far more...interesting than that of the past I confronted."

Scootaloo continued. "The Elements were the only thing that could stop chaos, but as Discord corrupted them, we thought they had been lost forever. Without them, we couldn't fight Discord or his crazed corruptions."

"One-by-one they came, "Sweetie Belle continued. "Evey army sent their way was destroyed; Corrupted or killed. It didn't matter. Every day they gained ground, and every day we lost more ponies."

"This all when we were foals," Apple Bloom added. She turned to look out the only window not covered by crystals and sighed. "Ah'll never ferget when it happened. Twahlight Sparkle bringin' everypony in town ta its center then zappin' 'em with her beam of light. Ah ran as fast as ah could to the tree house where ah found Sweetie Belle 'n Scootaloo."

"I remember that day too. And shortly afterwards, Trixie found us," Scootaloo reminisced. "She helped us grow and survive."

"Without her help, we would have never found this place," Sweetie Belle added.

They looked at Abstract who had quite clearly been ignoring them for an extensive period of time.

"Oh. Ah fergot. 'E don't like when we talk about our lahves," the engineer sighed.

"Well, then, anything you all want to share that could help our 'friend'?" Scootaloo asked.

"Preferably related to something useful like these 'chaos lords'," Abstract emphasized.

Apple Bloom spat on the floor."Well, ah do recall that the one who dragged everypony ta the center of town was the thing what took mah sister's appearance. She's right obsessed with her family. She caught Granny 'n Big Mac, but ah'm the only one she can never get, yet she still tries ta trick me into joinin' 'er or some stupid horse apples lak that. The face she made, though..." The mare started trembling. "So horrible, like she only wanted me to fill 'complete'. Ah could see how empty here ahs were and how cruel she really was." The engineer shook her head. "But she's part of the reason why ah wanted ta become an engineer."

Abstract stopped moving for a moment at the information then resumed. "Interesting. So this 'Applejack'. Which one is it?"

"The orange serpent," Sweetie Belle answered. "I also know of my sister. It was..." Scootaloo put a hoof to her friend's shoulder to comfort her. "Well, to see a family member so close to you being warped so extensively and not even being remorseful of their actions...It's a dark abyss into which I looked; One filled with greed and avarice. She might have had those traits before, but they were overshadowed by her love and generosity. Just seeing her made me feel horrible. I thought she had actually come back to help us. I was all giddy at the sound of her voice!" Her pretend 'joy' was immediately replaced by a look of disappointment and personal shame. "Then I saw her and how she had been warped. I don't think I ever felt such an emotion of pure betrayal, ineptitude, anger, sadness, and a multitude of other emotions. I accepted soon after that she was lost, and so I undertook magical studies to save Trixie."

Abstract hummed. "What about the orange one? How was she in terms of emotion?"

"She was carin' 'n very honest," Apple Bloom answered. "Wha'?"

"So whatever this 'Discord' did to your elements, it exacerbated the negative sides of their darker emotions. It did not render them evil." Abstract laughed. "This will be easier than I thought it would be." The crystallion turned to face Scootaloo. "What about you?"

"The only pony I know that was taken was Rainbow Dash."

"A very 'creative' name befitting of its owner, I surmise."

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "We see her flying around from time to time, but all that became of her is this strange blue serpent with multiple yellow wings that does nothing. I once confronted her before I became the Empress, and she displayed such complete apathy that I ended up leaving her be. She might've been uninterested in everything, but she was still a lord of chaos."

"I take it she was apathetic before?"

The orange pony put a hoof to her chin and pondered. "I recall her being always super energetic and helping her friends out as much as possible, but she did like to nap a lot. She also liked to read 'Daring Do' books."

The cloud within Abstract crackled a little with interest and energy. "What about the others I fought? Any information on them?"

"Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy?" Sweetie Belle queried.

"If those are their names."

"Yeah. They're the complete opposites of what they used ta be," Apple Bloom scratched the back of her head. "Back when we were still travelin' with Trixie, we saw them effortlessly kill ponies that didn't do what they wanted. They even got inta fights with each other or the other chaos lords. They've actively tried to kill us as well. Fluttershy even eats ponies alive when she can."

"Don't forget that she turned Angel Bunny into some kind of warped, demonic beast that she throws into battle for her amusement," Sweetie Belle added.

"It's a shame, really. Poor little guy."

"Is that all you wanted to hear?" Scootaloo asked.

"You didn't mention the purple one."

The three looked at each other and cough sheepishly.

"What does this mean?" Abstract asked again.

"We don't...We don't really know how she is," Scootaloo said. "We just know she leads the others. She hasn't really shown any personality changes other than being as apathetic to our plight as the other five. She even seems...crueler somehow?"

"I don't know," Sweetie Belle said. "I can't sense much from her, and her magic is really strange, even by chaos standards. With Discord I can block some of them and nullify some of his transformations, but Twilight? It's like someone or something is backing her every time a strand of her hair flicks."

Abstract's 'eyes' glowed brighter in response to the new information concerning Twilight. "I see. I have taken sufficient information. I will formulate plans to deal with each one of them."

"EACH ONE?!" the three shouted in unison.

"Yes. Leave me be. I have more work to do. This must be perfect. It cannot have any flaws. I will need to confront Celestia one last time to take the magic she has left and I will find solace in this one construct."

The three took their time to leave, then Scootaloo remembered something.

"If it's any interest to you, when they fell, it was the second time they had confronted Discord. The first time, I heard that Twilight managed to reanimate their emotions by reminding them who they were and how they behaved. I would suggest you keep this in mind, but I doubt it would do you any good."

As soon as the door closed, a wave of crystals formed over it, blocking it completely. The crystallion landed back on his hooves and walked towards the window. Using his gifts, he looked through the glass to spy on everything he could find.

"Let's see where these 'demons' are and what they have been doing in particular. More information is required, but they are easily toyed with if their emotions are still present, much like that foal Celestia. These creatures will never change," he complained.